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I think this chapter may have come the furthest from where it started to where it eventually ended up.  

As always, I would love to hear your thoughts and impressions.  Let's talk in the comments! :-)  Also, I've picked an image that's in my mind's eye for Gothic's new rifle!!  Expect that soon!


Darth Boho

Another great chapter! I really loved seeing all the awesome new weapons in action. I like the idea of including explosives or acids in the rounds, both to eliminate evidence, but also to be more damaging, like the incendiary or poisonous mods in Mass Effect. Even if there was no materials he could steal, I’m glad Gothic got some good loot in the stolen databases. There’s bound to be some interesting stuff in there. Also loved the Kull warrior gauntlet guns. Always nice to have a hold-out available in emergencies. And SG1 is one of my favorite shows, too. Hope to see more of that, and it would make a great holo series. Maybe a couple dozen missions per season, and have new seasons published every year or two. Can’t wait for the next one, keep up the good work!

War sage

I have to say this was a great chapter, it was nice to get a look at section 31and the cleaners, though while I like how you structured S31 does that mean every cell has a starship ti stay mobile, also I can't be sure but doesn't s31 have some bases. I have to say love the kull warrior wrist weapon sg1 has always been a favorite of mine, maybe Gothic could create a holonovel series based on stargate and other scifi shows like BSG, anyway keep up the great work.

Joseph Orlando

At this point in time, Gothic really has no idea what Section 31 has or doesn't have, even with all his foreknowledge, but he's making some good suppositions based on that extra knowledge and what he's seeing now. In my head canon, Section 31 probably has some bases for various purposes, even if some of those places have a visible and normal purpose. We saw such a thing with that Vulcan colony that was being set up that was also being used to study the rift device. I've always loved the wrist device and Stargate as a whole too. In this case, I wanted a weapon built into his armor, kind of like his holdout weapon that he used to kill that assassin way back when. There might come a time when I do write Stargate! It's a great show. If I ever wrote a followup to this fic, I'd strongly consider trying my hand at a Stargate fic. Thanks for the message! Glad you liked the latest chapter!

Joseph Orlando

As he uses the TR-116 functionality, I may come up with new ways to mod those rounds. It's actually a relatively easy change as he'd be changing the ammunition rather than the weapon system itself. There will definitely be little treasures in there, if only he can find them! ;-) Yes, exactly my thinking. IT's more of a hold out weapon for him, like the type 1 phaser he used to kill that assassin. That is true. There are 10 seasons worth of material to choose from. I hadn't originally intended to create another holo-novel based on Stargate, but you're the second person now to say that. I'll have to give it more thought. So glad you liked the new chapter! Thanks for your message!