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Awesome art by: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/golub1ka/

Read the first chapter here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/meet-me-by-river-8964873

Never in her life had Caila born witness to quite so many hungry stares as she received now, yet she dared not be afraid. With her back straight and her stride confident, she walked through the thick grass of the meadow to her destination at its center.

Large tents were set up all around, from which towering wolves moved in and out from. As the doe glanced around she could recognize clear family units, males and females mingling while their pups ran around and played. But when she would walk past, even the young ones would pause what they were doing and stare at her. Every so often she would hear them ask their parents and they would hush them or possibly even indulge in an explanation.

“She is a friend of Showl,” one father replied to his son, who must have been a teenager.

“Was she the one that was expected to be here?” the son asked back.

“That's right. Do you know not to touch her?” the father pressed.

“Yeah, but I don't know what makes her so special.”

That was the last that Caila cared to listen to. She neared Showl's hut by that point and as word of her arrival progressed farther ahead of her the wolves began to simply ignore her presence as best they could. No point in salivating over a meal that you couldn't have.

The leader of the wolf tribe clearly needed the largest home. The doe was glad that she could identify as such and didn't need to ask anyone for directions. But then again his instructions weren't all that difficult to interpret either.

Once she got close enough, two familiar faces popped up on either side of the front entrance to Showl's tent. One was the handsome face of Taylor, and the other Allow. They both smiled a friendly greeting to her and she returned the gesture.

The brown furred lupine stepped into the tent without a word while the other lifted his paw in a clear motion for the doe to stop coming closer. She did just that and greeted the young male.

“It's good to see you again, Taylor. How have things been?” She asked with a smile.

“Hello, Caila. Things have been well. I hope things aren't too frightening for you here in our little niche of the forest,” he said with a sympathetic smile.

“I'm not too worried. The chain of command around here seemed to be pretty well respected,” she said back and glanced around at her surroundings to see that the few wolves that had paused to stare at her had now gone back to whatever it was that occupied them before.

Taylor was about to say something back but Allow stepped back out from the entrance. “He's ready for you, Caila,” he said flatly.

“Thank you,” she replied and continued forward. Allow held the tent flap open for her and only dropped it back when she was fully inside.

Showl's tent was dark at first, the thick hide that made up its exterior was stitched together well and barely allowed any light in. That seemed to be by design as a faint glow a few yards away in the secondary room caught the doe's eye.

There was also the unmistakable scent of burning of apple vines, a potent aphrodisiac that could be eaten when fermented or smoked when dried. She often partook in them when in the company of other deer and she was reminded of many fond memories of her in the midst of an orgy getting every one of her holes filled to the brim by thick buck cocks while high out of her mind.

She ventured farther and found herself warmed, its source, she realized, was a stone pit in the middle of the room where coals glowed ruby. Around the pit sat Showl and one other wolf that she could only assume was a high ranking individual among his tribe, though she couldn't quite put a name to him.

Upon the doe entered, Showl raised his eyes and smiled to her. He still looked the same from the last time he head seen her, perhaps an added scar or two, but that was about it. In his paw he held a long, wooden pipe that was carved with an ornate design that she wasn't used to seeing in wolf society. Artistic styling wasn't exactly useful among a group such as them.

“Caila. So good to see you again,” Showl said, his words mixing with a billow of smoke that escaped from his mouth as he spoke.

“It's good to see you as well. How have things been?” she replied and stood in the doorway.

“Hungry and horny, as usual,” he chuckled. That made Caila smile and the other wolf cackle. “Please, have a seat.” He gestured to the spot beside him, a continuation of comfortable furs laid out that acted as both a bed and comfortable sitting.

“Thank you,” Caila replied and meandered around the pit and plopped down with folded legs beside him.

Showl took another long drag from his pipe and handed it over to the other lupine. He held the smoke in his lungs for a moment before exhaling a large gout at the pit. The smoke mingled with the smoke of the embers and together they carried up into a chimney set in the center of the ceiling.

Caila was mesmerized by the display, but was snapped from her thoughts by the alpha speaking. “Caila, this is Morten. He is the leader of the wolf tribe to the south of the forest.”

The doe looked across the pit to the other wolf and nodded her head in greeting. The gesture was returned as Morten took a deep inhale of the pipe and held it in like Showl. He was as burly of a lupine as Showl, but his fur was black save for the insides of his arms and legs, which were silver. She hadn't seen that pattern before in a wolf, but then again she had never known wolves other than Showl and his tribe.

“It's nice to meet you, Morten,” she said enthusiastically.

“Showl seems to have quite a few stories about you, Caila,” Morten rumbled, his voice sounding like moving gravel. She thought that his smoking might have been quite prolific. “Might you have any of him that you suspect he might now have shared?”

