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Awesome art done by:  http://www.furaffinity.net/user/jailbird  

 Mid afternoon on a weekday had this new suburban neighborhood as silent as a graveyard. Few were out and hardly a driveway had a car in it. Clean and white collar, this area of this new city was as straight laced as they came. It was the common sight for Mylo, perhaps not so much for Suzy who was staring out at all of the huge houses they passed by in wonderment.   
  “Why don't we have a house that's three stories tall?” she asked sarcastically after leaning back in her seat.
  Mylo snickered and shrugged as he stared through a pair of sunglasses while he watched the road and read the GPS that was guiding them to their next client. “What would we ever do with three stories? It's just us. We barely do anything with our second story.”   
  “We could throw tons of parties and raves. We could invite Merun and all of his bar tenders to throw a bottomless party!” She said suddenly getting excited.   
  The husky laughed heartily and wore a wide grin. “As much as I'm sure Merun would love to do that, doesn't seem too likely.”
  “Yeah I guess you're right,” she sighed and looked over to watch her beloved mate. He was casually steering with his left paw while his right one was slung over the center console. She reached out and took his paw in hers and locked their fingers together. He glanced over at her and murred.   
  “You nervous?” he asked softly.   
  “Nah. We've done this sort of thing already.”   
  “Right, but this is where we put on our official faces and make sure everything is by the book. Back in Steven's Point we were kind of flying by our pants, you know?” he explained and gave her paw an affectionate squeeze.   
  “I know. We've got actual paperwork with us now,” she confirmed.   
  “And a concealed firearm,” he reminded and turned his gaze to a particular house that marked their destination on the GPS. “We were lucky to get some agreeable clients in Steven's Point, but that's not always the case. Sometimes we run into some irate husbands that don't want us to fuck their wives...and some that do.” He shrugged again. “It's kind of a mixed bag so we gotta be ready for anything.”   
  Mylo's sports car rumbled lowly as it came to rest in front of their client's house, a building as big and glorious as all the others, and curiously with a single car in the driveway. Speak of the devil, Mylo thought while hoping to high heaven that the client's husband wasn't home. He put his car in park and turned it off.   
  The two stepped out at the same time with Mylo taking a moment to grab the folder of papers that he had tossed in the backseat. Suzy waited around the other side for the husky to come around before the two advanced for the front door side by side.   
  Mylo was wearing what he usually did, his leather jacket with a T-shirt underneath and blue jeans that went down to his shoes. Suzy was just as casual though she elected for a T-shirt and white skirt that ended just above her knees. She gave off an innocent kind of look, especially with the size difference between them as they kept stride. Mylo made sure to take off his sunglasses and stuffed them in his jacket pocket before they got to the door.
  The husky took the lead when they got onto the porch and reached out to press his finger against the nearby doorbell. The two heard it chime even from outside and so they simply waited as silence ensued. It wasn't long though before the door came open and in its wake stood a rather beautiful mare.   
  She was tall and well kept with an hourglass figure. Wide hips that were perfect for childbearing with a bust that was ready for the same. She had long golden hair that fell around her head and framed her face with innocent blue eyes that peered up at the husky. She wore an affectionate and inviting smile as she realized who it was that was visiting her now.   
  “Hello, we are here to see Mrs. Henson, is she in?” Mylo rumbled with a warm smile.   
  “Oh, hello. Yeah, I'm Mrs. Henson,” she said with a soft voice and her smile grew even wider to the point that her eyes closed. “Let em guess, you must be Mylo, right?”   
  “That's right,” Mylo chuckled.   
  “Then that makes you Suzy,” the mare said turning to the read panda. “Gosh you're a cutie.”   
  “Thank you!” Suzy beamed making the woman giggle.   
  “Please come in,” the mare said and stepped back quickly to hold the door open for them. The two accepted her open invitation and they meandered inside.   
  The huge house was like most that Mylo had seen, spotless to a fault with every bit of furniture and trinket in its perfect place. Though now that they were both inside the husky could make out an odd whirring sound that was extremely faint. He was only given a moment to try and discern where it was coming from before Mrs. Henson began again.   
