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Wowza! I’ve been trying to drop these scenes so that they run about 1500 words each. This one got away from me, clocking in closer to 6000! Needless to say, it’s taken longer than anticipated, plus I had to do a rewrite.

I hadn’t planned on putting these scenes through multiple revisions, just to keep them coming out quickly, but this one really needed it and I think it benefitted from the extra work. Oh well.

Before we get down to it, I’d like to mention that this storyline has apparently been stressing some readers out. I suppose that getting to know and love Sur’an here is making it all the harder on readers because we know that she—I’m very sorry about the spoiler, but this was in the first HC novel—dies.

However, this storyline takes place, as I mentioned, in an alternate universe!

In this AU:

  • Sur’an is not murdered by Commissioner Sarsuk!
  • She lives to the grand old age of 60 and passes away in the usual manner—in a crowded apartment, surrounded by friends, loved ones, and the Happy Couple she treated as her grandcubs
  • Shortly after getting pregnant with Gert, Sur’an demanded her bead back from Danash and moved into a big apartment of her own
  • “Overwhelmed with concern” for how the commander could possibly raise a cub alone, Jakari created a bit of scandal by moving out of the captain’s apartment and in with Sur’an to “help ease the commander’s burden”
  • Baby Gert looked nothing like Danash and quite a bit like Ateri. Although there were whispers to this effect, no one ever directly accused the captain of anything, but Danash—unsurprisingly—showed zero interest in getting to know his “son” and never tried to take or share custody of him
  • Ateri used his apartment for little more than a storage room, preferring to spend all of his free time visiting with Jakari in her new apartment

Okay? So, there’s zero sad stuff in this timeline! No more boo-hooing! Don’t make me write all of this AU stuff out just to prove it’s all just happy-fun-time.

That said, let’s get back to the NSFW! NSFW! NSFW! happy-fun-time.


Captain Ateri tapped Sur’an’s portrait, but when she picked up the call moments later, she accepted it audio-only. He put the strand up to his ear like she must have done. Jakari wouldn’t be able to hear both ends of the conversation, but that hardly mattered. He wouldn’t be keeping any secrets from her.

“Captain?” asked Sur’an’s surprised and slightly groggy voice. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” he said. “Well, no, that’s incorrect. I’m wrong. I’ve been wrong. I treated you like crap earlier and I wanted to apologize. I was so… I’m not going to make excuses. I let my emotions get the better of me, and I shut down. I was so busy being angry that I didn’t really listen to what you were saying.”

“Oh, um, okay,” said the voice on the other end of the line.

“So, I wanted to know if you’d like to come over and try the conversation all over again.” Jakari squeezed his paw, encouraging him with a smile. He smiled back at her. “You don’t have to, of course. I’m not ordering you.” He tried to laugh but it came out only as a wheeze. “But we can talk, hang out, I suppose if you wanted to crash here, that would be okay too. I mean, it would be more than okay. It’d be wonderful. If you wanted to, that is.”

Ateri winced, angry at himself for sounding like a stupid cub asking a gal to dance with him. Jakari squeezed his paw once more, improving his mood slightly.

“Ugh,” groaned Sur’an. “Are you serious? What time is it anyhow?”

“Oh, um,” mumbled Ateri, glancing about. “I… I don’t know. After midnight, I guess?”

“If I started right now, it still won’t be done by morning, sir,” she said. “It’s just paperwork. Please be reasonable, Captain. Can’t it wait until tomorrow?”

“Er, um,” he said, confused. “Of course, we can talk tomorrow. I shouldn’t have called so late. I’m really sorry.”

“No, I understand,” said Sur’an with a resigned sigh. “If you feel it’s that important, then I’ll get on it right now. Just give me a moment to get dressed.”

A smile crept slowly across Ateri’s ears. He had started to wonder if the ship’s communication system had cross-connected them with someone else’s conversation, but now it made more sense. She wanted Danash to think she’d been sent off on a late-night task.