Morten offered the pipe back to Showl, who took it and then offered it to Caila. “Hmm stories that Showl might not have shared yet...” the doe probed her mind for anything embarrassing that he might not have told so far as she accepted the pipe. The smell of the burning apple vines within its bowl was pungent and unmistakable and her mouth practically watered as she set the tip in her mouth and took a deep inhale.

As soon as the smoke hit her lungs her brain was seized by the urgent need to get fucked. It had been years since she had enjoyed such a treat and her tolerance for such had dwindled considerably. The longer she held the smoke the more it spread through to every hair of her body and she could hardly contain the giggled that bubbled up inside.

“Did he ever tell you the story of how he got addicted to anal sex?” Caila asked while letting the smoke spill free with her words.

Showl's posture noticeably stiffened and Morten cackled again. “Oh, please do tell!” the other alpha practically howled.

“I believe it was one of the times I gained your favor, wasn't it, Showl?” Caila asked as she handed the pipe back to him.

“I believe so...” he replied, a clear blush beginning to form on his cheeks.

“Oh yeah, he wasn't too young at the time, but he was a bit inexperienced. He mounted me when he saw my cute ass wagging for him right away without looking. He stuck my pussy for the first minute or so but he got overzealous and slipped out. When he tried sticking it back in he missed and well...” Caila shrugged and winked at Showl. He had tried to make it seem like he wasn't being embarrassed by the story while he hastily puffed on the pipe.

Morten's guffaws echoed in the tent and he pounded his fist against the fur that he sat on. Doubled over and rocking back and forth, he almost toppled to his side from how hard he laughed.

“Yes! That sounds about right for ol' Showl,” Morten howled and stared at the other wolf with a broad grin. Showl just rolled his eyes and practically shoved the pipe to the black lupine, hopping that if he had something shoved in his mouth he might make less of a racket.

“Ever since, he always asks if he can cum in my ass after fucking my pussy. Like a gentleman,” Caila continued. Even while Morten sucked away at the pipe he still laughed.

“Please tell me that you have more,” Morten said after taking in a deep inhale.

“Perhaps another time,” Showl interrupted. “For now, we have other things to discuss” Caila smiled appreciatively at her host. Showl returned the look and settled his paws onto his lap before continuing. “From what I understand, you are looking for safe passage to the south, correct?”

“That's right,” the doe nodded. “It's been many years since I've been home. I want to go back now.”

“Well, that does make sense as to why you invited me here,” Morten interjected and tapped out the burned ash from the pipe and thought to pack it with fresh apple vines but set it down instead. “Granting safe passage for a single doe won't be difficult, though I am curious if you might have anything to offer for my troubles.”

The look that Morten gave Caila was one of bestial hunger. She recognized it all too well, because it was the one that Showl also gave her in that moment. It was also the same one he gave her when diplomatic and friendly talks were over and it was time to have some fun.

“I have nothing more than my own body to offer,” Caila replied and ran her hands up her sides to emphasize the point. “If any of your tribesmen would like, I could aid them in stress relief.”

“I'm not so certain I would be that generous. I'm much more selfish than I look,” Morten chuckled.

“Is that so?” the doe giggled and then turned her body to steady herself on her knees and then crawled closer to him. Those in wolf tribes rarely ever wore clothes, which was a stark contrast to herself. Her loose pants hung from her waist and her baggy shirt left much to be desired from curious eyes. But in the way that she now grew closer to him, the black wolf was able to easily see down the neck of her shirt and see that she wore no bra. Something about the small breasts of a prey animal had heat rising in Morten's body more so than just the smoked apple vines.

From the side, Showl watched curiously as his guest was mounted by the woman that was considerably smaller than she was. Her lithe body paled in comparison to his predatory form, but that seemed to be the appeal that she offered.

Caila's hands pressed against the thick fur of Morten's belly and stroked down towards his sheath. The black wolf reclined back as she did so, his hungry gaze following her while her fingers traced to the spot between his thighs. There was already the pink tip of his cock peaking free of its home with the strong scent of his musk emanating from it.

The doe breathed it in, finding that it mixed well with the apple vines that still clouded her mind. It made her hungry to taste it, but before she was to be so forward she looked up at the black wolf to see his reaction.

Morten's tongue lolled from the front of his mouth and his eyelids stayed at a half closed state. His strong chest lifted and fell with every deep breath that he made. He didn't need to say anything, only the push forward of his hips told the doe everything that she needed to know about how eager he was for her to continue.

She pushed down on the sides of his sheath and exposed more his member. It was rather large, even by wolf standards, and it was rapidly growing between her palms. She wrapped her fingers around the shaft and began stroking.

The surface of his throbbing pyre was already slick and worked easily in her grasp. Still, that didn't keep her from leaning her head over the tip and letting a wad of her spit fall onto it. She smeared that over his size as well, and shortly after she began to hear the light huffs of pleasure that emanated from him with each breath.

