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It's amazing how different some chapters end up from what you originally envisioned.  I admit, I did not see a lot of this happening.

As always, let's comment and discuss! :-)


Darth Bane

I knew Q would fuck with him.

Joseph Orlando

Q is an agent of chaos and Gothic is the best show around at the moment. I'm struggling with how much Q wackiness can or should be part of this story. Too much can hijack the plot or turn things crackish.

War sage

Great chapter I wonder what Gothic can do with those Klingon ships, as while I don't think rhe Empire would care that much about the Birds of Prey the Vor'cha however is another story as with it being a relatively recent design they may not be particularly happy about that though if like in the original story if Gothic does end up marrying Grilka those ships could be a good boost for House Gothic especially if Gothic upgrades them a little bit Hmm I wonder what Gothic will do about the comprised Federation comms system as while it could be useful for him it could him a good reward from S31 Ah Q happy times. Nice to see Sloan again To be honest when it comes to planetary defense network Gothic can really conner the market as Federation is really behind in that field and even if they catch up they have literally hundreds of worlds that need them

Joseph Orlando

Thank you! Sorry for the delay in responding, I missed this comment. Yes, the Klingons would likely not be happy a cruiser is in the hands of someone else. That said, cloaked ships are hard to track. And yes, if the Grilka story line continues mostly as is, he's going to be able to loan those ships to his new wife to improve their house's standing. He'll have a great deal of cover to possess Klingon technology once he takes over a Klingon house. IT's a small breach and was held by a very unimaginative family who are largely gone and of little consequence anymore. They were probably just passing it on to the Romulans in exchange for money or weapons, etc. The Romulans would know what to do with it to get the most value. In this case, I think the most profitable move is to just leave things as is. It will likely be valuable to have a bit more knowledge of what the Federation is up to. Unlike Picard, Gothic quite likes Q and with all his metaknowledge to draw upon, sees Q as a God-like entity that helped the Federation survive the challenges to come. Yes, the Federation has lost its edge. But, as Weyoun once said, Federation engineers can turn rocks into replicators, or something like that. Lol. They need the motivation to come up with the designs, though. But yes, let's say they come up with the motivation and the designs, advanced weapons like a defense net are going to require a stupid amount of highly valuable resources that will be in short supply and in higher demand elsewhere once war breaks out, which is when they'll get the motivation. As always, thank you for your support!!