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Awesome art by: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/gizmo0sue/

Fae drew in a steady breath as she readied one of her last spells for this part of the ritual. Several books floated in front of her, their pages turned to the relevant sections from which she drew the delicate motions required to get them just right. Among them were several of her own note books, their detailed scribbles and equations the final puzzle pieces to complement the other works in her hovering arsenal.

Her hands waved through the air trailing blue streaks that stayed where she drew them. Once each symbol was meticulously crafted, it seemed to gain mass and drop to the floor right in front of her. Then she would move every so slightly to the side and continue with the next. Her previous glyphs glowed a faint orange where she left them, a trail that outlined the summoning circle that Zakk was busily enchanting.

From across the room the rabbit was drawing somewhat similar shapes as his mistress inside of the ring, though these were much more geometric looking and required that he not pick his enchanted chalk up until he was done drawing each. His own arms glowed the same kind of blue as Fae's, but unlike the mare's his would often spark and crackle as he would draw.

This entire process had been going on for more than an hour and once started it couldn't be stopped or else risk inconsistencies within the spells and enchantments. With something as dangerous as this, nothing could be left to chance or risk. Fae's equations had been triple checked by her and Zakk, there was no reason any other part of this whole ordeal should be lax.

In total, two full hours would pass before the final touches were placed. Zakk's heart beat with a sense of exhaustion, though a potent vitality potion kept him at peak physical prowess. Fae's heart, on the other hand, galloped with excitement and anticipation.

Silence descended on the room as she and her apprentice stared down at all of the work they had done, which from an outside perspective wouldn't have looked like much. But to the trained senses of even a novice mage, would have come off as overwhelming. Enchantments upon enchantments covered the floor and walls with layers of protection not just from inside influences but outside ones as well.

“Is it done, mistress?” Zakk asked, the first sound for the past minute other than their combined heavy breathing.

“I believe so...” Fae said, letting the phrase linger in her mouth. Her mind reached out to the many spells in place, so far triple checking them for potency and grade to make sure the first ones in place had not decayed or been interfered with. So far everything had gone just as it was and she could not think of anything else that needed to be done.

“Yes,” she said much more confidently now and beamed proudly at her apprentice. The femboy returned the look and nodded.

All that was left was for Fae to get ready for the real fun part of this whole ordeal. She started with pulling her shirt over her head and discarding it to a designated space on the floor. Not that any stray clothing would ever interfere with any of the placed spells, but there was no risk she wanted to take no matter how small. Next came her pants and undergarments that fell where her shirt lied, leaving her entirely naked.

When she returned to the glowing circle on the floor, she caught a glimpse of Zakk's appreciative stare and realized that the rabbit must have been aching for some relief of his own after having gone through this whole ordeal. The mare smirked to herself when she noticed him quickly avert his eyes and stare once more at the task in front of him. With the glow around his arms now having turned a bright shade of violet, he was ready to proceed. Fae decided that she would need to reward the femboy quite handsomely later once their current task was finished.

She began chanting in the same tri-angled language that marked the beginning of each of these summonings. Then came the sparks that danced between her fingers and the hum that filled the room. It started much lower than all the other rituals of this nature, so low that the very walls seemed to vibrate. As the pitch gradually rose the various beakers and containers on the nearby shelves vibrated at their own frequency as their residence was matched.

The tone suddenly stopped its rise and Fae's right hand clenched shut as if she had snagged a rope in mid air. The muscles along her arm flexed and a slight grimace formed on her face, like she were struggling to hold on top something. Even so, her words never faltered and then a new tone began. Just like the first, it rose and added its volume to the cacophony within the room. Thanks to the mild dampening spell over Zakk and her ears there was no doubt that they'd be suffering some permanent hearing loss.

The new tone eclipsed the other in pitch before it too stopped abruptly and the mare's left hand clenched at something invisible. When this happened her chanting stopped and she made an aggressive yank backwards with both arms. That was when the brilliant flash of light lit the inside of the circle as twin beams stretched from the floor to the ceiling.

