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Kira and I had come to the truly ostentatious mansion of Gaila, a successful Ferengi arms merchant, who I had discovered/remembered was a cousin to Deep Space Nine's very own Quark. Gaila had featured pretty heavily in a late season episode of DS9 that had been pretty damn good where he had brought Quark into his business and began selling weapons on the station in holographic form.

Gaila's specialty was weapons and heavy armament, but he would trade in anything as a sideline if it could make him a profit. He also owned his very own moon, which Quark harped on and on about in the show as a symbol of his cousin’s wealth and success, however he had directed us to meet him on his home on Verex III rather than on his moon. He probably used his home on Verex for business meetings with people he didn’t know all that well, whereas his moon was for trusted business partners and where he likely kept the most valuable aspects of his business empire. It was a smart move overall, I admitted. Or maybe he didn’t own the moon yet? To be honest, I really didn’t care all that much.


Gaila (Ferengi)

I'm a weapons dealer, not a soldier!Gaila Gaila was a male Ferengi and arms dealer of the Ferengi Alliance in the 24th century. He was successful enough to buy his own moon. Odo noted that he knew Gaila to be a more devious Ferengi than Quark, his cousin.


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