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Awesome art by: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/gizmo0sue

It was an exciting day for the entire school, but most of all for those that were graduating. So many young adults lined up in the massive gymnasium ready to begin the next chapter of their lives. Despite spirits being generally high and jovial, Summer's mind was understandably elsewhere.

She looked among the faces of her classmates, some of whom were meant to take place in her trials, most of all a rather handsome German Shepherd that stuck by his own little group of friends. He was tall and thin figured with long hair tied back in a ponytail, which made him instantly recognizable. He had kind eyes and a mostly cheerful disposition that made him easily approachable and friendly.

Though David wasn't as popular as some of the more well known athletes or wealthy students among their class, he did enjoy a moderate level of the social caste, about equal to her own. As such, pursuing him for her purely sexual desire wasn't out of her league nor would it be considered a charity fuck.

Summer's thoughts mainly revolved around the subject at hand. She seemed rather oblivious to the rest of the ceremony, going about it somewhat roboticly and smiling when she was given a cue to do so. She just wanted it all to end so they could all go to their separate parties.

Eventually it did in the early afternoon. After the doberman had shifted her cap tassel to the side in front of all her peers and family, accepted her diploma, and walked back to the crowd of other excited students, the gymnasium erupted into a gyre of applause and shouts. Once outside, pictures were taken and excited hugs were exchanged. Not only was it graduation day, but it was also the last day of highschool.

Four grades worth of students came rushing out of every exit of the two story building when the last bell rang and soon the seniors became swept up in the torrent of bodies. It was for the best, as the day was getting rather hot and the repressive gowns were badly wanting to be shed. Everyone dispersed and headed for their respective graduation parties that dotted the city. For Summer it was one step closer to her goal for the day.

Simone sighed as she plopped down into the passenger side of the doberman's black sedan. “Ugh, it's so nice being done with it all.”

“Done? Things are just getting started,” Summer laughed and started her car. She wasn't in a rush to leave of the parking lot as there was already a line of vehicles clogging the two lanes out.

“Maybe for you, but I'm ready to relax and not worry about shit for three months.” The otter turned to her friend and smirked. “You excited? How sure are you that David will be at your place?”

“You have no idea how excited I am,” Summer giggled. “And I know David will be at my party because I told him that I had something special for him and that it was important that he get it before the end of the day. Besides, his party isn't until next weekend so he doesn't have much else going on.”

“Doesn't he though? What about the parties of his other friends?” Simone asked as she finished folding her gown into a neat pile on her lap and extracted her phone from her pocket.

“All of their parties are staggered as well,” the doberman gave her friend a sly grin. “There's a reason I picked him to kick things off. Don't take me for someone that doesn't plan.”

The otter snickered. “I guess you're right, I should have known.”

Summer managed to slip into a vacant space within the thinning traffic and pulled out onto the residential streets that surrounded the highschool. From there it was a short drive to her place where the festivities were already well underway.

Music thrummed through speakers set around the massive back yard, tables stacked with food and drinks were around, and what seemed like a hundred people were already in attendance. At the moment it was mostly family but a few friends from other grades had also shown up, and even a few from her own.

Unfortunately David wasn't there just yet but the doberman wasn't worried. When she told him how important it was that he be at her graduation party she made sure to punctuate it with a brief conversation, of which might have resulted with him getting to see and get a palm full of her tits. With the implication that there was more to be had, she was certain it wouldn't be long before he arrived.

The afternoon had progressed towards evening and the sun was casting long shadows. Summer's party had only swelled since then and she was somewhat afraid that her massive house wasn't going to be big enough for all the people that were there. It was the first time her thoughts had actually wondered to the present rather than being stuck to what she had planned for later.

She idly chatted with various family that came up to talk about what college she had chosen. Simone stuck by her side the whole time being the emotional support that she desperately needed. Already the doberman could feel her social battery rapidly depleting and she was getting tired of smiling and walking around.

There was barely even a place to sit and she didn't want to excuse herself to her room for fear of missing out on David coming around while she was gone or taking more time away from the party than she had planned. If she was gone for too long it might prompt curious family members to come seek her out, a pretty shitty outcome when she might have a cute guy's cock knot deep in her pussy.

