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Chapter 16 is done, my friends.  Thank the lord.  This month was crazy, went on vacation, my company got bought, my boss (whom I loved) then left the company, so tons of chaos.  Thankfully, this chapter came together really well in a relatively short amount of time.  My plan is to give it one final quick read through for polishing, with a fresh pair of eyes, and publish it on the evening of July 1st or 2nd.

In the meantime, enjoy this teaser!  :-)


I forced my thoughts back to the here and now because a lack of concentration or even a single moment of inattention was something that would put me in a world of hurt, assuming I survived at all if this thing suddenly went off. Somehow I doubted my personal shield was strong enough to stop the point-blank detonation of a photon torpedo meant for a starship. Let’s be realistic here.

“Stop!” Kira nearly shouted in my ear, having been looking over my shoulder as I modified this torpedo to function in a way its designers had never intended. It was meant to be fired from a ship-board launcher in space, detonating after hitting a hard target, most likely another shielded starship, not placed somewhere, stationary, and remote detonated with the equivalent of a homemade janky ass walkie talkie.

My hand instantly stilled, a half inch away from touching the detonator which I had been about to remove in order to connect our homemade receiver, which would allow for remote detonation.

“Are you trying to kill yourself, human fool?!” she complained, pulling my hand back slowly, careful not to touch any of the nearby components. “If you’re trying to commit suicide, do it on your own time and not when you’ll take me with you!”


War sage

A poton torpedo IED....oh my.

Joseph Orlando

Yep! :-) If you guys looked at the memory alpha page I posted for Gul Pirak, who Gothic helped assassinate, you'll find that he was in command of a weapons depot. So the Resistance did a little shopping during that mission. That said, now I'm slightly concerned the yield might destroy like 20 kilometers of land or something, so I might need to tweak the chapter a bit to add a line saying Gothic lowered the blast yield on the thing. Thanks for helping point out the need for that!

War sage

That may be a good idea, could you lower the yield by draining some of the anti matter, not sure what you do with a container as that would be extremely dangerous.

Joseph Orlando

Draining the anti-matter might be more dangerous than just lowering the yield. As far as I know, there were references here and there in a few of the series that indicated the torpedoes could have variable yields. To accomplish what the Resistance wants to do this chapter, they might need to "waste" a bit of the yield here to avoid, you know, putting a multi-kilometer wide hole in the ground. Might require several sentences now to save! lol.

Joe The squatch

I mean....if someone needs to expedite the process of digging an artificial lake then it'll be fiinneee...maybe.

Joseph Orlando

Ha! Thankfully it went all right. Variable yield photon torpedoes in my head canon are probably possible by changing the efficiency of the reaction between matter and anti-matter. More inefficient equals lower blast yield, higher efficiency equals higher blast yield.