Both columns expanded until the inside of the circle was a pool of gold that could outshine the sun. Again, without that dampening spell both mages would have been seeing spots for a next month. But more than just protecting their senses, the protective magical layer over their eyes allowed them to see the figures that gradually rose up from the floor.

Two divine beings at once was a great enough feet on its own, but this went so much farther, as one was distinctly an angel and the other was a demon. Even more however, was that they were both male equines with shockingly similar body types.

Both Fae and Zakk's hearts leaped with excitement as they witnessed the fruit of their labor come to bare before their eyes. It was enough to almost stun them into forgetting what it was that they were in the middle of doing, though luckily both leaped into action when the opportunity arose.

As soon as both divine beings cleared the floor and were subjected to this world's gravitational pull, they simultaneously snapped out of their stupor and the first thing that they saw was each other. Of conflicting powers, worlds, divinity, and magic, their initial reactions were to tear each other's throats out. Luckily Zakk acted far faster than what they could and seized both in a flurry of writhing, black tentacles.

These particular restraints were different than what the rabbit had used in the past. Instead of the oily, almost liquid type of tentacles that he had come to be familiar with, these were thicker and had a leathery texture to them, like the arms of some giant, ebony squid. By contrast they were also considerably stronger and required less concentration to articulate each limb.

The divine beings' arms and legs were constricted and drawn tight against their bodies, keeping them from lunging or throwing any magic that would have otherwise torn the shop apart. With themselves rendered impotent, their next action was to start a shouting match in their respective languages. It was a rather comical sight, as neither seemed to quite grasp where they were or what situation they found themselves in.

Their voices were silenced when Zakk commanded a tentacle to wrap around each of their snouts and squeeze their mouths shut. Only then did they seem to look beyond their rivalry and stare around at the confines of their new prison.

“Hello, gentlemen,” Fae started as she approached the summoning circle. The males were allowed enough freedom to turn their heads to the sorceress and they both glared at her with a fury that matched their hatred for each other. “If you've calmed down enough, we have some work to do and time is of the essence.”

The demon was the first to snap a guttural hiss at her as best he could from around his tentacle. He mumbled a few words in the mare's common tongue which caused her to glance at her apprentice and nod for him to loosen the hold over his mouth. When the tentacle slackened, the demon launched into an immediate tirade.

“Mortal, release me from these restraints so that I may kill this abomination and I will bestow upon you a generous contract of service!” the demon roared and struggled against the tentacles  as if he thought they all might be undone if the one had.

“Fiend!” the angel snarled through his sealed mouth, only audible because it was such a simple word. It prompted Zakk to release the tentacle around his snout as well. “I will reign favors upon you the likes that this world has never seen if you aid me in annihilating my enemy,” the angel spoke to Fae without taking his gaze off of the demon.

The mare smirked and shook her head. Of course no one with a skull worth their brain would believe either one of them. Neither was above lying to get what they wanted and any means to their goal was worth it. Truly it was times like this that the mare was reminded how incredibly similar the two divine factions were, and yet she nor anyone on this plane fully understood why they hated each other so much.

“Why would I ever go through the trouble of summoning you both here at the same time if I intended to kill one over the other?” She asked, now within feet of either stallion.

Both beings glared at her with a hatred that she was more than familiar with. The full gravity of the situation they found themselves in was soon realized and they quickly devolved back into cursing at each other and her in their native languages. While Fae couldn't fully understand what they were saying, an equal amount of anger was directed at her as was each other.

“Your attention please,” Fae requested simply. Her words of course fell on deaf ears, however it was Zakk who they were meant for.

On cue the tentacles that secured both beings constricted tighter and a surge of anti-divinty energy struck the demon and angel at the same time. Their muscles seized and their voices choked as every pain receptor in their physical forms became lit. The treatment lasted for only a few seconds but for how agonized both males looked it must have felt like a lifetime.

