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Running way behind this month.  This universe is a bit harder for me to get into the proper flow for some reason.  Will try to finish and publish tomorrow night or Sunday.   In the meantime, enjoy this teaser!  :-)


With that mysterious statement, I went into the back of the Hummer and brought out the large cooler I had stocked, placing it on the ground in front of everyone. Deftly kicking the lid open I showed the contents. There were several moments of shocked silence before the group cheered.

“Ice cold beer, steaks, and seafood. Courtesy of the last house I found,” I explained with a smile. “It was like winning the lottery, my friends!”

“Ice, real ice?! But how?” Dale and many others said quietly. “I haven’t seen ice since all this started,” he said trailing off, sounding sad, his eyes likely looking in the past.

Contrary to my expectations, no one excitedly reached for a cold beer to drink, that’s how shocked and amazed they were as this large group of people stood around my open cooler, looking down at the ice with complicated and forlorn thoughts clear on their tired faces. It had not been my intention to make them sad, or to make them realize just how much they had lost and would likely never get again. It was the little things like ice, the conveniences of modern life that you routinely took for granted, that could affect you the most in the zombie apocalypse as the survivors remembered a much easier, safer, more comfortable world that they had once been a part of. In times like these, the living may come to envy the dead.