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Chapter 48 is here my friends! :-)  Our time in the Walking Dead universe is rapidly coming to a close. We have a couple things to finish but then we're moving on.  Enjoy the chapter!  And as always, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for your support.  Without it, this story would not be where it is today.


Jared Freas

Great chapter! Being able to vaporize hordes of undead must be orgasmic.

Mr Mouse

TFTC; Great to see our boy back in action, loved B'elanna's realisation and remorse

War sage

Wait did Gothic forget about his fun with the Duras sisters? While not sure on Rivk and Shane sharing Lori it's not like we are going to be around for long, yea considering the current state of humanity I can see the effect of two or maybe three in Lori case having a much bigger effect on this universe as considering the numbers of humans left there could be a decent population of Augments in 200 years, and then there is if Jenner decides to stay alive.

Joshua Graham

Love the chapter, i wonder what the beneficial purpose is, now that Gothic body adapted to the virus. Another thing is while i enjoy the multiverse travel, i miss gothic adventure in his home dimension, when will gothic return to his home dimension?

Darth Bane

Hey he has had sisters before Duras sisters. I would love to see the Duras sisters back in the story.


Thanks for the update

Adam Trantham

Gothic seams to have got his murder hobo on at the end lol

War sage

I have to admit while I would love to see them back aswell not sure they survived long after being returned to the Empire, unless either they still had supporters high enough Empire able to keep them alive or something of incredible high value to trade which I doubt.

maddsloth II

Love the chapter, I have never watched this show but this universe has been interesting thus far. Page 6 assist Gothic in any way before the task it assigned is completed -Q is probably more an ‘it’ then a ‘he’ as we would understand the term but she does call him a he before this so I am assuming it was a typo. Page 15, not had a proper meal in days… had our first proper meal in days. -might just be me but that felt a little clunky Page 38 You and I are going to have a nig problem -big Page 38 She’s great woman -She’s a great woman Page 46 For as long as I could after I was gone -after she was gone Page 64 Keeping in line with the 8 bit nature of Q’s messages why not use some classic Nintendo bad english in there? Ghostbusters: Congraturation! Pro Wrestling: “A Winner Is You” I typed this shortly after I started reading the chapter, long before getting to page 49… I thought I would still include, thought it funny that it ended up happening. I have to be honest here, the fact that Gothic does not have 500 kills at this point is insane. I get it for story drama reason but not real life reasons. Passing up groups of 50 on the highway would make sense if you had limited ammo, but not if you know you unlock the BFG with unlimited ammo before you could expend your starter ammunition. He started with 200 rounds of 5.56 and 300 9mm. given his accuracy and the fact he already had killed 140 It seems like a no brainer. I can’t think of a logical reason he would not have killed 500 before he even meet the group. Even if he had to kite them like in a video game it should be simple for a man like him even on foot. The only fix I can think would work is cutting back that starter ammo down A LOT. Maybe even adding a receipt in the safe by the ammo for a recent order of a huge amount of ammo for a little comic relief. Maybe even have the delivery date a few days before the world went to hell but with a printed email apologizing for the delivery delay, maybe even have the email sent by “Q” in the customer services center. Barring that he should be on the roof of the CDC sniping walkers with impunity before they leave the building. Looking forward to the next update :)

maddsloth II

I can't remember did they have samples of augment DNA 'inside' them or did that energy beam destroy it? since is was 'not theirs'? Klingon's playing with Augment DNA, What could possibly go wrong? I personally hope they are gone, or get with Worf they can bond over their shared hatred of Gothic.

War sage

Well, when Gothic left their cell the two definitely had plenty of samples both on and in them, though it's likey Gothic ensured that they were throughly cleaned before they were beamed over though not sure, and considering how the last time the Klingons messed around with human Augment DNA is caused a virus that infected several planets and almost killed millions I doubt they would be willing to do it again, however trying to get some female Klingons in his path they may be willing to do.

Kiran Islam-Choudhury

Great chapter! But I’m annoyed that I’m gonna have to wait an entire month before I can see the rest of the groups reaction to Gothic actually being from the Star Trek universe :( Assuming that that even happens in the next chapter


Not going to lie that ending was the perfect moment to stop which make me want to cry that we have a whole month to wait for what chaos will unfold next

Joseph Orlando

Oh it feels good for Gothic. He was unexpectedly and unusually vulnerable in this dimension and Gothic did NOT like it! He has invested a lot of time, knowledge, and money into his armor and weapons to prevent that kind of vulnerability. As the author though, focused on character growth, it might not be a bad thing for Gothic to experience some vulnerability again. And that's part of the reason why Q did what he did.

