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Awesome art by:  http://www.furaffinity.net/user/jailbird  

 It was getting on in the day and even starting to enter into the later part of their vacation. Mylo's second client had come up now and he was ready to get it over with so that he could at least enjoy what remained of his time in Steven's Point. If this could still even be called a vacation. Still though, it wasn't all bad since Suzy was still by his side.   
  This particular community was heavily fenced in and only by invitation were non residents allowed to enter. A huge steel gate bared entry and moved at a snail's pace at the on duty guard's discretion. The uniformed, muscular tiger took one glance at the husky and he seemingly knew who Mylo was, what he was here for, and what home he was going to. Once inside it was a short roll up the street before they reached their destination.   
  Riina had gone on ahead and confirmed the appointment and gotten all of the paperwork taken care of. Now it was just Mylo's job to get everything else done. Luckily this was another case that Suzy was allowed to join in on, otherwise the large husky would have refused entirely to complete it. Still though, this wasn't out on a beach like the last one so it wasn't quite as magical. Sex out in public was a nice touch, he wished more clients had open minds and fantasies like that. Would make his job much more interesting.   
  They slowed to a stop in front of a large mansion like he was so used to doing. Suzy's mouth was agape as she stared at the very luxurious structure as it was clearly twice the square footage of their own house.   
  Mylo got out of the car and the red panda was quick to follow him. He had to come around to the opposite side where Suzy was still staring at the huge structure with wide eyes. “It's so huge!” she said in awe as he gently took her paw and began forward to the front door.   
  “Well, my clients tend to be pretty well off,” he explained.   
  “Yeah, but this is like...movie star 'well off'.” They continued up until they reached the front door. There was no doorbell, instead a metal panel with a speaker in it was embedded in the wall just to the side of the door handle. A camera that was fixed into the top of the awning turned and fixated on the two new comers. Mylo reached out to press a single button on the panel and then stood back.
  “Yes?” came a male's gruff voice through the speaker.
  “Hello there, my name is Mylo, here with my mate, Suzy. I'm the breeder that was scheduled to meet with a Mrs. Tracey Merwin?”
  “Ah yes, Mylo. Please come in.” There came a loud click from the door and silence ensued there after. The husky reached for the door handle and turned it. There came no resistance, the click being the door coming unlocked, he assumed, and he pushed his way in with Suzy following close behind.   
  The inside of the mansion was a direct reflection of the outside. The ceiling and walls were painted vibrant colors of sunsets and mythical creatures from mythologies from all around the world. Ornate fixtures and trophies were set along shelves that dominated the walls that weren't painted. Clear blue lighting filled the space and gave a sense of life to the inside. Everything was sparkling clean and nothing seemed out of place. Book shelves and furniture were placed in a symmetrical way that was pleasing to the eyes and all in such a color scheme that was remiss of earthy tones.   
  Before the two of them ventured in too far a tall man greeted them less than a meter from the door. He was the same height as Mylo and almost as bulky. He wore a very formal attire, and upon seeing the husky's more casual clothing he raised an eyebrow and grimaced. Mylo caught the look right away and he had to hold his tongue, otherwise he would have snapped at this obvious house attendant. When the two males locked eyes it became suddenly obvious that this would be servant was someone with Chromea Dysplasia just like him.   
  The servant was a wolf, but instead of the single color or general tone pattern of such, his body was covered in a vibrant yellow and marked by black triangles, not unlike the spots of a jaguar. It was the same kind of CD that Mylo had: Chromea Dissociation, or the color pattern of a different species. It was also in that moment that Mylo realized that this servant doubled as some sort of house security, as his size would have been very intimidating to someone other than the husky. Still, it wasn't often that he met people that were close to his own weight, even those that were born with CD.   
  “Mrs Merwin will see you now,” the servant said and turned on his heel and began to make his way through the living room. “Please follow me.”   
  Mylo and Suzy shared a brief look before falling in behind the wolf. Through what must have been the living room and then the kitchen. From there they made their way out to the backyard where there was a second, smaller house that was on the other side of the lawn. It was a single story structure with no windows and a single door at the front of it.   
