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I didn't make this shit up.  I did the research.  Everything that Gothic said about both Reagan and his wife was historically accurate.


“I understand that you had a brush with colon cancer last year, Mr. President,” I said. “The surgery you needed took 2 feet of your colon in the end, according to your medical records. You might be interested to know that I took a few scans of you while we have been speaking; you have a small basal cell carcinoma in your nose currently. You might want to have your doctors take a look at that, though your medical technology might not be advanced enough to yet detect it.”

“Are you threatening the Pres—!” the Secretary of Defense shouted.

“Your wife, Nancy, also has the early stages of breast cancer,” I interrupted brazenly, eyes locked with the President, not surprised by the reaction I’d received from his people. “I believe your doctors should be able to detect it at this point in its progression. It’s quite treatable at present, even with your limited medical science.”


President Ronald Reagan: Health and Medical History

At one time Reagan "possessed a remarkable memory that his brother described as photographic" 1. Soon after graduating from college, he auditioned for a sports announcer job by "re-creating the fourth quarter of a Eureka College football game from memory" 1. (Reagan had played in the game.)


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