Joseph Orlando

Thanks, guys. Gothic, as an Augment and as an outsider, is one of those guys with ridiculous charisma. He's gotten rather used to people going along with him. I wanted B'Elanna to be an insider, rather than a straight up enemy, that disagreed with him. She eventually came around. I can't decide if I bowed to reader pressure there, or it was a natural evolution of her feelings. Did it feel natural to you guys?

Joseph Orlando

Yes, I, too, forgot about the Duras sisters. That was a long time ago in the story. I will have to revise the master chapter here later. Thanks for pointing this out!

Joseph Orlando

Soon...I'm on the fence as to how many dimensions to go to before returning home, but probably in the 1-3 dimension range. Some of them I might just make it fast. He gets the thing I want him to and then he's does what he needs to do to move on quickly.

Joseph Orlando

War sage - The Duras are like cockroaches. You think you've wiped them out and yet they're just hiding in the dark places. The Klingon government is corrupt enough where they could easily have found someone to pay off. During that chaotic wartime period it would be even easier. I have no current plans for them, but that could change at anytime. Maddsloth II and War Sage - You guys are both right. Gothic is a little flippant with his DNA, but in their case the scouring beam destroyed what he left in them. And yes, I think the Klingons have practically a cultural taboo now when it comes using Augment DNA. Even if they had it, they wouldn't have used it for fear of the calamitous results that took their ridges for a long time.

Joseph Orlando

Oh, he had some serious emotions to work/burn through, feelings of vulnerability that he wasn't used to anymore.

Joseph Orlando

I will make the corrections to the master document when I get home. The kill count at the start of the roof sniping was more a result of Gothic's caution. The more he shoots/kills, the more walkers he attracts to the area. He has not found the suppressor yet, remember and close quarter knife fighting is dangerous, especially when his body was still weakened from the "virus". He's not gotten where he's at by taking unnecessary risks and there just wasn't enough to justify setting aside that caution. This close to Atlanta the chance for a large horde to gather, come to the area the canon group is in, and potentially overwhelming him (or the group is a very real danger. He is also aware that Q likely selected this point in the timeline for a reason, which means it's a very high priority task to find the canon group of Walking Dead characters sooner, rather than killing the 500 walkers he needs. Those two things made him more cautious and less focused on killing walkers. Plus he's not used to being this vulnerable and that made him more gunshy than normal. As always, thank you for your support!

Joseph Orlando

I know the feeling and appreciate it, I do. When I'm really enjoying a story I want quicker updates, but it is far more important to me to be consistent. Since November of 2022 I have put out a chapter a month reliably and consistently, usually one that spans 3-4 normal chapters in word count. With all my other obligations I just can't guarantee anything more. Sure, if I didn't give a shit about quality or research or revising it multiple times I could maybe do more, but the consistent quality you've come to expect from me every chapter wouldn't be there. It'll come out, just not sure if it'll be a big reveal with him in person. I'm on the fence about that, so we'll see what comes organically. Thank you for your support!

red demon

Another excellent chapter. I'm glad Gothic was able to take Rick Shane and Lori and knock their heads together. Things may not work out between the three of them but it'll probably end better for them than it did in canon. So it looks like Gothic is ready to move on now. I hope Gothic at least leaves them with some supplies to give the group a fighting chance. I do have a slight nitpick. It's a small thing but when Gothic was fucking Lori on the roof he switched his rifle to automatic. He had the civilian version of the AR, meaning it's semi only. Unless he swapped it out for one of the M4s he picked up outside the CDC.

Joseph Orlando

Ha! Love it. Thank you. Gothic had some emotions to work through. He's not used to feeling vulnerable and when he suddenly got his tools back, he had a good time letting his inner murder hobo out.

