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  Art by the awesome: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/fuzzies4you  

 As time went on with the Bottomless Bar continuing to be under the responsible guide of Merun, attendance for all nights of the week regardless of the time of day was through the roof. The husky ran a tight ship and he reprimanded anyone that thought it was okay to let their attendance slip or if they engaged in anything that he thought reflected poorly on the establishment.   
  Merun was also someone that held the safety of his workers to the highest standard that Luther, Jasmine, and Dennis had ever seen. The husky wouldn't hesitate to call upon Brock or Jesse to remove someone that was harassing a bar tender or another patron, another stark difference between him and Ashton. As such, everyone that worked there felt much safer and the reputation of the Bottomless Bar being a safe place to go and enjoy some drinks and good atmosphere began to rebound. But a good reputation and great drink deals wasn't where Merun wanted to stop.   
  Plans for ladies' and gentlemen's nights were underway and after a couple of preliminary experiments, it seemed that the concepts did well to entertain crowds and bring in a ton more guests. Merun decided to make the two new nights official every week and they only comprised of those bar workers that willingly subjected themselves to the extra attention.   
  Everything was going well for quite a while until the bar owner began to realize that stress was starting to get quite a bit higher than normal with all of the extra traffic. As such when this was set to occur, there needed to be some extra workers, and so an ad for bar staff was issued once again. It didn't take long for a myriad of applications to come in, and after conducting several interviews with Luthor, two candidates stood out among all others.   
  A position for security and a position for a bar tender were both open and on this day Merun would be hiring who he thought was destined to make for an excellent security worker. Best of all was that during this process, Jacob had inquired with Merun an opportunity to sit in on the second round of interviews that needed to be conducted. The stallion wanted to try his hand at some managerial duties and hoped he would garner some good experience from seeing how such an interview was carried out. The husky felt very proud of Jacob that day, though he did sit in a few times with Luthor to get a feel for how some questions were asked.
  It was about ten in the morning when the woman came in for her second interview. The bar had quite a few guests at the moment but no one was being overwhelmed since the horse was being aided by Jasmine and Taylor. Merun was there as well but he was in and out of his office as he prepared the space for the zebra mare that would be coming in. It was no secret what the new candidates looked like, the bar tenders were given pictures and told to look out for them as they would be coming in the following days.
  Jacob knew her as Megan and recognized her right away as the tall, strong looking zebra with one of the more unique hair styles he had ever seen. She was about the stallion's height but she had the build of a frequent weight lifter with defined arms that bulged and held her shirt taught. Her belly was rippled with abs and she had a set of wide hips that tapered to thick, muscular thighs. She wore no bottoms so her bare pussy was on display, a well kept sight that the horse admired.   
  When she came up to the bar she immediately garnered Jacob's attention and so he approached her with a friendly smile. She smiled back, and while he hoped he was looking into her eyes, he couldn't really tell. The zebra woman had long, black hair that was tied back in a single braid that trailed her spine but a curtain of bangs masked her gaze, or at least that was what it seemed. Despite others' abilities to see her eyes, she didn't seem to be the slightest encumbered by her own hair.   
  “Hello, I'm here to see Merun about a second interview?” she asked Jacob, her voice somewhat deep and a bit husky. It fit her stature, the horse came to find and it was profoundly attractive.   
  “Oh sure, I'll go and let him know-.” The equine began and turned just a tiny bit and was immediately confronted by the towering canine that was his boss. As if appearing out of nowhere and being unsettlingly quiet while doing so, Merun was already beaming as he looked at the zebra. Megan seemed to be startled by his sudden appearance as well but she quickly recovered and sent back an equally friendly smile.   
  “Hey, Megan, glad you could make it,” the husky said happily. “I see you've met our rising star, Jacob, here. He's actually been asking to sit in on our next round of interviews, do you mind?”
  “No, not at all,” she said and tilted her head in a way that made Jacob feel that she was looking at him.
  “Fantastic! Well come on back then and we can get everything underway,” Merun said and waved for her and Jacob to follow as he moved past the other bar tenders and into the backroom from where he had come. Jacob waited for Megan to come around behind the bar before the two followed close behind.   
