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Awesome art by: https://changotan.tumblr.com/

It was getting to the point in the year that Asha's departure from the mortal world was becoming more common on everyone's mind, including her own. It was certainly a sensitive topic, no one wanted her to go, but it was a fact of reality that had been present for the past few hundred years, since the very establishment of the self-contained paradise.

In lieu of the looming reality of her situation, Asha liked to take this time to give special attention to those inhabitants of the island that might not have gotten much of her grace through the year. One might think that having so much time in such a confined space that it wouldn't be difficult for a goddess like herself to have frequent personal time with everyone. But they'd be wrong.

There was a myriad of things that kept her from just having sex with anyone that she wanted at any time. Some operations of the island were too important to stall or interrupt, and despite her frequent sexual hunger, Asha still required that an appropriate mood be set before she pursued such an endeavor.

At the moment, Asha's hunger for some intimacy had been growing through the morning and she was hoping to save it for someone special. For the time being she occupied her thoughts with recounting a running tally of all who she had been with so far this year. As she did this, she leisurely strolled through the open paths between the buildings of the main settlement area, often waving and greeting all that she encountered. Each face she came across she quickly assessed what they were likely in the middle of doing while gauging if they met her criteria for sought-out fun.

So far none had particularly caught her eye. She certainly had a small roster in mind for those that she was the most eager to engage with, but sadly their timing or responsibilities were currently in the way. She feared that she might have to forgo her current quest and enjoy the company of the nearest available inhabitant that would share in her eagerness.

There was still one place she had yet to venture this day, and so she picked up her pace to get there sooner. Her mind was set on one of the farms that was farther out than the others where the island's only monogamous couple resided.

Monogamy was understandably uncommon, given the nature of the island and its general atmosphere of care-free sexual exploration, but it wasn't frowned upon. The only stipulation for such a thing to occur was that Asha was still allowed to enjoy either or both individual's time, either intimately or socially. That was never an issue, given that such relationships spawned organically from the island's occupancy rather than being brought to the island already holding that philosophy.

The farms on the outskirts of the main settlement were quite unique in their own right. While their caregivers still attended many of the social gatherings and events that occurred in the main buildings, most had their own cabins that allowed those responsible for each farm to have their own privacy. It only made sense given how removed they were from the center, which might also explain their tendency to form more inclusive relationships.

As soon as the wide open area of wheat, corn, and various other crops expanded before the rat goddess, she broke out into a much less constrained speed by mortal standards. In a single bound she crossed several acres, and being so high she could spot the few cabins and equipment sheds that were the responsibility of those that tended to the very food that she flew over.

Almost entirely in her first leap, Asha found herself at the edge of her chosen farm property. She quickly crossed the thick lawn of grass to be at the cabin's front door and intended to knock to see if anyone was home but paused when a unique, familiar sound came to her divine ear. She perked up with immediate curiosity and honed her sense. Upon doing so she realized with perfect clarity that it was indeed what she thought it was: a blissful moan from a woman in the midst of sex.

An excited wave rushed through the rat goddess in that moment and she leaped up onto the cabin roof and trotted across its length to reach the back yard. She was careful not to make a single sound upon doing so, not wanting to interrupt anything that she could otherwise like to observe.

As soon as she was able to view the entire backyard, her suspicions were all but confirmed. She stared down upon the scene of a beautiful female cardinal bent low at the waist with her hands braced against a reclined chair. She was almost completely naked, save for a shirt who's straps had since fallen down her shoulders which caused her large breasts to spill from the top. Such beautiful things swayed fervently as as her mate, a tall, muscular, male husky took her from behind in the sort of fashion that his kind were known so well for.

Asha knew the bird as Francisca and the dog as Samson, both dedicated farmers that took their work quite seriously, but apparently not so seriously that they didn't engage in this kind of illicit activity so out in the open. The rat goddess grinned to herself and lowered down to a crouch on the edge of the cabin roof, settling in to watch and play a couple fingers against her pussy in the hope that she would be able to join.

