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Not much else to say- commissions will be opening up on February 1st! Same deal- Trello will be used to keep track of commission slots, and all my commission information can be found here:


Just a few details:

1: I will not be taking commissions for comic pages for now. Other than that any other commission type is fine.

2: there will be 12 slots total, with one slot available per person (unless you're a patron of course).

3: while you're free to ask questions about possible commission subjects and whatnot, I won't be securing slots in advance. If you want a slot quickly, come to me on February 1st.

And that's it! See you all then!


Eric Mittelstadt

Bad timing, I've got other artists lined up. Oh well, I guess theres always next year!


Thx for info Im interested What about prices?


I just posted a link to the commission info. Of course you'll get a discount on prices for being a patron.