  The wolf got there first and opened the door and stood aside. He kept his eyes averted and swept his paw towards the opening as he waited for the two guests to step in. Suzy stayed close by her mate as she was unsure of what to expect, but Mylo didn't seem the slightest bit nervous. This sort of thing must have happened all the time.   
  Once they were inside the door closed behind them with a thud and they were left staring about at the inside of his new place. It was an entire single room that must have been a square six meters and three meters high. It was furnished like it were one huge bedroom, which made sense since the very center of the room was dominated by a very large bed. And on that bed was who Suzy could only assume was Tracey Merwin.   
  While the luxury atmosphere wasn't lost within this new place, it contrasted the main house by having many items and design aspects that gave off a relaxing and almost playful mood. There were vibrant colors all around and repeating fractal patterns on the walls. The room looked like it was straight out of an acid trip. There were even abstract statues and trinkets that were placed along the walls and the ceiling was alight with LEDs that slowly changed through a rainbow effect of colors.   
  Despite all of the oddities and the fact that the room looked very busy, both Mylo and Suzy felt very calm about it. A slowly thrumming song was playing through hidden speakers and further portraying the room as a calm, safe space.   
  As soon as Tracey was spotted and in turn saw her greatly anticipated guests, she moved over to the edge of the bed and stood up. She was a rabbit, and easily one of the most beautiful women that Suzy had ever seen. She was certainly taller than the red panda and she had wide hips and a gorgeous bust, of which was out in the open. She didn't have any clothing on, something that she didn't seem at all upset about as she came over to greet them.   
  “Mylo! So good to finally meet you,” she said happily and reached out to take his large paw before he even thought about offering it to shake. She held it and stroked over its large size and while she was beaming up at the husky she noticed the red panda that was sort of hiding behind him. “And this must be your mate! Oh please don't be shy.” Her voice was soft and soothing, it betrayed her obviously enthusiastic manner.   
  Tracey released Mylo's paw and dashed around behind him to take a hold of Suzy at the shoulders. The husky turned around to keep facing and watching his client as she became so friendly with his mate. “Oh, you're just the cutest!” the rabbit giggled. Suzy couldn't help but to giggle as well, but the sound was suddenly silenced when Tracey leaned in and pressed her lips against the red panda's.   
  Suzy was taken aback by the sudden affectionate move but she didn't pull away or struggle against it. Quite to the contrary, Tracey's lips were soft and warm and she melted against the embrace for as long as it persisted. When she pulled back the panda felt a little light headed and wowed. “We're gunna have a ton of fun, I can tell,” Tracey said as she licked her lips.   
  “Before we get started,” Mylo rumbled from he side. “Did you have any questions for me that my manager might not have gotten to or wasn't able to answer?”   
  “None that I can think of.” Tracey took Suzy by her paws and began to back pedal to her bed and only stopping when she lied back on it. The red panda was of course happy to follow along, stopping only when the client pulled her on top to continue nuzzling and kissing at her lips and neck. Mylo grinned as he watched the two and took a few steps closer. If he had known that his mate was going to be so popular with his clients he would have proposed this business venture much earlier.   
  “Oh, where are my manners?” Tracey shouted after pulling her tongue from Suzy's mouth. “Please, I consider this my safe haven and free space. Since clothing is so restrictive and...uncomfy, please take everything off.”   
  Suzy was in a bit of a dazed state but she was still able to hear the client's instruction. She leaned herself back and began to pull away her top first, the article coming off and showing that she wore no bra underneath. Mylo was much the same, his torso naked of his shirt and his thick bands of muscle were out in the open. Tracey cooed at the sight of his thick arms and broad chest, but also at the unique fur markings over his body. He was close enough that she reached out and drew her fingers over his bicep and then down over his forearm.   
  “Such beautiful stripes,” she purred and sat up on the edge of the bed. “I've always loved how those with CD looked. Such a beautiful genetic condition.”
  “We could tell. Your employee has quite the unique pattern as well.” Mylo pulled away his bottoms to complete his naked transition. The rabbit woman continued to feel over his sturdy and angular side, her fingers tracing over his hip.   
  “Ah yes, Gerald. He's such a lovely servant and guard. It is too bad he's not the sort that can get me pregnant,” Tracey sighed.   
  “If he could I'm certain he would be in a much different line of work,” Mylo chuckled and stepped closer. It was about then that Suzy had pulled away the last of her own clothing and was standing naked in front of the rabbit.   