“O-Oh yes!” Francisca sang as she pushed herself back against her mate's lap. Samson held her by the waist, his powerful paws keeping a firm grip as he rolled his hips at a rapid, excited pace.

His thick cock rutted her pussy in that moment, its bright red surface disappearing into her tight depths at a blur of speed. A crisp slap echoed every time he would drive into her, often replied by a shuddering chirp from the woman.

Francisca swung back to meet the husky's advances, her somewhat large butt rippling beautifully from each impact. Her pussy dripped her love all over his shaft, spilling down the inside of her thighs and soaking her feathers. She often had to change her stance or else risk being completely over taken by her mate, who was known to become lost in the experience.

And speaking of.

Samson's head tilted back and his eyes closed. His mouth hung open with a look of pure bliss across his features, tongue lolling from the side of his mouth. The cardinal's grip on his cock was as tight as ever, not wanting let go even as he drove into her at a pace that some might have thought was overwhelming. The muscles along his arms and chest bulged, the result of many years of hard outside work. As time wore on, he did begin to gradually lift the bird from the ground.

Asha bit her lip as she continued to watch the display, three fingers of her right paw going as deep as they could into her pussy, fingertips curling to stroke at her G-spot. Her desperate need to interfere quickly overtook her want to stay and watch. Much like admiring the fine art in a museum, the she also wanted to reach out and touch.

The rat goddess paused for a second to lick her accumulated pussy juices from her fingers before he stepped over the edge of the roof. She landed without a sound and trotted up behind the husky with a devious grin. With all the rough grunts and groans he huffed there was no way he'd be able to hear her approach, just as she intended.

Samson was in a world of his own, the pleasure that his mate gave him had his mind swimming in bliss. He was understandably shocked when Asha's arms suddenly came around his sides in a hug from behind.

The husky let out a startled yelp and leaped forward, or at least he would have had the rat goddess not held him firmly in place. But he did hit the cardinal with a surprisingly powerful thrust that almost sent her face crashing into the chair that she braced against. Their motions rocked to an abrupt halt.

“Samson?” Francisca gasped and turned back to see what had alarmed her lover. He had done the same, so they both stared with relief when it was the visage of their deity that stared back.

“I'm so sorry for bothering,” Asha apologized, “but you two were having so much fun I couldn't help myself.”

“Oh, mistress,” Francisca giggled and pushed herself up to a standing position. She braced her back to the husky's chest and gave her hips a slight wiggle, feeling the size of the dog cock keeping her cunt filled to the brim. “There's no worries, we're always glad to have you around.”

“A little warning next time would be appreciated though,” Samson added with a nervous chuckle, his mate's teasing squeeze almost causing him to resume his aggressive bucking.

“Now what's the fun in that?” Asha retorted and ran her paws up the front of the dog's belly, feeling the strong muscles beneath his shirt as they trailed up his chest. Her fingers sparked with divine energy wherever they touched, imbuing the husky with ticklish pleasure and a fair deal of energetic drive that she would take advantage of later. “Please don't stop on my account.”

The sudden urge to continue crossed Samson's mind in that moment and his body reacted without him giving the command. His hips started to roll, his cock now tinged with an electric current that translated into the cardinal's pussy.

Francisca shuddered and let out a chirp of excitement as she was once again jostled by her mate's strong, pumping hips. She braced against him more firmly and rested her head back against his shoulder. His paws switched from holding her sides to hugging around her midsection.

“Perfect,” Asha whispered as she let her paws fall away from the husky's body. She casually made her way around the couple, admiring the beautiful curve of the bird's hourglass shaped figure and the dog's rugged, muscular tone. The sharp angles of his body complimented the softness of hers.

Francisca's eyes were half open by the time that the rat goddess came around to the front of her. She looked into her mistress's glowing gaze and tried her best to smile but she was having a tough time focusing on much else other than the growing pleasure from between her legs. That was easily remedied when Asha suddenly reached out and took a gentle hold of the cardinal's breasts.