With a simple glance from his mistress the rabbit relented on the torture and waited for his next command. Both beings slumped momentarily against their restraints but once they recovered they regarded the naked woman that stood between them with far more reverence than before. The smug grin on her face matched the strength of their own expressions of disgust, and to her delight they made no other noise, waiting for her to make her demands.

“Good. Now that I have your attention, we're going to set some ground rules. You will not speak unless spoken to and if you make any more noise than I care to hear then you'll get a dose ten times worse than you just experienced and it will be for a hundred times the duration. You will cooperate with my demands or I will make your stay on this plane far more torturous than you could ever imagine. Understood?” Fae dropped her jovial demeanor and leveled a hard stare at the two divine beings.

Both gazed into her eyes for a moment and then shared a look with each other. Clearly they weren't the most dangerous things in the room. For now.

“What are your demands?” the demon asked hesitantly.

“Glad you asked,” Fae replied and then gestured towards Zakk with a flick of her wrist. Suddenly the bat-winged stallion was yanked down to the floor with a thunderous crash, his back impacting so hard that the room shook. The demon uttered a pain groan and was momentarily dazed but upon regaining his coherency he was able to look up just in time to find that the mare was now standing over him with a leg on either side of his hips. He could only see her backside as she purposely faced the angel.

“I will be extracting some precious raw ingredients from both of your bodies. The more you cooperate with the following procedures the better off you'll be and the less time you'll have to stay here,” Fae continued nonchalantly. From the nearby shelf she casually summoned her trusty jar of bliss honey to her hand.

“What kind of raw ingredients are you after?” the angel asked, already knowing the answer to his question as he could smell the magical intent on the golden liquid that his captor was already spreading on her hands.

“That of a sexual nature. The most potent is the hardest to get after all, right?” the mare said and slowly lowered herself down onto her knees.

“Y-you can't be serious,” the demon huffed and tried a bit more against his restraints. She didn't need to confirm her intentions, that was done by her beginning to smear the bliss honey over the demon's sheath and balls. An immediate wave of heat and pleasure coursed through his groin in that moment and his manhood gave a lively twitch.

“Disgusting,” the angel muttered under his breath as he watched the mare apply the gooey substance. It only took a slight flick of her gaze to her apprentice for a surge of pain to begin ravaging his body. From how his every fiber screamed in agony he'd have sworn he was on fire and would see the tongues of flames consuming his physical body. He'd have been screaming had the muscles of his body all locked up, causing him to contort and tremble against the tentacles.

All while this happened, the demon stared with the same abject disdain as before, though it was also tinged with a healthy amount of fear. While he shared the angel's sentiment of the situation he knew enough not to voice it.

The angel's torture continued on for nearly two full minutes, all the while Fae casually coated the demon's cock in the bliss honey and stroked it with both hands until it was standing straight up. He was a beautiful size, as all equines were, and she was practically trembling with anticipation of feeling him inside of her.

Once she was satisfied with his firmness, Fae shifted forward on her knees and straddled him at the waist. She reached between her legs and set his glistening tip between her cheeks and under her tail. With his flat end firm against her thick pucker, she pushed down and felt him enter.

The demon fought desperately to keep the exquisite sensation from making him moan, but if this was just the first push then he didn't have hope for the ensuing motions. He made a silent prayer to his abyssal gods and protectors for strength as Fae began to gently ride back on him, her ass taking in every inch he had to offer and stopping only when she was firmly planted on his lap.

The mare on the other hand didn't care if she was heard or not. She moaned lovingly at the feeling of her asshole getting stretched and her bowels filling with the male's thick, throbbing pyre. She could even feel it indenting her belly a little, something that she'd have loved to fawn over if she didn't have one more lover to take care of.

When Fae fixed her attention back to the angel, Zakk relented on the punishment. The white furred horse slumped tiredly against his restraints, his body still shaking and a persistent whimper emanated from his slack jaw.

