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 Awesome art by:  http://www.furaffinity.net/user/fuzzies4you  

 Merun was a pretty heavy sleeper, pretty much everyone at the bar knew that about him, specially those that had stayed over at his house from time to time. He was also known to be a loud snorer which only lended itself to him being tough to wake up. Neither of these things were new to Riina. After spending a few nights with him in the past and then this entire last week she had grown accustom to his sleeping habits. She was also used to waking up before him and getting a good eyeful of his morning wood.   
  Like with most things in his casual life, Merun slept with only a shirt on so there was no difficulty seeing the throbbing red pyre sticking straight up from his lap like a flag pole. She sat up at his side, wearing just a shirt as well, and smiled lovingly at the bulky dog. His mouth was open and the grumbling sound of his snore was practically causing the pillow to vibrate.   
  She giggled to herself and reached out with her paw to give his cock a playful poke. It swayed slightly and in the early morning light that filtered through the closed window shutter she could see it glistening with some remnant of his natural musk.   
  “Merun? Wake up sleepy head.” she poked his dick again, a little harder this time but he carried on like nothing happened. “Merun!” She barked and swung her hip to bump against his side. The added effort got a pause from his noise but it resumed shortly after. She was fully awake now and her mind was suddenly full of devious schemes.   
  What could she possibly get away with without waking him up? Maybe she could fit him inside of her pussy or suck him off until he came. Could he maybe cum without waking up? She wished she had thought of all of this in the past few days, it would have made for some very interesting experimentation. Though he generally woke up not long after she did, there were two other mornings that she woke up way before him and even one night where he woke her up by slipping his cock into her pussy. Maybe this could be a returned favor?
  Riina slowly got up onto her knees, though she was less than careful when she swung one leg over his belly and straddled him. She set both paws on his chest and flicked her tail happily as she leaned forward and rested herself against him. She could feel the powerful beat of his heart and the definition of his chest beneath the snug fitting shirt. He seemed so innocent and care free, what might be the best way to wake him up? Being that it was her last day in his apartment it had to be something good.   
  As she sat there and thought, the canine gave a sudden jerk of his body and shifted. He was so strong that Riina almost went tumbling off but she held still. Though with all that movement there did come the sensation of his large cock giving her backside a light tap. It was that feeling that caused an idea to spark to life in her head and she looked over her shoulder at his member then back at his relaxed face. Oh, it was too perfect!
  She reoriented herself so that her butt was now facing towards his head. She grinned and looked back at him as she began to shimmy backwards ever so slowly, inching her butt closer and closer to his face. Each knee was spread far enough that his arms were pinned at his sides. Her tail was hiked nice and high and given her position her buttcheeks were naturally splayed. If he opened his eyes now his entire view would be nothing but her ass looming inches from his nose.   
  Perfect! She thought triumphantly to herself. The whole experience had gotten her a bit wet and she was curious if he could smell it in her dreams. She even wondered what kind of dreams he might be having now as she reached out with one paw and took a hold of his member. The other was planted on his ab rippled stomach to steady herself.   
  She came to realize that a bit of precum would flow from the tip of his cock when she would go from the base all the way to the top. She would collect each dollop of his essence and smear it back down over his member, making it very well lubricated. At the same time she nudged her hips back even farther and found that her butt bumped his muzzle.   
  He gave a slight startle at something touching his face, but when he tried to shift himself to avoid it he came to realize that he was somewhat immobile. It was that that triggered him to wake up. His groggy mind came into focus and his mouth closed. He smacked his lips tiredly and groaned as he didn't quite want to be awake at the moment. He almost would have gone back to sleep too but when he tried to turn over onto his side he was reminded that he was pinned down and that there was a weight on his chest.   
  That was when he opened his eyes to see what was going on and saw nothing but ass and pussy. Not that he minded it at all but he was extremely confused for a second or two. Enough of Riina's back was exposed that he realized what was going on and a grin spread over his face.   
  “Best way to wake up ever!” he laughed that turned into a wide yawn. His arms turned up at the elbow and his paws gripped her by the hips. He stroked through her soft fur and just laid back as he admired the view from where he was. Riina giggled at his exclamation and gave her butt a playful wiggle.   
  “I thought you might like it.” She smirked and reached up with her free paw and pushed up her shirt enough that she exposed her own breasts, letting the crumbled front rest over top of them. She had the first thought of setting her tits around his dick but he was just too tall. She couldn't quite reach if she still wanted to keep her ass on his face, and from how he was hugging her lower body it was clear that he didn't want her to go anywhere either.   