Summer sipped at a plastic cup filled with fruit punch when she caught sight of her prized boy from across her yard. He came in a pair of clothes entirely different than what he left school in. His hair was actually done up as well and he came baring a card with her name on it. Such a sweetheart, she thought hungrily to herself.

David made a show of searching the backyard for the doberman and soon found her as she came casually trotting over to him, Simone right on her tail.

“Hey! So glad you could make it!” Summer barked excitedly and threw her arms around the boy's shoulders. Not expecting such a greeting, the shepherd stumbled back a step and clumsily wrapped his arms around her torso. She made sure to give him a tight enough squeeze so that he could feel her breasts squish against his chest, and possibly the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra.

“Of course, wouldn't miss it for the world,” he half laughed as the two pulled apart. “Sorry I'm late, I've been party hoping all day.”

“It's no worries, there's quite a few of them going on,” Summer said and glanced down at the car that he was sow fidgeting with. “Oh, is that for me?”

“Huh? Oh! Yeah it is,” David nervously chuckled and held it out to her. “It's not much, but I hope it helps pay off that first year of tuition.”

“Aww, such a sweetheart,” Summer cooed and accepted the card. She shared a look with Simone and the otter giggled. “How about you follow me and we can put it in the box with the others? Then I can give you you graduation gift.”

“Sounds good to me,” he agreed. The three of them turned and trotted to the back of the party where large, three car garage sat empty of vehicles but full of tables, picture laden tri-folds, and the huge graduation cake. Next to the cake was a massive yellow cardboard box with a big slit cut into its lid. Summer dropped David's card inside and then turned with an eager grin to look at him. He smiled back still with a sizable air of nervousness. She was determined to alleviate some of that anxiety from him.

“All right, come on,” the doberman said and snagged the shepherd's paw as she dashed passed him. He was slow to follow but soon kept pace as Simone practically shoved him along. No one seemed to pay the three any mind as they rushed through the back door, through the packed kitchen, and up the stairs that lead all the way up to her room. Each level they went up there were fewer and fewer people, soon entirely devoid of anyone beside them as they came to be at the doberman's door.

“You've never really been over here, have you?” Summer asked as she meandered into her room.

“Nope, we've never really hung out before,” David said with a shrug. “Why is that by the way?”

“Oh, we all have our own little groups, you know? Plus, this whole year has been so busy, I don't know how you had the time to juggle all your friendships. I can barely keep Simone in the loop,” the doberman said cheerfully and looked over at the otter that hovered nearby. She returned the look and stuck out her tongue.

“I can give you guys a good fifteen minutes or so, think that'll be enough?” Simone asked.

“Yeah, that should be plenty enough time,” Summer replied and turned back to the shepherd with a half lidded grin.

“Plenty of time for what?” David asked. His suspicions for the situation had been steadily growing and now they were all but confirmed, which brought on some mild panic.

Neither girl answered him, instead the otter grabbed the door handle and pulled it shut, leaving the dogs alone as she stood just outside to keep watch. As soon as it was just the two of them, Summer grasped the bottom of her shirt and lifted it over her head.

David froze, fresh shock and excitement rushing through his veins as he was given a full, uninterrupted view of Summer's breasts. They bounced as the fabric slid up and over, her nipples already hard with anticipation of what was to come.

The doberman tossed her clothing to the side and then grabbed the sides of her shorts, ready to push them down, but froze when she saw that he was just staring at her and not doing anything. “Well? Come on, we don't have a whole lot of time.”

“Yeah, for what exactly?” he asked again and swallowed hard.

“For you to fuck me, obviously,” Summer laughed and shoved her bottoms, underwear and all, down her legs. She stepped out of them and approached the other dog, entirely naked save for her socks that she fished off her feet.

“F-fuck you?” he stammered with alarm. Her words fully cemented the situation in his mind and he truly couldn't believe this was happening, bordering on suspicion that this was all a prank. Well, at least if it was, he got a good eyeful of her entire body, something that he doubt many others would be able to say the same for.