  “I must say that I'm very excited to have you here. I've been looking forward to this day for quite some time,” she said and crossed her hands in front of her, her arms pushing at the sides of her bust as if to emphasize it.   
  “That's certainly good, haven't had a client yet that was dreading my arrival,” Mylo chuckled. The mare giggled again as well and Suzy rolled her eyes but couldn't keep the smile from her face. “If I may ask, are you the only one home at the moment?”   
  “Yes I am. My husband is at work, though he even said that he didn't want to be around when we were...uh...doing it,” she said a bit sheepishly. Mylo was no stranger to bashful clients but this seemed a little different than usual. It wasn't so much that she was nervous, it seemed like she was trying to keep something concealed.   
  “Well, Mrs. Henson, with that in mind, if you have no objection we can begin right away,” he explained.   
  “That would be fantastic,” she said as a blush quickly spread over her cheeks. “But please, call me Valerie.”   
  “Valerie,” he repeated while trying out her name.   
  “So uh...I don't really know how these sort of things start out,” she confessed.   
  “We can begin the insemination wherever you might like, though most prefer to do it in the master bedroom,” he explained.   
  “Oh right! Of course,” she laughed and began to walk of towards a flight of steps. “Please follow me.” Mylo and Suzy fell in behind her as the three of them went up three flights of stairs to get to the very top of the mansion. All the while the husky noticed many pictures up on the wall and from them he felt confidant to deduce that Valerie's husband was a large brown bear. Bigger than most husbands that the husky had seen, he was still smaller than the breeder.   
  Another thing that continued to buzz in the dog's ear was that familiar whirring noise. His ears perked and flicked about as he tried to identify where it was coming from but it was no use. He was starting to be bothered by it, not because it was annoying but because he didn't know where it was coming from.   
  When they got to the top of the stairs Valerie continued to lead them to where there was a huge bedroom dominated by a king sized bed at its center. The room held the usual amenities for a master bedroom, and once Suzy was inside she closed the door and Mylo approached his client with his folder being presented.   
  “Now before we start there's just some safety precautions and disclaimers to go over. Also there's a couple forms that you have to sign,” He explained as he clicked the top of a pen that was hanging onto the side of the folder. “It's a consent form that says that you acknowledge that we are here as well as information saying that as soon as penetration happens, there is no opportunity for a refund. I would also like to take the opportunity to let you know that I am armed for all of our protection,” he explained and opened up the side of his jacket to show the mare his side arm. She was in the middle of signing the first form and so she only offered the weapon a glance but she didn't seem the slightest bit phased by it.   
  “Okay, here we go,” she said and clicked the pen after signing the last few documents that were inside of the folder. When she handed it back, Mylo leaned in closer and the whirring sound came to him again but this time t twas much louder than normal and the husky quirked an eyebrow. Valerie seemed to notice his reaction and the blush on her face became even brighter.   
  “I'm sorry, while I was waiting I got a little nervous and I thought to get myself started. I guess now is a better time than any.” Mylo and Suzy watched as the mare began to undo her pants and being quite slow at it. The husky smiled and shrugged off his jacket and gave a quick look to his mate who was undoing her skirt as well.   
  When Valerie pushed down her pants the whirring sound got suddenly louder, now a low hum and the source of it was clear. Inside of the mare's panties there was the obvious indent of the back end of a vibrator. The length of it was obviously pushed up inside of her pussy while her underwear was meant to keep it in place. All the while the three had been talking and getting more comfortable with each other she had been quietly masturbating the whole time.   
  The sight of the sex toy made the husky blush a bit but Suzy was quick to jump to complements. “Damn, that's what I need to start doing,” she announced and stepped up close to the client. Valerie giggled as she pulled down her panties but the toy stayed inside. She gave a soft groan as she brushed it with one hand but Suzy was quick to intervene.   
  “Mind if I take it out?” The red panda asked.   
