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 Awesome art by:  http://www.furaffinity.net/user/jailbird  

Mylo was pleasantly surprised that Riina kept her side of the deal and no longer bothered him after his two assignments were completed, despite the fact that her room was a few doors down from theirs. Still, days leading to the end of their vacation were lacking of the hyena, and he soon came to find the reason why when he stepped out of his suite one morning and came to find Merun doing the same from Riina's.   
  The striped husky laughed and his former captain suddenly had a bright blush on his face. “Wow!” he barked.   
  “Shhh!” Merun hissed and rushed to plant his paw over the other canine's mouth. Mylo swatted his paw away and grinned. “Holy shit, how long has this been going on?”   
  “Shut up! Like, just a couple days, but shut the fuck up!” Merun glanced back at the door that he had just come from and perked up his ears to see if he could hear any rustling from inside. He couldn't, so he turned back to his beaming friend. “She's still sleeping so I wanted to get some breakfast for her. Do you wanna come with and I'll explain?”   
  “Sure, I was about to do the same for Suzy.” The two made their way down the hall to the elevators at the far end. From there they went down to the lobby and then out into the early morning city bustle. As they made their way down for a restaurant that had breakfast carryout, Mylo nudged the other dog in the shoulder. “So,” he began. “Aren't you going to tell me?”   
  “What do you want to know?” Merun asked and quirked an eyebrow.   
  “Well, I had always thought that Riina was into girls, not guys. I mean, through the whole time that I had known her she had never tried to come on to me or ever told of any experiences she had with guys,” he said and then thought for a moment. ”In fact, I don't remember her saying anything about whatever fun stuff she'd ever done.”   
  “I can tell you right now that she's at the very least bisexual,” Merun explained.   
  “Oh you dog!” Mylo jabbed the other in the shoulder and the former captain rolled his eyes.   
  “It's not as devious as you'd like to think, dude. She only has sex within a monogamous relationship, so we've decided to give dating a try. As it turns out we have a lot in common and we like a lot of the same things.”   
  “Same things like what?” Mylo smirked as they entered the restaurant and got into what was a line with ten other individuals.   
  “The fact that we own our own businesses for one,” Merun retorted. “On top of that we have similar tastes in food, music, entertainment, and...I suppose kinks...”   
  “Wait a second, back up,” Mylo began and held up his paw. “She only has sex in a monogamous relationship, so you two are exclusive then?”   
  “Yeah, that's right.”   
  “How is that going to impact your business?”   
  “I don't follow...”   
  “Isn't the whole point of your bar to have sex with any customer that wants it?” Mylo turned to look at his friend as the line slowly began to shrink.   
  “It's not a requirement, just an encouragement. Myself and any of my other employees can choose not to have sex with anyone. No one is forced to do anything that they don't want to do.”   
  “Color me surprised I guess,” Mylo said as they stepped forward in place. “I never would have thought you of all people would be tied down. And by my own manager no less.”   
  “Well when a woman like her comes around it's well worth the effort to be with only her.” Merun began to have a starry-eyed look to his face and Mylo found it to be quite endearing. He knew all too well what he was talking about since he had experienced the very same with Suzy.   
  Getting their food and getting back to the hotel continued to be filled with conversation about their plans for later in the day since it was Mylo's last night in Steven's Point. It was decided that the striped husky would come to Merun's bar one last time to say goodbye to the friends of the staff they had made in their time there.   
  When the two got back to the hotel they went off into their separate suites to greet their mates with a hot breakfast. Mylo was pleasantly surprised to find Suzy out in the open and completely naked by the time he closed the door. She was rubbing some sleep from her eye when she spotted him and suddenly lit up when she saw the bag of warm food clenched in his paw.   
  “Whoaw, you got breakfast!” She bounded up to him and quickly nabbed the bag from his paw faster than he could have reacted. He startled slightly and blinked but she was already running away.