“We’ll leave the door unlocked,” he said.

“Yes, sir,” she said, sounding disappointed. “Try to get some sleep. I’ll find a way to get it straightened out before you go on duty tomorrow. Good night.”

# # #

Sur’an turned up the bedroom lights a notch to find Captain Ateri sitting against the headboard and Jakari cross-legged near the bed’s center.

“You guys still up?” she asked.

“Yeah, we’re just talking,” said Jakari. She patted the bed. “Come, join us.”

The cream-and-pewter geroo stepped to the side of the bed and paused. She felt strange about climbing into bed—even if it were just to talk—with her strand on, so she peeled it away and set it on the nightstand before returning to the bedside. She looked at the couple and they back at her as she stood by in a state of partial undress.

With her right paw nervously rubbing her bicep that was now conspicuously uncovered, Sur’an flattened her ears back in discomfort. Despite the lights being low, she didn’t want the other two to see how brightly the skin inside them blushed.

That’s when she noticed that she was the only person in the room still dressed at all. Ateri and Jakari were naked—because of course they were, having already gone to bed—both wearing only a strand of beads around their necks.

Struggling not to be—or at least not to let them smell—her embarrassment, Sur’an stumbled back to the nightstand, carefully removed the bracelet from her tail and set it beside her strand holster, then shuffled back to where she had stood before—all the while holding her tail low behind her, concealing her nudity the best she could. She knelt at the very edge of the bed, just far enough on to keep from slipping back, her paws on either side of her tail and hanging over the bed’s edge behind her.

Ateri smiled, obviously trying to put the commander at ease. “I’m really sorry,” he said. “I’m not certain what more I can say beyond that. You needed me to be there for you and I let you down. I won’t let it happen again.”

“It’s okay,” she said, looking only at her knees. She’d seriously breached protocol by bringing it up and had put their friendship in jeopardy too. “Honestly? I don’t know that I would have reacted much better, had I been standing in your pawprints.”

“Jakari and I talked a lot tonight,” said Ateri. “And I think she put it best when she said that one of the things she loves most about being mates is that there’s no barriers left between us. And it’s true. We can just lie here in bed together, touch, kiss, tell each other something stupid that happened in a dream or about something we saw that made us smile. And there’s no judgement, no holding back because we’re worried about being unprofessional or oversharing or whatnot. We can just be ourselves.”

Sur’an closed her eyes. There had been a brief period when she had felt like that around Danash. She hadn’t really thought about it since his simmering anger had trampled down her feelings for him, but now that she pictured it, she missed it so hard, missed being connected to him, missed being able to be herself around him without watching what she said or did. “That sounds … wonderful,” she whispered. She covered her mouth, worried that her feelings were showing through in her tone, afraid that her voice might crack.

“It is!” said Jakari, and Ateri nodded.

“And the thing is that we”—he gestured with a paw between himself and his mate—“feel about you like we do about each other, but of course with you we don’t share that same … that same…”

“Intimacy?” offered Sur’an with some hesitation.

“Yes, that!” said the captain, snapping his fingers. “Despite feeling so much for you—more than we feel for anyone else outside this room—we don’t feel like we can really just be ourselves around you.”

“Oh,” said Sur’an. “I understand.” Her ears wilted and her eyes fell back down to the covers. She thought she might cry and tried to force the disappointment down. She wanted to crawl inside the walls like a kerrati, to find a quiet place where no one would ever find her, to stay there until her body turned to dust.

“But we’d love it,” added Jakari quietly, “if there was a way to share that with you also. If you wanted that, that is.”

Sur’an lifted her chin slightly, looking at one and then the other, her heart lifting. “Well, yeah,” she whispered, daring the start of a smile. “Could we?”

Ateri sighed and visibly relaxed. “I’m not sure that I’m on board with the whole pregnancy thing,” he admitted. “I don’t know that I’m ready for that—or that I’ll ever be—but you’re a huge part of our lives, and we hate that there’s this barrier between us, keeping us from being ourselves with each other, if you know what I mean.”