She picked up the pace and tightened her grip as best she could. The black wolf responded by arching his hips up to meet her down stroke and the strength she felt behind each of those movements had her heart racing.

Given how much she concentrated on Morten, the doe hadn't realized that Showl had since gotten down onto his own paws and knees and had crawled up behind her. The gray wolf reached out and took a hold of her pants, making her startle and turn back to stare at the other alpha.

Showl let out an amused chuckle but wasn't deterred. His fingers gripped the hem of her bottoms and pushed them down, underwear and all. He drew them completely off of her legs and let them fall near the pit before he started at her shirt and disposed of it in the same manner.

“You'll treat my guest well, won't you?” Showl rumbled softly into Caila's ear as he came to kneel right behind her. His large paws ran up her sides and then turned inward to stroke over her small breasts. His rough fingers crossing over her nipples had shivers racing up the doe's spine.

“Absolutely,” she breathed and bit her bottom lip. Her paws had since fallen back to Morten's cock and she resumed her stroking. From all her effort, he stood fully hard and leaking a meager amount of excited precum.

“Good,” he replied and then suddenly grabbed her by the outside of her thighs. In a near effortless motion, Caila was lifted from her place on the floor.

She yelped in surprise and stared with wide eyes as her lower body came to hover above Morten's lap. Compared to Showl's strength, she weighed as much as a feather. Manipulating her form in midair was easy, her back rested against his chest and her legs spread wide before being lowered.

Her pussy accepted the thick, lupine girth eagerly. Gravity forced its entirety within her and she cried out in euphoria as it sank all the way in. She felt so full with something that large inside, its tip pressed firmly to the back of her cunt and her lips were settled on his knot like it were a chair.

When Showl released her body, she fell forward and planted her hands against Morten's belly. His own paws came up and placed on her thighs where Showl's had once been, but now he only cared about keeping her where she was.

Caila's body reflexively squeezed down on the wolf's member and her hips shifted slightly to feel it grind against her inner walls. That slight motion caused Morten to buck up against her and she bounced on his lap without meaning to. As he withdrew, his girth was soaked in her own excitement, strings of her thickened juices stuck between her entrance and his knot.

A firm paw on the doe's back had her leaning forward even farther and she blinked in surprise as she felt Showl position himself more comfortably behind her. A firm smack of her ass made her yelp in excitement and she grinned over her shoulder at him.

Showl returned the look and winked as he presented the doe with his own cock. At some point along the way of watching her give Morten so much attention he had become fully erect. He was also eager to not be left out.

Caila bobbed and shifted her hips in anticipation while she waited for her second penetration. Her short tail was raised and presenting her tailhole, the pink pucker of which flexed in an inviting manner.

The gray wolf suddenly grasped the doe's tail and forced her to stay still. Even still, she squirmed over Morten's dick and he was forced to control his urge to just squeeze her sides and begin pounding away like his body pleaded him to do. But the wait was well worth it.

Showl made a show of suckling on two fingers of his opposite paw, making sure to get them decently wet before setting them between Caila's buttcheeks. She whimpered hotly when they pushed inside and dug as far as they could go.

If having one thick lupine member in her was already enough to make her feel so full, she could hardly wait to have another. Even with his fingers pumping in and out, her mind started to go crazy. She wanted to beg him to just mount her but the sensation of his digits running against Morten's shaft from the other side of her pussy sent chills through her form.

After a minute or so of Showl generously applying more and more saliva to her asshole, he finally withdrew his fingers and set the tip of his cock to her wanting pucker. Caila held her squeal of excitement in that moment but she couldn't keep herself from moaning when he pushed himself inside.

Just as she suspected, it was an intense stretch that had her already full body on the brink of coming apart at the seems. Though somewhat uncomfortable, the pleasure that came with having two strong wolves inside her at the same time like this was like heaven.

Two thick knots rested outside of her, each pushed firmly to their respective holes and struggling to slip inside. All three of them took a collective moment to adjust to each others' presence, and it was the doe that began moving first.

She lifted her body up and then plopped it back. Both members sank into her at the same time and she cooed lovingly at the renewed stretching sensation that accompanied the motion. It was like a drug, and she couldn't get enough of it.

Caila's hips worked back and forth, gradually growing in speed and strength to the wolves' enjoyment. The males stayed relatively still aside from slight lifts and pushes that complimented the woman's own riding movements.

As the pleasure blossomed through her body she began to let her moans spill out more frequently and far louder than before. She arched her back against Showl's chest and he responded by wrapping one strong arm around her waist and cradling her against him. She reached up with one hand as well and grasped a fistful of his fur at the shoulder.

