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@Leinglo requested more of the anup/sourang—specifically a scene between Rrrr and High Priest Analruk that didn't skimp on the action.

It took me a bit longer than usual since this is out of my usual comfort zone, but I'm glad to accommodate! Hopefully it was what the doctor ordered.

In case you weren't paying attention, NSFW! NSFW! NSFW!


“Your … heart’s desires?” asked High Priest Arnalruk, baffled. “What does that have to do with a cure for the plague?”

Rrrr grunted and laid back on the bed, folding his fingers behind his head. “Do not try to shame me.”

“Shame? What? No! I’m just confused,” said the anup, touching his friend’s chest. It felt so very strange being this close to someone, actually touching them—with his paw instead of his span—but yet, he suddenly felt far away. “If you can explain it, then I’ll understand too.”

The sourang glanced at him and his whiskers drooped before he looked away again. “I do not want your disdain. Perhaps we should not speak of it. It was very pleasant meeting you and I am glad that I could help…” He moved to get up, but the priest was too quick. He grabbed then slid behind him, wrapping his arms around his chest and then his legs.

Arnalruk pulled gently backward until the sourang rested his weight against him, and then he explored the sourang’s neck with his lips, nuzzling the soft fur that covered hard muscle. He kissed Rrrr’s shoulder, then the base of his neck, then higher up still. “Does this feel like I’m upset with you? Because I’m not. I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy, have ever felt so close to someone. I just want to understand.”

He nuzzled the sourang’s untattooed ear and Rrrr sighed. “Please understand from my perspective,” he whispered. “What I have—complete immunity to the disease for a select number of anup—it is … arguably the most valuable item on the planet. As much as I enjoy helping you, surely you can see why I will not just give it away; not when I can trade it for a better life!”

“Oh,” sighed the high priest. Letting go, he laid back against the wall, then ran a fingertip slowly down Rrrr’s spine. “Money. Power.”

“No!” groaned the sourang. He turned around in his seat. He cupped the anup’s face in his paws. “I do not care about power. I do not even really care about money, except that with it I can enjoy my life without worry.”

He planted a gentle kiss on the priest’s lips, kissing his upper lip, then his lower. Ever so slowly, he threaded his tongue between the anup’s lips, reaching deeper and deeper into his muzzle. Arnalruk’s eyes opened wide, his muscles tensed as the probing tongue stretched toward his throat. Rrrr stopped but did not pull his tongue back. Instead, he caressed the anup’s face, waiting for his muscles to relax.

At last, the priest took a deep breath and nodded before the sourang continued. He pushed his narrow tongue deep into the anup’s throat and then held it there. With his airway blocked, he couldn’t breathe. I have plenty of air, he told himself. There’s no reason to panic. Show him your trust. He willed himself to relax.

Then Rrrr pulled his tongue back a little way—not all the way out of Arnalruk’s muzzle, but at least out of his throat. The priest exhaled through his nose, took a second deep breath, and then let the sourang do it once more.

Arnalruk marveled at the strange sensation—not choking, not swallowing, but he could feel the muscles in his throat trying to swallow, trying to pull the sourang’s tongue into his stomach as if it were food.

This time, Rrrr pulled his tongue all the way back out. He opened his sold black eyes. “I live for my senses,” he said.

Arnalruk rolled his eyes. “Sheesh! I can be that for you!”

The sourang began to reply, but the anup was already closing a paw around his muzzle, holding it gently shut. He pressed up and Rrrr lifted his chin, flattening back into the bed while the priest trailed kisses down the center of his narrow chest.

Rrrr accommodated the priest as his kisses ran lower, spreading his legs to expose a belly where the fur grew sparse enough that bright tangerine skin showed through. Arnalruk licked his tongue across the bare skin and the sourang sighed contentedly.

Below his belly, the anup found more differences between their species. Though Rrrr had balls bigger than any anup male, instead of a fuzzy sheath, he had a horizontal slit, but Arnalruk didn’t let that deter him. Rrrr was, after all, the only sexual partner he’d ever had, so it wasn’t as if he could say that he preferred sharing a bed with someone who had a sheath—or even the vertical slit that female anup hid beneath their tails, for that matter.

Rrrr was a warm, living creature that he could safely touch! That was what truly mattered. Everything beyond that was an adventure waiting to be had, new horizons that he’d been given a chance to explore.

With a grin, Arnalruk put the tip of his index finger into his muzzle, getting it nice and wet, then popping it from his mouth, he traced Rrrr’s bright orange lips, teasing the soft skin apart as he explored. The muscles in the sourang’s belly twitched once and then again, and out poked several centimeters of the flattest, wettest member he’d ever seen. The skin was so deeply orange that it reminded him of the fruit jellies that the acolytes would jar after the harvest.

With a smile, the anup ran his fingertip down the member’s length, from its tip to the point where it emerged. The skin was so warm, bordering on hot, slick and hard, but covered in small, raised circles that gave it some texture. With a sudden grunt, the sourang convulsed hard. His stomach clenched and his hips bucked up toward his chest, thrusting out a curved, sword-like penis that was easily half a meter long.