Electricity sparked across the bird's sensitive nipples and she cried out, her entire form shuddering as her pussy convulsed over the husky's cock. Her juices splattered his throbbing knot as it repeatedly slammed against her outer lips, desperately wanting to pop inside and lock them together. The same power that had once jumped from Samson to her now reversed its flow.

The husky growled roughly with clenched teeth and tightly shut eyes. Every muscle of his body repeatedly tensed in rapid succession, making his movements more sporadic and difficult to control. His precum had begun spilling into his lover, and once it mixed with her own juices it became churned into a frothy mixture that drooled out every time he would pull back.

“What a lovely look,” Asha giggled, still drawing circles around Francisca's nipples and even gently pinching them between her thumb and forefingers. She released one and brought her paw down between the bird's legs. Her fingers cupped around Francisca's flushed pussy lips, feeling the pumping cock between them as it had once again become a blur of motion. A powerful jolt of her divinity to the area caused the lovers to cry out in ecstasy.

Samson's knot plunged deep into his mate's cunt with one powerful thrust. It swelled immediately to lock them together before his cock flexed and began gushing his thick, canine cream. The cardinal similarly squeezed down on him with all the strength she could, her juices cascading around his bulb and spattering the ground between their feet.

The powerful charge lingered within their bodies for quite a while, and Asha merely stepped back to enjoy the sight. The husky shook and shivered, still thrusting, albeit at a much reduced capacity. His size was certainly enough to keep the lovers together, which the rat goddess realized she'd have to do something about if she wanted to have some fun as well. Francisca similarly chirped and wiggled against the other's embrace, her breasts bouncing excitedly as stray waves struck her sensitive nerves. It was a feedback loop that would make the husky grind against her and inturn encourage the same.

Samson's deep groans turned to heavy pants as the high finally subsided from his mind. Despite having just gone through such an intense ordeal, his muscles remained energetic and the arousal refused to dissipate. The bird felt much the same as she slowly turned her gaze back to the dog and giggled at the silly look of his lolling tongue. She always found the more typical canine features of him to be the most endearing.

“Seems like you have quite the mess there,” Asha remarked, nodding down between the bird's legs. Francisca and Samson both looked to see the rather substantial amount of cum was beginning to seep around his knot.

“Tends to happen after a long day like today,” Francisca answered and reached her hand back to cup the husky's cheek. He nuzzled affectionately into her palm and even gave it a light lick.

“If you don't mind, I would love to help with the clean up. Given that I've helped to make some of it,” Asha continued and looked up to meet their eyes.

“Of course not, mistress,” Samson chuckled. “But we're a bit stuck. You might be waiting a while.”

“Oh, I wouldn't worry about that,” the rat goddess retorted and excitedly hopped to them once more. She brought her paws between their legs, one set against the husky's sheath while the other rested to the woman's pussy. It only took a minor amount of divine encouragement and a gentle push to cause the lover's to separate. It came as a loud pop and a subsequent gush of thick seed that rushed down the inside of Francisca's thighs.

Both lovers were somewhat startled by this new motion, though they knew they shouldn't have. Few things were impossible when it came to a goddess's will, after all.

“Beautiful,” Asha gasped and immediately knelt. She began lapping up the running mess as soon as she could, her tongue feeling like gentle static to the other woman's leg.

“O-oh, m-mistress,” Francisca murmured as a shiver raced up her spine, causing the feathers along her back and shoulders to stand on end. “Maybe it'd be more comfortable for me to sit down?”

“Excellent idea,” Asha agreed, having licked up and swallowed Samson's cum mixture to the point that she had almost gotten to the source. She drew back before spoiling too much of her own fun and stood up, letting Francisca turn and plop down into the reclining chair. Once she was in a more comfortable position, Asha dove her face once more between the cardinal's legs.

Francisca moaned hotly as the first fervent licks came to her already overly sensitive pussy lips. The white mess was most prevalent there and it continued to ooze from the bird's opening as the rat goddess licked her slit from the entrance to her clit. The bird's legs splayed wide as she fully rested into the shape of the chair, succumbing to the will of her mistress.

