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Hello all my lovely patrons! A big thanks to all those who have stuck with me thus far. I appreciate your generosity and hope to bring more art to you in the future.

I have a couple announcements to make: first of all, I have changed my Patreon payment settings to "Charge Up Front", which means that all new patrons will be charged for their first payment on the day they pledge, rather than at the end of the month.  If you're already a patron of mine, don't worry- this doesn't affect you at all. This is simply to discourage frauds from performing a Patreonic dine-and-dash. 

Speaking of frauds- all the people I had previously blocked on Patreon are now unblocked. I know that sounds strange, but personally I feel that my actions before were far too hasty and driven more by frustration than logic.   I have also deleted the previous posts listing their names because it was still a petty thing to do and, although my audience is small, I'd rather not spark off a witch hunt. Patreon's fraud-detection system isn't perfect, and some people may have simply put in incorrect payment information, so I'm giving them a second chance. If there are any among them that really are frauds and just want free art from me, charging up front will at least discourage that behavior. If they are found as frauds, I'll simply quietly block them once again.

Thanks for reading, leave any comments below!



Keep doing what you do. We're your fans; we support you!