  “True. Silver linings I suppose?” Tracey giggled and flopped back onto her bed, her large breasts jiggling from the movement. Suzy came closer and crawled up onto the bed with a knee on either side of the client's body. She crawled up until her head was level to the other's bust.   
  “Do you have many more people with CD working for you?” The red panda asked as she dipped her mouth down and gently took a hold of the rabbit's nipple between her lips and began to suckle at it.   
  Tracey gasped and giggled, her paw coming up to gently stroking over the back the other's head. “Every one under my employ actually. When you're someone like me in the kind of business that I'm in, then you need the kind of muscle that those afflicted with CD is afforded.”    
  “Why do you need so many guards?” Suzy asked after a brief moment away from the wet breast.   
  Mylo stiffened a little and quickly cleared his throat. “I apologize for my mate, Tracey, she's kind of new to assisting me with clients. She doesn't know it's against our policy to ask our clients personal questions like that.”   
  A bright blush crossed over the red panda's cheeks and she froze where she was, though her eyes were turned away so she couldn't see that the rabbit was smiling and gazing affectionately at her. “Whoops,” she whispered.   
  “Oh no worries, you're perfectly fine.” Tracey continued to stroke her paws over the other woman's back, feeling how soft her fur was. “Though I will have to keep my mouth shut about what I do for a living. We don't need any unnecessary hang ups, do we?” She giggled.   
  Mylo came over to where the two girls were still embracing and began to get onto the bed as well. He came in from the side and his head loomed near his mate's. He leaned down enough to give the opposite nipple that Suzy had been suckling at a quick lick, but Tracey reached her paw up and placed it on the back of his head. From there she guided him to kiss her and he did so quite eagerly.
  Suddenly the bunny broke the embrace and shimmied herself out from underneath the red panda so that she could bound over to the top of the bed and settle on her backside. She stared at the breeder and his mate as she bit her bottom lip and splayed her legs while bringing her paw down between them to stroke a finger against her clit.   
  “Suzy, Mylo's cock isn't hard. How about you help him out?” Tracey asked as she began to rub herself a little harder.   
  Mylo and Suzy shared a quick look and then both grinned at the same time. It was true, Mylo's cock wasn't hard, just the barest hint of his tip was peeking out from the top of his sheath. Tracey clearly had a voyeuristic itch that she needed scratched and the husky was more than happy to comply.   
  Mylo moved up farther on the bed and settled back on his knees. He was already pretty close to his mate, and she was luckily picking up on the same cues as him. The two shared a brief, knowing look before getting into what Tracey wanted.   
  Suzy's paw went down and cupped the dog's balls as she leaned her face in and began to nuzzle against his furry pouch. She admired his musky scent, how it was clean and strong and would cloud her mind. Her nose moved lower and buried against his orbs for a brief moment before she opened her mouth and took one into her mouth. She was very careful to gently suckle at them, being that they were worth several million dollars. As soon as she remembered that she left them alone and went back to grinding her mouth against his sheath.   
  A couple inches had emerged just from her tentative behavior, but she was intent on getting every inch of him out. She also wanted to put on a good show for the client, and from sidelong glances that the red panda stole, Tracey was enjoying what she was seeing. The rabbit was digging two fingers into her pussy and sawing them back and forth in a frantic way. At the same time she was groping at her breast with a free paw, but her hungry gaze was trained on the other woman's performance.   
  Suzy's mouth found his rigid, dark red surface and ran her tongue up it slowly like a lollipop. Precum covered the length and she basked in its taste before getting to the top and sinking her mouth around his growing mass. She pushed down until she was kissing his sheath opening and she could feel his member growing and hardening quite rapidly as she stroked her tongue along his cock.   
  The red panda's paws came up to hold his sheath as she began to bob her head. Her tongue ran from side to side on the underside of his rigid girth and her efforts brought a moan from the looming canine. Suzy scooted herself closer as she settled into a steady rhythm of pulling her mouth up to the tip of his member and then traveling every last centimeter to the bottom of his deflated knot.   
  Within hardly any time at all she had gotten him completely erect and beginning to spurt precum from his tip. She swallowed back the tasty treat and murred lowly, making his shaft vibrate a little and eliciting another moan from her mate. She had allowed her eyes to close as she started to get lost in the suckling performance.   
