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I experimented with telling a large chunk of this chapter from Diana's POV, rather than Gothic's, which I think makes the various scenes she's involved in that much more interesting.  Hope you guys enjoy it too!  

As always, thank you for supporting my writing and let's discuss this chapter in the comments! :-)



Thanks for the chapter. Is the new world Resident Evil?


Great chapter. my guess is The Walking Dead

sihko gaud

This is Q choosing the jumps. A comedic one would fit better, like Shaun of the Dead.


a really great chapter!! i love it and i can't wait for next month's chapter to read what might happen next :-)

Jared Nelson

Gothic will recognize the movie probably from the 80s…might be “Lifeforce.”


Can't wait to see where Q has put gothic this time and i am wondering how Section 31 will take all this Multiverse travel and if we will see daniels at all

red demon

Gothic got to make a dream come true. One thing that I liked was Gothic's crew pulling hard on the reins when Gothic asked how long it would take to refit the Temptress with the Phaelon material. Gothic got a bit lucky with how he was able to make all that different technology to work together when he designed the Temptress so it was nice to see him hit a bit of a wall.

Joseph Orlando

That is a great question. T'Maz has a lot of data she could potentially share, but Gothic is trusting her to follow the deal he made with 31. Even beyond that, Q finger snapped new knowledge into Gothic's head only, on how dimensional targeting works. He's not going to share that with anyone and will probably handle that aspect going forward, if at all, considering Q is in the driver's seat on his current journey.

Joseph Orlando

I'm glad to hear that. Being an Augment with all this metaknowledge from all the shows is giving him a huge advantage, but he's gotten a little drunk on success and paid the price for it when he and everyone died. His crew, though loyal to him and obedient to a degree, aren't afraid to tell him when he's being ridiculous.

James Wise

Way to go Gothic! Hopefully this will add enough chaos to prevent Di from encountering that paparazzi incident. Also, I would be laughing hysterically if this is the 'Warm Bodies' universe! The RE Movies would be fun action run and gun stuff for sure, but I could see Q having a laugh at having Gothic and crew try to explain the Warm Bodies universe!


given how many zombie apocalypse franchises there are, it could be any of them. The fact that I have to wait a month to find out is gonna drive me up the wall with anticipation.

Joshua Graham

Nice chapter, will Gothic ever return to the flight of the navigator universe and see the result of his adventure there?

stephen lyman

Hmm so a Zombie Universe.. well no matter which one it is I think it's safe to assume that Gothic and his Descendants in this Universe will be Immune to it because of his Augmented Genetics I feel like Gothic would probably set up Safe Zones for survivors to rebuild all over the world these safezones could come with a Nuclear Power Plant and Water Desalinisation plant to provide enough Water and Energy to these new "City States" who knows lol

Joseph Orlando

I haven't written any future chapters or anything where Gothic sees the effect of his actions on FTN Earth, but I'd like to think that Gothic's child made a difference and she didn't die in that car accident.

Joseph Orlando

No plans at the moment, but if it organically makes sense to include that, I wouldn't be opposed to it.

War sage

I like his crew pulled back on his eager was to start using the technology when they can't even begin to understand it, Gothic still drunk on success I see. A Zombie universe oh this will be good., also I noticed you had Gothic leave a probe in orbit of earth. If they technology confused the girls wait till they find out about Zombies lol

Joseph Orlando

The satellite is there to provide Earth some additional protection should any aliens come to threaten that version of Earth. It also provides Gothic a means to keep tabs on that Earth and a beacon to make returning there easier should he wish to.

War sage

I do have wonder, depending on the potential universe, I'm curious as to the potential boon for Gothic to get

Adam Trantham

I was thinking that gothic could have gotten his DNA for comparison too look at changes he went through for either strengthening his women, make vat grown solders, or help his kid. Though also he could have taken everyone DNA for a few reasons 1. track human evolution 2. family trees 3. to see if any genes have die out

maddsloth II

King Charles was just diagnosed with Cancer...

maddsloth II

Last month I started rereading the story and once again, thoroughly enjoyed it. I have noticed a few minor contradictions but most are separated by quite a few chapters, so not super noticeable, but I figured I would mention a few since I found one that happened in back to back chapters. Deep throat II chapter 44 vs 45 Did that come out yet in this universe?" "Yeah, it did. It was pretty good too," someone responded unthinkingly. 45 "That film won't shoot till next year!" she said. "I just learned that I got the role." One other I remember off hand, was from Chapter 17, Data finds a stun/flashbang grenade and does not know what it is and questions the utility of a grenade vs using a phaser on wide beam "Why not simply use a phaser set on wide beam?". In chapter 41 it says the early Flashbang was “made with Data’s help” Even if Data did not recognize the current model or the stun/flash was different than the flashbang he should have remembered why Gothic found them useful. The caveat to that is Data has been shown to be willing to delete knowledge of things he has worked on for Gothic. But I would think if that was the case then Gothic should have had a mental quip about it being ironic he was explaining this to a person who helped build it, or relief to have confirmation that Data was actually deleting his knowledge about the projects they were working on together. in chapter 11, In an episode of TNG Bashir and O'Brien had successfully captured Sloan. Now On with the reading, and the joy of having 46 and in a few days 47 to read!