“Oh, I do, Captain,” said Sur’an. “I feel that same way too, like the three of us are connected somehow and it’s just a limitation of culture saying that ‘friendship ends here, and this is the closest you can be with someone who isn’t your mate,’ or such.”

“Well, then maybe you should stop calling me Captain,” he said with a smile, “...at least when it’s just the three of us.”

Sur’an grinned. “Okay, Ateri.”

The three got up on their knees and embraced each other in a long, warm hug. Although still afraid of getting her hopes up, it was the closest she’d felt to anyone in a long time. She didn’t want it to ever end.

“Did you want to stay over?” Jakari whispered. “I’d really like it if you could. I think it’d make me feel closer to you.”

“You mean like … in your bed?” she asked. “Not just on the couch, like a visit kinda?”

Ateri chuckled and sat back on his heels. “Yeah, in the bed, if you want.”

“You should sleep over every night!” Jakari was beaming.

“Well, I don’t know about that,” Ateri added quickly. “I mean, I love you, but Jakari and I still need our…”

“Privacy. Of course, I understand,” said Sur’an. “Like I said, the last thing I ever want is to come between the two of you!”

“Well,” he said, “the thing about coming between us is that this is my side of the bed. I’ve grown kinda accustomed to it.”

“And this is my side,” said Jakari. “I like how it’s closer to the bathroom.”

“Oh. Uh-huh.”

“Would you mind sleeping in the middle?” Ateri asked.

“Um, I could give that a try,” whispered Sur’an.

So Jakari turned the light back down a couple notches and Sur’an laid down on her back in the middle of the bed. Ateri snuggled up close on one side and Jakari did the same on the other, both draping their arms across her body.

In a way, it felt very cozy to be cuddled by two people she loved so much, but it still felt new and awkward, forced and unnatural.

They laid there in an uncomfortable silence a moment before Sur’an said, “This is nice.”

“Uh-huh,” and “Yeah, it is,” said the other two.

The seconds ticked by while the three tried to settle themselves in, but still feeling overly conscious, every single shift and motion felt amplified.

Sur’an wished she had taken a sleeping pill or drank herself into a stupor so she could stop overanalyzing everything. Was Ateri frustrated with how she was butting into their relationship? Was Jakari’s enthusiasm to include her putting a strain on him? Her throat tickled now, and she didn’t want to cough on them, so she tried clearing his throat again and again. Would they think that she was sick? That she was spreading her germs all over them? Then she became keenly aware of her own breath. Did it smell bad? Were the other two being forced to smell her breath?

This was supposed to be fun! Why was this so … unfun?

This was a mistake! She should never have agreed to this! What was she thinking?

From one side of her, Jakari whispered, “Good night, my love.” In the silence, she felt the bed shift as the white geroo leaned forward, her white head over the cream-and-pewter geroo’s chest.

“Good night,” he said, raising his head too. The pair touched lips, sharing a peck for a moment. Then they laid back down where they had been a moment before.

“Good night, Sur’an,” whispered Jakari. She lifted her head once more, but the kiss that followed was not a simple peck. It wasn’t passionate, per se, but perhaps experimental, like Jakari was trying on an environment suit to see if it fit, trying to decide if the new closeness they were attempting was ready for more than a friendly peck.

Sur’an tried her best to kiss but to stay within whatever limits they were still expecting of her. Ugh! She was still doing it. Wasn’t that what they said they wanted to get beyond, beyond doubt, beyond second-guessing, to just be themselves around each other? But how could she? Here she was, lying beside Ateri while she kissed his mate. Would he be jealous? Perhaps she should keep it brief and pull away, but she was on the bottom and there was nowhere to pull away to, really.

Every single action seemed to make a wet sound and no matter how she tried to be quiet, each seemed deafening and overtly passionate in the silence. What was Ateri thinking? Did he feel angry? Jealous? Or perhaps this was arousing for him, hearing his mate with another female?

