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The end of the month snuck up on me, friends.  I'm doing a final polish of chapter 30, but I will most likely post it tomorrow!  For now, enjoy this brief teaser!


The bridge was falling apart around General Martok, structural support beams having been broken. Smoke filled the air as fires were put out and the injured and dying were tended to. His second in command was already dead courtesy of an exploding console and the Ki'tang's shields were down to a paltry sixteen percent. At this point they'd already lost main power, which meant no weapons or engines and the ship was moving on emergency thrusters only. With their engines inoperable, they couldn’t even take the ship to a respectable ramming speed to take a few more of these honorless petaQs with them to the afterlife.

"The Hur'q fight well," Martok complimented with a growl, already accepting that his ship was lost.

He'd not meant to be heard, but he had been.

"The Hur'q still die like dogs when facing true Klingon warriors. Like they did on Qo'noS a thousand years ago," the gunner said, a head wound bleeding profusely, covering his face in purplish blood. "Now we will join those same noble warriors who freed us so long ago from slavery in the afterlife. The great stories they will tell! It will be glorious!!" the man roared to the heavens, a wide smile on his face at the idea of dying so well in battle, against their ancient and most hated enemy.

“Aye. Today is a good day to die!” Martok responded with a smile. “Prepare self-destruct, perhaps we may take a few of our enemies with us!”


Darth Boho

Heck yeah! Hope Martok doesn’t make it to Sto’vo’kor just yet. He has too much more to do.


a great teaser! i can't wait to read the next chapter when it comes out :-)

Joseph Orlando

Martok is one of my favorite Klingons. :-) So don't worry, he's going to be in the story for a long time to come. Quick question, who thinks Martok would become good friends with Gothic?? I feel like they would jive well together. Maybe I should even make Martok a fan of Gothic's holo-novels?