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Awesome art by: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/brolaren/

Kaahla strode purposely into the druid training grounds with the greatest sense of determination that she had felt in a long time. She could practically hear the jungle spirits singing around her and it spurred her on to give whatever training Haepen intended for her the best shot she could to understand it.

She came to find her instructor settled on the grass of the large, open area in a cross-legged state with eyes closed and hands folded in his lap. He wore nothing, and his staff was similarly laid across his thighs.

As soon as the lioness spotted him she slowed her movements and approached much more quietly. She didn't get very far as his eyes snapped open and locked to hers as soon as she came within the training area.

“You look well, Kaahla, how do you feel?” he asked and and grasped his staff with one hand and tapped the ground in front of him with its glowing end. Kaahla took the offering and sank down into a similar position right where he had gestured.

“I feel well. Eager to get started,” the lioness replied.

“That's good to hear. I would first like to begin this lesson with meditation. It will attune us to the jungle and allow us to commune with the spirits,” Haepen explained and bowed his head once more while returning himself to the same state that she had seen upon entering. He laid his staff on the ground beside him and its glowing dimmed slightly.

“I don't mean to interrupt us right from the beginning, but have you received any information on procuring a weapon for me to use for my duel?” Kaahla asked.

“I have not,” Haepen sighed solemnly. “However, we are to trust in the jungle's wisdom of this situation. It wants you to succeed as much as you and everyone else. It will not let you down.”

Kaahla simply nodded and let her robe fall from her body to leave her in an equally naked state before she bowed her head in a similar way to him. She closed her eyes, folded her hands over her lap, and concentrated on emptying her mind of all thoughts and concerns.

The voices of spirits came to her quickly and with much more ease than ever before. It wasn't so much as voices anymore, but it felt as though several bodies with actual mass had come to join them. They were all in the same kind of sitting, meditative state as she and Haepen were. She was able to watch them with her mind's eye, glowing blue silhouettes of zebras that had lived long ago.

Interestingly, they weren't so much talking to her, but were having their own conversations about her. The upcoming fight was the main topic of course, and debate among the spirits had sprung up. Interestingly, there was a wide variety of philosophies that clashed between them.

Some spirits seemed to be as blood thirsty as the barbarians, wanting to bestow Kaahla the best weapon and magic that the jungle could provide. Other spirits proposed meeting the barbarian horde midway and perhaps asking them to join the jungle in the hope of avoiding a fight all together.

The lioness found herself to be immensely amused by the chorus of discussion and quite surprised that the philosophies of the jungle spirits were so wide ranged. As the voices continued on, the lioness began to think a bit more to herself. Not enough to completely fill her mind and break her meditation, but enough to contemplate her own situation a bit more clearly.

While in the presence of these spirits, an epiphany came to her that caused her eyes to snap open and completely silence the voices around her.

“Haepen?” she asked softly.

“Hmm?” the instructor replied without opening his eyes or changing his position.

“I need to be closer to the jungle,” the lioness stated plainly.

“Yes, I imagine you do,” he replied in an even tone.

“No, I mean as you've demonstrated before.” Kaahla lifted from her spot and crawled towards the zebra on her paws and knees.

Haepen felt her approach and opened his eyes to meet her smoldering gaze when she was a few inches away. She sat down again, this time her legs nearly touching his, and settled her feet on either side of his form. She reached to take him by the hands and drew him closer yet. “Come here.”

The instructor chuckled and nodded as he unfurled his legs and settled between her own. Kaahla laid back on the grass as he came to loom over her body. He leaned his face down to hers and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. She leaned into the embrace and pushed up to press her breasts to his chest. In that same moment she felt his warm, soft member press against her warming pussy.

Kaahla placed one paw to the back of the zebra's head to prolong their kiss while her other paw went low to wrap around his flaccid cock. He murmured pleasantly against her lips as she began to stroke him and encourage blood to fill his length. As she did, she made sure to keep the flat tip pressed to her folds where she lightly ground against it.

Their lips gradually parted and their tongues danced together as their bodies grew hotter. Haepen's eagerness showed itself quickly as the lioness soon felt the beat of his heart through his ebony flesh. He stiffened quickly and in hardly no time at all she was pumping over a firmness that was itching to be inside her.

With time as limited as it already was and both having built to a state of excitement, they didn't hesitate to jump into action. Haepen's cock rubbed hard against her nether lips and sank inside. Through all the coaxing that Kaahla had been treating his tip to, there was a decent amount of precum and her juices coating his first inch to make a somewhat lubricated entrance. Still, she was tight and he was quite large.

