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Hey everyone, last night my computer refused to boot up properly, and seems to be having difficulties communicating with my hard drive. I've tried a few attempts to fix it with little progress. Sometime later today I'm going to go purchase a new SATA cable and a new hard disk just to be safe- hopefully all I have to do is replace the cable. If the hard disk is at fault, then I'll have to repair/replace it. If not, then I'll have more storage space as a bonus. 

Regardless, I won't be able to upload anything properly for a while, but once I get everything all squared away I'll be back in business. Wish me luck.

UPDATE: so I was able to get my computer working again- I had to re-install Windows 10, clearing my hard drive in the process. I've tried recovering some of the more important files I've lost, but unfortunately I wasn't able to get back couple months worth of work. Thankfully I had most of my work already backed up before, and I can easily re-download anything I've posted here that I haven't saved elsewhere. I have lost the PSD files for some of my recent works, but as frustrating as that is, I never touch them again after I'm done with them anyway. I mostly keep them for sentimental reasons.

I probably could have done something less slash-and-burn in hindsight, but what's done is done. So I'll be spending the next few days backing up, re-organizing, and re-installing all the programs I don't have anymore, Photoshop included. Which means I probably won't be working or posting any more art for a while. I'm terribly sorry that my content has slowed to a crawl like this, but thankfully I've got a ton of new art I was working on while waiting for my computer to recover files, so there's something to look forward to!


W C Purdy

Ah, jeez. Hope it gets fixed soon!

Relaxing Dragon

That's a real bummer dude. I've had a few similar total crashes and reinstalls, and even when everything is backed up it's still a pain. Hopefully you get through it all relatively smoothly!


I'm still kicking myself thinking back to all the times when I thought "oh I'll back it up later" and never doing it. It's really depressing. Thankfully I've got a few days off work starting tomorrow so I can focus on fixing everything.

Eric Mittelstadt

Hope it isn't too serious. As for getting a whole new PC, I reckon that could take a bit of saving up to accomplish!


It's been fixed more or less already, and I'm going to be getting a new hard drive soon. As for getting a whole new PC, it probably won't come to that for at least another year or two. Then again, considering I've already replaced almost every major part of my computer except the motherboard, CPU, and disk drive, its practically already a new computer. Computer of Theseus, heh.