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Awesome art by: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/wyebird

It was nice to see the snow melting and the people of the city beginning to wear more liberal clothing. Being a god, things like temperature never bothered Alode, but he still needed to keep up appearances of course.

He decided it would be nice to get out of the apartment and see if he couldn't put his social abilities to the test on more difficult queries outside of his normal prowling element. It also allowed him to see how much more the world had changed around him since his last jaunt on Earth.

Putting on a spring jacket, he trotted from his apartment and down the sidewalk, his destination set for the nearby park. On the way he gave friendly smiles to other passerby and scanned the familiar architecture that he had only ever seen from his car window. With the perfect memory of a god he wasn't surprised by much, but the local businesses did change up their signs since the last time he passed them.

On his way he stopped by a coffee shop to grab a drink and a muffin before continuing on. He was constantly resolute in his mission to find some fun so he rarely passed up an opportunity for social interaction. The shop was unfortunately sparse on a Monday afternoon so there was no luck in that direction and the barista on duty weren't really his type.

The park was a nice open space with a winding sidewalk that crossed through it and made up its parameter. A few trees dotted the area with a plethora of people occupying the slowly blossoming grass as it shook off the last vestiges of winter. Activities ranged from simple picnics to various sports being played. In all it was a nice scene to come upon for Alode, he always enjoyed the sight of mortals enjoying their time in their most natural, laid back setting.

The bull god occupied himself with a short walk around the park to begin with as he finished off his coffee. All the while he did, he kept a keen eye out for anyone that would fit his fancy. It wasn't long before someone eventually caught his attention.

Truly the sign of seasonal change, a cute rabbit with a slim figure and adorably curly hair sat all on his lonesome on one of the many benches. He was smiling contently down at a book, one leg crossed over the other, entirely oblivious of the approaching bull god.

"Hello there, mind if I join you?" Alode asked with as warm of a tone and smile as he could manage.

The rabbit startled slightly and looked up at the bull god with big innocent eyes. He had clearly been deeply ensconced in his novel to have even heard the other come near.

"Oh, not at all," the bunny said while returning the smile. Alode took his place at the opposite end of the bench and propped his arm across the back.

The bull god glanced to the side and made a note of the book that the rabbit was occupying himself with and found that he didn't recognize it. Not too unexpected, even literature would change quite a bit since he was last on Earth.

“What might you be reading?” he asked casually.

“It's the first book in the Jupiter Legion series. Thought I'd finally pick it up since they're making a show about it now,” the rabbit said with a beaming smile.

“Interesting, what's it about?” he pressed while scooting a bit closer.

“It's kind of a generic space opera. Colonists on Jupiter's moon rebel against their oppressive government and whatnot. Mix in some mild romance and war stuff and it's not a half bad read,” the rabbit continued, clearly much more involved in the series than such a casual explanation would relay.

“I haven't picked up much science fiction since moving here, I'm much more of a fantasy reader myself,” Alode replied. “Do you dabble in that genre by any chance?”

“Yeah, I love fantasy. I mean, I love all genres but fantasy and science fiction are what catch my attention the most,” the rabbit said.

“Have you read much of G.R Kroger's works?” The bull god probed.

The rabbit's face immediately lit up. “Yes! I love his Elf and Orc series, plus all of his short stories that he worked on with Teel Tamara. Truly a great writer.”

“He was one of the first authors I ever met in person. I was so nervous that I actually forgot to ask him to sign the book that I brought up to his table,” Alode laughed, not an entirely untrue story.

The rabbit's eyes went wide with wonder and he leaned closer. “Wow! What was he like in person? He seems like such a nice old guy in his interviews.”

“Oh yeah, really nice man, pretty understanding when a stuttering nerd doesn't know how to interact with someone like him. Though he probably gets it all the time,” the bull god chuckled.

The rabbit stifled a snicker and quirked a disbelieving eyebrow. “You? A nerd?”

Alode smirked and leveled and accusatory look at his new friend. “Of all the people I'd expect to not judge books by their cover, it'd be a fellow Kroger fan.”