Kaahla moaned against her instructor's mouth and he replied with a shivering nicker. His hips pressed in until every bit of him was settled inside. Her cunt was already milking him by the time his balls pushed against her ass and seemed to not want to let go when he drew back for the first pump.

The druid's strong body rocked steadily against hers at first. His pace was moderate and just forceful enough to make a satisfying smack each time their bodies would meet. The perfect start for what the lioness knew was coming.

They tried as best they could to maintain their intimate exchange but the pleasure grew to the point of making it difficult. Kaahla eventually laid entirely against the ground with her head tilted up and her mouth hung open. Her arms splayed at her sides while her paws grasped at the soft soil and grass. Moans came as frequently as her breaths.

Haepen leaned back just enough so that he could turn his head down and catch one of her nipples in his mouth. He suckled hungrily at the erect flesh while he ground his cock into her constricting depths. Her excitement coated his shaft entirely and made the aggressive movements that much easier, along with his precum that continued to spill into her as he built up speed.

The lioness arched her hips to meet his every time they would come together. Her legs lifted and wrapped around his sides, threatening to constrict him and his efforts to pleasure her. Her fortitude kept her from getting too carried away though, as she knew that this wasn't all just about having fun. The notion that she still had to meditate was prevalent in her mind, so she forced herself to hold on to her coherency.

A gentle breeze played through the training grounds at that point and Kaahla took it as a sign to concentrate. With pleasure freshly pouring through the nerves of her pelvis, she closed her eyes and steadied her breathing. The blades of grass at her back seemed to sway under like they were caught by the wind, thousands of tiny fingers that gently brushed her rock hard skin.

Haepen's gruff moans still spilled from his mouth as he continued to lightly nibble and lick at her sensitive tit. His hands held her sides as he shifted his form to a kneeling state that had his knees drawing under her thighs. The pleasure had built to a point that he hungered for more and eventually drew himself back entirely. His torso straightened and he gazed down at his lover with adoring eyes as he saw her mask of concentration.

He smiled warmly and shifted his hands to grasp her ankles. The lioness had since stopped working her body against his, so now he pulled her onto his cock as he would drive forward. The muscles along his arms and upper body bulged as he settled into this dominant, commanding role.

Kaahla's moans had fallen to light whimpers and whispers as her mind fell back into the task of confiding in the jungle spirits around her. The ground at her back felt like it was warming as it continued to move against her, strangely becoming like a comfortable bed that conformed to the rigid shape of her musculature.

Just as the lioness thought that she was starting to hear the conversation of the spirits once again, a sudden surge of pleasure caught her off guard. It was different than the other blissful sensations she had felt though, this one was hot and encompassed her entire body as it flowed up from her pelvis. She wanted to cry out in ecstasy as it was like being hit with a powerful orgasm, but found that her voice had gone away. In fact, her vision had gone away as well.

Panic bubbled through her, fighting an uphill battle against the warming pleasure that persisted. She didn't know if this black void that she now found herself in was something to be concerned about, but given that every nerve of her body tingled with climactic aftershocks she was inclined to think otherwise.

“Calm yourself, Kaahla,” came a powerful, familiar voice who's words were felt from all around. She immediately recalled that it was the last one she heard on the final day of the Fertility Festival.

The lioness did as best she could and simply let her mind swim in the euphoria of the moment. She tried to reply but her words would still not come to her.

“There's no need to speak. The jungle has watched your progress and knows your struggles. It will not abandon you in your time of greatest need, but first you must give yourself over to its will. Become one with us and receive the jungle's bounty,” the voice continued. It sounded like any other spirit she had heard, but as she listened as intently as she could, she found that it appeared to be made out of thousands of voices all talking in near perfect unity.

Kaahla wanted to shout that she was more than eager to give herself entirely to the jungle in any way that it needed, but she knew that it knew this. A sense of falling took over and the lioness's stomach dropped. Her natural cat-like ability urged her to twist midair so that she would come down on her feet but she seemed to be frozen in place.

The pleasure that consumed her steadily grew greater and so did the sense that her velocity was increasing. Her thoughts became a whirlwind, wondering what was happening but she realized with another climactic surge what this was: she was passing through the eye of the jungle. And if this was the case, then she was being read like a book.