Between the males, their own rocking movements had grown substantially more aggressive. Gone was Caila's momentum, they had since picked up on her energy and were now going with her lead. Morten pushed his hips up and down in tandem with Showl. Together they would dive their throbbing shafts into her tight body at the same time and withdraw just as quickly.

Caila's pussy juices ran down the black wolf's cock and knot like a waterfall. She soaked the fur of his lap which added an extra crisp smack when his body would drive against hers. From behind, the strike of Showl's towering form had her whole frame shaking. Her small breasts were in a constant state of motion as the ripple of his thrusts traveled up from her backside.

The doe found herself rapidly losing control of herself and the situation. In the presence of these two there was no physical leverage that she could offer. She was a fuck toy for their every whim, a doll to be tossed around as they saw fit. Upon this realization she let her body go more limp and the two males were eager to completely take over.

Morten's strong paws gripped her by the hips. Every time that he would thrust up she'd be tossed forward from the mighty strike, but then she'd be pushed back onto that same rutting dick. Showl's grip was much the same. His motions fed hungrily from the other wolf's as he still strove to meet the other's pace.

Grunts and growls mixed in the air in a furious cacophony that nearly drowned out the doe's own high pitched squeals. Though she no longer had any control of herself, that didn't keep her from pushing back as hard as she could manage when she found the opportunity. She also made sure to constrict herself to milk the pounding shafts as best she could.

It got tougher to concentrate as time went on. Caila felt her eyes roll up into her head and her gaze became unfocused and blurry. Waves of ecstasy constantly crashed over her body and she couldn't tell when she might have been climaxing or not. All she knew was that the furs beneath Morten's body got soaked and there was nothing she could do about it.

Tremors saturated her body and she couldn't keep from working herself into a frenzy of blissful motion while under the constant lupine siege of her holes. The movements against her grew in ferocity. They seemed to be fighting over her body, intent on stuffing their knots inside of her but being unable to do it at the same time. As accommodating as the doe was, even she had her limits.

Morten's aggressive snarl broke through Caila's pleasure induced high and she looked down at his face in time to see it contort into a mask of concentration and euphoria. She didn't make the connection right away as to what happened, that came a couple seconds later when a rush of hot cum suddenly flooded her pussy.

Caila gasped as the heat rushed through her form, the thick, white fluid forcing its way into her womb and filling her to the brim in seconds. Her stomach swelled slightly from how much he pumped into her, each thrust up had a renewed gush painting her inner walls.

The thick fluid began to spill down Morten's cock as the last of his balls finally emptied. It pooled around his sheath and mixed with all the other juices that had already soaked into his fur. Had she been a wolf herself she knew that she'd be carrying his pups for the next few months, no way that so much seed could have filled her without that happening.

With so much happening within her pussy, the doe had almost forgotten about the growling, snarling wolf at her back. Showl uttered the same guttural huffs as the other alpha and worked his hips in a blur of motion. Caila had come to rest on top of Morten's knot, and so she was left to be the other's cum receptacle as he pleased.

It wasn't long before the gray wolf howled out and hit his climax. His cock throbbed and sent forth a substantial gout of his thick cream. Unlike her pussy, her ass had room the spare, and her body seemed to drink his warmth in like it was sustenance that she badly needed.

Teeth bared and his growl persisting, Showl rutted his hips several more times, though slowing down significantly after each. An additional spurt of his cum spilled within her after each movement, and before long he rested his towering body against hers.

Morten shivered hard and the fur along his shoulders and chest fluffed up. An excited, yet tired grin spread over his face and he turned his eyes to the woman. “I believe you've more than earned your passage through the southern forest, Caila.”

The doe was about to thank him but Showl interrupted. “Just that easy, eh?”

“What do you mean?” Morten asked with a quirked brow.

“You let her win you over after one fuck and she'll be bringing all her friends through the south,” Showl continued and slowly extracted his cock from her backside. Her tailhole squeezed shut quickly behind, keeping every precious drop of his seed from escaping.

“Well then, do enlighten me,” Morten said as he stroked a paw over the doe's hip. Caila had planted her hands against the black wolf's chest and belly again and the two intently watched Showl as he retrieved the pipe from where it was left near the pit and went about packing fresh apple vines into it.

“You're going to be here all night, and so will she. You can't tell me that you've grown satisfied with her already, have you?” Showl asked as he plucked a stick from the pit that glowed with a faint ember on the tip and lit the pipe with it.

“Hmm...” Morten rumbled in contemplation as he mulled the other's words over in his head. “No, I suppose not.”

“Well then, it looks like we have a few more hours of negotiations to attend to, don't we?” he asked and offered the pipe to Morten.

Caila snagged the pipe before the black wolf could get a hold of it and drew a quick yet deep breath of the smoke into her lungs.

Morten watched the doe and chuckled as he saw how nervous she had grown being a bystander to their conversation. “I'd have to say that you're absolutely right, Showl.”



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