The rabbit's cheeks flushed momentarily as he realized how he must have sounded and he quickly folded his book on his lap, a marker keeping place of where he had been. “Oh, you're right. I'm sorry about that, it's a bad habit.”

“Don't worry about it,” Alode laughed and waved his hand dismissively. “Although you can make it up to me by joining me over at the bookstore down the road. I've been looking for some new stuff to read and along the way maybe you can sell me more on this one.” Alode punctuated his words by nodding down for the rabbit's novel.

The rabbit bit at his lip in momentary contemplation before he shrugged and nodded his head. “Sure, sounds fun to me. But if we are I should probably get your name.” He then stuck his paw out. “I'm Archie.”

“It's nice to meet you Archie, I'm Alode,” the bull god replied and accepted the gesture with a firm shake.

In truth, the small outing wasn't a complete lie on Alode's part. He was in need of some entertainment to pass the time between when he was having sex, and the internet got old surprisingly fast. Oddly enough, access to the vast stores of human knowledge at his fingertips alongside the plethora of social media options didn't interest him as much as it did mortals. What probably caused it was the fact that he practically lived every life that he judged in heaven, which was akin to the most intense social media imaginable.

As he and Archie browsed the multitude of novels at their disposal, frequently picking out volumes to talk about and build into a stack for purchase, they found that they had quite a bit in common. All the while they went about the many isles of books side by side, Alode let hints of his divinity seep into the rabbit's body with every word he spoke.

Before long, Archie had entirely come out of his shell and was dancing about like a kid in a candy store being let off a leash. As he did, Alode watched on with friendly smile. The rabbit was quick to nab various books from shelves, often times picking several that made up a series. He had been instructed to grab his favorites that he thought the bull god might enjoy and before long he had a load that was so tall that if he carried them all at once they would reach above his head.

Once he realized what he had done, Archie frowned and began looking through the novels to take back. Before he could, Alode stepped in and stopped him.

“Sorry, I got carried away,” the rabbit said with a frown.

“It's good that you did, now I don't have an excuse to be bored,” Alode chuckled and winked.

“But that's gunna cost a fortune, you can't get them all,” Archie pressed.

“Watch me.”

Without hesitation, Alode took their load to the checkout counter and paid for the entire stack with cash as if it was nothing. Even the clerk blinked with astonishment when the total came to just over two hundred pounds and was handed three notes to cover it. The rabbit soon realized with horror that the stack he had picked out for himself was among the bull god's selection. When he tried to explain what had happened it was already too late and he was scrambling to see what he owed his new friend.

“Don't worry about it, my treat,” the bull god said as he grabbed the heavy bags and held out two of them for the rabbit to take.

“I...I don't know what to say,” Archie stammered softly as they exited the book store.

“Well, there is one way you can pay me back,” Alode offered cryptically while making a show of hiding a wry smile.

“What's that?” he asked.

“You can let me take you out for supper. Also, I'm gunna need help getting these back to my apartment. Do you have a car?” Alode replied.

A fresh blush crossed Archie's face as he found himself taken aback. “Oh gosh. Yeah I have a car, it's parked just over there,” he said and tried to gesture over to the parking lot near the park while his paws were filled with bags. “But I'll only agree to supper if you let me pay for it.”

“We'll see,” Alode said back with a wink and began walking off towards where the rabbit had pointed.

On the way to his car Archie tried to argue that being so generous wasn't fair, but each time Alode rebuked his attempts to get the bull god to not spend anymore money. Once they were comfortably settled into the rabbit's little sedan and on their way to a friendly restaurant nearby, Alode explained why it was that money was no issue for him.

Of course, the tale that he wove conveniently left out his godhood or how he actually acquired his wealth. Instead, he told the same story that he had with everyone else so far, that he had made a series of lucrative investments that greatly paid off, not to mention a cache of generational money some long lost relative had left him. He didn't care that it was all just sitting in a vault somewhere collecting dust, so he enjoyed spending it on other people.

