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A much simpler bit of tech were the Bajoran Raiders, as they were called, which I was now in charge of. They were lightly-armed sub-impulse (meaning thrusters only) raiders used by the rebels. The Bajoran resistance engineers who had originally designed the craft had designed them without any comfort in mind, in a strictly utilitarian style to reduce resource costs and maintenance/repair complexity. This style required the two flight crew occupants to bend their knees to even fit in the seats, for instance. Although capable of achieving a high-altitude orbit, and some limited space travel, these vessels were most effective in atmospheric combat. For weapons, the vessels were armed with dual phaser emitters and were equipped with literal fire extinguishers under the seats. Not even joking.


Bajoran raider

Bajoran raiders, or more specifically sub-impulse raiders, were antiquated, lightly-armed sub-impulse powered raiders used by the Bajorans during the mid-24th century. The Bajoran engineers who designed the craft built them without comfort in mind, offering cramped quarters and requiring occupants to bend their knees to fit in the seats.


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