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Durdens Wrath

So, I was curious as to why Jellico wasn't more concerned that a cloaked ship was firing. I know in the 23rd century it was practically impossible outside of the prototype Chang used. And it seemed that the ship used in Nemesis was an outlier on a cloaked ship firing as well.

stephen lyman

Would be funny if Gothic goes back to Kessik IV to install their Defence Net and beams into the street outside the Government building housing the President only to see a massive Statue of himself lol would be hilarious to see the reaction of Picard lol

Joseph Orlando

In the 100 years since Undiscovered Country, you've got to assume that various powers have figured this crap out. The technology has had to have improved by leaps and bounds in that span of time. I know the Romulans always uncloak before battle, but I just assumed that might have something to do with their unique power systems. And the Klingons, well, maybe they'd view it as dishonorable to fight while cloaked the entire time, unable to see the 'eyes' of their killers. The shows are silent on this, so I'm going with this idea. Any of you have any thoughts on this?

Joseph Orlando

That's pretty good and not something I had considered. I'll think on that. Gothic is going to have more dealings with Kessik IV as you'll see this chapter.

maddsloth II

Well we know by 2379 the Romulans sort of had a perfect cloak... though I guess the could say it was a one off thing again since it was Shinzon ship. A ship the size of the Temptress and as maneuverable as it is is pure death. The Enterprise E and I think it was 2 warbards could hardly find that ship and it was massive and normal maneuverability.

Durdens Wrath

Probably considering having to uncloak to fire is a power problem, Gothic shouldn't have an issue. I just figured that a cloaked ship firing would be a rarity.

maddsloth II

It is very rare, only two ships are known to have done it in star trek. General Chang's Bird of Pray and Shinzon's Scimitar. If it truly was a power issue, like I think even Kirk thought then the Defiant probably should not have had the problem as Sisko said "It's overpowered" for a ship its size. Also that just seems like such an easy problem to fix just, design a ship with an oversized warp core to provide extra power for it.