The rabbit's eyes became the size of baseballs when he was told that his new friend was a millionaire. After that, all talk of wanting to pay back equally to what the bull god was capable of spending ceased. Instead, he began to think of how else he might be able to give back to their friendship that didn't involve money. Alode could practically taste the other's silent decision.

It had gotten late enough that a meal was well on both of their minds and Archie was intent on selling the place that they were going to, perhaps thinking he had to so that someone as wealthy as the bull god wouldn't think it was dingy upon first sight. In truth it was just a little establishment run by a family of four who were all good friends of Archie.

It was fairly populated in the evening and the two were seen by what the bull god could only assume was the daughter of the family given how young she looked. As soon as the two sat down, the rabbit launched into a series of questions that dug for details about Alode's life. The bull god gave carefully curated answers to each that he knew would be satisfactory and not likely to invoke more questions. He often found the simpler the better when it came to such things.

For all the talking up that Archie did for the establishment, the bull god found that none of it was necessary. Sure the accommodations weren't like some of the upper class restaurants he had eaten at, but when their food arrived he could tell that it was prepared with care and by the hand of someone that clearly knew the culinary arts. They ate mostly in silence as most of the rabbits questions had been exhausted up to that point, but before long Alode began to ask some of his own.

Archie revealed that he wasn't from the area either, though he was much more familiar with it than the bull god. He was studying at the university in the hopes of being an archaeologist. He was fairly young, twenty one years old and didn't have too many of his own friends yet, though he was making headway on that front.

When the check finally came, Alode swiped it before the rabbit could see the cost and paid just as quickly, despite the dirty look he was given. The bull god could only grin at the other's expression as he found it almost too cute to handle. Archie seemed to sense this which made him fume even more. At the end of it, the bull god had gotten the rabbit to smile by the time they left the establishment.

“I really don't want our time to end,” Archie commented as they made their way back to his car.

“It doesn't have to, do you have any other plans?” Alode asked.

“I guess not. Other than a bit of studying but I can push that off. Why?”

“Well we still have to sort through our book haul. Maybe we could hang out at your place?”

The rabbit's ears perked up with renewed interest and a wide smile split his face. “Oh that'd be great!” He then practically raced the rest of the way to his vehicle and leaped into the driver's seat. If Alode had been just a bit slower he was certain that the excited bunny might have taken off without him.

On their way, the topic of conversation shifted to movie and social media interests. Alode admitted that he hadn't seen many movies, which was mostly true. He had about a decade of film and music to catch up on on top of everything else. Not too surprisingly, Archie's interests delved deep into fantasy and science-fiction when it came to visual media. He went on about his favorite series the whole drive to his apartment and how the season finale of one of them was going to be on in a couple days. Alode made a mental note to put it to the front of the long list of things he needed to see.

Archie's apartment was one that suited him well and was pretty much exactly what the bull god expected. Just a small one bedroom dwelling where he lived on his own in the second story of a five story building. The two elected to take an elevator given their heavy haul, and once inside the rabbit carefully cleaned off his kitchen table of class oriented material so that they could get to work sorting out what belong to who.

It didn't take long for them to divide their piles, Alode's dwarfing the rabbit's by ten times. Sitting them side by side was quite the amusing sight, one that had the bull god chuckling to himself. It didn't last because all the rabbit had to do was show Alode his room for him to see that his own book collection was like that of a small library with shelves upon shelves stocked with volumes, every last one meticulously organized.

“Wow, you really like reading,” Alode said under his breath as he took in the sight, even going up to one shelf and scanning the various titles. The rabbit stood by with a smug grin and crossed arms.

“Bit of an understatement I'd say,” Archie replied and meandered over to sit on the side of his bed.

“Oh, you apparently like doing other things as well,” Alode noted as he came across what appeared to be a moderately sized sex toy next to a bottle of cherry flavored lube. He picked them up and turned to present his find to his new friend with a wide, playful grin.