  “O-oh, not at all,” the mare straightened her back and staggered her legs enough so that she could push her pelvis out to the other woman. Suzy leaned down and reached out with a paw. She gently took the end of the vibrator and began to gingerly slip it free. Valerie let out a soft moan when it did finally come out and the smooth, dark red surface was absolutely covered in her feminine musk. The red panda couldn't help herself and brought the still vibrating toy to her mouth and began to lick it clean. The mare watched this and had to bite her lip.   
  “Mmmh, you taste lovely,” Suzy murmured and winked at the other. “Though I think I'd rather have a taste from the source.”
  “Trying to steal my thunder, hun?” Mylo asked causing the two women to focus on him. He had stripped entirely out of his own clothes by that time, his unique fur pattern causing the mare to stare him up and down, though her eyes certainly lingered on his huge sheath.   
  “Maybe I am. Once your clients learn how much better of a lover I am they won't be calling you anymore,” Suzy teased. Mylo chuckled and gave a shake of his head while sticking his tongue out at her.   
  “You'll have to excuse my beloved mate here, she's forgotten that part of her job assisting here is to help get me hard. She's sorely slacking,” he commented and pointed down at his sheath that had the slight hint of a red tip poking out from the top.   
  Suzy blushed and shrugged as she gave an apologetic look to the equine woman. “Sorry, duty calls. Mind if I keep this for a tiny bit?” she asked while holding up the toy.   
  “Not at all.” Valerie smiled as she pulled her shirt from over her head, revealing her straining bra that seemed to be struggling to keep her breasts in check. It was also revealed that hidden within each cup of her bra was another little vibrating pill meant to stimulate her tits. Mylo watched as the client deactivated each of the little toys before pulling the last bit of her clothing away to be as naked as the breeder.   
  Mylo watched with hunger in his eyes as the mare revealed herself and the sight of her voluptuous form was enough to cause blood to pump to his sheath and cock. Valerie and the canine locked gazes and stood motionless just staring into each other's eyes. It wasn't until he felt Suzy's paws on his sheath and balls that he moved again to look down at her.   
  The red panda was gently stroking her paw over his hefty sack, feeling how heavy it was while rolling each large balls against her fingers. While she admired his prized puppy makers she had began to gently coax more of his cock out in the open with her other paw. Suzy had settled into a squatting position to be at the right level, and once enough of his manhood came free she began to lick over its musky surface.   
  Suzy heard her mate moan softly as she pressed her tongue a bit more forcefully to the soft canine flesh. Often when she would bring her tongue up to the tip she would slip the first couple of centimeters into her mouth to suckle on it. As she began to get a bit more invested in the oral action she brought the vibrating toy that she had borrowed close to her pussy and began to slip it inside. Its noise muffled as it entered her and she gave a soft moan around her mate's manhood and added an interesting sensation as she suckled.
  A shiver ran up the husky's spine and his eyes slowly drifted shut as he enjoyed his mate's fluffing technique, one that she had cultivated to be a reliable method of quickly getting him fully erect. The red panda had been a bit lost in her work that she didn't realize that Valerie had come up behind and had placed her paws on Mylo's muscular torso.   
  “Do you mind sitting down for us, Mylo?” she asked softly.   
  “Not at all,” he rumbled lowly and took a step away and forced his growing cock from Suzy's presence. She was mid lick when it left her, though she was quick to follow as the husky leaned against the bed and sat down on it. The two women converged at the same time, sharing a mutual interest as their hands and paws stroked over his pelvis and pampered his cock. The toy that the red panda had been briefly enjoying was turned off and discarded as things began to get more serious, but it did its job of getting her nice and wet for the real action.
  Suzy and Valerie took to either side of his member with their mouths and their tongues met on opposite sides at the same time. Mylo let out a louder moan and his hips pushed up but the two had climbed themselves onto his lap and were able to keep him from getting too out of control. The mare drew her tongue up while the red panda went low. It allowed Valerie to push his cock into her mouth when she got to the top so she could have an official taste of this studsky.   
  Meanwhile towards the base, the red panda was stroking over his deflated knot with her tongue, getting it slathered in saliva while she fondled his balls with both paws. The two combined efforts had results in no time at all, the husky's cock was throbbing and sticking up like a obelisk from his crotch. Precum had begun to spill from his tip and Valerie was given a delightful taste of his strong musk. As the mare's tongue swirled around it she enticed a few more droplets to appear before swallowing them back and leaning up from his girth.   
