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Enjoy, my friends!  Let me know what you think :-)


red demon

Another excellent chapter. Ro has finally joined. I think she will make a great addition to the team. Not just because it gives Gothic a hot girl to join him and Kira in the bedroom...or the cargo bay or the hallway floor but because she's a trained officer. Gothic for all his strengths is not a trained officer. Ok, another thing she can bring to the table with her living on Earth she can introduce Kira to sexy underwear and lingerie. :) I did like the cargo loading scene. I liked seeiing all the stuff Gothic aacquired for the Bajorians. I've been wanting a scene like from "Charile Wilson's War" where Vickers tells Wilson what the Afghans need to fight the Soviets. The boarding operation was great. I like the idea for Gothic looking at their kit and thinking about what they carry. That will serve him well when he's thinking on the future of Bajorian forces.

Joseph Orlando

Lol, introduce sexy underwear... I wonder if I shouldn't write a scene where Kira goes just a little crazy trying out the replicator. A moment where she realizes she can have practically anything. I remember that scene. I think Gothic has, off screen, told Section 31 what they need. He did communicate that they need replicators, for instance. The real constraint, though, is always going to be what could the Bajorans reasonably/believably acquire on their own? There is a line where it's going to be patently obvious an outside power is bankrolling the whole thing. They can't cross it. Gothic, in this last chapter, even had to pay out of pocket to buy Gaila's weapons because the Resistance just didn't have the money, so he's already pushing things as it is. There are going to be a few scenes in the future where Gothic spends some time designing new weapons and technology. His girls are going to benefit from that, even if they don't necessarily buy into the full body armor like Gothic does.

red demon

I have no doubt Gothic has been giving Section 31 a wish list of things they need. I just remember how humorous I found that scene of the nerdy looking kid playing four chess games at once rattled of a list of Soviet weapons the Afghans needed. It got me thinking that it's not inconceivable that Starfleet might be sitting on a large cache of captured Cardassian weapons and tech from all those boarder skirmishes.

Joseph Orlando

Captured Cardassian weapons from the war.... That is an intriguing idea!! I kind of wish I had thought of it to be honest, lol. Section 31 would need to disappear them, assuming Starfleet didn't just recycle the things, which is probably the most likely outcome. Even in the real world, the US military often won't transport back weapon stockpiles from overseas deployments, they destroy them. They do that because it's actually cheaper to just purchase new weapons then to pack them up and ship them back. The Bajor arc is coming to a close pretty soon, so I'm not sure I'll have much of a chance to add much more there, but I'll keep your suggestion in mind.

red demon

Yeah understandable. Such a cache would of only been useful earlier back when Gothic was trying to establish his creds with the Bajorians. I just figured if there were any captured weapons knocking about Section 31 would of grabbed them. You never know when having a large amount of weapons, especially ones built by an enemy, would come in handy.

Joseph Orlando

The more I think about it, the more I think Section 31 wouldn't risk it. Presumably there is some replication involved in Cardassian weapon manufacturing. We know, for instance, that there is a micro identification tag that Starfleet builds into the replicated items onboard Starfleet ships. We saw that in the Saurian episode in Voyager where a replicated uniform had an ID tag that identified it as coming from Voyager. It wouldn't be a crazy thing for the Cardassians to have serial numbers, or other micro ID tags built into their weapons identifying exactly where they were deployed or who they were assigned to. So, there is a non-zero chance, that these captured Cardassian weapons could be identified as belonging to this regiment/warship lost to the Federation during the war. If they started asking how these weapons then ended up on Bajor, then there is a chance the Federation's involvement could be suspected. This is all very unlikely on some level, but Section 31 is extremely cautious and conservative.


Awesome chapter, I hope we see more 21st century ones brought to the 24st-century technology level Like Claymore and Mortar. Be interesting to see when Uses his knowledge as combat engineer in future The coming war with with Dominion and the Collectors

Joseph Orlando

Gothic will often be inspired by the things from his past/world. Like in the last chapter, as a combat engineer he regularly used C4, so he felt comfortable using it again on the Collector ship. I have to walk a fine line in reproducing things directly. I'm much more interested in taking inspiration instead and making a 24th century equivalent that the Federation could have made but lacked the imagination to anymore.