All color drained from Archie's cheeks before they suddenly flushed red. He leaped from his bed in a way that only a rabbit could and practically tackled the bull god. Alode allowed himself some flexibility as the femboy hit him and pressed him against the nearby bookshelf. With a surprisingly fast swipe, the rabbit nabbed the two items and hurried to stuff them under his bed.

“You know, I never would have taken you to be the type,” Alode commented as his eyes fixated on the rabbit's backside as he was momentarily bent over.

“Well, I'd have preferred we know each other a bit longer before you found out about that aspect of me,” Archie said while refusing to meet the other's gaze.

“It's not really that bad though, everyone has to get off somehow right?” the bull god continued. “I'm just surprised that you do it yourself and that you might not have a partner or friend to help you out.”

“Not exactly from a lack of trying,” Archie shrugged and then paused as he processed what Alode had said. “Wait, what do you mean?”

“Well, you're very cute. I'd have thought you'd have guys clambering all over you. Am I mistaken?” Alode asked and quirked a brow.

Archie's blush returned in full force. “Yeah, I don't have anything like that. Pretty much a single bun lookin for fun.”

“I see,” Alode said almost to himself while stroking the bottom of his chin. The rabbit finally turned around and looked up at the bull god, their eyes locking and in that moment he seemed so much smaller and more vulnerable than Alode had seen through the day. It made him eager to take the next few steps forward. “And what might you say are qualities you'd look for in someone you might want to be with?”

“Th-they'd have to share some of my interests for starters,” Archie began as the bull god stepped closer, forcing him back until his legs braced against his bed. He dropped to his backside while he continued talking. “I'd have to be attracted to them physically of course. They'd have to be nice and understanding and...oh.” He paused as Alode suddenly leaned down to be at eye level while continuing to slowly pursue.

“Go on,” Alode said as he placed his knee on the bed just to the rabbit's side. Archie continued to retreat but at some point he eventually just flopped to his back and found the bull god to be towering over him.

“And...and...I don't know,” Archie mumbled, his face burning as brightly as a cherry as he continued to stare up at the other with his big, innocent eyes. Maybe not so entirely innocent, Alode thought to himself. He could hear the beating of the rabbit's heart like he was prey being hunted. He could also smell the rising need to be dominated and the growing indent at the front of the femboy's tight fitting pants.

“Well, would you say you'd look for someone that would bite your neck?” Alode asked as he leaned his face lower, looking as if he might try to kiss the other but shifted to the side just in time to avoid such contact. Instead, his mouth found the rabbit's collar bone and gave a gentle nibble just above it.

“Y-yes!” Archie gasped out and clamped a paw over his mouth as if to hold back another too enthusiastic outburst.

Alode chuckled lowly and continued to place soft nips and bites against the rabbit's sensitive flesh. Each playful touch had a full body twitch resounding from the femboy, if not a gentle moan. At no point did he seem to protest or push back, which made the bull god feel even more bold.

Alode's hands drew in and stroked up the other's sides while taking a hold of his shirt and gradually lifting it. Archie seemed to be more than eager to get out of his clothes as he wiggled and shifted to help the process along, and in hardly no time at all he was naked above the waist.

Perhaps not wanting to be the only one not doing something, the rabbit quickly attacked the bull god's clothing as well, though he started at the waist. He tugged at the buckle to undo it, then the button and zipper that held the bottoms up. He seemed well practiced with the motion and Alode had to bite back his knowing grin as his pants were suddenly shoved down to his thighs. Now there was just a pair of boxers that kept the rabbit from the prize within, and he wasn't to be deterred any further. Not caring to ask for permission, the rabbit did away with the other's underwear as quickly as he had the rest.

Alode found this more forward side of the rabbit to be an appealing turn of events. He shifted himself from side to side to get free of his undone clothing. Once he was entirely out of them, the bull god straddled the rabbit's lithe form and continued to play at his more sensitive spots.