  “Okay, I think I'm ready,” she announced to the breeder, of whom had leaned back on his elbow as he enjoyed the combined effort of two happy mouths on his dick.   
  “How do you want me?” Mylo asked with half a smile, looking into the equine's eyes again with desire.   
  “Just how you are is fine,” Valerie whispered sensually as she climbed up onto the bed. Mylo pressed his paws into the sheets and lifted himself up while pushing farther up on the bed. Once he was more near the top he finally settled back down and held his arms open to accept her. Though instead of straddling him right away and getting right into riding, she instead turned herself around and got on top of him.   
  With a knee on either side of the husky's thigh, Valerie shifted and got herself ready for an exciting ride. She positioned his thick cock right below her dripping pussy which had been craving a good fuck all day long, even before her husband had left for work that morning. No, she had been saving herself until this moment and her cunt was screaming to get filled.   
  Mylo was more than happy to accommodate his clients however they chose, though it was rare for one to take control and most of all to ride on him. Though he certainly didn't mind the view of her gorgeous backside being presented to him, interestingly enough he caught the sight of a bright red buttplug wedged between her thick cheeks. The sight of it made him chuckle and he gave her butt an affectionate rub with both paws, splaying her cheeks and then letting them fall back to place. It was at that same time that she lowered her backside to his lap and his cock pushed up inside of her incredibly tight and wet cunt.   
  Mylo sucked in a sharp breath of air as he felt her go from tip to base in one motion. Valerie's hands went to his knees to hold on as she took him almost entirely to the base, form which his deflated knot rested against her pussy lips. He could feel the back of her pussy from there though but she wasn't satisfied with stopping. She pushed down the rest of the way and took his base inside with his sheath opening now grinding against her outer lips.   
  Valerie's hips shifted from side to side to elicit another hot moan from the husky before she began moving up and down. It was slow at first but the mare was quick to pick up speed. Her pussy held onto him and made like it didn't want to let go even as she drew her hips up. It was like her body could tell he housed a precious gift and it was desperate to milk him of it.   
  From the foot of the bed Suzy approached the two as they began to move against each other in a more vigorous fashion. She had taken her shirt off and was now as naked as the others. Valerie opened her eyes and caught the gaze of the red panda seconds before their lips met. The mare was certainly caught by surprise but she was so entranced in the moment that she pressed back. While she didn't have experience with another women it was something she had always wanted to try. As it seemed, this was her opportunity.   
  Suzy forced her tongue into the other woman's mouth and while the red panda was the one taking the lead, Valerie was quick to reciprocate. They played in the space between their lips and when the mare began to moan, the other woman took the opportunity to suckle at her wet appendage.   
  Valerie had paused her hips for just a moment to get better acquainted with the red panda. It was the perfect opportunity for Mylo to begin moving against her. His cock slipped back and forth as the women played and the mare was caught moaning against Suzy's mouth. One strong paw gripped the equine's hips while the other balled the sheets into a fist. The sound of their hips meeting started out soft and slow but it grew with the more rapid movements from the dog.   
  Precum spilled into her cunt and only added to the excellent lube that she provided. Amid the powerful bucking motions that Mylo was delivering, from the other end Suzy was having some similar fun. The red panda's paws were feverishly groping the mare's large breasts, her fingers tugging at the puffy nipples that she had. Suzy could hardly contain herself and so she pulled away from the other's mouth only so that she could lean down and take one of Valerie's sensitive nipples between her lips.   
  Every quick impact that the dog made sent a rippled effect up through Valerie's body that caused her breasts to bounce quite erratically. Her moans were unfettered now and so she tilted her head up and closed her eyes to just drink in the delicious sensations of the canine's powerful cock driving in and grinding against her cervix. With a free hand she grasped at her other nipple and began to squeeze it  but before long Suzy's mouth had shifted over.   