  “Hey, it's not all for you!” He barked and ran after her. Seeing the towering canine give chase, Suzy yipped and suddenly threw herself back against the suite couch and dug into the bag. When Mylo got close enough she lifted both her feet and set them against his barreled chest to keep him at bay. She giggled as she withdrew a breakfast burrito and tore at its foil with her teeth before biting into its soft wrap.   
  “Nope, all mine,” she teased with a wink as she held the bag closer to herself.
  “Then what am I supposed toe at?” He reached a paw up and grabbed at her feet but only so he could tickle at her soles. She yipped and made a frenzied tap dance on his chest and belly to avoid his playful grasping.   
  “How about you eat me?” she said and stuck out her tongue. He snickered and raised his brow.   
  “Don't tempt me,” he retorted and grabbed both of her legs by the ankles and spread them far apart so that he could begin to lean in to get at the food.   
  “I'm serious!” she giggled and tried to twist herself away. “How about this, if you can make me cum before I eat your food, then you can have it!”   
  Mylo smirked and looked her right in the eyes to see how serious she was. Though she was certainly very playful at the moment, he could tell that the wager held weight. “Hmm...Fine!” He shouted and then suddenly dropped to his knees right there and threw his face right between her legs, all in a split second of time.   
  Suzy gasped in shock as her mate's mouth sealed to the lips of her bare pussy and his tongue began an immediate assault on her sensitive flesh. A shiver wound its way up her spine as her pussy began to have its first bout of attention for the day. As the husky began to brush the tip of his tongue up and down her slit she remembered the wager and quickly began to dig into the remainder of her breakfast.   
  It was tough concentrating, however. Mylo's strong paws moved down to grasp her by the thighs and to keep her steady as she began to sway her hips. Even as she chewed she couldn't keep quiet and the soft whimpers of her pleasure made their way to the dog's ears. She would often have to force herself to chew and then swallow as she enjoyed the familiar treatment.
  Mylo's tongue settled against her entrance and pressed inside. His nose ground against her clit as he licked her as deep as he could manage, each pass had his tongue fully extending into her tight confines. There came with it the sloppy sounds of his licking and her whimpers soon developed into cries of joy.   
  Suzy could feel his hot breath against her cunt every time he would exhale and that alone caused her to moan. Her thighs clenched around either side of his head and her muscles flexed as if she was trying to squeeze him to death, but she knew he had things under control. Compared to him, her strength was pretty negligible.   
  Mylo's licking began to became a bit more aggressive as he would pull her hips as close as possible against his mouth. The bag of food fell by the wayside along with her half eaten burrito as Suzy grasped Mylo by the ears as if to hold on. The red panda's ass had lifted from the couch by this point and she was struggling to remain coherent as she was tongue fucked about as vigorously as Mylo would with his dick.   
  Drops of saliva fell from Suzy's backside as Mylo's oral work became sloppier. The husky opened his eyes and gazed up at the red panda and smiled internally as he saw the absolute mask of bliss that she was wearing. He gave his head a slight shake to grind his lips against the front of her cunt and she made a loud gasp. It made him quite pleased that he could orchestrate her reactions by the slight twist and turns of his mouth.
  Mylo's strong paws worked up form her hips and crossed over her flat belly on their way to her small breasts. He continued to nurse at her pussy as he gently cupped and squeezed each of her mounds with his index finger and thumb giving her tits a sensual tug. She set hr own paws on top of his as if to encourage his behavior and so he became a bit more aggressive with it. Suzy began to squeeze at him a little harder when he added the minor sensations.   
  It was as he began a short campaign of seeing how far he could push his tongue inside of her cunt that she began to tremble and cry out more frantically. Mylo watched her with a devious leer and he did all that he could to grind the flat of his tongue against the top of her pussy in the hopes of licking over her G-spot. He didn't know if he had accomplished what he set out to do, but her back abruptly arched and she let out a climactic sequel.   