From behind, Samson was left to watch the stunning display. His cock throbbed as hard as it had been when it was in his mate. Now it dripped his own jizz and flexed with anticipation of joining. In the way that Asha was down on her knees, somewhat like Francisca had been before, he couldn't help but stare lovingly at that perfect backside.

This aspect wasn't lost to the rat goddess, in fact it was her exact intention to lure his eyes. Asha paused for a moment in her lapping to glance over her shoulder at the husky.

“If Francisca doesn't mind, you're more than welcome to partake in my body,” Asha said and reached a paw back to grasp one buttcheek and draw it open. Her tail lifted high and her asshole gave a wanting wink, hoping that he'd catch on to the invitation.

Samson panted hard, his body practically begging to indulge itself but he stayed where he was. He looked up to his mate's eyes and met her gaze, the obvious question lingering on his face. She smiled lovingly and winked.

“I don't mind at all, mistress,” she sang and moaned as the rat goddess resumed her eager cleaning.

Now let off his leash, Samson literally leaped at the opportunity. His much larger form slammed against the rat goddess's backside, though she elected to not be knocked forward like any other mortal would have been. The husky's paws sized her hips and he lowered his pelvis to her ass. With practiced aim and an overzealous nature, his cocktip found her waiting asshole and pushed inside with one, hard thrust.

The rat goddess's electrifying body consumed Samson's cock in a wave of intense pleasure. The familiar feeling of no longer being in control of his hips took over and he began rutting her ass in an excited tempo. He leaned far over her back and he drew himself down low to the point that his head was nearly right above her own. When he looked up, he shared in the same pleasure stricken look of his mate.

Francisca's hand rested atop of Asha's head, trying as she could to hold the rat goddess where she was while she fervently dug her tongue into the bird's pussy. Asha delved surprisingly deep within the cardinal's folds, scooping out globs of dog cum and eagerly swallowing them back but not before taking the time to savor the musky treat that she held. She kept her lips firm to the other's wanting hole as she did so, her nose buried against the sensitive clit just above.

Asha managed to keep her mind focused enough to work at the task in front of her but it often became difficult. While Samson's cock wasn't as massive as some others of the island, he really knew how to use it. The distinct shape of canine members made for the perfect anal experience, especially when their knots would slam against the outer rim as they struggled to get inside.

The husky was trying to do as such right then. He drove his hips with a deep need to pop inside, his precum painting her bowels with each pump. The coat of cum and his mate's juices over his cock already made for the perfect lube that conducted the rat goddess's divinity amazingly. Each motion he made allowed Asha to drink in his strength and translate it through to the cardinal's pussy.

For every deep, growling huff that Samson uttered, Francisca would answer with a singing chirp. It truly was melodic music to Asha's ears and she wanted the chorus to go on. She fed them both her energy and love, cascading a electricity that tingled their every nerve in the best way she possibly could.

The aggressive thrust of the husky would cause the rat goddess to bury her face against Francisca's pussy even more. Enough time had gone on of this generous motion that she was satisfied to find that the last of the dog's cum was licked free. That allowed her to concentrate more on pleasing her beautiful subject the way that she deserved. Not that the bird wasn't absolutely adoring the attention so far.

Francisca could barely keep herself still. She wiggled back and forth on the chair, desperately pushing against Asha's mouth to feel more of what she offered. Her mind was a sea of bliss, but she didn't let it completely cloud her thoughts. She opened her eyes just a crack and gazed at her mate's handsome face, even though he had his head tilted down and seemed intent on his own motions. That was okay, she knew how she could best garner his attention.

To the rat goddess's surprise, she felt the bird suddenly shift back and lean forward. Though Asha's view was obscured by the cardinal's belly and pelvis, she was still able to sense what was occurring. Amid the change in position, she had drawn her tongue up to Francisca's clit and she now wrapped her lips around it while trailing her slippery organ around its erect circumference.

Samson shuddered back to the present when he felt the bird's hands come to rest on his cheeks. He opened his eyes just enough to see her lean forward and place her beak to his lips in a gentle kiss. He returned it eagerly, his bucking slowing for just a second to really feel the passion of her embrace.

