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A colored version of a dream sketch I posted on Tumblr a while back.

I dreamed I was shopping at a Spirit Halloween Store, trying to buy a plastic chain to use for a costume (I forgot exactly what- I think I was going to use it as a whip or something?). As I made my purchase, the guy behind the register said “oh, by the way, our Haunted House is finally open again if you’re interested” and gestured towards a nearby wall where a massive decorated archway stood, all lit up like a circus tent with the words “HAUNTED HOUSE!” in big orange and black letters.

From behind a striped curtain came the sound of calliope music, along with several animatronic werewolf heads on long, flexible necks of segmented black rubber that stretched out from behind the curtain. All of them had glowing orange eyes and mouths sharp teeth and flapping, drooling tongues. The central head wore an orange-and-black-striped top hat. The werewolves all growled and snapped and laughed like hyenas, before looking right at me with manic grins. In snarling, semi-sing-song voices, they all spoke in unison: “The greatest show you’ve ever seen! Come on inside! IT’S HALLOWEEN!”

All the heads then ducked behind the curtain, and I followed them in. I ended up in a tiny, dark room just barely lit by the light shining through the curtains behind me, the music falling silent before being replaced by more of the werewolves’ cackling in the shadows. Out from the darkness, four of the werewolf heads sprung out and grabbed hold of my wrists and ankles with their sharp teeth, and immediately pulled off all my limbs at once, leaving my limbless torso to flop down onto the floor spraying blood and confetti from my stumps (yeah I was filled with confetti for some reason).

The last thing I remember is the “lead” werewolf head laughing maniacally as the other heads played tug-of-war with my arms and legs, before he dove straight at my stomach and behind messily feasting on my guts. I woke up as he was halfway through pulling my intestines out.

Oddly enough, even though I had been horrifically disemboweled and literally torn limb from limb, all I felt was mild disappointment that the haunted house had ended so soon.