  Jacob began to think back to the time he had come back for his own second interview at the bar and how Luthor had fucked him and given his sign of approval, though in the days that followed that, he tended to think the hiring was more because the doberman loved equines and loved even more to fuck them. When the issue was brought up to Merun he was dismissive of the reasoning, but he assured that even if it were the case, it had turned out to be the right one anyway. That alleviated Jacob's mind considerably at the time.   
  Merun's office was a pretty clean space, not that he ever did much in it or had much stuff for it to ever be a mess. Still though, it seemed to be even cleaner than usual. He waved Jacob over to stand behind his desk with him while Megan came in and closed the door behind her. A single chair was set up in front of the desk and the husky gestured to it with a smile. “Please, have a seat and get comfortable.”   
  “Thank you.” Megan held a constant smile as she eased into the chair and folded her hands on her lap. Merun sat down in his own chair and scooted himself up to his desk where there were a few papers, one of which was Megan's resume.   
  “All right then, so thank you once again for coming in for a second interview, we have a pretty unique hiring process that a lot of other places probably don't have. So I don't know if you know who I am, but my name is Merun, I'm the owner of the Bottomless Bar. Luthor usually handles the first round of interviews and then I tend to take the second ones, baring certain circumstances,” Merun explained cheerfully. “So do forgive me if I ask some of the same questions that he asked, but if you don't mind I'd like to get to know you a little better.”
  “Sure,” she said, matching his enthusiasm.
  “Great, so how did you hear about us?” he asked as he glanced over her resume quickly to refresh himself.   
  “I've actually come here a few times before when Ashton owned it. Now that it was getting more popular I came to check things out and I saw that you were looking to hire.”   
  “I see, and what had made you want to work here?” Merun asked and looked up to her.   
  “I'd have to say the nature of the bar was a big draw, I really like the bottomless atmosphere because I often like to go down to the nudist portion of he beach. I've always wanted to work in a bar establishment but I don't think I'm suited for bartender work, mainly because I don't have a license and I'm not too keen on how to make drinks,” she confessed. “But I have worked security before. I had gone from being a line worker at the Steven's Point iron mill to a beat guard there. That's why I thought I might cut it as a bouncer here.”   
  “We refer to it as security,” Merun corrected with a chuckle. “But I do see that you worked at the iron mill for three years, what had made you leave the establishment?” he continued as he traced his blunt nail down her resume.   
  “They had gone through a bout of layoffs. Despite me being there for that long I was still one of the earliest recruits so I was one of the first to go. Since then I've just been trying to keep my head above water.”   
  “So the lay off was recent?” Merun asked.   
  “Yeah, about a month ago,” she confirmed.   
  The husky nodded his head and continued to read over her resume. “So it's good that you have relevant work experience in security. I imagine working at an iron mill has helped your physique, I see that you also have weight lifting as a hobby.”   
  “Yeah, I try as best as I can to maintain a healthy lifestyle,” she said happily.   
  “That's fantastic to hear. So it's good that you are comfortable with a lack of clothes, we need to maintain our namesake, so I'd like to thank you for showing up dressed for the job at hand,” Merun said with a grin and he nodded towards her lack of bottoms.   
  “Heh, for sure. I should probably get used to the idea of not wearing pants if I'm hoping to get hired here,” she said with a smile in her voice.   
  “No kidding,” Meurn agreed and set her resume back down on his desk. “So speaking of being comfortable in public without pants on, we can begin the real interview portion here. Did you have any questions before we got officially started?”   
  “I guess I do have one,” she confessed.   
  “Shoot,” he replied.   
  “With someone as big as you on staff, why don't you try for security?” she asked with a tilt to her head.   
  Merun chuckled and couldn't keep from smirking. “You know it's funny, Jesse, our other member of security, asked the same thing when we interviewed her almost a year ago. But to put it simply, I'm too much of a pacifist and I much prefer to be behind the bar serving drinks than guarding it.” Megan nodded along to his words, seeming to understand.   