The kiss finally ended and Sur’an laid there, not sure what to do. Ateri would feel left out. She should kiss him too. Jakari didn’t seem like she minded, but still, even with him asking her to stay, the captain still felt out of reach, like she was wrong to put him on the spot. But now that they’d started this thing, she was kind of obligated, wasn’t she? Leaving him out would be a snub.

So, after an endless delay, Sur’an turned her head toward him. “Good night, Ateri,” she whispered.

And then they were kissing.

She kissed his upper lip and then his lower. She put her tongue just barely inside his mouth so she could then drag it across his upper lip. She did it a second time, but this time Ateri responded by sliding his tongue inside her mouth, and as he slowly drew it back, a thrill shot down her spine at the sensation of him stroking the underside of her tongue.

Then she laid there, ears smiling, feeling warm and content. Her lips still just barely touching his own, the two shared warm breaths as one inhaled while the other breathed out. His scent had changed and now she could smell his arousal, that slightly musky sweat of bare, pink skin emerging from the confines of his sheath.

Ateri smiled. He lifted his head a couple centimeters. “So, love?” he asked. “Was kissing Sur’an as nice as you were hoping?”

Sur’an flattened her ears in embarrassment, but Jakari snuggled a tiny bit closer, nuzzling her head against the cream-and-pewter geroo’s fluffy neck. “It was nice,” she admitted, “softer than I expected—like kissing the petals of a flower.”

“I think Jakari just picked out a nickname for you…” whispered Ateri.

“No, not Flower, please,” Sur’an said with a giggle. She did not want them calling her Flower, but at least it felt like they were letting her get close.

Ateri ran a pad along her collarbone and back. “How about you?” he asked. “How would you describe kissing Jakari? Did you prefer kissing a female?”

“Honestly?” she said, her mind racing. What did he want to hear? “I was so nervous that I didn’t know what to think.”

Ateri groaned. Lifting his arm, he said, “Okay, I think that’s my fault. I mean, here we’ve got you trapped on your back, holding you down like a prisoner.”

“Heh, no—” she yarped, but she had felt it. With the power imbalance between them and the way they were cuddling her…

“Why don’t you lay on your side?”

So, with only the slightest encouragement, Sur’an rolled away from him. He scooted closer and whispered, “I’ll let you in on a little secret—”

“Oh, don’t you dare!” warned Jakari, but Ateri was undeterred. He reached his arm across the commander, and with one pad, he gently stroked the rim of Jakari’s ear.

“You see, my mate’s secret weakness is having the edge of her ears stroked between your thumb and finger.”

“It’s not true,” whimpered Jakari, but now that he was touching her ear, her tone was significantly gentler.

“Oh, but it is,” Ateri assured her. “This is how I get her to agree to my most ridiculous schemes.”

“Like this?” asked Sur’an as she stroked Jakari’s ear.

The soft fur slid between her pads and Jakari closed her eyes, melting slightly into the pillow. “Not fair,” she whispered but without any fight in her voice.

With one paw, Sur’an caressed Jakari’s ear, with the other, she cupped her face. Their lips met once more; their kisses more passionate than they had been the first time. Ateri amused himself by running his fingers through Sur’an’s fur, across her chest, down her belly, and finally stopping as the pad on his index finger dipped into the shallow depression that marked her pouch. Sur’an inhaled suddenly at the intrusion, but it had only surprised her, and she returned to kissing his mate without complaint. He smiled, taking time to stroke his fingertip around in a lazy circle, caressing all the edges of the opening.

He snuggled up closer behind her as the gals kissed, and he nuzzled Sur’an’s ear with his nose, but she ignored him, focusing her attention instead on the kisses. They were wonderful, so unlike how males kissed. Where Ateri’s kisses felt more intentional and purpose driven, Jakari’s were whimsical, as if she were wandering aimlessly just to enjoy the scenery.