“P-please...no more...I'll do whatever you want...” he said pitifully.

“I know you will,” Fae replied and scooped an extra large dollop of bliss honey onto the three fingers of her right hand and generously brushed them over the angel's limp length and sheath.

While the angel's body still endured aftershocks of the rabbit's treatment, the material that now began to coat his shaft was like cooling balm on a burn. He sighed loudly in both relief and pleasure, almost eager to be done with the discomfort that continued to plague his body. The more she smeared the bliss honey over him the more the pain went away, entirely replaced with exquisite pleasure that he was almost excited to embrace.

Fae controlled her more smug self as she realized how well her plan was working. With two cowed divine beings under her control there was no limit to how much raw material she could extract from them. Unfortunately for them, this was barely even the beginning, as her plans far exceeded this single moment of fun. Despite that, she wasn't going to let her enjoyment of the situation be lost.

As the mare continued to bath the angel's member in the gleaming golden liquid, she gradually worked her hips up and down over the demon's lap. The dark furred stallion was able to suppress his moans for only a few seconds before they began to escape through clenched teeth. His first was a shuddering hiss, soon followed by an almost begging groan. It matched the tone and volume that escaped his divine counter part.

Once the angel was to an appreciative rigidity, Fae eagerly stuffed his tip into her mouth and sank it rather deep into her throat. With controlled breaths she began bobbing her mouth over his size in tandem with the gentle sway of her hips. She would sink down the angel's length just as she would draw up from the demon's throbbing pyre.

As much as both divine beings struggled to fight their more mortal urges, they ultimately won out. Upon reaction both stallions would push their hips up to meet Fae's swaying motions, the tentacles  allowing for only that level of movement. Their moans similarly escaped with greater frequency as their fortitude wore down.

The physical pleasure that steadily wound through the mare's body was only one kind that she felt in that moment. Her mind swam in a high of dominance over these powerful beings and their subjugation made her move with greater purpose.

Her hips ground down on the demon's lap as she would take him fully inside, her belly bulging every time and causing Zakk to stare. At the same time, she ground her tongue firmly to the cock in her mouth while drawing the strongest vacuum she could. Her cheeks often became concave as she would bring it from base to tip between her lips.

The bliss honey's affect wasn't lost on her, it's tantalizing properties soaked into the wet insides  to bring about a heightened sense of pleasure. Every nerve of her ass and mouth was alight with this ecstasy and she craved more.

Over the course of many minutes she picked up the pace of her riding. As she did, she turned from bobbing her mouth over the angel's shaft to taking him fully down her throat and holding his entire length there as her esophagus milked him. She only moved back when she cared to take a breath, of which always came out as a deep gasp but at no point did she ever let her lips relax form its delicious surface.

The smack of her ass falling onto the demon's lap was crisp and loud. Fae's vigorous sway even caused the floor to tremble slightly as she relied on her weight to drive the bucking cock as deep as it could go. Her pussy, absolutely soaked and literally dripping, had three fingers of her hand digging as deep as they could go while the other pressed to the angel's hip to keep herself steady.

Despite the monumental amount of control that she boasted, the mare's mind was dangerously close to going blank and fully succumbing to her more primal urges. It didn't help that both divine beings were generously leaking precum that soaked into her flesh and clouded her mind as much as everything else.

It was this drug that she truly craved. The essence of their raw magic had Fae fantasizing about bathing in their combined volume of cum and frequently drinking it in deep gulps from a cup. She wanted to lather its musky scent into her fur like she were marked as their mutual territory. Her paradise would consist of nothing more than being a fuck toy for these stallions until the day she died.

Luckily, she was sable to keep herself coherent enough to not fall from that precipice. Even if the long, drawn out moans that she uttered through every breath might have implied otherwise. She still kept herself tentative to her lovers' mannerisms, and if what she saw was any indication of what was about to come, she needed to get ready to receive the first volley of potent material.