By the time she got to him and saw that he still hadn't done anything she stopped and looked up into his eyes. “That's right. Did...you not want to?” she asked as an icy feeling spilled over her own nerves in that moment. Her entire trial adventure hinged on this sole interaction, without it her dreams of being the largest point holder and her entire vacation would be ruined.

If something had come up that was going to prevent him from doing this then she was absolutely screwed. She had back up options just in case he got cold feet or wasn't sure about it, but she really didn't want to have to pay a guy to fuck her or call Simone in for what was assuredly every straight guy's fantasy, but no matter what she couldn't force him to do it. What the hell happened to old-fashioned eagerness?

“N-no, I want to. I just didn't expect things to be going so fast,” he continued as his paws finally went to his shirt and began pulling it off.

“Well, the longer you dawdle the faster things are gunna have to get,” Summer replied and then placed both paws against his chest and shoved him as hard as she could.

David had his shirt halfway over his head when he was sent stumbling backwards. He yelped in surprise, a sound that was muffled by the fabric, but instead of finding the hard floor his back thudded against Summer's big soft bed. By the time he finally yanked the article over his head he was met with the sight of Summer attacking the front of his pants.

His jeans were unzipped, unbuttoned, and yanked off in just a couple seconds. His remaining boxers were much the same, leaving him nearly as nude as she was. Once she was presented with his sheath, she was happy to see that he was already at a half stand. There was barely anything she needed to do, but she still did need to do something.

The doberman splayed her paws against his lap and framed his groin before she leaned down to take his growing length into her mouth. The unexpected move made the shepherd gasp and then groan a little louder than either of them would have liked. Luckily the party two stories down was still well underway so there was no chance of them being found out.

Summer giggled to herself, his reaction being beyond cute as she began drawing a strong vacuum to his sensitive length while her tongue wrapped around his sides. She kept him still while she started bobbing her head, going slowly at first but steadily picking up speed.

David grabbed at the covers as intense pleasure wound through him. His breathing hitched as he struggled to maintain a bit of control over himself but it was becoming difficult. It didn't take much coaxing to get his cock as hard as a rock and fully erect, but just because it was didn't mean that Summer was done sucking him.

The taste of the shepherd's member was pleasantly clean. He had clearly gotten out of the shower before coming to her party and she was quite grateful for it. And the way his moans so frequently drifted form his hanging mouth was like sweet music to her ears. Getting anyone to the point that they were carrying on so enthusiastically like that was her ultimate goal.

While David was certainly more than ready to take things to the next level, the doberman had to get herself ready as well. Luckily she had been nursing a healthy amount of arousal through the whole day just thinking about this exact moment. When she brought one paw down between her legs and dipped her fingers against her pussy lips they came away drenched in her juices. When she sank two digits into herself a loud, wet slurp emanated from between her thighs.

A blissful wave of pleasure rose up from her cunt as she casually rocked her fingers in and out of her needy hole, going as deep as they could before pulling back and bringing a fair amount of her own juices with. She curled the tips against her G-spot each time and before long she was moaning along with David, albeit muffled.

The shepherd was getting far too excited from the treatment. His hips bucked against her mouth as she would repeatedly bob her head while grinding her tongue against his underside. Her frequent moans made his length vibrate slightly and encouraged precum to begin beading from his tip. He was doing all he could to stay quiet as he didn't want their fun to be interrupted just as equally.

Only a couple minutes of their shared foreplay passed before the doberman suddenly pulled her mouth back with a satisfied gasp and grinned down at the sloppy pyre. It throbbed with the beat of his heart and looked like he was right on the verge of cumming. Perfect, she thought to herself before she climbed onto his lap.

“W-whoaw!” David said with surprise as he looked up from Summer to her pussy as it came to hover over his length.

“What?” she giggled as she grabbed his member by the base and continued stroking it as she lined herself up.

“N-nothing...it's just that I didn't expect you to be so hairy,” he confessed, his face reddening.

Summer paused and then gave the shepherd an irritated look. “Yeah, woman have hair, real life isn't as curated as porn,” she said and then sank down onto his cock.

