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"I clasped my weapon firmly in my hands. It was a Starfleet Phaser Rifle only somewhat different than the standard issue ones. In fact, this one was a prototype Type-4 compression phaser rifle I’d received from Section 31, a weapon that wasn’t scheduled to be released to the fleet for widespread use for a few more years. I’d actually seen this rifle in several episodes of Star Trek: Voyager.

It was long and sleek, with a compact handle and front grip to steady the weapon for multiple shots, and unlike normal Starfleet Phaser Rifles this weapon had a lot more options for when it came to making things dead. The top plane of the rifle also had what looked like extended wing-like protrusions allowing for a higher capacity power cell. It also had a cylinder like shoulder butt with something that looked like a shock absorber. The cylinder design felt like a poor choice, but I reminded myself that Starfleet had members of many, many different races, besides humans, and this was likely the best choice to fit as many comfortably as they could."


Compression phaser rifle

The Compression phaser rifle was a type of Starfleet phaser rifle carried on some Starfleet starships in the 2370s. (VOY: "Caretaker", "Equinox", "Message in a Bottle") 1 History 2 Appendices 2.1 See also 2.2 Appearances 2.3 Background information 2.4 External link The USS Voyager was equipped with compression phaser rifles as a standard part of its weapons inventory.


Joe The squatch

That’s a shooting face if I’ve ever seen one

Joseph Orlando

You better believe it. But Gothic has seen Janeway's "O-Face" so he's cool with it. :-P In fact, this might actually be pretty close to Janeway's "O-Face", lol.

red demon

The compression phaser rifle is an interesting choice for Gothic to use. It seemed to never have been adopted by Starfleet in large numbers. My head canon has always been that the weapon was designed as a lessons learned from their fights with the Cardassians. Less complicated, more rugged, more powerful than the type-3. Though I hope Gothic ditches that shoulder stock for something better like a stock similar to an M4 style or maybe something from the Heckler & Koch HK33 series.

Joseph Orlando

I have to admit, I did not give much thought to the stock of the rifle I designed in the original story. I'll have to pay more attention to it when we come to that scene in the future.