  Riina shifted herself back as far as she could now that he was awake and she didn't have to worry about smothering him. Not that he'd likely mind that, death by ass was probably how wanted to die anyway. No one would likely be surprised.   
  Merun leaned his face up the rest of the way and the hyena was treated to the feeling of his muzzle settling right between her buttcheeks. His cold nose was pressed flush to her pucker and she could feel the movement of air as he would take in a deep breath and then the hot exhale against her pussy. He was content to stay where he was. Affectionately nudging his nose back and forth under her tail. He was in heaven, not the mention the fact that she was still giving his dick quite a lot of attention.
  She had grasped it with both paws now and was working it up and down quite vigorously. Every so often she would feel him moan though every sound he made was understandably muffled. Though his breathing remained steady as he continued to take in her naughty scent, she gave an enticing wiggle as best she could.   
  “Are you just gunna sniff it all day or are you gunna lick it?” She did her best to look back at him but all she could see was his ears sticking up from either side of her tail. He had pulled her back enough that her weight was settled on his nose. She was quite literally sitting on his face. Hearing her words however spurred him on to respond, and to do so he withdrew his face from between her cheeks but only for a moment.   
  “No place I'd rather be!” He barked and then shoved his nose right back against her tailhole. She gave a soft moan and a shiver traveled up her spine.   
  “Well that's great and all, but if you lube me up then we can fit your cock in there, okay?” She felt him pause mid breath as he thought about her proposal, and it really didn't take long for him to be happy with that as well.   
  She felt his face turn up ever so slightly and the result was his strong tongue stroking across her wrinkled surface. This time she wasn't able to keep her moan to herself, it was nice and loud and her back arched from the much needed attention. He lapped up and down in rapid succession, each lick traveling from the slit of her pussy to the base of her tail and back. He had coated her in saliva in seconds and the sensation had her pushing back onto his mouth.   
  His lips became sealed around her pucker as her weight back onto his face. His tongue never stopped its whirlwind motion though, he nudged her winking surface to try and slip inside and she eventually let him. He delved his tongue as deep as he could manage and made every attempt he could to be quick.   
  From her end it felt like she was getting fingered, but the smooth texture of his tongue was sending electric fingers tingling up her spine. Her mouth hung open as she continued to cry out and whimper, and surprisingly her handiwork didn't suffer in the exchange. She was still stroking him again and again, her paws covered in as much lubricating precum as her asshole was with saliva.   
  She attempted to lean forward but she instead found that the husky had a firm hold of her hips. She laughed and moaned at the same time when he showed that he didn't want to let go. “Merun!” she chastised playfully as she tried to get up again but his lips were firm between her cheeks. She gave a soft grunt and pushed forward as hard as she could but still nothing happened. With a sigh she leaned back and settled more of her weight on his face, meant to be a punishment but he didn't seem to mind at all.   
  “Merun, if you let go then I could stick your cock up my ass instead of your nose.” She paused in her movements as he seemed to do the same. Clearly caught in a conflict of where he was and what he wanted, after a few seconds of thought he eventually let go of her thighs and she sprung up instantly. She didn't go far though, as she intended to keep her word.   
  She crawled forward to the point that she was now straddling his waist. She stroked his cock a few more times now that she was up close and then lifted herself up high enough to get it underneath her. With her paw at his base she aimed him to be under her tail, his tip pressing to her tight, slick tailhole. She took a deep breath and groaned as she pushed him inside. She relaxed herself as best she could but the initial discomfort was always there, no matter how much she prepared.   
  With her back still turned towards him, Merun was given the gorgeous sight of her ass taking in his member. Her perfect butt wiggled and jostled ever so slightly as he sank within, her tight, wet insides clinging to his shaft and squeezing down. He moaned in response to her own sound and his paws moved to gently settle on her bare hips.   
  When she was all the way down to the point that his knot was pressed against her backside, she began to work herself up and down. It was Merun's favorite position to be in, seeing her work herself over his throbbing cock. She was getting faster as time went on and he began to lend himself to helping out. As she would drop back his own hips would push forward and a satisfying smack would often emanate.   
  Their moans mixed and grew louder as they began to put more energy into their movements. The bed creaked loudly and its frame even battered the floor as the swing of their bodies became more eccentric. Riina's hips and ass were bouncing and jiggling wildly as she put every ounce of energy that she had into her movements.   