  The loud sound of her lips smacking and the suction that came from her drawing up was nice and loud and told Tracey how wet his cock was getting. She could hardly wait to feel it inside of her.   
  “S-Suzy,” Mylo rumbled as he brought a paw up to rest it against the back of her head. “If you get too enthusiastic, I'm gunna cum before I get a chance to do my job.”   
  Suzy paused mid suck and pulled her mouth away. Mylo's cock was rock hard and it throbbed to the beat of his powerful heart. It seemed to vibrate in her paw as she held it by the base and she gave another embarrassed giggle and her cheeks flushed again.   
  Tracey giggled as well as she withdrew her fingers from her pussy and licked them clean. “Suzy, sweetheart, how about you come up here and give me some company?” A wide smile covered the rabbit's face and she patted the spot right beside her. Suzy nodded her head and crawled up closer to be right beside the other woman and the two smiled fondly at each other. “You did such a good job, dear. I can tell that you two must have a lot of fun together.”   
  “O-oh, thank you,” the red panda whispered and bit her lip as the two then turned to watch Mylo as he stalked closer on his paws and knees, his dick swaying between his thighs as he approached. He drew his upper body low as he came up to be between Tracey's knees and his paws came to be on either side of her body. She shivered at his touch and groaned as he began to place a series of kisses starting at her pussy and going up until he was between her breasts.   
  Suzy watched with interest as his hips moved up and the rabbit's legs wrapped around his sides. His lips continued on until he was playfully nuzzling at the side of her neck, then he suddenly leaned back and sat on his knees. His cock was settled right against her pussy, and the red panda realized how big the size difference was between him and his client. Her pussy seemed so small compared to his huge dick and it made her wonder if he ever had clients that couldn't take him. Tracey didn't seem at all concerned though.   
  Mylo took his cock by the base and aimed the tip down for her entrance. Then he began to push inside and the rabbit cooed out and arched her back. She loved it from the start, his canine shape stretched her out and made for just the right amount of pressure within her. He pushed in as far as he could go and he did so slowly. Surprisingly for the red panda, he was able to get everything in to the point that his non-inflated knot was settled against her entrance.   
  Suzy didn't realize it but the client had reached out and taken her paw. When Merun began to thrust against her she gave it an unconscious squeeze. “Holy fuck!” Tracey moaned out and leaned up enough so that she could see the husky's member push in and then withdraw. “You feel incredible!”
  Mylo didn't say anything in return. He had a task and he was going to get it done, and so he started at a moderate pace that had the bed squeaking and the woman moaning out.   
  With her free paw, Suzy began to rub at her own pussy as she watched her mate really begin to pound away. There came a loud smack with every motion that he would make against her that would cause the rabbit's whole body to jostle. The sudden movement was most noticeable with her big breasts which bounced from every impact. Suzy became fixated on the swinging orbs, her quarter sized nipples would swing in a circular motion in accordance to the husky's hip movements.   
  Suzy leaned her mouth in like before and suddenly latched onto Tracey's closest tit. The rabbit moaned out from that act alone and shivered when she felt the other's warm, soft tongue begin to draw circles around the sensitive surface. The insistent tugging like a pup also had Tracey's back arching as she began to imagine a young cub that might soon be doing that same. The idea of being pregnant with such a strong genealogy made her even more wet. She wanted to feel Mylo's hot cum in her more than anything now.   
  “Oooh, Suzy,” Tracey moaned and gave the woman's paw an extra squeeze to get her attention. The red panda met her eyes and released the nipple, though a line of saliva stretched between it and her lip. “Y-you've been s-so good...Uhf...How about you let me lick your pussy?” Her words were soft and breathy. The pleasure that she was feeling was starting to make her mind go numb.   
  The red panda was more than happy to comply. Suzy shifted herself up onto her knees again and then up to her feet. She gingerly set a foot on either side of Tracey's head and oriented herself to be facing towards her mate, of whom was watching her closely to make sure she didn't fall over or anything. Luckily for him she was very sure footed, no matter how much the bed jostled around.   