Ateri snuggled closer, rousing her from the almost dream-like bliss she’d been sharing with the white geroo. He pressed his chest against her back, and she couldn’t ignore the unmistakable sensation of his erection nestled snugly against the base of her tail. He buried his nose into the soft fur behind her ear and drank in her scent.

Sur’an wasn’t sure what to think. He’d said he wasn’t ready to become a parent, but still he was sending obvious signals that he wanted more than just goodnight kisses and some restful sleep. Had he changed his mind? Or was the prospect of bedding two females at once just too tempting to pass up?

Eventually, the two females finished making out and pulled a few centimeters apart. They laid there, gazing at each other in the dim light.

“So?” he whispered in the commander’s ear, still fondling her pouch. “How would you describe her kisses?”

“Gentle than a male’s,” she said, then giving Jakari a sly look, Sur’an added, “so much less urgent and needy.”

They giggled at Ateri’s grunt of indignation.

He slipped the tip of his finger inside the warmth of her pouch and she squeaked in surprise. Only a kiss goodnight, indeed!

With a small snort, she added, “Jakari’s kisses remind me of a breeze.”

“Hmm,” mused Ateri as he stroked the soft flesh inside Sur’an pouch. “Another nickname?” He found one of her nipples and began to fondle it with his fingertip. She squeaked again and rolled back toward him.

She was enjoying his affection, but ugh, the things he said! He sounded more like a mentor than a lover and that grated on her badly. “With all respect, sir,” she said, staring into his eyes, her nose pressed assertively against his own. “Shut up.”

He started to say something else, but that’s when she grabbed him. With the web of her thumb pressed into his “notch”—where the very tip of his sheath overhung the skein of flesh adhering the sheath to his belly—she wrapped her fingers around him and squeezed him tight. Her practiced grip wasn’t hard enough to hurt, but it was certainly firm enough to startle him.

He gasped and she took the opportunity to slip her entire tongue inside his muzzle. Alarmed and unsure how to react, he froze while she slowly licked the roof of his mouth all the way from the back to just behind his incisors.

Did Jakari never grab him this way? Danash had always expected it during foreplay—back when the two were having “play” that needed a “fore”—it had been one of his favorite things and he’d be unbearable if she skipped it. He would groan and tell her how much he enjoyed it, how it reminded him of after they would finish and the muscles in her lock would contract around him, trapping his knot inside her body.

Did Ateri like this? She wasn’t sure. He wasn’t saying anything, but now she was worried. Should she release him? Apologize? Or just… But then she could feel him throbbing inside her grip. At first, she thought it was just her muscles from grabbing him so tightly, but no, whether he’d done this before or not, his body seemed to enjoy it. In her grip, his equipment was wriggling like an animal caught in a trap.

She kissed him again and now he responded more like she was accustomed; excited and eager at the prospect of getting more. Their tongues tumbled around in each other’s mouths, exploring and enticing.

As he kissed her, he ran his palm up her back then cradled her head for a while until he started running his fingers through her scruff.

On the back of every geroo’s neck and flowing down between their shoulders, the fur grows a little thicker, a little longer, the skin a little looser. So many nerves ran through the area beneath the scruff, more than other large patches of pelt. He toyed with the skin as they kissed, gathering it, pretending he was going to pull it tight, only to let it slide through his fingers once more. She thought she would scream from how he teased her.

At last he pulled his tongue from her muzzle and gripped her scruff tight in his fist. She gasped, eyes rolling back and muscles stiffening, she involuntarily released her grip on him. Sur’an’s whole world slipped away as she ceded control to her body. She was no longer trying to please anyone, just passively experiencing a moment that felt far too large to ever contain. A moment of being scruffed felt like a minute. A minute of being scruffed might as well have lasted an hour. She would gladly let him do whatever he liked, so long as he kept this wonderful sensation going. He could nibble her, he could lick her, he could have sex with her, and she’d love every last moment.