  Mylo readied himself and was immediately met with a convulsing flood of the red panda's femme cum. He never stopped working though, and he expertly slurped up whatever came his way. Suzy's stomach flexed hard and he felt her pussy grip his tongue like she so often had with his cock, at the same time she called out his name with a climactic groan that had her sitting up and wrapping her arms around his head as best she could.   
  A throaty chuckle escaped the dog as he leaned back, allowing Suzy to slump over onto her side. She was breathing hard and had her eyes closed. Mylo licked at his lips and found that the fur of his face and throat her soaked. He laughed at himself and slipped up onto the couch. He grabbed the bag from where the red panda had left it and dug in to get his own breakfast burrito. As he unwrapped the foil from it Suzy slowly got up and settled against his side.   
  “Okay, fine. You win.” She tried to sound upset but Mylo knew she was faking it. He looked down at her and saw that she had her arms crossed but when she looked up at him she cracked a smile. She grabbed her own food that had gotten away from her during their fun and began to nibble at it again. After a couple minutes of eating their meals and sitting in content silence, Mylo held the bag out to the red panda and gave it a shake as there were a couple more items still inside.   
  After she finished her burrito she took the bag and peered inside of it to see that there were a couple of tasty pastries down on the bottom. She lit up and looked at him with wonderment in her eyes. He laughed and hooked his arm around her side and swallowed the last of the food that was in his mouth. “Go ahead, I'm not too hungry anymore.”   
  Suzy nuzzled herself against his form and pulled out the first doughnut and chomped into it. Little did she realize that it was cream filled and the gooey white center exploded backwards and covered her mouth and nose in a sticky, sugary bukkake. They both froze and stared at the mess and then they both busted out with laughter.   
  Later in the day and after a relaxing shower the two went to a few more of the local stores and did some more sight seeing for their last day in the city. What made this particular outing more interesting was that they were both bottomless the entire time they walked about. It was the red panda's idea since she had enjoyed the experience so much at the beach. Suzy seemed to be much more at ease about the experience but Mylo couldn't keep a blush from his face the whole time.   
  So it was the case that the red panda took the lead for where they went. Even as they walked on the street no one else really batted an eye at the towering canine, or if they did it was because of his unique genetic marks or his indomitable size. It made sense since those that would gesture towards him or whisper were about as naked or more so than him.   
  Despite all of Suzy's attempts to help him feel normal without much clothing, it was still tough for him. Even though it was his job to be naked in front of total strangers and to even have sex with them, there was something about being exposed in public that had his heart thundering away in his chest.   
  As time went on things gradually became better. The two sought to eat a late lunch in one of the more upper class styled restaurants of the city and not a single guest within wore clothing and the chatter was pleasant and uplifting. Even the staff had taken on an interesting bottomless attire as they guided the couple to a table and then took their order.   
  It was during the time that they were waiting and idly chatting that Mylo noticed how at ease Suzy was. The lack of any clothing seemed so natural for her, she was so well within her element that he began to kick himself for not seeing it so much more clearly now. Every time he would come home in the past she would be just as naked and waiting. She would even elect to sleep naked, where even he would often wear a pair of shorts.   
  Perhaps this had been a vacation far more suited for her than him. And he loved seeing her so happy and at ease, the thought began to slowly dawn on him that they should move up to this area. The idea blossomed with such luminosity that he thought it an actual light bulb clicking on in his brain. He leaned in after a moment of silence had developed in the lull of their conversation and spoke again.   
  “So, here's a crazy idea. What if we moved up here?” The question caught the red panda so far off guard that she laughed as if he had told a joke, but then she saw that he was serious about it.   
  “Move?” she asked and began to look a bit frightened. “Why would we want to move here?”   
  “You seem so comfortable in a place that is clothing optional. And we've had such a great time, so why not?” He asked as a wide smile came over his face. Suzy gazed at him with loving eyes and she reached across the small table and gently took his paw in hers.   
