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“Link established,” Scarlett responded after nearly 20 seconds, using Annika’s stored contact information from my personal database, the link taking little time to establish even with the great interstellar distance to cross between Earth and Deep Space 9. The large black rectangular holo-image containing the floating, rotating symbol of Bajor, which depicted the current status of the video link and was projected from my omni-tool into midair, was soon replaced with a very familiar sight.

It took several long moments before I heard Annika’s groggy voice.

“Hello? Who’s calling at this hour?” Annika asked, before the video link activated and we could see each other, in full high-definition quality. The holo-image of the video link was rich and vibrant. Guess I forgot to check the actual time in San Francisco on Earth before making the call. Whoops!

Even though I’d obviously just woken her in the middle of the night, Annika looked…beautiful. Her blonde hair was untied and flowing loosely over her shoulders. It didn’t help that she was wearing a familiar sheer pink silk camisole top which hung over her frame, emphasizing everything underneath, including how the air of her apartment was obviously cooler than her bed. The hard nipples on her large, full breasts were tenting the silk; unbidden, my memory filled in the details on how they felt under my fingertips and how they tasted. If my memory was any indication, she was wearing matching short shorts in pink silk which rode up her ass, though I couldn’t confirm as her lower body was out of the video frame.

Was there any deeper meaning to be had in her still wearing the sexy pajamas I’d gotten for her? Even after all this time?



I love the teaser and I can't wait to read the whole chapter to find out what else happens next