At last he released her, letting the skin slide between his fingers. Her muscles relaxed and she melted slightly, panting. How long had he scruffed her? A moment? All night? She had no idea.

Then Ateri gathered up another pawful of skin and pulled it tight once more, grinning playfully as she arched her back, her limbs tensing once more. And again, he released her.

“Ooh,” said Jakari from some distant galaxy behind her. “I’ve never scruffed anyone.”

“Be my guest,” said Ateri as he moved his paw away.

“Wha—?” Sur’an started to say, still feeling groggy and dazed, but then Jakari tightened her grip and the words evaporated into a contented sigh. For a third time, her consciousness drifted away, content to let Jakari do with her as she pleased.

Giggling, Ateri scooted down in the bed while his mate kept Sur’an occupied. With his nose even with Sur’an’s belly, he pressed the tips of his index fingers into her pouch, then firmly pulled, stretching the opening to the side until one of her nipples was exposed. He pursed his lips and blew a gentle stream of cool air across the pink flesh until it grew firm and erect. Then he nuzzled his lips around it and spent a long moment playing, licking the little nub, suckling from it.

It felt incredible! She loved having her pouch licked normally, but to enjoy it while scruffed? That was a thrill she’d never experienced before. It made every moment last, every sensation so much more intense.

Jakari relaxed her grip and Sur’an went limp once more. She laid there, panting. “Guys… Guys…” she gasped.

Ateri looked up at her as sweetly and innocently as he could manage, his fingertips still holding open her warm pouch, exposing a wet nipple to the night air. “I still have to do the other,” he said. “Mustn’t leave you lopsided.”

Again, she started to say something only for the word to melt into a groan when her scruff was pulled tight.

Ateri poked his snout inside her pouch and dragged his soft tongue slowly from one edge to the other, stopping to lavish some extra attention on the neglected nipple.

When the cream-and-pewter geroo’s muscles finally relaxed once more, she scrambled to her knees and backed slightly away. “Guy, guys, wait!” she giggled. “Just wait!”

“What?” laughed Ateri as he wiped his muzzle on the back of his wrist. His eyes glinted with mischief. “Not enjoying that?”

“Of course, I’m enjoying,” she said with deep gasps. “But you have to give me a chance to catch my breath!” She held up her trembling paws. “You got me shaking!”

“Oh hon, I’m sorry,” said Jakari, rising up to her knees as well. She took Sur’an’s paws in her own and kissed them. “I was just having so much fun. I’ve never had the chance to scruff anyone before. Have you?”

The commander shook her head.

“Well, you’ve really got to try it. I finally see why guys dig it so much.”

Ateri rested his head in his palm. “You have to try doing it with your teeth,” he said. “That’s the best.”

Jakari’s eyes lit up. She bit her lip. “Could I? Would you mind?”

Sur’an smiled weakly, holding up one finger as she panted. She wasn’t ready to be scruffed yet again so soon. Only when finally back in control, did she agree.

Jakari scooted aside and Sur’an got down on all fours in the center of the bed. The white geroo knelt beside her, taking a moment to stroke the commander’s ears, to relax her, to assure her that she was safe and loved. Then Jakari leaned forward experimentally, opening her muzzle and then closing it again, trying to decide the best way to do it.

Sur’an hung her head low from her shoulders. “Just do it before I change my mind,” she whimpered.

Ateri covered his mouth with both paws, stifling a laugh. The smell of arousal was so much stronger now—from all three of them.

“Shut up!” she growled without any real anger.

“I’m trying,” giggled Jakari. “This is really weird and embarrassing.”

“You think you’re embarrassed?” The insides of her ears had long since turned the deepest shade of crimson that they could reach. They burned like nuclear fire.

The white geroo tugged on Sur’an’s scruff then placed it in her jaws, she pulled harder and harder until Sur’an stiffened up once more, her neck arched back, eyes closed, muzzle slightly open and tail raised high, exposing herself to the chill.