  When Suzy began to squat down, The rabbit cried out with pure joy and held her mouth open as she eagerly awaited the very wet pussy to get within reach. She came down to the point that she was sitting right on Tracey's face and in that moment The rabbit's tongue began to immediately assault Suzy's clit and outer lips.   
  Her mouth sealed to the outside of the red panda's crotch and began to trace her slit rather hard. Suzy moaned out and arched her back on reflex but her mind stayed focused enough that she didn't topple over. Instead, she reached out with one paw and grasped Tracey's breast, both to steady herself and to keep playing.   
  Mylo had leaned back a bit farther as he continued his relentless thrusting. The smacking had grown louder as the dog moved at a much faster speed. His muscles were flexing hard as he put his all into the onslaught of motion. His paws had even drawn down from the rabbit's sides and had gone over her thighs so that he could hook her under the back of her knees.   
  He kept her legs splayed open nice and wide and her bottom was even lifted a bit from the bed as he began to drive in with even greater purpose. He was rutting in a way that had him beginning to feel like he was getting close to climax. His growls and groans fell from his open mouth at a constant speed and with every exhale. His sounds were matched by his mate who was getting her cunt assaulted by his client's tongue. Her eyes were half lidded and he caught her gaze with his own pleasure stricken eyes.   
  Tracey seemed to notice the oncoming orgasm as the thick knot at the base of Mylo's cock began to swell. It hammered at her hole and added a whole new sensation to their fucking. Though her moans were muffled by the tight pussy that was pushed onto her mouth, her body never stopped wiggling around and her thighs never stopped squeezing around the man that was giving her one of the best sexual experiences of her life.   
  Suzy did eventually lose her balance but she simply held herself steady by setting her other paw on the other breast. She felt over both of those gorgeous pillows and how soft they were. She was momentarily lost in the action that she didn't realize that Tracey's tongue was causing her orgasm to come on quickly.   
  The red panda gasped and began to pull away for fear of drowning the rabbit woman but Tracey's arms suddenly came around and locked Suzy's backside to her face. She panicked for only a second before her mind went numb as the first orgasmic wave hit her body. She was trembling hard and the rabbit's mouth suddenly became filled with her femme cum. The clear liquid gushed and Suzy's voice suddenly came out as a high pitched scream of pure bliss. Tracey seemed to be ready for it though as she drank up every last drop without spilling any or getting overwhelmed.
  It was in that same instant that Mylo's knot suddenly popped inside and a guttural snarl escaped the husky's grit teeth. Tracey's back arched and though her own orgasmic moan was muffled it was still heard nice and loudly from around the red panda's cunt.   
  From within, Tracey's pussy became flooded with Mylo's virile load. It splashed within with such a strong pressure that it even pushed into her womb, guaranteeing a successful fertilization as it steadily. There came several other surges of the milky substance, each coming with a grunt and a shudder as Mylo let out the last few drops. The flow was warm and inviting and it quickly spread through Tracey's body like a satin blanket
  The three bodies slowly untensed their muscles and settled down as their shared high ebbed away. Suzy gingerly pulled herself away when Tracey allowed her to, leaving the rabbit's face a damp mess of the other's juices. Since Mylo was successfully tied there was no way he would be going away anytime soon, like with all clients.   
  He leaned his body forward and slowly laid down by Tracey's side just as Suzy came to be on the woman's opposite. Because of their awkward position, the rabbit had to drape a leg over Mylo's hip while clinging to his leg with both thighs. Her arms curled in and she closed her eyes with her long ears turned back against her head. Suzy cuddled in at her back and the dog's long arm wrapped around both women at once.   
  It was an intense breeding session, like all were really known to be. Even though the day hadn't been too tedious for any of the three, their coital bliss gave way to exhaustion. Simply letting the dog's knot stay within until it deflated, sleep was something that they all began to succumb to. It was a common occurrence, and while the canine would allow his client and his mate to do so, he would stay awake and watch over both of them.   
  Heavy breathing soon calmed to be much more gentle and none of them moved for quite some time. Even when the dog's knot did finally pull free he didn't untangle himself from the bed. He didn't shut his eyes either, instead choosing to watch over his beloved red panda as she went headlong into dreams. He found himself smiling at the peaceful sight and with it the thought of how irrevocably lucky he was to have her.   



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