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She glanced around the room while her husband, the Prime Minister, and the US Ambassador engaged in pleasantries while they waited for ‘The Boss’ to arrive. Nothing of substance would be discussed without her presence, after all.

The White Drawing Room was one of the more intimate State Rooms at Buckingham Palace used for audiences and small gatherings, but far larger and far more formal a room than her Majesty’s private office where she normally received her weekly briefings from the country’s Prime Minister. The addition of herself, her husband, and the US Ambassador had likely required the change in venue. The last time she had been in this room was for the yearly formal family photographs to be taken and that was some time ago.

Her eyes couldn’t help but stray impolitely to the hidden door disguised as a mirror and cabinet the Queen would likely enter through. Moments later, she saw her mother-in-law push open the hidden door and walk slowly and carefully into the room.

Immediately everyone got to their feet and offered her various bows and greetings.


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