  Merun was grunting and gritting his teeth. His stomach muscle were flexed and his swollen knot was pounding at her hole, wanting desperately to fit inside. She could feel it progressively pushing into her muscular ring and widen it even more with every motion.   
  The pressure it brought, along with the rest of his cock, was incredible. Pleasure blossomed through her frame and it shook her heard. With an arched back she turned her head up and let out a howl to the ceiling.   
  Riina's paw went between her legs and she began to work her fingers against her vacant slit, frantically rubbing herself up and down. She traced her lips vigorously as she rolled her hips. Her clit was given quite a bit of attention, all the while her stomach would bulge when she would bottom out on his lap. She could feel him reaching so deep that it made her eyes roll up just a bit. Her mouth was hanging open and her breaths came as raged pants. Drool fell from her bottom lip as her tongue hung out not unlike what her mate was doing.   
  She could feel the strength of the husky's arms beginning to take hold. His fingers dug into her soft sides and made indents in her flesh, though his nails did nothing to harm her. She could feel herself getting close to orgasm, the way she was digging her fingers into her pussy in tandem with her riding motions ensured that she was approaching the edge rapidly.   
  Merun could feel her clenching down on him at more irregular times. He was watching her through half lidded eyes when he saw her body suddenly convulse and a climactic scream draw from her mouth. There came the unmistaking sensation of her femme cum coating his swinging balls and that feeling alone sent a blissful shiver up his spine. Seeing her in such a state of orgasmic bliss had him feeling like how own orgasm was coming on quickly.   
  His guttural moans became strained growls. He was pulling her down onto her lap just as hard as he was thrusting up. She was still grinding her ass down onto him, his thick base getting closer and closer to slipping inside. Then with one last, powerful thrust his knot slipped inside and swelled the remaining bit it took to tie him to the hyena.   
  A satisfied groan emanated from Riina as she felt the thick thing pop inside of her ass. Merun was no longer able to keep up his aggressive thrusting, and with good reason. Reduced to short, rapid bucks, the intense pleasure that he was feeling bloomed within his pelvis and suddenly erupted up through his cock.   
  His cum was incredibly warm and as soon as it began to flood Riina's insides she felt the heat spread through her, even reaching to her toes and fingers. She could feel his cock flex within her, and every time that it did there came an additional salvo of jizz. He painted her bowels fully with such volume it felt like she was getting an enema.   
  Through clenched teeth there was a snarl that marked the climax. Towards the end he relaxed his jaw and out came a shuddering groan that sounded like it could have come from a much larger animal. Riina's insides gripped him tightly and seemed to be unconsciously milking him for every drop, not that either of them minded. With this bulb locked within her there was no chance that a single drop would fall free.
  A silent minute ticked by as neither said anything. They simply panted and came down from their collective high. Riina shifted herself to a position that had her legs stretching out in front of her than folded beneath her butt. Her paws came back and settle on the bed on either side of her mate as she slowly came to lay against him. With each heavy breath that he took she was lifted ever so slightly. The rocking motion of which almost had her falling back asleep. But they had just woken up, and the day needed to be started.   
  They rested for quite a while, long enough that Merun's knot to eventually slipped free after significantly deflating. From it coming out there came a flood of cum that Riina hastily clenched down to keep as much of it inside as she got up and rushed to the bathroom. Merun was on his feet at the same time and followed her in. The shower ran hot and long as they enjoyed themselves cleaning up and embracing under the high pressure spray.   
  Time was limited for them, and once they got out they quickly dried off and dressed, or at least Riina dressed. The husky threw on a simple shirt and joined his mate out in the kitchen.   
  There was something odd in the air, Riina began to notice. Merun had barely spoken to her since they woke up, not uttering a single word while they were in the shower and even several minutes after they had gotten out. Something heavy was on his mind and the hyena could tell right away. Even as they made breakfast he held a solemn expression on his face and she knew why. In two hours they were going to be apart from each other and in mere minutes they would need to take off for the airport.   
  Merun had finished off the last of his fried eggs and toast when Riina came over and draped her torso across his broad shoulders and upper back. “I know it's gunna suck being away but I'll come and visit soon,” she assured.   
  “It's not that,” he replied. He took his plate and stood up, gingerly shrugging her off of him. He went over and dropped the dishes into the nearly empty sink and turned towards her. “I mean...it is but...” He paused and looked from her eyes to the ceiling as he searched for the words. “Riina...I don't want you to go.”
  The hyena snickered and went over to him. She wrapped her paws around his forearm and tugged it towards her so she could hug and hang against it. “But I gotta go. I got clients to take care of, remember? Mylo will be so lost without me.”   