  “I really do love the clothing optional society here, but I gotta say, I hate cities. I mean it's fun to be here and vacation but...it's weirdly exhausting. The big buildings, the constant movement of people, the very little privacy. It's all too much for me.” She gave his paw an affectionate squeeze before letting go and sitting back. Mylo watched her with uplifted brows as he was a bit stunned. It was the exact opposite reaction he had expected, but nonetheless he was okay with it. He nodded thoughtfully and took a sip of his nearby glass of water.
  “Well, what do you think?” she continued on. “I know your closest friend is here, but you look so uncomfortable with no clothes on. You really think you'd wanna give this place a try?”   
  “Hmm I dunno. Clothing is optional, it doesn't mean I have to be naked all the time,” he chuckled.   
  “You'd stick out like a sore thumb,” she retorted with a wink.   
  “Ah, you're right. So strange that everything is backwards here.”   
  “And not to mention that Riina would be lost if we moved here. What would she do not having you to manage?” Suzy snickered at the thought of the hectic hyena not having to deal with the much more colorful aspect of organizing a studsky's breeding sessions.   
  “I don't think she'd mind it too much, we could just make her move with us. At least then she and Merun wouldn't have to worry about distance.” His words caused Suzy to freeze as she took in digested them, but she only came up confused.   
  “She and Merun? What?”   
  “Oh! It completely slipped my mind, I never told you. I guess Merun and Riina are dating now.” Suzy's mouth practically hit the table as she listened and then burst with laughter.   
  “You're kidding me!”   
  “Shh!” Mylo flinched and reached out to her as he looked around. The sudden shout had turned a few heads but they were quick to go back to their own conversations. He snickered when she calmed down. “Yeah, I just found out this morning. I guess they're gunna give the whole long distance thing a try.”   
  “Shit, I hope it works out for them.” The red panda shook her head. “That's interesting, I had always though she was into women.”   
  “I had thought the same!” Mylo agreed and they laughed together. Shortly after that their food came and they set to eating as they continued to talk about the day and what they were looking forward to when they would get back home. By the time that they had left the sun was beginning to dip and the slightest hint of red was starting to appear in the sky. It was then that they decided to finally go to the Bottomless Bar to say their farewell to all the fun bartenders they had met, along with the big boss in charge.   
  A brisk walk and some more sight seeing along the way was all it took before they got to the front of Merun's establishment. The sky had significantly darkened by the time that they arrived, and out front sat a large, muscular pitbull Mylo had come to know as Brock. The burly dog was settled on a stool with his thick arms crossed over his chest, and when he saw the striped canine approaching he stiffened in his seat. Despite how thick Brock's chest and arms were, Mylo's were almost twice their size.   
  Luckily the pitbull recognized the husky and red panda right away and nodded a greeting to them both as they meandered into the establishment. It was a Thursday night and both Mylo and Suzy found stumbled on the sight of many of the attractive bartenders wearing thigh-high stockings as they went about doing their business. Though it wasn't nearly as much of a pull for customers as they hoped as the establishment was somewhat sparse of people.
  Jasmine caught the pair's eyes and she waved them over as she finished serving a guest. They approached the bar counter and took up seats near the black furred bunny. “Is Merun around by any chance?” The striped husky asked.   
  “He is but he's a bit occupied at the moment,” Jasmine said and stroked a finger against her chin as she glanced back at the door that lead into the backroom and subsequently Merun's office. “I guess he's dating your manager now, did you know that?”   
  “Uh yeah, I had heard,” Mylo chuckled. “So...that's what he's doing then?”   
  “Yeah,” Jasmine giggled and shrugged. “ Oh well. What can I start you two off with at the moment?”   
  “Uh, can I get one of those Long Island iced teas?” After Mylo made his order he turned to his mate to see what she wanted
  “That sounds good to me. I'll take one of those too.”   
  Jasmine nodded and meandered off to get their drinks. When she did Mylo's eyes suddenly drifted down to the lapin woman's backside and he felt a shiver cross his spine. She had a very full and rather muscular butt and thighs, as bunnies were known to have. It suddenly dawned on the husky that despite the morning's fun he hadn't really gotten himself off at all that day, something that was fairly uncommon for him to experience.   