The angels' grunts had grown to a rather thunderous volume. His mouth hung open and his head turned from side to side as he tried to desperately cope with the intense sensations that he was experiencing. His hips continued to thrust forward to meet Fae's mouth, as limited as that motion was. His hefty balls swung like a pendulum even as they clung tight to his groin. The euphoria that his body struggled to understand built like a canon at the base of his cock until it came shooting out.

In a deep, roaring shout the angel arched his back and strained against the gripping tentacles as a thick, hot burst of cum erupted through his shaft. The tip flared as Fae held it in her mouth, her tongue lashing its fat crown as the first salvo burst against the inside of her cheeks.

The volume was as impressive as she expected and she grew giddy when another gush as large as the first filled her mouth to its bursting point. She dared not swallow any or else risk an uncomfortable procedure later to retrieve it, so she simply cupped her breasts with both arms and relaxed her jaw. The volume of thick white cascaded from her lips and pooled into the crevice of her breasts, a small lake soon forming.

Fae's tongue danced in the musky white, savoring its flavor as best she could without fully gulping it down like she were dying of thirst. The bursts continued on for quite some time, though they did eventually slow to a dribble and eventually stopped all together. The angels' cock slowly withdrew from the mare's mouth by that point, simply letting its remaining expulsions land across her chest.

“Z-zakk?” The mare gurgled through an open mouth, her gaze turning to the rabbit. She didn't have to wait long for the femboy to act, as a large flask was already coming to hover nearby.

She'd have thanked him if time wasn't an equally valuable resource at the moment. As she busied herself with collecting the cum through a levitation spell, Fae continued to gyrate and squeezed down on the demon's own girth. She could tell how close he was as well, and she only cared to deal with one load of cum at a time.

With practiced commands, the flask filled with the sloshing jizz as it lifted from her every surface, including her tongue as much as she hated to let it go. There would be plenty of time later to enjoy the fruits of her labor, she promised herself, only moving when she had sequestered every precious drop.

The flask was nearly filled to the brim, finding it lucky that her apprentice selected one that was perfect for the task. No, not lucky. Zakk was a well practiced and gifted student, and he deserved every ounce of praise for his help in these endeavors. She mentally promised him that she would spend a large part of the night satisfying any urges he may have acquired from this voyeuristic gauntlet.

The angel now spent of his seed and energy, slumped against the tentacles and struggled to catch his breath. It was odd for a divine being to be exhausted like this, an ailment that he was aware of and knew he should have been alarmed about, but found such notions tough to grasp. As such, he was consumed by his stupor and remained silent as his captor finished with the demon.

Fae set the container off to the side and summoned a similarly sized one to her hand from a nearby shelf. Her hips had been churning slowly while she had been otherwise occupied, but now that her attention could be fully focused again, she picked up the pace. Her light swaying quickly transformed into the familiar riding that the demon was accustomed to, and with it came the blissful reminder of how close he was to cumming.

Fae shivered and groaned under her breath while she watched the stallion from over her shoulder. She dipped her free hand back down between her legs and resumed grinding circles around on her clit and lips. Her ass flexed in the rhythmic pattern of her pumping, often clenching as she would draw up and relaxing upon plopping down.

The smack of her ass on his lap again climbed to match the volume of his moans and her cries of ecstasy. Her pace gradually picked up and his hips would buck to meet her on every stroke. Deep, guttural roars thrummed from the demon's chest, his balls clinging tight to his body and the tip of his cock noticeably flared to the point that It felt like his entire cock had swelled within her.

Fae shivered and whimpered hotly under her breath, barely able to keep her mind focused enough to keep the container firm in her grasp. Just a little more, he told herself as the intense pleasure blossomed considerably within her own body.

Just when she thought she was dangerously close to losing herself, the demon uttered his loudest neigh yet and erupted with a substantial gout of cum. The mare gasped and arched her back, the hot fluid sending her over that same edge. Her ass slammed down on the demon's lap and she bore all of her weight on him. Her stomach significantly bulged, becoming larger as more and more of his precious jizz filled her.