Archie similarly occupied himself with the other's body, though in a much different way. Like someone given a new toy to play with, the rabbit's paws had taken to feeling over the large, soft member between Alode's thighs. It was so warm to the touch and promised an impressive size once hard. The more he stroked his fingers across its surface he could feel it steadily swelling to life. It was all he could do to maintain his focus or else he'd have been lost in the interesting tingling sensations that had begun at his neck.

Alode's hot breath began to wash over the other's throat as the gentle stroking built up to the point of feeling better than what idle touching could provide. He had since grown to almost a full stand and the rabbit's paws worked back and forth in tandem across his swollen size. He no longer cared about being coy either, so when he finally drew his face back he immediately pressed their lips together.

Archie was a little startled by the abrupt action but he'd have never complained about the bold move. The heat that now rolled off of Alode's body was like being submerged in a comforting bath, especially when their nearly bare bodies were so close to each other. All of a sudden he had the urge to make them both entirely bare, and so his fawning paws leaped up to the bottom of the bull god's shirt and hastily yanked it up. The two had to break their passionate embrace for just a moment, but it was worth it so have flesh touching flesh in a full embrace.

Amid their playful touching and increasingly rougher motions, the rabbit had at some point lost his bottoms. Now entirely naked together and both sporting prominent erections, the urge to take things even farther had grown to a peak.

The rabbit had managed to nudge Alode onto his back at one point, allowing him to triumphantly straddle the much larger male with a grin that matched. Alode chuckled at the sight and was about to make a snide remark when Archie suddenly spun around and presented his backside to the other's face.

Alode's words caught in his throat as the sight came to him, finding the bare backside to be even more stunning without pants covering its nearly perfect curvature. He wasn't given much time to truly admire it as it suddenly plopped down on his face with his mouth and nose burying right up against the rabbit's pink, winking tailhole. His hands immediately hugged around the femboy's hips as his weight comfortably settled.

“Good boy. Get me warmed up and I'll get you warmed up, 'kay?” Archie said from over his shoulder as he reached out to take Alode's cock between his paws again. The bull god didn't answer with words, instead going the route of spreading the other's buttcheeks open just a little more so he was allowed enough room to start licking.

The warm laps trailed a mild amount of tingling energy that caused the femboy to unexpectedly moan and wiggle back. Momentarily lost in the blissful sensation, Archie almost forgot that he had his own task ahead of him. After stealing a few moments to just enjoy the bull god's licking, he returned his attention to the still semi-hard mass of dick in front of him.

Not to be outdone, the rabbit leaned forward and angled the throbbing length to his mouth. He sank the first few centimeters between his lips without a problem and gradually worked even more in. His little tongue slathered every bit of surface he could with saliva, putting in extra effort to make it sloppy. He got down to the mid point before pulling back, taking a breath, and delving it back down.

Archie gradually fell into a reliable rhythm with this, slurping noisily with every draw back and letting a few moans escape as he would sink down. He tried to push more of the sizable girth with every venture down but he had a terrible gag reflex and his throat wouldn't be able to handle such a large thing. He was used to being with men of his own size, and realized with a growing fear that he was clearly no porn star but was handling a porn star's cock.

Alode was able to keep his moans under control for the most part, but he did often let a stray groan or huff escape as the rabbit's suckling became more concentrated. He otherwise occupied himself with the task at hand, which he found himself enjoying more and more. Each quick swipe of his tongue going from the middle of Archie's taint almost to the base of his tail had the wanting pucker winking with anticipation. It glistened with the bull god's saliva and he could tell that the more attention he gave it the more it was beginning to loosen up.

Alode's lips sealed around the pink asshole and his tongue transitioned from stroking to pushing. He drew a slight vacuum on the sensitive flesh as he drilled the tip of his slippery appendage to the ring's center. With a bit of divine strength he was able to slip in with ease and soon the rabbit's ass was open to his influence. He dove as deep as he could right away which made his lover whimper needingly with his mouth full of cock.

Alode's tongue coated the other's insides in slippery spit while tasting the absolute need that the rabbit exuded. His body was practically begging to get fucked, and the bull god was going to fulfill that request and more. Every pass that his tongue made brought with it a charge of electricity that caressed the other's prostate.