  Merun nodded as well and leaned a little closer. “So, I'm sure you're familiar with the sort of nature that comes with working for the Bottomless Bar, a lot of what draws so many guests here is our willingness to entertain and that can come in the form of having sex with our guests and our own staff for a show,” Merun explained and Megan sat there intently listening. “Now, because you'd be a part of security you wouldn't really be subjected to nearly as much pressure to entertain as any of the bar tenders, but how do you feel about that sort of action?”   
  “Having sex out in the open isn't anything I'm apposed to. Hell, I'm not even a stranger to it,” she said happily.   
  “That's certainly good. It's not a requirement of the job but it is sort of a staple of our energetic atmosphere here. I would also like to emphasize that at any point you would of course have the right to say “no” to any advances from guests or any activities that the bar might host. Despite us wanting to keep the entertainment high we value personal safety above anything else.” Megan was nodding along again as Merun spoke. Jacob watched the two silently from the corner, his arms folded over his chest.   
  “So with that in mind I hoped to conduct a mock trial of sexual performance for this interview. Would you like to participate?” the husky asked with a warm murr.   
  “Oh! Yeah I'd love to.” Megan straightened her back instantly and she seemed to be particularly eager about this part of the interview.   
  “Great! Jacob will be assisting me the most with this part,” Merun laughed as he stood up and the zebra did the same. She looked between the two men expectantly and took a step closer to the desk. “Do you have a preferred position?”
  “No, I suppose not,” she mumbled.   
  “All right, we'll have you come closer and lay over my desk here then,” Merun said as he pushed away his keyboard and a few other things on his desk. He situated each of the objects in a way that told a lot about him having prepared for this moment. Megan did as she was requested and moved up to the desk and leaned over it. It was at the perfect height for her, her thighs braced evenly against its front and her backside and hips were propped up in an enticing way from the far edge.   
  When Megan lowered herself down she came face to face with the inverted dog's sheath, of which was quite large now that she was so close to it. It also had a rather intoxicating and musky scent to it, one that had blood rushing to her cheeks. Her head began to swim the more she was close to it. Perhaps the only thing that broke her from her state of mind was the feeling of the stallion's hand brushing over her muscular butt cheeks. Megan lifted her tail nice and high and staggered her legs for him. She didn't have to look back to know that he was admiring her ass.   
  Merun took the last step to bridge the gap between Megan's face and his sheath. Her nose buried against his furry pouch and she took in an elongated breath to savor his particularly masculine aroma. Once again as she was enjoying the reverie that the canine put her in, her thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of Jacob's fingers slipping between her legs and probing inside of her pussy.   
  It was then that Megan realized how very wet she was. Had she come in this horny or had being in this room made her as such? She didn't really care about the answer, all she wanted now was to get fucked by these two men.   
  She opened her mouth obediently and her tongue came up to trace over Merun's sheath opening, barely touching the red tip that laid inside. She hoped that her actions might have been read as taking an initiative, but in reality she was just overly eager to start.   
  Merun's paw came down and pushed around the sides of his sheath to extend his soft, dark red cock to her. The musky scent became so much more intense that she lunged forward and caught his shaft between her lips. She pulled him in until her lips were kissing at his sheath opening and even then she didn't stop gently pulling with her lips as if she might make more of his shaft appear.   
  The husky groaned and shivered as he felt her tongue play against his sensitive surface, the precum that coated his member was licked away quickly and she seemed to be begging for even more after an initial swallow. He was glad to give it to her, all it would take was time and some perseverance and she had plenty of both.
  From Megan's other side, Jacob was enjoying himself as he dipped two fingers into her pussy, drawing them back and forth while he stroked over his slowly hardening cock with his other hand. Precum dripped from his tip and he could feel how incredibly wet she was. His fingers always came away soaked and she was very tight, two was almost too much. When he would grind his digits against a particularly sensitive spot she would make a show of wiggling her butt and squeezing down on his fingers which made him become all the more eager to fuck her.   
  Jacob began to wipe his wet fingers on to his cock as it finally became hard enough. He wanted to get himself as lubed as possible before he penetrated, not that he thought she wasn't soaking enough for a dry entry. He aimed his cock to her cunt and looked over her form. She was completely content with suckling at Merun's cock and so he thought there no better time to slip it in.   