Just as quickly, the gigantic shaft retracted back away, leaving Rrrr panting and Arnalruk grinning. “A sensation like that?” he asked, sniffing the strong almost citrusy scent of his lover’s arousal.

Before Rrrr could reply, the priest was moving again, pressing his palms down firmly on either side of the sourang’s slit to keep his hips still. Then, keeping his face to the side to avoid getting jabbed, he ran his soft tongue across the opening.

Rrrr bucked again, out slid his meat and then back, retracting nearly all the way—but not entirely back—inside the sourang’s body. Arnalruk was ready this time. He pressed his tongue against it, letting the soft, bumpy surface drag against his taste buds both on its way out and as it retreated.

The priest looked up with a smile. He smacked his lips a few times, considering the unusual flavor. “Salty, a little sour … pleasant.”

Rrrr sat up slightly. He opened his muzzle to speak but Arnalruk was already back at it, lapping away while he held Rrrr’s hips still, trying to resist the force while the sourang humped at the open air. With each thrust, he moved a little slower, didn’t retract quite as far, and after a half-minute or so of effort, he’d coaxed him along far enough that the sourang was no longer humping, his erect penis staying fully unsheathed.

“That took a bit of encouragement,” chuckled Arnalruk. Then, caressing Rrrr’s balls with one paw, he ran the other up the sourang’s length, gently pinching his thumb and index fingers across the flat sides of the huge member. With his tongue, he licked urgently at the thing’s base, peeling back the tightly stretched opening slightly each time.

Rrrr moaned and arched his back. One paw gripped the bedcovers while the other searched blindly, trying to grab a fistful of the priest’s short pelt.

Then Arnalruk lapped in the opposite direction, up his length a short way before popping him in his mouth—his tongue across the flat thing’s underside and his upper lip opposite, so it went in one side of his muzzle and out the other. It was a little thicker in the middle and thinner at the edges, slippery between his lips. Then he slid his way up the long pole, enjoying the sensation as the slight texture slid between his lips.

Rrrr gasped with each movement.

The anup stopped when he reached Rrrr’s tip. He gripped the meat with both paws and slid it into his muzzle longways, bobbing his head up and down as he stimulated his friend.

Rrrr groaned louder and ran his claws through Arnalruk’s fur as the priest moved faster, worked it harder.

Then he stopped, breathing hard through his nose as he caught his breath, Rrrr’s dick so deep in Arnalruk’s muzzle that it almost touched his throat.

“Don’t stop,” pleaded Rrrr. So, with only a moment’s more hesitation, the priest sucked in a deep breath and eased his way farther down, forcing the meat down into his throat like a medieval sword swallower. He pushed ahead, feeling his throat muscles trying to swallow the sourang down and held him there a long time, fighting the need to panic, ignoring how the tightness stretched his throat.

Then finally, he pulled back and took another deep breath before doing it again.

Rrrr convulsed suddenly, his cock becoming as hard as steel, gushing hard, wave after wave as he emptied his seed directly into Arnalruk’s stomach.

Unable to wait any longer, the priest pulled back, sucking another breath through his nose. But the sourang hadn’t finished and his body kept spasming away, shooting load after load into the priest’s mouth until it was on the verge of overflowing.

At long last, the orgasm ebbed and stilled. His penis grew softer and began to slowly retreat like the tide.

Arnalruk pulled away, both paws clapped over his muzzle. He sat back on his heels and managed small gulps of the foamy, slightly salty mess until he was finally able to get it all down.

“Uh,” groaned Rrrr as he rolled onto his side. He wrapped his arms around the anup and snuggled closer.

Arnalruk stroked a paw down Rrrr’s back as he worked to burp up a little of the air he’d accidentally swallowed. At last, his stomach settled, and he smiled. “Good?” he asked, slightly worried.

“Very nice,” sighed the sourang.

The anup wiped his lips on the back of his wrist and curled up with Rrrr. “I’m glad you liked it. It was certainly a new experience for me—but then again, this whole thing has been.”

Rrrr fanned his whiskers and ran a pad down Arnalruk’s muzzle, from between his eyes to the black pointy nose at its tip. “I appreciate that. I really did, but … it hasn’t changed my mind.”


Reviewer's link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16YmLpIXDmH6l7HfrzB-hzPyAdEDJ--l5M31j_H1_0CY/edit?usp=sharing




The trap has been laid, and things are getting interesting. What will Arnalruk have to do to "change" Rrrr's mind? What does he actually want? Kinda surprised to learn that Rrrr was Arnalruk's first intimate partner, but I guess it makes sense, what with him being a priest and all. No wonder Total Awe hit him so hard, that had to have been one heck of a first experience.

Diego P

Really nice, I love how intimate it is, Arnaluk seems to be enjoying himself, and Rrrr seems to be in manipulation mode still