  “Yeah I know.” He sighed and looked into her eyes and it was then that Riina realized there was something much deeper weighing down his thoughts. Had he been like this for long and she hadn't seen it before? Or was this just the culmination of so much thought and he wasn't able to hide his true feelings? Finally, he spoke. “I want you to come here and live with me.”   
  Riina blinked as she was taken aback by his forwardness. “I-I can't. I mean...at least not right now.”   
  “I don't know.” Her brows knit with concern at his tone, as it was a mixture of irritation and sadness.   
  “You don't know,” he mimicked with a frown. “Months? Years?” She could only offer a shrug in response.   
  “Why don't you come live with me?” She blurted out.   
  “You know why,” he grumbled and folded his arms over his chest. “I'm too rooted. My bar, my lifestyle. What would I do?”   
  “Well what's wrong with us being how we are now?” Her voice rose with volume as she was getting upset. Why was he doing this now of all times?
  “Riina, this is no way for how a relationship should be. Only seeing each other through a cam, visiting three or four times a year? We have no end goal, neither of us are willing to move.” A cold chill ran through the woman's body as she realized what was going on. She wasn't ready for this kind of a thing, especially after having such an incredible time with him. She felt attacked in a sense and she became guarded.   
  The hyena folded her own arms as well and her ears drooped. She looked down at the floor and a slight sniffle made it way through her nose.   
  Merun's heart ached, he didn't want for this to happen, but it was time to be realistic. He walked over to her and gently pulled her against him. She didn't move but she didn't resist either. Instead she just leaned against his broad chest and closed her eyes.   
  “This isn't healthy for either of us.” He felt her give a slight nod. He took her by the shoulders and leaned back, then drew his paws to cradle her face in his palms. She looked up into his eyes, her own were beginning to well with tears. He could feel the same coming on, spurred by the distinct burning sensation of his nose. He took a deep breath and leaned down. His nose bumped lightly against her cheek.   
  “But I love you.” She mumbled softly.   
  “I love you too. Which is why I think it's best for both of us.” She clenched her eyes shut and the first few tears began to roll down her cheeks. But she nodded again and took a shuddering breath.   
  “Can we still talk and be friends?”   
  His paws gently stroked over her back and gave her a reassuring stroke. “I'm sorry, but no. I love you too much for that.” That triggered a light whimper from the hyena and she buried her face against his chest. They stayed like that for a while, neither moving and only pulling away once Riina's eyes had dried. Merun had yet to shed a single tear but only through sheer power of will. There were plenty of times where he was one blink from going overboard though.   
  There wasn't much time shared between them from there, not that they didn't want to, but there was still packing and then the drive to the airport that needed to be done. The car ride was silent with only the faint sound of the radio playing. There were many times that Merun wanted to say something, to take back what he had said and to give the whole long distance thing a try again. But he didn't, because he knew it was the best thing for both of them. At least that's what he sorely hoped.   
  He walked with her all the way to he terminal up to the point that he could no longer follow. In that last moment she turned to him with a fake smile and gave a shrug. “I had a lot of fun here, Merun. If Mylo visits again...maybe I'll come with, eh?”   
  Merun put on his own fake smile and nodded. “That might be nice. Be sure to punch him on the shoulder for me the next time you see him.”   
  “Heh. Yeah, I'll be sure to do that.” Silence folded in around them again and Merun opened his arms from his sides. Riina dashed forward and pressed herself as firmly against him as she could. The two stayed like that for as long as they could, only separating when there was the last call for boarding. The hyena held the other's gaze as she backed away and even when she turned she kept her eyes over her shoulder.   
  Once on board she couldn't keep him from her thoughts and her heart physically ached to think about the great week she had with him. She wasn't afforded a window seat but that didn't stop her from trying to look out at the airport. She strained to get one last look at him but she didn't have a very good position and wasn't able to. She still tried even as the plane began to take off.   
  From within the airport, Merun did watch as Riina's plane took off. He stayed there for as long as he could until it turned into a speck on the horizon.  Now feeling more lonely than ever he exited the airport and went out to his car. On the ride back to his apartment not even the radio played, instead he just listened to the thrum of his vehicle as it sped down the road.   
  Once he was back, he slowly shuffled his way inside and cut through his kitchen and living room on his way to his bedroom. Once there he flopped onto the mattress face first and curled up on his side. It was in that moment that he allowed the tears to stream down his cheeks, though he hardly made a sound.   



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