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The Mobile Autonomous Tank 5-30 series was an experimental military robot with a highly sophisticated AI program. Robots in war zones were not uncommon, but most possessed simple AI and were either piloted remotely or paired with a human soldier to act as a "spotter". Those capable of autonomous actions were never paired with armaments, delegated to transport, recon, and maintenance. The MAT 5-30 was supposed to be the best of both worlds- a robot capable of not only differentiating between allies and enemies in milliseconds, but able to destroy the latter with ruthless efficiency.

Unfortunately, while lab tests found their combat AI to be near-flawless, actual combat resulted in the MAT 5-30 to suffer from what were dubbed "self-destructive pacifistic malfunctions". Of the 500 units deployed, only 413 were successfully decommissioned, the rest having either been destroyed in combat or gone missing.


Finally finished! I wasn't sure where I was going with the background at first beyond "battlefield", but after dicking around with gradients and layer effects I ended up creating something really awesome by accident here. I'll have to remember how I did this for next time.



Eric Mittelstadt

The idea of a robot going pacifist isn't something you see in a lot of fiction, hell, most movies just depict them as cold-hearted murder-machines. Great idea!


Thanks! I like warbots, and I also like stories of robots going against their programming. Can you guess the meaning of the robot's name?