Jakari growled in delight, but Ateri was already crawling behind the commander. Looking up, he saw that her muscles still clenched her pink lock shut, but all the short fur around it was sopping wet.

He raised his muzzle and slowly dragged his tongue across her key, getting a good taste of her juices. Then, licking his lips, he settled himself in for more. He gently sucked her key into his mouth, tugging gently on it for a moment before releasing it, then licking it furiously some more. Sur’an was in the heavens, her eyes rolled back in her head. She wanted to moan so badly but she couldn’t manage to make a sound. The pleasure seemed as infinite as it was everlasting.

With mere moments of Ateri’s attention, the muscles in Sur’an’s lock relaxed, letting it open wide. He lapped at her open lock experimentally a few times, dipping his tongue deep into her depths before returning his attention to her bulging key.

He licked and licked until finally Jakari released her grip. Sur’an squeaked a shrill, “Eep!” then quickly curled her long tail around her, covering up. Ateri didn’t move fast enough and got whacked in the back of the head with it.

“Guys!” she pleaded.

Jakari was grinning wide as she wiped her mouth. “Okay, that was really weird, and … strangely satisfying. I felt all … primal.”

“I know, right?” laughed Ateri as he rubbed the back of his head.

“It’s not fair, you guys,” whined Sur’an, her scruff slightly damp with drool. “You keep teaming up on me. Maybe one of you should be in the middle for a bit?”

“I’ll gladly take the middle!” laughed Jakari. She crawled over to Sur’an, and working her muzzle beneath where the commander was hiding her face, she laid on her belly with her scruff beneath Sur’an’s nose, begging for some of the same treatment.

Sur’an wrapped her arms around Jakari thankfully and held her for a moment before finally getting back up on all fours and started toying with Jakari’s scruff. Ateri got out of bed and circled around to where Jakari’s tail hung over the edge. As Sur’an scruffed his mate, he lifted her tail and dove in head-first.

The captain had shown some restraint with the commander and treated her gently. After all, the trio had only started sharing a bed, and it would take some time for each to learn the others’ preferences. But with Jakari? Ateri already knew what she liked. And when it came to oral sex, Jakari expected an assertive lover who would grind her face-first into the covers until she begged for mercy.

He grabbed her haunches while he played. He licked and licked, leaving her a sopping mess before Sur’an finally released her grip.

Then the two cuddled and laughed, whispering to each other about how strange and wonderful scruffing each other had been. Ateri, meanwhile, got back up on the bed, and leaning over Sur’an, he tucked himself up under her tail wrapped his arms around her waist, squeezing her close.

“Oh, Ateri!” she laughed.

Jakari looked up at her mate as he hung all over the other female. “Now, it’s your turn to be the meat in this sandwich,” she told him.

“But I’m so comfy just like this,” he said, rubbing his wet muzzle against Sur’an’s shoulder.

Jakari extracted herself and laid down on her back, then scooted herself with her heels to inspect Sur’an’s undercarriage. The commander still stood on all fours while the captain rested on her back. Underneath, the tip of his unsheathed penis was pressed up alongside Sur’an key.

“Well, this is convenient,” Jakari laughed, and with a single lick, she made both of them gasp.

“That’s hardly putting me in the middle,” said Ateri with a grin, “but don’t stop!”

Jakari slid her paw up underneath Sur’an, and with a gentle grip, she slid his sheath back, exposing him all the way back to the bulge of his knot. She licked him, she kissed him, careful to let her attention spill over so that Sur’an got her share as well.

Then gripping him a little more firmly, Jakari took control, directing him where to move, rubbing his dick against Sur’an’s key while Jakari licked them. Back and forth and back and forth, she moved him until she slid him inside of Sur’an’s lock. The two groaned happily in response.

Jakari pulled her paw away, ceding control back to her mate. He slid himself slowly in and out while his mate’s tongue ensured that the “out strokes” were every bit as fun as the “in strokes”. With her paw free, Jakari reached down between her own legs, keeping herself warmed up while the other two played.

