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In the future I may draw upon this list some more.  The ones meant strictly for Starfleet personnel would probably be off the table.


Medals and Awards

A list of all awards, honors, and medals The Bentman Prize was a prestigious medical honor for Federation physicians. The Betar Prize is a prestigious award given to authors of literature. The Carrington Award was a prestigious honor in the field of medicine, awarded annually by the Federation Medical Council.


War sage

I also assume that medals for stuff like the Cochrane medal for Gothic work on the Slipstream, would be off the table as Gothic wouldn't want the Federation to know about the Drive.

red demon

Interesting list. Too bad Bajor has only two medal listed. It would of been nice to have more to flesh out the Bajoran Defense Forces. Maybe a better name than Bajoran First Minister's Award.

War sage

I think in the last chapter of the Circle arc or the chapter after that Gothic did have a new citation, medal or something made.

red demon

Yes. He received a Commendation Medal. What I meant was that I was hoping for more medals that were unique to Bajor. The Commendation Medal was a medal put forth by Gothic.