  Megan gave a hot moan when her pussy was spread nice and wide over the stallion's girth but she was adamant to keep slurping over the canine's shaft. Even as Merun's dick grew larger and more firm against her tongue she continued to swirl and press it against his red flesh. Jacob bottomed out right away with his balls pressed firm against her warm clit. He loved the feeling of how tight and warm she was, and how her body was internally squeezing and massaging his length had him moaning under his breath.   
  It was a slow start in the beginning for the horse as he pulled his cock back and then drove it all back inside. It was the start of a moderate pace that had his hips beating out a moderate rhythm against her backside, the sound of which was a light smacking that filled the room. Megan's breathing came harder against Merun's pelvis as the pleasure began to flow through her body. Her legs flexed and wiggled a bit  and she gripped the edge of the desk to keep herself firmly in place. Even as she did her body was still jostled by Jacob's thrusting.   
  The stallion's hand gripped her by the hips and he kept his back straight as he picked up speed. He snorted and nickered as the exquisite feeling of her pussy came over him, how it would milk his shaft every time he would pull back and eagerly accept him when driving in. His hands stroked over her wide, muscular butt and he pulled her cheeks a part to gaze down at her pucker. He noticed that it would flex and wink at him as she would squeeze down on his cock and he found that sight to be appealing.   
  As Megan settled into to her slurping and bobbing motion over the canine's length, Merun noticed his worker's attention drawn to the woman's tailhole. He grinned to himself and licked his lips, knowing that he'd have killed to be in Jacob's position and he knew what he would be doing if that were the case. Being the nature of this interview, everything had to be tested and he was certain in time he would have his chance at her pussy and ass. She was doing so well right now he was certain Luthor would agree to hire her.   
  Merun was working his hips back and forth in tandem with Jacob. The two would push in at the same time, effectively canceling out the woman's swaying body motions. The smacking from her ass got louder as the stallion began to put more effort into each buck. The husky matched the other's speed and strength and as their movements were beginning to crescendo he paused for a brief moment to speak.   
  “Do you mind getting your ass fucked?” Merun asked after pulling his rock hard dick from her mouth, its surface caked in her saliva and his own precum. She shook her head and gasped when she was allowed to speak as well. Her lips were wet with spit and hr body was shivering with ecstasy.   
  “Not at all, please fuck my ass,” she said while trying to keep her tone more professional and less beggy. A shiver ran up the dog's spine when he listened and he had to bite his lip otherwise he'd let out a whimper. He cold tell that she loved getting hr ass played with and he knew that no matter what he would need to steal a turn for himself before they were through.   
  Jacob nodded slowly but it was obvious that his mind was getting lost in the act. He had to concentrate to pull himself out of his motions to slow and fully withdraw his cock. When he did he saw that its surface glistened with the zebra's pussy juices, how it would drip and reflect light like a polished rod. He was breathing hard as he proudly gazed at himself and took a hold of his length by the base. Her pussy gaped open and flexed as if to beg, but at the same time her tailhole was waiting in anticipation.   
  Merun set his cock back inside of Megan's mouth as the stud pressed his member to her ass and began to push inside. Her tight ring offered resistance but eventually let him in. When the first inch delved within she let out a pleasured cry that was muffled by the canine's cock. Her voice vibrated him though and Merun moaned out as he doubled over and set a paw on the back of her head.
  Jacob pushed to the base like before and found the zebra's ass to be even tighter than her pussy. She even gripped him more firmly and he found considerable resistance as he would pull out and push back in. The pleasure was double however and he was leaning over her lower back and closing his eyes in bliss as he resumed his earlier pace.   
  The pleasure that stroked Megan's body was incredible to say the least, she tried to push back against Jacob's hips but in her current state she had no leverage. It was torture for her to feel such a slow ass fuck but she was glad when he began to move faster and harder. She was moaning with every breath that she could take, which was becoming increasingly harder as Merun would push every inch of his member down her throat.   