Archie's own cock bobbed excitedly and dribbled precum onto the bull god's chest due to the excessive stimulation. He didn't even need to get touched and he felt like he was already getting close to cumming, certainly not the first time he had been fucked into doing so, but it'd be the first that some enthusiastic rimming had gotten him to that point.

With a loud, satisfying pop, the rabbit pulled the throbbing dick from his mouth and admired it with half lidded eyes. Its surface glistened with saliva, which he continued to slather around with both paws pumping from base to tip. He was satisfied with what he had accomplished so far and felt that it was time for their fun to reach the next level.

As if reading his mind, Alode withdrew his tongue and pushed the rabbit's lower body forward. Archie slid down with a surprised gasped and then suddenly flopped forward against his bed. He was on his paws and knees now while Alode gathered himself into a better position from behind.

The bull god's powerful cock throbbed with the beat of his heart as it came to rest between those cute cheeks, its rock hard surface lightly grinding to the rabbit's saliva coated ring. Archie only had to look over his shoulder and lock eyes with his lover to get across how badly he wanted to get fucked. Alode didn't hesitate to fulfill that unspoken request.

The bull god's fat tip forced open the rabbit's ass and sank in to the half-way point with relative ease, but going any farther suddenly became a struggle. Archie cried out with a shrill, greatly surprised moan as he became filled to the brim immediately, his hole straining to fit that massive girth's median ring inside. It was easily the biggest thing he had ever experienced and this was just the beginning.

Alode huffed and grit his teeth as his hands grasped the femboy's hips. He started out slow to give the rabbit enough time to adjust before quickly building into a powerful tempo. Every thrust only allowed half of his cock to sink in until Archie was ready to take more, but for the time being he was more than content with what he had.

The rabbit's paws gripped fistfuls of bed sheets as he pressed back into his lover's powerful, stroking hips. His moans spilled loudly with every breath, his tongue hanging from his mouth as he sucked in deep breaths of air. His body tingled with the bull god's energy that now sought to touch every nerve through his core. He eagerly pushed himself to accept more of Alode's girth and was gradually making headway.

The room filled with the creak of Archie's bed and their combined moans. The rabbit had since folded his legs beneath him and lowered his chest all the way down so that his ass could be used to the bull god's content. Alode had since leaned his towering form far over his lover's back and was rolling his hips faster and harder. Archie's stretched tailhole had almost entirely gotten the base of his cock inside, which meant he could really begin to pour on the power.

Alode began pulling the rabbit back as he would slam forward, sending everything he had into the other's constricting depths. Each intense motion had the bull god's dick grinding into the other's sensitive prostate to that point that the rabbit's insides felt like they were melting.

Archie began to beg desperately for more even though his stomach was near its breaking point. Each powerful thrust from behind caused a prominent bulge to extend from his belly. The pressure was immense and incredibly gratifying. If not for the strong hold that the bull god had on his small frame, he'd have been throwing his weight back as hard as he could. Luckily, Alode seemed to have their combined motions under control.

The bull god drank in the growing pleasure from his lover and found himself fueled by it. He garnered just enough influence to keep the rabbit from spilling his load all over his own bed, otherwise he'd have done so from the first time he became filled. No one was allowed to cum until he said so, and he still had plenty more to subject this adorable femboy to.

The clap of their bodies coming together soon rose to the volume of their combined cries of ecstasy. Archie felt like he had become just a fuck toy for his lover, his muscles having long since gone slack. He rode out the waves of pleasure that drew through his insides with every aggressive impact that had his entire body jostling. He wanted to add more to their fun but at the moment his mind had fully succumbed to the carnal joys of being stretched wider than he had ever been before.

Long minutes ticked by and no signs of slowing down surfaced from the bull god. If anything, he was getting faster. His massive balls clapped the other's small sack with every powerful thrust and his cock grew to be even thicker than before. The nerves through his corporal form buzzed with divinity, seeking release. Just a bit longer, he told himself as he watched over the rabbit's limp body.