“A-ah! I know, just...not used to seeing so much,” he replied as she began working her hips form side to side, grinding on his lap as she got comfortable with his length. He wasn't particularly large, average if anything, but she still wanted to make sure she was ready to begin riding.

“You won't have to worry about seeing any more if you keep talking about it,” Summer huffed irritably. She leaned her form forward and began rolling her hips up and down while squeezing.

“S-sorry,” he whispered and groaned hotly as her constricting depths began milking him. He resumed bucking up to meet her downward stroke and soon a loud smack resulted from their every motion.

Summer's gleeful mood resumed shortly thereafter and her cries of ecstasy began spilling freely from her open mouth. Her breasts bounced as enthusiastically as the rest of her, her large, dark nipples drawing circles in the air. It was a tantalizing sight that caught the shepherd's attention and he stared at them like they were a hypnotist's pendulum.

Summer had since closed her eyes while she merely rode the other dog, but when she opened them just a crack she spotted his fixed gaze. She grinned at his cute expression and suddenly leaned back to the point that her form was straight above his lap. She reached down and took his paws in hers and then placed them over her tits.

David was so surprised by the abrupt motion that he almost didn't keep them there but he soon picked up on her meaning. He squeezed her breasts just enough to make their soft flesh mold slightly between his fingers. This made the doberman whimper longingly and wiggle her hips from side to side for a few seconds before resuming her fevered riding.

Their combined motions steadily grew faster and harder as the minutes of their fun ticked by. Summer had since lost all track of time by that point, purely focused on her own satisfaction. She had been so consumed with herself that she almost entirely forgot that David's groans had been getting louder and his motions had begun to grow shaky and irregular.

“F-fuck! Fuck!” the shepherd growled suddenly through grit teeth. Summer blinked in surprised and snapped her attention down to him in time to see him thrust up into her cunt as hard as he could and bury his knot inside of her. It swelled up immediately right before a deluge of hot, canine cum splattered her insides.

“Holy shit!” she laughed, amazed at the sudden turn of events. David squirmed around while thrusting against her as wildly as his stuck bulb would allow, each movement causing a fresh salvo of his jizz to pool within. It was warm and sticky and truly filled her every crevice. For being as average everywhere else, his load size was certainly impressive.

Summer settled her weight back on his lap and just sat there while she watched him. He breathed heavily and shuddered every so often as a stray, orgasmic shock writhed through his nerves. His face had gone slack, mouth open and tongue lolling from the side of his jaw. She quietly giggled to herself at the sight and occupied herself with gently rolling her hips to stir his cum around.

“Oh my, you've made such a mess,” she laughed.

“S-sorry...” he replied and let his paws fall from their place on her chest. While there wasn't much of his jizz escaping, she had gotten fucked by enough dogs that she knew as soon as they separated she would have to change her bedding.

“No worries, did you have fun?” she asked softly and stroked her own paws over his belly and chest in a soothing manner. He only offered her a blissful nod in reply. “Good.”

Without warning Summer pressed down on his belly and lifted her hips rather aggressively. She had taken toys bigger than David's dick before, so pulling off his knot was no trouble, though it was slightly uncomfortable. He yelped in surprise as he popped free and a torrent of his cum evacuated from her sloppy hole right away.

Summer quickly flopped onto her bed and lied back in an attempt to keep a majority of his cum inside and was moderately successful. David shifted away to give her some room and smiled warmly at the view of her gorgeous form now laid out right beside him. He was about to pay her a compliment about how beautiful she was and how lucky he was to have had this experience, but she cut him off.

“Before you go I need something from you,” Summer said and reached over to the table right next to her bed and opened the small drawer beneath it.

“Before I go?” he asked confused.

Summer turned back around holding the FDT notebook. She opened it and flipped to the start of her entry and held it out to him. “I need you to sign this, if you don't mind.”

David's eyes went wide when he realized what he was being presented with. “Oh shit, you're the one doing it this year?” he asked, amazed.

“Sure am. Congrats on being the one to help me kick it off,” the doberman said happily.

“Uh...yeah I guess,” he sighed and took the pen that was stuffed into the coil of wire that made up the notebook's spine.