maddsloth II

Joe is not wrong, his track record for putting out chapters is more consistent then any story I have ever read and over a very long period of time. I am not sure if you read the first version of the story or not, but even the Star Trek dimension chapters that were already written are vastly different and improved from the original which was already quite good. What he has added to them makes the original almost look like a basic outline for the story, and massively built up the world. The whole Kessik IV, President Moss, Captain Jellico section was new. Everything about the orbital defense networks was new from talking to Lwaxana to actually making one for Kessik was new. I think the return to Minos after Kessik and the recording of the USS Drake and the Klingon ships was new, and having those 3 ships will probably greatly help his long term interest when the next Klingon part of the story starts. I think the multiverse jumping is consistent with the in story reason the character was created, To entertain higher beings and shake things up. The reality is, even with all he has, he is going to die if the Dominion decides he must die. He is far to powerful to ignore but far to weak to survive their total focus. It is not crazy to think the founders would dedicate whole fleets to kill him. They hate solids, and he is the most perfect, and independently powerful solid they will ever encounter. He is their worst nightmare. So the things he has gained during this arc are huge, the potential protection from the Breen dampening weapon, the new programmable matter and star charts, and now this unknown upgrade from the zombies. Joe also seems to be keeping it limited to universes that he can gain something, but not gain stuff that will break the story. He probably won't wake up in ASOIAF because while it might be cool, it offers nothing. But he also won't wake up in Star Gate because it offers to much. Honestly I look forward to seeing were this leads next, as much as I am looking forward to the return to the Trek universe. Thinking on that I just realized the most economically valuable things he has on his ship now is not the star ship grade dilithium, but the complete earth cultural database from before WW3 including all the lost books, foods and genetic diversity they lost. Earth would probably be willing to build him a Earth Space Dock class station in orbit of Bajor for just a portion of that.

maddsloth II

Good catch, I missed that. I am pretty sure it was the AR, and even if it was one of the M4s it would only have 3 round burst not full auto. You would have to go back to the OG M16 to find full auto... or... do the modification to the AR-15 to make it full auto, I don't think he has to worry about the ATF at this point lol.

Kiran Islam-Choudhury

Tbh mate, all I ask is that you keep up the excellent quality of your work, and if you need a month, take a month, and if you need a year even, take a year. Your story is just as engaging as it was 700,000 words ago, and to maintain that level of quality takes serious skill. Basically all I’m saying is well done and that this is one of the best stories I’ve ever read!

Mr Mouse

This bit felt natural, especially given that they can watch what Gothic is going through, the very real danger of facing down an Apocalypse alone, and the helplessness of being unable to do anything in the face of the essentially absolute power of Q, giving context to his actions in the previous world I think the tricky bit is gonna be the interaction between her and Gothic when they reunite, because there's a difference between knowing you were wrong and saying you were wrong, between remorse and reconciliation

War sage

Agreed, it all depends on their interaction when they reunite.

War sage

Well with access to his tech and ship Gothic can not only start purging large hordes he can also locate other survivors. Still curious about the energy

Joseph Orlando

You guys are making me blush! Thank you so much Maddsloth and Kiran for your kind words. This is a labor of love for me and to be able to talk to people who love this story like I do, is a true joy.

Joseph Orlando

That is one of the big plans for this dimension, for him to purge the planet of the zombies. It's a good thing he has a system in his possession with a track record of successful genocide on a planetary scale, isn't it? It'll be interesting, don't you think, that Gothic will add yet another Earth to his network that he can access information on any time or tap for resources, including intellectual resources.

stephen lyman

Personally I'd estimate the Surviving Global Population being around 5 Million people it might just be easier to purge one Island maybe Great Britain and Beam them all to that location after having Automated Machines repair a few cities and rebuild Industry if they are left spread all over the place it would likely take 1000 years for Humanity to rebuild to their current Tech and Population level but if relocated to one place they should be able to remain at their Tech level from before the Apocalypse happened

War sage

In the walking dead its kinda hard to guess the total population cause of Operation Cobalt and Sunset protocol, also thing is of those survivors more then a few of them happen to like how things are as they can be and do what ever they want, then are people who's minds are broken after experiencing the trauma, the walkers while a threat are not the most dangerous.

stephen lyman

Whilst I agree some will be like that I feel like it's too early for the worst to really settle in if Gothic intervenes soonish then Society can recover

jeff027 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-25 14:00:48 The last part of the chapter we’ve Gothic on the roof remind me from a movie think it is the dawn of the dead, the 2000’s version and interesting characters shot by Gothic feeling. That was Q.
2024-03-25 12:55:39 The last part of the chapter we’ve Gothic on the roof remind me from a movie think it is the dawn of the dead the 2000’s version and interesting characters shot by Gothic feeling. That was Q.

The last part of the chapter we’ve Gothic on the roof remind me from a movie think it is the dawn of the dead the 2000’s version and interesting characters shot by Gothic feeling. That was Q.

stephen lyman

Joe you alive mate normally you post something by now lol