  The red panda made sure she got a good taste of both the mare's tits before she suddenly hopped up onto the bed to position her crotch mere centimeters away from the equine's mouth. Valerie could barely focus her eyes but when she did the welcoming sight of a cute, well-kept pussy was right in front of her mouth. Without thinking she leaned in and wrapped both of her arms around Suzy's waist while her mouth sealed against those succulent nether lips.   
  It was difficult to start licking with Mylo's movements jostling her entire form but she tried her hardest to make it work. Her tongue swept from side to side against the other's lips while nudging feverishly against the red panda's exposed clit. Suzy's paws went to the back of Valerie's head to hold her there while the pleasure welled up within her small frame and caused her to cry out as her incredibly wet cunt was serviced.   
  Far below the dog's thick knot had begun to swell as time went on. Time had little meaning to the three but when the dog's muscles began to complain and his breathing became more ragged he knew they had been fucking for quite some time. The husky's eyes turned up to his mate to see that her eyes were closed as she was lost in pleasure. Valerie's lips were sealed around the other's throbbing clit and was suckling away like it were a tiny cock.
  Mylo released his paw that had a hold of the sheets and joined it to the one on her hips. Together he pulled her form down as he would thrust up, causing a loud smack and for a much more intense sensation. Valerie began to scream into the red panda's lap which caused her lips to vibrate the other's pussy. It was a chain of events that had the situation becoming more intense, particularly for the dog. The mare had begun to squeeze down harder than ever before like she knew he was getting close.   
  Mylo's knot grew larger as time went on and it was battering the entrance of her cunt like a ram. Every hit had a new wave of her juices coating his thick bulb which caused her to move back to grind against it. The husky's cock stirred her belly and pressed against her G-spot in just the right away that she was whimpering with delight. Interestingly it was her buttplug that was proving to be an obstacle for him to fit his knot in.
  Low growls and groans spilled from the dog's mouth and Suzy took notice of it right away. She peered at her mate through half lidded eyes and she wore a dazed smile as she watched him work so hard. The mare and husky were working against each other, feverishly trying to slip his knot inside but she was tight to a fault. A powerful surge of pleasure hit Mylo and a shiver ran up his spine before he had a chance to say anything. He could feel himself cumming, it ran up the center of his cock and had him howling in pure bliss.   
  With his knot firmly pressed to her pussy and his muscles flexed to keep her close, Mylo's balls unleashed their full force inside of her, the precious semen coating her walls and spurting against her cervix. The thick, warm flood had Valerie screaming as well and she was rocking her hips from side to side in the hopes of garnering more of the decadent pleasure form his manhood.   
  Suzy felt the mare pull away from her cunt just so she could take a deep breath and let it out as a neigh of ecstasy, though she continued to hug the other's hips. Their forms quaked against each other and as hard as the husky tried he still couldn't fit his knot inside. Though the pleasure was incredible, the high of it all lasted mere seconds and the Adrenalin rush of their session slowly ebbed away.   
  Mylo's balls emptied their last few spurts into the mare's well fucked cunt as she settled her weight fully back onto his lap. She and the husky were breathing hard, their tongues hanging from their mouths in an attempt to catch their breath. Normally the husky would have settled in for a light rest with his tied client, but this was a rare situation. He wanted the insemination to take hold, and usually this sort of case would just mean that he would have to stay tight against her for about thirty minutes.   
  Seemingly able to read the dog's thoughts, Valerie turned and looked Mylo in the eyes with an exhilarated smile. “That was incredible!” she said between breaths of air. Mylo beamed happily as he stroked his paws over her backside.   
  “I do my best,” he rumbled.   
  “C-can we do it again?” she asked with a hopeful gaze. The husky chuckled as his eyes went from hers to his mate's. The red panda giggled at the request and once she looked back at her beloved she gave an excited nod.   
  “I suppose so. You sure you could go another round though?” The husky laughed.   
  “Oh I know I can,” Valerie said with a determined look in her eye. She then turned around on Mylo's lap without lifting the slightest from his cock. The action had him moaning softly since he was overly sensitive at the moment. “In fact, I'm damn determined to get that knot inside of me.”   



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