Her mind was open to the jungle, her every thought, memory, and past experience was there to be taken and integrated into the collective being that was her new home. It was as if her entire body was being burned away in an inferno, but instead of excruciating pain it was everlasting bliss.

But the jungle wasn't all about taking, it gave to her a resounding plethora of knowledge and its own experiences. She drank in several thousand years of history like it was nothing, knowledge now forever locked in her mind. The basis for druidic spells, conjurings, and practices were now at her disposal to be commanded as she saw fit.

She felt a grand sense of gratitude to the jungle for all that it gave her and it similarly thanked her for all that she returned. The experiences seemed to have lasted several minutes of her and the jungle exchanging all that they had before the whole thing ended as abruptly as it began.

Though Haepen was ignorant of the lioness's grand experience, he recognized that something powerful was at work. The first sign came when Kaahla sank halfway into the ground like the soil had become water that she now floated on. Then her eyes opened and they no longer held the gold gaze that he was used to seeing, but were instead pure white. Her mouth opened like she was about to talk but instead she simply continued breathing and occasionally moaning.

Not once did the instructor falter in his thrusting, he knew that his movements were a key part to her submersion. He tried to keep his pleasured groans as low as he could as even though her mind seemed to be elsewhere at that moment, her tight pussy continued to squeeze him every time he'd pull himself back.

Many minutes ticked by of her unresponsive nature and he could feel his fortitude waning fast. He had to adjust his movements a few times or he risked cumming too soon and potentially harming whatever it was that she was experiencing. Despite his best efforts, it wasn't enough.

His balls clung tight to his groin and he became overwhelmed with intense bliss. His cock flared and swelled, causing her belly to bulge as he frantically pounded away. He uttered a final deep, guttural neigh as he unleashed a torrent of thick jizz into her wanting pussy.

Kaahla took that moment to spring from her trance and screamed so loud that it made the zebra's ears ring. He only faltered slightly, as each time he continued to drive every inch of his cock into her he would expel a fresh spurt of cum. Her insides became painted in the milky seed as she similarly went crashing into her own climax.

The lioness's pussy convulses and gushed her juices all over the druid's pelvis and belly. She expelled so much it might have seemed like she was trying to mark him as territory. Every time he drove his throbbing dick in to give her a few more drops of his jizz, she gave him a spray of her own.

As the high of their shared moment slowly passed, the ground beneath Kaahla began moving. Though not perceptible to Haepen right away, the lioness could feel the shift of grass.

The zebra watched with half lidded eyes as the blades to the sides of the barbarian began to lengthen and shift in color from green to white. They traveled over the fur on either side of her torso and bent like fingers enclosing around her body. If Kaahla noticed it, she didn't let on as she remained still, save for the swell of her chest from every deep breath.

The grass knit together over her breasts and tightened their hold as they crossed. Only when they seemed to be done moving did she open her eyes and look down at herself. The fact that she now seemed to be wearing a binder didn't garner her attention as much as the sword that she currently clutched in her right paw.

She lifted the blade to inspect it which made Haepen jump back in alarm, ultimately causing his cock to pull free of her pussy. His startled reaction caused her to laugh.

“Jeez, it's not like I was going to swing it at you,” Kaahla said softly.

“Swords aren't exactly a thing that show up here. Especially out of nowhere,” the instructor sighed and settled on his backside. “Where did it come from?”

“Where else? The jungle saw fit to give me a weapon for my duel, it seems,” she said and slowly sat up and crossed her legs beneath her. Without the blissful joy of sex hanging over her mind, she was able to properly appreciate the weapon.

Kaahla was astonished to find that everything about the sword wasn't made of metal, but wood. Its grain resembled cut lumber and was the exact same size and shape of her previous great sword that she had trained her whole life to use. As she lifted it up, she was further shocked by how light it was, which made sense given what it was made of.

“Have you ever seen a wooden sword before?” Haepen asked cautiously.

“Yes. In a few cities that I visited in the past, knights in training would use them for practice. But none of them had an edge,” the lioness remarked as she leveled her eyes to the blade. It was more fine than her keen gaze could detect. No doubt that it was sharp, but against barbarian weapons she wasn't so sure it would be able to hold its own. But then again, it was better than nothing, and given the vast knowledge of barbarian culture that the jungle had received from Kaahla, she wasn't so sure it was as feeble of a thing as it appeared.

For the first time since finding the barbarian horde knocking on the jungle's front door, she felt complete and confident in her abilities. “Haepen, I think it's time that you begin teaching me some of those druid spells.”



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