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As always, I'm still cleaning up the new chapter and trying to find a logical stopping point, but in the meantime, enjoy this teaser!



Jogging around an abandoned post-apocalyptic American suburb was a bizarre and jarring experience, I found. The constant hustle and bustle of activity, cars driving, kids playing, dogs barking, people cutting their grass, or washing their cars, was something you unconsciously tuned out most of the time. But when it was absent, well, it was noticeable and jarring in its absence. As I lightly jogged down the empty roadway, the silence was really messing with my head. The abandoned cars, pools of dried blood, and ripped apart corpses that littered the area really didn’t help, though several of the cars had water that I drank freely from. I searched here and there, but so far, none of the cars had anything else usable.

From the condition of several American flags hanging here and there on houses and on flagpoles, it must be the early days of the zombie apocalypse, because they were relatively intact and in decent condition overall. The various grass lawns were overgrown, definitely, but were not the result of months or years of neglect either. If he had to guess, he’d estimate a few weeks to a month or two at most. The mail confirmed it.

Inspecting the mail that was still in several homes’ mailboxes told me that I was in Atlanta, in the state of Georgia, in the United States. The last postmark on a small sampling of mail, coupled with the temperature, told me that it was probably summertime.


Robert Hinshaw

Sounds like fun. As for the heavy hand, I figure you’re stretching your author muscles playing with all the fan fic out there, and I’ve enjoyed pretty much everything you’ve written inside the Star Trek timeline, so it’s fun seeing where you go (I’ll admit Flight of the Navigator blew my mind—both because I watched it as a kid and because the programmable matter is a natural piece of tech to go for, just hilarious it was this old movie that gave it.).

War sage

I just realized...if Gothic is right and this is around a month after that start of the outbreak...damn this could interesting, not only as they more people still alive but with exception of the few isolated settlements there really is no major groups around or there still in hiding, I mean Negan is still with his wife Lucille at this point, oh yes this will be fun

Joseph Orlando

FOTN really holds up in terms of the special effects and their depiction of ultra advanced technology, even with all the science fiction that came after it the next nearly 30 plus years. It was really ahead of its time. I'm glad that so many people watched it as kids so that it resonated with them. I was really worried none of you would have seen it and thus you'd be entirely relying on my writing about it to get anything out of it.