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Bet you guys didn't realize how much research goes into each chapter I write.  I even learned that this guy was such a Princeton guy, through and through, that he had a Princeton tiger tattooed on his ass.  That didn't make it into the chapter, but you get the point.


‘The leader of the delegation has been identified, with a 97% facial recognition match, as George P. Shultz, current Secretary of State for the Regan administration, appointed by President Regan on July 14, 1982,’ Jarvis answered.

‘Give me a brief bio,’ I ordered, as the delegation began walking towards us slowly, now that it seemed we wouldn’t be killing them.

‘Born in 1920 in New York City, he graduated from Princeton University before serving in the United States Marine Corps during World War II. After the war he earned a Ph.D. in industrial economics from the Masschusetts Institute of Technology. He taught at MIT from 1948 to 1957. Served on President Eisenhower’s Council of Economic Advisors, then Dean of the University of Chicago’s Graduate School of Business, before he accepted President Nixon’s appointment as the United States Secretary of Labor. In 1970 he became the first Director of the Office of Management and Budget until he was appointed the Secretary of the Treasury in 1972.’

‘Thank you, Jarvis, that’s enough,’ I said.


George Shultz - Wikipedia

George Pratt Shultz (; December 13, 1920 - February 6, 2021) was an American economist, businessman, diplomat and statesman. He served in various positions under two different Republican presidents and is one of the only two persons to have held four different Cabinet-level posts, the other being Elliot Richardson.


War sage