But soon, Ateri’s strokes were growing more eager, more urgent. He pressed himself harder up against Sur’an, his knot struggling to escape his sheath. With each ever increasingly impatient thrust, the lips of Sur’an’s lock stretched wider and wider as he worked to force his knot inside her.

“Wait! Wait!” Jakari gasped. “Not yet.”

Though nearly lost in the moment, Ateri complied, letting Sur’an’s scruff slip from his lips. He reluctantly pulled himself from her depths and sat back on his heels, his dick throbbing with his racing heart.

Jakari guided the commander to the edge of the bed and then urged her mate to lay down in the middle. He closed his eyes, still panting hard.

Jakari kissed Sur’an once more. “This is really about you,” Jakari whispered. “We love you so much and we want you to be happy.”

Jakari held her paw and urged the commander to climb astride her mate. She even held his member steady and guided it back inside the cream-and-pewter geroo’s body. The two kissed some more as Sur’an built up a steady rhythm, sliding up his length only to go back down once again and holding him there a moment with his knot almost inside her, just to repeat it once more. Ateri clawed at the covers, moaning, clearly wanting more but letting her do as she pleased.

The two females kissed while Sur’an worked her magic. Jakari’s paws cupped Sur’an’s cheeks while Sur’an worked one of her fingers in and out of Jakari’s lock, tugging at the wet edge to simulate how a knot would tighten it.

Then when she could take it no longer, Sur’an shoved her hips hard down against Ateri’s and gave Jakari’s lock a swift tug, throwing the three of them into a shared climax. Sur’an contracted tight around Ateri’s knot while Jakari tightened around Sur’an’s finger. Ateri gasped so loud it surprised them all.

The three held deathly still for a long moment, gasping and panting while tremors of joy washed over them all.

Later, the three laid in a pile, sweaty and disheveled, covers jumbled in every which direction. Ateri’s swelling had finally gone down and he’d managed to pull himself free, but there was no doubt in anyone’s mind that all the sticky wetness under Jakari’s tail was but a fraction of what he had left inside her.

Sur’an moaned happily and rubbed the side of her muzzle against Ateri’s chest. Jakari squeezed her close from behind.

“So,” whispered the cream-and-pewter geroo, “what happened to not being ready to be a parent?”

Ateri shrugged and laid there in silence a long while with the back of his head resting on his palms. “I don’t know. Perhaps I had dismissed the notion without giving it fair consideration,” he said. “But there is one thing I’ve learned about being Captain: If something is important enough, you put the effort needed into making it work.”


Reviewer’s link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IfcG-NvAArPfFGxhzqeFF3aYKPRklJ_nVnbFrDlcmz4/edit?usp=sharing




Perhaps we need a happy scene with Sur'an and baby Gert, since we never got to see that before?

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

That would be fantastic. The idea that the Captain is Gert's father would throw some interesting new light on the relationship dynamics in Rick's "Traitor's Thieves and Liars". It's kind of too bad that it's *not* canon. I have to admit I'm kind of a sucker for that kind of thing.

Diego P

This was so sweet and hot! absolutely love it, makes me wish all of this was canon. seeing the connection and the love between them really gives the impact of her death a lot more meaning, also makes me root way harder for Gert since he's the fruit of this connection. In case that I'm one of the readers that you thought were stressing out by this, I want you to know that I'm in here for the emotions, I want what I read to make me FEEL things. This one warmed my heart, others have broken it. If you want to break my heart break it good, every time I've told you about a part of your books that hurt, like certain character's death for example, please take it as a compliment, don't ever think I'm complaining or bitching on you for succeeding on making me feel things.


Yay! So glad you enjoyed. I'm sure plenty more heartache will follow with whatever comes next. It's my passion. :)

Rick Griffin

I finished this last night and I looove iiiit And it's kinda funny your explanation implies they don't end up escaping


Yup. You change early events and it changes EVERYTHING. So glad you like how I portrayed them!