Archie's mind had practically gone blank by this time. His muscles frequently spasmed but it wouldn't have been seen from how hard he was being drawn back onto the bull god's cock. He wasn't even saying words anymore, the begging to go harder and to be filled with cum had transformed into pitiful whimpers of bliss. He was ready to be let go, and so the bull god allowed it.

Alode's grasp on the other's sides suddenly tightened and a deep, thunderous roar bellowed from his throat and chest. He suddenly stopped moving, his entire length buried so deep in the other's ass that it was like he was trying to force his huge balls inside as well. Instead, those luscious orbs clung tight to his groin, releasing their full torrent of potent cum deep into the femboy's awaiting insides.

The barriers that held Archie's climax back finally fell away in that same moment and the rabbit's long awaited peak struck him with the force of a tidal wave. If his voice wasn't so ragged by that time his scream might have been louder and more encompassing, but instead it came out as a whispering squeak. His eyes bulged wide and his mouth hung open as far as it would go, his lungs void of any remaining air. The little cock that stood straight out from his lap flexed and began spattering thick globs and strings over his own belly and thighs, a surprisingly large amount for what was a below average sized package for his kind.

Alode gradually pushed and pulled his cock a few more times to ensure his balls were as empty as possible before he pulled out. Archie's asshole gaped wide, dripping slightly with a spattering of cum around the pink rim. Then his belly inadvertently flexed and a torrent of the bull god's jizz gushed out to run down his sack and the insides of his thighs.

Both hands held the rabbit's backside splayed wide, the bull god admiring the exhausted, mess in front of him. Archie's huffs came fast while tremors occasionally trailed through his form.

It took him a minute or so, but the rabbit eventually gathered his strength and lifted himself up and repositioned to be on his side. In a similar fashion, Alode settled on his haunches, his proud member having since shrunk to the point that it now lied lazily over one thigh, still slathered in a layer of their combined juices.

“Fuck, what a mess,” Archie mumbled as he swiped a paw over his recovering pucker and felt the gooey load that still spattered almost his entire lower body. When he brought it back up to his eyes to inspect, thick white strands connected his fingers like a spiderweb.

“I think it looks good on you,” Alode commented playfully.

“You think so?” Archie smirked and made a show of running his tongue over his palm and then sucking each digit clean. The way he did it with the familiar smacking lips and slurping noises almost had the bull god's cock filling with blood once more. “Well, it doesn't look good on my bedding. Guess I gotta take a trip down to the laundry room.”

“I can help with that. It's the least I can do,” Alode offered.

“I know you will. I'll be damned if I'm gunna sleep on the couch because of your mess.” The rabbit smirked and winked at his lover before he swung his legs over the edge and hoped up. His own dick had since shrunk back into its sheath, and Alode couldn't help but find the sight of the naked, messy bunny irresistible.

“Wait a second,” the bull god said and scrambled over the bed just as the femboy leaned down to take a hold of the sheets to pull them off.

“What?” Archie replied, slightly alarmed.

“Do we really have to rush to do laundry right now? What if we make another mess?”

“Another mess?” the rabbit repeated with alarm. “W-when?”

“Maybe right now?” Alode said and reached out to snag the femboy around the waist and launched back. The two landed in the middle of the bed right on their previous mess, a surprised yelp following the rabbit all the way down.

“Again?” Archie gasped as he found himself cradled against the other's strong body. “Where the hell did you get the energy? There's no way I could do it again so soon.”

“How long before you could?” Alode asked and began soaking the other in an unseen aurora of divine energy.

Suddenly the rabbit didn't feel quite so tired or sore like he had just a couple seconds ago, in fact he felt invigorated. “Fine,” he conceded after a few moments of thought. “But as soon as we're done, we gotta do laundry.”

“Deal,” Alode agreed and leaned in to press his lips to the other's. His cock was already swelling with renewed interest, coming to settle right between the other's thighs and eventually resting just under the rabbit's groin. In a similar fashion, the femboy's own cock had begun to make itself known again.



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