Ink's Warming Eve! (Patreon)
It's Ink's Warming Eve, everypony! Every day for the month of December, I'll be posting a new digitally inked picture. But unlike Inktober, the prompts are not from a prewritten list, but from patrons like you!
This year we've theme, as voted on by patrons: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!
All you have to do is write down one adjective in the comments section below- just a single descriptive word like "cute" or "scary" or "wavy"- and I'll draw an ink drawing based on that prompt!
The only rules are:
1: Prompts can only be one adjective long; hyphenated words don't count (for example: "Chocolate-Coated" won't do, but "Chocolatey" is fine).
2: You can offer as many prompts as you like, but you're limited to only one prompt per day.
3: You cannot post a prompt that someone else has submitted, though you can post any synonyms of that word: for example, if someone else suggested "giant", you can't suggest "giant" as well, though you could suggest "massive" or "hulking" if you wish. Just try to be creative to ensure this Ink's Warming Eve challenge has plenty of variety.
4: Should there be more than 30 prompts before the end of the month, I'll choose randomly from a group of the 30th prompt plus any extras. if your prompt is chosen at the end of the month, you get to decide what the drawing will look like! The only limits to that is it can't involve more than two characters.
So without further ado, please post your suggestions (and any questions you might have) in the comments below!