Summer quirked a brow. “What's the matter? Cheer up, you just got laid,” she giggled.

“Yeah, but it would have been nice to know this was just going to be a sex thing,” he replied and quickly signed his name below her first entry.

“You know I can't,” she said and took the notebook when he handed it back. He could only offer a shrug to her statement. “Would you have said no if I had told you what it was all about?”

“I guess not,” he confirmed after a couple seconds of thought.

“Then we're all good right?” she pressed. He just shrugged again.

“Can we at least cuddle or hang out for a bit?”

“Not really. I still need to cum and you've got a party to get back to,” the doberman said and replaced the notebook back in its drawer.

“Oh shit, s-sorry,” he said bashfully and looked back down between her legs at the lingering mess of his cum over her lips and tangle of pubic hair. “I can stay and help out if you want.”

“Thanks, but Simone has it all covered,” Summer said and looked him in the eyes. “But thanks for understanding. You can tell her to come back in when you leave.”

David nodded and slipped off the bed. He gathered his clothes and pulled them all back on. He took his time in doing so as he was still processing what had just happened, but luckily he had all night to come to grips with it.

When he opened Summer's door and stepped out in the hallway, he met the otter's gaze as she stood leaning against the opposite wall. “She says she wants to talk with you,” he mumbled and then began down the hall towards the stairs.

Simone watched him go and couldn't help but be slightly amused by his dejected expression. When he had begun descending the steps, she meandered into Summer's room and closed the door behind her. She was immediately pleased with the messy sight in front of her as she spotted the doberman oriented towards her with her legs spread wide. The cream that continued to ooze from her cunt was warm and still fresh.

“Hope you don't mind cleaning up and getting me off,” Summer said as she propped herself up on one elbow.

“Not at all,” the otter said and came closer. She didn't bother undressing herself, there wasn't really a need. She just sank to her knees and leaned her head forward enough to press her mouth to the well used pussy.

Summer gasped and bit her bottom lip as her friend's tongue sank into her opening and began scooping out loads of David's jizz. She eagerly swallowed the musky liquid and repeatedly came back for more. Simone was quite thorough with her lapping, going deeper with every pass. The doberman let her legs settle down on the other's shoulders as she worked fervently to clean up what was still spilling out.

Once the otter was confidant she had gotten most of the cum, she began to lap quickly over everything else. She licked Summer's lips to a glistening sheen and then began lapping across her course fuzz like she were a cat trying to groom it's litter mate. Summer would have found the sight to be rather cute if she wasn't so lost in her own bliss.

The doberman was much more sensitive than she had thought, which made sense given her bout of fun just a few moments to go. Such a shame, she thought. If David had just lasted a couple more minutes he would have been able to claim her climax for himself. Instead it would go to her best friend, like it so often had lately.

Summer wrapped her legs tightly around the other's head and cried out as she gushed her femme juices into her friend's awaiting mouth. Simone was quick to latch her lips around the spurting hole and eagerly drank down all that she could, a decent chaser for the gooey meal. While the doberman shook and shivered with roiling waves of ecstasy that crossed through her abdomen, Simone never relented on her pleasing.

Soon enough, Summer had calmed down to the point that she released the otter from her thigh prison and completely deflated over her sheets. She breathed heavily for a few seconds and then let out a loud, satisfied sigh.

“Fuck, that never gets old,” she said and sat up. Simone perked up at the sudden movement and smiled obediently up at her friend. “You're the best.”

Summer graced the otter with a quick but passionate kiss on the lips and tasted some of herself before getting up and trotting over to her heap of discarded clothes. In less than a minute she was dressed and ready to go back out to her party.

Simone met her at her door and the two merrily trotted down the two flights of stairs to the ground level practically side by side. To Summer's surprise not many had seemed to notice her absence, but she took it as a blessing. However the absence she did notice for herself was David's. Seemed as though he didn't really care to stick around after their fun.

For a few moments she wondered if she should have felt some guilt for misleading him a bit, but then again what exactly did he expect was going to happen? Summer was much too free of a spirit to be tied down to just one knot. And besides, there was still a lot of growing up that he needed to do.



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