From around her fingers, Fae's pussy convulsed and sent a spray of her femme juices cascading down over the demon's balls and onto the floor. In doing so, her insides expertly milked the divine being of every drop that he had to offer, each internal squeeze making him gasp and growl.

Fae stayed frozen in that position for the better part of a minute as she struggled to compose herself. Aftershocks still coursed through her form and her cunt continued to spill her excitement even though she had since dropped her hand from the task.

The demon's breathing was the loudest thing in the room at that moment. It was in this time that he seemed to gain enough focus to see the angel lying limp against his restraints. This was his chance, he told himself. Killing the other divine being would be easy now.

And yet, why couldn't he move? He lacked no will to jump from his spot, and was reminded how secure he was against the floor by the ever present tentacles. His vision blurred for a moment and he tried to shake his head of the malaise that had suddenly come over him. Only in the farthest depths of hell had he ever been this tired and only after being involved in some grand campaign of dominance for his overlord. But he had barely done anything, fucking had never done this to him before, so what was happening?

“Wh-what....what did you do to me?” the demon asked feebly and stared as hard a she could at the back of the mare's head. He couldn't quite be sure, but he thought he heard her giggle condescendingly.

“Excellent work, Zakk,” Fae said and carefully rose from her spot. Just as the stallion's rapidly shrinking cock pulled free she replaced it with the long neck of her flask. The thick cum spilled into it like an upended wine bottle and she sighed in relief as the pressure she had been holding onto finally released.

“I hardly did anything, mistress,” the femboy said with a smile as he crossed the room. He watched as the container filled to the brim, nearly being an exact volume as the angel's. His bound cock gave an excited flex but he made sure to ignore its pleas for release, desperately hoping that the mare would help him with it later.

“Nonsense, Zakk, we wouldn't be able to do all of this if it wasn't for all of your help,” Fae retorted as she finished up her task and held the nearly spilling container out in front of her for the rabbit to see. “Look at all that we've accomplished today. And we still have so much more to do. After we are finished with this grand task I would say that your apprenticeship will be complete. You will be able to get into any court that you see fit with my recommendation.”

The femboy stared with wide eyes and a slack mouth upon hear her words. “Oh, mistress! You really mean it?” he replied.

“Indeed,” she giggled at his reaction. “Now, take these and put them away for tomorrow's work. I'm going to make sure our friends here are bound well enough to be left alone. Meet me in my quarters when you're done.”

“Yes, mistress,” Zakk said and stooped to snag the flask of angel cum and gingerly accepted the other.

As he trotted off the mare turned and called out to him before he got too far gone. “Zakk?” He paused and turned to her. “Be sure that you're naked by the time I come in.”

“Yes, mistress,” he said and bowed his head thankfully and disappeared into the next room.

Fae smirked to herself and then turned to her captive duo. The demon had sunk into the same semi-unconscious state as his divine enemy and his breathing had since calmed to a steady huff. Now the only thing that made noise in the room was a strange humming pulse. Almost imperceptible, it was more felt than heard.

It was this sensation that caused Fae to grin while she meandered casually up to the angel. She craned her face close to his and stared right into his glowing, pure eyes. His eyelid gave a slight flex, just enough to tell her that he was still cognitive enough to hear.

“You're going to make such a lovely monster. Such a lovely abomination,” she whispered and then placed a firm kiss to his lips. Had he the will she was sure he'd have pulled away, but the battery enchantment that sapped his divinity made him weaker than a child.

Satisfied with the room, the mare drew her fingers against her loosened asshole, collected some of the demon's residual cum, and stuffed them into her mouth. As she savored the taste and swallowed, her body become momentarily alight with bliss.

She turned on her heel and trotted from the room, all the while still suckling on her fingers and thinking deviously to herself. Getting fucked by an angel and demon at the same time was a thrilling experience for sure, but the real fun was still to come.



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