MMs for all, y'all! (Patreon)
Many of you have probably received a ton of e-mails from my account right now featuring Midweek Moleskines. That's because starting today, I've changed the tiers, and now Midweek Moleskines will be viewable to all patrons! I apologize if this change has overwhelmed your inbox; I wanted to ensure that everyone got to see all the MMs they've missed previously but I guess I didn't factor in just how many MMs I've got.
Other tiers have been changed too: $1 patrons will no longer receive Patreon rewards, and all other Patreon rewards have been pushed one tier higher. So $5 patrons will receive a single-character sketch, $10 patrons two-character sketches, and so on. Also, as an added bonus, $50 patrons will receive one free single-character sketch per month, if they wish.
After I finished my last couple commissions, I'm going to be focusing on more personal art this year. I hope you all enjoy what's to come!