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33 Sun-drenched bedrooms with mesmerizing ocean views

In this stunning collection of beachside bedrooms that we have put together, the tantalizing ocean views take center stage and have you dreaming of the sound of crashing waves. If you are lucky enough to own a piece of beachfront property, than you already know that maximizing ocean views is a high priority.


red demon

This one is my favorite. I can see Gothic very early in the morning wearing only a pair of shorts leaning against that pilar by the window with a drink in his hand, the fireplace providing the only light. Gothic's Bajoran Babes passed out on the bed. A sheet barely covering them as Gothic stares out the window watching lightning flash as a storm brews on the horizon.

Joseph Orlando

I like that a lot! In a couple of future chapters in the old story I had a few scenes set in his home. I was very concerned I wasn't doing it justice, to be honest, which is why I've been seeking out good pictures of prominent homes as reference points to inspire me and paint a more comprehensive and full picture. As much as I love Star Trek, I've always felt it was really important for Gothic to have a place of his own, something more akin to what he was used to, a place filled with nature, not set on either the station or a starship, even his own. I wanted a harsh juxtaposition from all the canon series. Never in those series do we spend any appreciable length of time on a planet. His desire to build a home on Bajor is a link to his past, but also a commitment to his future as a citizen of Bajor. I've been really happy lately that I've made more of a point of him using his home's infrastructure and capabilities to both provide charity to Bajor and in the most recent chapter, to keep the squadron he bought functioning with new parts. There is a also a huge secret that I've hidden about the house. I only threw in a very subtle line hinting at it, but you'll see in a distant chapter what I mean.

red demon

It's also not surprising that Gothic built such a place instead of just having some quarters on DS9. Gothic has wealth now that he could only dream of in his past life. Before he arrived in this universe he had an apartment before that it was probably officer bachelor quarters on base and before that it was either a crowded apartment or living at home while he attended Uni. He could for all intents and purposes resign his commission and go live as a king as a warlord in the Triangle or spend his money on something nice for himself.