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Necromancy is a major taboo across all kobold tribes. To kobolds, death is seen as a well-deserved eternal rest from the strife and pain of living. So to force the resting dead back into the harsh, cruel mortal realm for one's own personal use is the ultimate indignity.

Of course, refusal to dabble in necromancy does not protect them from it entirely- To counteract the necromantic arts, some kobolds skilled in magic become "Deathwards", mages who specialize in healing the tormented, restless spirits trapped within their undead shells, soothing their pain like a mother's lullaby. Their magic reverses the necromancer's hold over undead souls, letting them pass into the realm of the dead once more.


An idea inspired by a long-lost tumblr post musing on the idea of bards being "reverse necromancers", using music to bring rest to the restless undead. That scribbly picture near the top is a small preliminary sketch I sometimes do before drawing out a scene involving multiple characters or tricky poses. I usually erase them but I decided to keep it here.



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