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From behind a transparent and obviously reinforced metal barrier I watched several remote-controlled worker robots attach one of two external micro-torpedo launchers to the wings of the The Flighty Temptress. The launchers reminded me of an anti-air missile battery or the multi-mission launcher the Army had developed in my old world, which had all the torpedoes preloaded in separate launch tubes, like a grid. This design meant that I could fire multiple torpedoes at a time, but the number was finite and there would be no reloading on the fly as the launchers were externally mounted to the wings and would require leaving the ship to either reload or repair them.


Army Accelerates Air & Missile Defense Five Years: MSHORAD, MML, Lasers

Today, Brig. Gen. McIntire told me, Army field artillery and air & missile defense are like two boxers, one who can only punch and the other who can only block. "We've got to have one boxer that has the ability to strike and block simultaneously," he said.


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