  Suzy noticed his drawn attention and followed his gaze down to the rabbit's ass. It wasn't just that her butt was out in the open, he had been staring at various asses through the day and in just as much of a public setting as this. What had caught his attention so much was that the pure white stockings that she wore had her backside perfectly framed and contrasted her ebony fur. Little did he realize that was Jasmine's intent and he was falling for it.   
  Mylo didn't know how long he had been staring, the black rabbit had bent over just enough to expose her pussy to him as she went about making both of their drinks. He was so transfixed that it was only the feeling of Suzy's paw coming to play across the opening of his sheath that he snapped out of it.
  “Looks like we've got lift off,” The red panda giggled as she gently pressed down on the opening of his furry pouch which caused more of his canine cock to slip free. A blush raced across Mylo's face as he looked down and then to his mate. She was grinning at him even as his paw took a hold of his slowly swelling mass and began to stroke him.    
  “Looks like you should take care of that for him before he gets someone pregnant,” a high pitched, effeminate voice said from behind. The two turned to see a white male rabbit come trotting back from delivering some drinks to a table. He winked at Suzy as he came around to be behind the bar counter. Taylor was a lot like Jasmine, in the fact that he looked a lot like a girl from behind. And much like her, he wore a pair of black stockings that did well to contrast his snowy fur.   
  “Is Mylo getting a hard on?” Jasmine asked excitedly as she turned back to the couple with their drinks and set them in front of them.   
  “And from looking at your ass no less,” Suzy giggled as she began to stroke his shaft a little harder and causing some precum to spill from the tip. She smeared it over his surface and made it glisten as he came to a full stand. The husky gave a soft grunt in pleasure and shivered as a chill when down his spine.   
  “Woaw,” Jasmine exhaled excitedly as she leaned against the bar counter and peered over at the huge length of dog dick. “Damn, he's as big as Merun!”   
  “I wanna see!” Taylor came up to Jasmine's side and nudged her over a bit to watch the tentative handjob out in public. The more they watched the canine's dick the more flushed his cheeks became and the harder his heart pounded. Ironically all the attention that he was being given only made his cock harder and he gave the first buck against his mate's paw.   
  “I think it's about time that we get this taken care of,” Suzy said and gave her mate a slight nudge to get his attention. The husky looked over at her and saw that she had turned around on her seat and had her legs splayed open. With her other paw she was stroking two fingers up and down her slit in anticipation of her mate's girth and just the sight of her wet folds made him act without thinking.   
  Jasmine and Taylor watched closely as the striped dog got down from his own seat and moved up between the red panda's legs. His large, fluffy curl was wagging in a whirlwind of motion, he could barely contain himself as Suzy guided his cock to her cunt and then felt him push inside. Both rabbits were amazed when they watched such a large dick stretch open such a tight looking hole.   
  Mylo gave a low grunt and he began to buck his hips right away. Suzy gasped and grabbed onto the sleeves of his shirt to hold on but it proved to be not very effective. He stepped closer and the red panda felt her back brace against the bar counter. The husky growled and began to pound away with reckless abandon. The smaller girl could hardly keep quiet as her body was wracked with waves of intense pleasure.   
  A few of the other guests looked over at the spectacle and became enamored. Much like Jasmine and Taylor, the sight of the smaller woman's pussy getting ravaged was quite the sight to behold. The sound of their bodies slamming against each other was nice and loud and drowned out the low volume music that was playing over the distributed speakers of the bar.   
  A couple of bucks at the far end of the bar watched the fucking couple and felt that they needed some attention as well. One gave a wave to catch Jasmine's attention and she was then pulled away. That only left Taylor to lean against the bar and grin as he got a little closer look.   