It was this brief connection between the lovers that caused Asha to, in a sense, share in the kiss as well. In fact, it was a closing of the circuit of her energy. No longer was she a mere conduit to transfer and amplify the pleasure between the husky and bird, she was now a battery that had its power running wild.

Intensity sparked between the three of them, felt almost like a bolt of lightning.

Asha's ass squeezed down on Samson's cock and he began pounding away at an even faster pace than before. Both he and Francisca jumped at the abrupt surge of divinity but they maintained their deepening kiss through it all.

The cardinal's legs suddenly locked around the rat goddess's head and forced her cunt even more firmly against Asha's mouth. Samson's hold on her hips similarly tightened, every thick muscle of his body strained to its limit.

It was enough of a burst of pleasure that both mortals were on the edge of a climbing orgasm that threatened to overwhelm them both and Asha was right in the middle. The rat goddess shuddered and moaned against the other's pussy, muffled and drowned out by their own cries of ecstasy. She relaxed herself in these last moments as the juices of her own cunt leaked down the inside of her thighs and soaked her fur.

Given the first opportunity to do so, Samson's cock and knot plunged into her hole and swelled to tie him to the rat goddess. The roiling ball of climactic bliss that had been building now released in a wave that caused him to suddenly pull back from Francisca and howl. His member flexed and his balls clung tight to his groin once more, expelling a volume of cum into Asha's ass that had been replenished with the goddess's help. He poured into her just as much as he had into his mate mere minutes ago.

Francisca bathed in the same sensations as the dog. If her legs had been locked around any other mortal's head there might have been a fear that she would be causing harm. Her hips practically vibrated as the rat goddess refused to relent on her eager lapping and suckling on the cardinal's folds. She was rewarded with a spray of femme juices that caught her right in the mouth, of which she happily drank.

Asha's asshole clung tightly to the husky's knot, making sure he had nowhere to go as she milked him of every drop he had to offer. Her insides clung to his shaft and he was inundated with her divine warmth, all the while the same orgasmic sensations continued for much longer than what he was used to. The same was said for the bird, as each fevered lick that she continued to deliver to the quivering womanhood had a resounding whimper spilling free of its owner.

Like a receding tide, the energy gradually left both mortals and was replaced with exhaustion that was twice as strong as it normally would have been given the circumstances. Samson felt like he had pulled the tiller himself across the field and Francisca's lower body ached with what could be described as a week worth of manual harvesting. Despite this, neither would have wished for a more rewarding experience with the rat goddess.

Asha shivered as her own climax subsided. Her form relaxed, allowing the husky to pull free of her backside but refused to let any of his precious seed spill free. The cardinal's legs fell from her shoulders as she stood back up, feeling so much more fulfilled than she had when she started the day.

“I can never repay you enough for all that you provide,” Asha said adoringly to the couple as she looked from one to the other.

Samson had doubled over with his paws on his knees, his barreled chest heaving a she took in deep breaths. He gave the rat goddess a goofy, lopsided grin that had his tongue flopping from the side of his mouth.

Francisca was much more composed, and she whistled a loving tune back. “I'm sorry we don't get more time like this together. We should make a greater effort to see you while you're around, mistress.”

“Nonsense,” Asha retorted and strode over to the bird and reached out to gently take her hands. Upon contact the fatigue immediately melted away and she was brought back into her prime, energetic self. With a quick tug, Francisca was back to her own feet, chirping a giggle once she was standing face to face with the rat goddess. “Your work here is all the effort that I require.”

Francisca offered a loving smile and a nod. Asha beamed back and turned to the husky as she made her leave. She stroked a paw across his shoulder as she passed, sapping away any lingering weakness.

The dog and cardinal watched on as Asha picked up her pace to a supernatural level and bounded once more through the air. She disappeared in the distance within seconds, seeking more of her island's inhabitants that had yet to receive as much of her grace as she'd have preferred through the past year.



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