  He was surprisingly large for a dog, she found. In the past when she would fuck canines she would be able to hold everything they had on the flat of her tongue with their knots against her lips. At the moment he was going down far enough into her throat that she had to time herself otherwise get caught being light headed. Although the lack of oxygen did make things a bit more thrilling.   
  Merun was grunting loudly over top of her, his paw having taken a tight hold of her hair braid at the base to keep her still while he pumped her throat. His knot had begun to swell and it bumped her lips and snout every time he would push in. Likewise from Jacob, he was neighing and grunting as he began to pound her ass faster and faster. Both males leaned over her body to get a better angle and the pleasure for all three of them spiked.   
  The room was filled with the sounds of their bodies meeting and their moans of pleasure. Things were getting louder and faster as time went on, many minutes passing as they fucked with reckless abandon. No longer where the two males in sync, now they were bucking away at their own animalistic splendor.   
  Jacob was having the hardest time keeping up, the intense sensations within him welled to a peak and he was on the edge of cumming. His head tilted up and his moans were becoming louder and louder, soon transforming to uncontrolled groans. Megan could feel his aggressive shaking and shivering as his thrusts became unstable and the tip of his cock flared within her bowels. She welcomed his hot flow and began to squeeze down on him even harder to encourage his orgasm. It seemed to do the trick as without warning, save for his ragged sounds, there came the unmistakable gush of his seed.   
  Jacob continued to thrust as his balls emptied within the zebra's ass, the thick spurts causing her whole belly to warm up. She cried out around Merun's cock as the feeling was so intense that it had her wiggle in climactic bliss as well. As her ass continued to get filled her pussy flexed and began to spill a steady stream of her juices on to the floor. Her whole body flexed to squeeze every last drop that the stallion had to offer while expelling her own femme cum.   
  Merun shivered and stared over at the stallion as he went through convulsions, his hips now a fraction of their former vigor were slowly working to a stop as he emptied himself wholly in her. He was breathing hard with his head turned down with his own bangs obscuring his face, his cock lodged all the way inside. After a few moments of rest his cock slowly slipped out to leave Megan's tailhole gaped and covered in horse jizz. She held her prize proudly as she fought to quickly close her hole.
  Seeing his opportunity, Merun withdrew his dick from the woman's mouth and gently tapped the bridge of her nose with it. She didn't know what was going on right away until the dog wordlessly moved from around his desk and took Jacob's spot as the stallion stepped away. “Hope you don't mind me adding to the mess,” Merun said as he set the tip of his cock against her loosened pucker. Jacob chuckled as his own dick began to deflate, but he stood nearby to watch his boss.   
  “Not at all!” Megan panted and wiggled her butt a little as if to entice him. In that same moment the husky pushed his cock fully inside of her ass, but not just his shaft, his full knot had popped inside as well. Megan screamed out in bliss and her pussy expelled a bit more of her femme cum. It didn't take long for Merun to reach his own orgasm, her mouth had set him on the edge for quite a while and by pure will he had managed to stave off his climax. Now inside such a warm and still tight hole, he didn't hold anything back.   
  He bucked for a full minute with his knot slipping in and out every time before he grit his teeth and let out a rough howl. His canine cum mixed with Jacob's as her ass became all the more laden with semen. Her body was trembling as she felt the bar owner pound every last drop into her hole, only stopping when he felt the last iota of energy seep away and his body ease against hers with hips flush to her own.   
  “Fuck, you really take getting fucked well,” the husky laughed and ran his paws over her ass and hips. She tiredly giggled and pushed back against him a little as if to stir her own insides with is shaft.   
  “I aim to please. I hope I've worked to a satisfactory level,” she panted and turned to look over her shoulder at him.   
  “I'll say,” the dog chuckled and straightened his back as he regained his composure. “I still need to talk with Luthor before we make an official decision regarding your employment, but I'd say you have a very good standing.” Merun turned to the stallion and smirked. “How do you think she performed, Jacob?”   
  “I think she would make an excellent addition to the team,” the horse replied with a nod.   
  “I couldn't agree more,” Merun smirked and the two looked down at the zebra with an appreciative smile.   



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