  Suzy's legs had lifted and were wrapped around Mylo's hips, along with her small arms coming to hold him around his sides. Her face was a mask of pure ecstasy and she was shivering hard as the powerful thrusts would send shock waves through her body. They were both breathing hard and moaning, though Mylo's voice came out as a strained grunt. His head was turned down and his teeth were set. His brow furrowed in concentration as he pounded away harder and harder.   
  Mylo's ears laid back and he opened his eyes enough to look down it's his mate's love stricken gaze. She smiled up at him as her face became flushed. The feeling of him filling her hole so well had her convulsing in a way that truly showed how much she loved getting fucked by him. Little did Mylo realize that Taylor was leaning on an elbow as he watched the display continue on. During a moment of lucidity the husky looked up and caught the white rabbit's eyes.   
  “So how much do I gotta fork over to be a part of this?” he asked and stuck out his tongue playfully.   
  “More than a year's salary,” came a laugh from behind the bunny. Taylor and Mylo looked at the same direction to see that Merun had come out from the back to join the other bartenders. His own cock was still sticking out from his sheath and it dripped cum down its slowly shrinking length and over his balls. The reason for such was obvious when Riina stepped out from the back as well, though she was adjusting her fully clothed form for when she came into the public light. Seeing her client in the throws of sex made the hyena smile and give a brief wave.   
  “How much does a single breeding session usually cost?” Taylor asked and glanced at Riina for an answer.   
  “Mylo charges thirty thousand per insemination,” she stated simply. Taylor let out an impressed whistle and then went back to watching the striped dog absolutely ravage his much smaller mate. The size difference between them was mesmerizing. The white bunny could even see the point of penetration and the consistent pounding that Mylo was dishing out. Long, white strands of a frothy mixture of his precum and Suzy's pussy juices were smashed and stretched with every movements. It was also then that Taylor could see the huge knot forming at the base of the dog's manhood.   
  “Oooh fuck! C-cum in me!” Suzy squealed and clung to her mate even harder. The sound alone had almost every bar tender turned to view the action, save for Jasmine who was riding on a buck's cock, though she tried to crane her head to see.   
  A few seconds later and the bar was treated to Mylo's thundering, guttural growl. It was exactly like what Merun and the other onlookers would have expected from such a large dog, and with it came a sudden surge of cum within the small red panda. The knot didn't pop inside, instead it thumped hard against Suzy's entrance that then began to spill the thick, white fluid.   
  Mylo gave a couple more shuddering thrusts before he rested his pelvis against hers and he began to relax. The small red panda was clinging to his torso but she eventually released and flopped against the bar counter once again. Both of them were panting hard but Mylo was the first to make a nervous chuckle when he realized that the whole display had garnered a small audience.   
  “That'll be thirty grand, Suzy,” Riina giggled as she came to stand beside Taylor behind the counter and leaned over so that she could whisper into the other woman's ear.   
  “Mind putting it on my tab?” she retorted and winked. Everyone laughed at the statement and the two slowly untangled themselves. It was quite a way to start off their last night there in Steven's Point, but it was an energy that was maintained as they all talked and enjoyed themselves in the presence of friends and good company.   
  Early the next morning Mylo and Suzy were accompanied by Merun and Riina in the airport. The private jet that sat idle on the tarmac was waiting for its two high class guests to come aboard, which meant a fond farewell was in order for the two former SCAR soldiers.   
  Merun and Mylo embraced briefly and Suzy even got to give the inverted dog a squeeze. While Riina wasn't going to be joining the two on their secluded flight, she did have a first class seat waiting for her on another airliner.   
  “You'll be back again soon I hope?” Merun asked as he took a step back and let his arms fall to his sides.   
  “We'll try. In the meantime, keep in touch okay?” Merun nodded and fondly smiled. “And we'll see you back home,” Mylo said after turning to the hyena.   
  “Yeah, have fun in your mile high club,” Riina giggled. The striped husky chuckled and together with his mate, turned to begin the process of boarding their private jet. Mylo didn't look back to his friend or his manager, who were no doubt sharing their own farewells in private. No, for the striped husky there was only the future to look forward to.   



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