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 Awesome art by: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/jailbird 

  The day was turning out to be cloudless and warm, perfect weather for some seaside relaxation. Or it would have been if Mylo didn't have to work. He tried to keep the bitterness from his mind but it didn't seem to work. Only when he would look over at Suzy and give her paw an affectionate squeeze would he feel his irritation melt.   
  They were riding along in his sporty rental car, the red panda in the front and Mylo's manager in the back. They were all dressed normally, as Riina didn't quite feel right being naked in public. She wasn't warm to the idea at all in fact.   
  “I still don't see why I have to come with,” the hyena grumbled as she looked out the window. They were pulling into the parking lot of the nudist beach after having gone through the appropriate avenues so that it was okay for them to do what they wanted to do there. The Community didn't seem to mind sex out in public so much, to them it was just a natural occurrence that was bound to happen.   
  “It's because of you that we're here at all,” Mylo retorted and looked at her in his rear view mirror. “Besides, Merun will be there and he'll need some company while Suzy and I are off doing some work.” Riina's posture softened a bit at the mention of the other husky and she began to trail off in thought. She did want to admit it, but she was looking forward to hanging out with him and getting to pick his brain about how he ran his business.   
  It was a pretty small parking lot compared to the clothing optional section nearby. Though it was divided by a tall fence, the overall beach front was huge and the amount that the nudist owned portion paled in comparison to the other. As such, it was very easy to locate Merun and his car, as he was standing right next to it. Mylo pulled in right beside his friend and the three eagerly got out.   
  “I beat you guys here!” Merun laughed and raised his arms triumphantly into the air. Mylo grinned as he got out and closed his door. The inverted husky had also gotten a head start on being nude, though for a guy that never wore pants to begin with a shirt wasn't exactly much of an obstacle. A pair of sunglasses were balanced on his muzzle and a backpack was strung over his shoulders. Beside him was a red cooler with its handle extended and waiting to be pulled.   
  Mylo and Suzy grabbed their own bag and cooler from the trunk of the rental while Riina meandered over to stand by Merun. The two shared a smile when she got close enough. “Ready to free yourself?” Merun chuckled and jerked his thumb towards a sign that stated clearly that they were about to enter a nude beach and that everyone in attendance needed to be eighteen years and older to be present. “Clothing stops here.”   
  “Hell yeah!” Suzy yipped as she came trotting around to the front of the car. She jerked her articles of clothing from her body with such haste it seemed like they were actually causing her discomfort. Merun laughed at the display and he suddenly became curious as to if he could convince Mylo and her to move to the area. Surely the red panda wouldn't mind, she seemed so eager to join in to the social norm.   
  Riina was much less eager but she did eventually begin to join her companion. Her shirt came off first followed by her bra. Then her pants and underwear were next. Merun couldn't help but watch for a brief time, his gaze concealed behind the dark lenses.   
  Suzy was already dashing off for the beach by the time Mylo came around to collect her pile of clothing on the ground. Seeing the sign and that he was the only one left, the large canine pulled away his few articles as well.   
  Merun whistled his appreciation for his friend's physique. “Keeping up at the gym I take it?”   
  “I have to in my line of business,” Mylo chuckled after he peeled the shirt from his back and then undid his shorts to push them down with his boxers. “Don't you?”
  The inverted husky shrugged and grabbed the handle of his cooler as the two made their way onto the sand. “Not really. My line of work doesn't really require it. Also I've got a bad knee, remember?”   
  “Yeah, but just some upper body work or some cardio would do wonders. I could leave you my kind of schedule if you want.” Mylo looked at his friend from the corner of his eyes. Suzy and Riina had already unpacked a couple towels and laid them out on the sand with a couple umbrellas stuck in the ground to provide some shade.   
  “It's not really my thing, Mylo. I mean, I don't look that much out of shape do I?” The inverted husky punctuated his words with a flex of his right arm. The thick bands of muscles bulged and gave off an appeal that many normal body builders would die to have. The other dog gave a shrug.   
  “It sneaks up on ya. I've seen plenty of guys stop a routine and then fall hard into bad habits. I'd hate to see the same happen my former captain.”   
  “I have a healthy diet. Also I think we're an exception, given our genetics.” Merun flashed a smirk and a wink to his friend, but Mylo rolled his eyes. The two coolers were set next to each other and two more towels were pulled out from Merun's backpack. The huskies settled down with the girls and all four relaxed and continued to chat.   
  “So when am I going to be meeting with this client?” Mylo asked as has gazed out at the crowd that was also out and about on the beach. There were plenty of couples and groups that were out doing the exact same thing as them. Plenty were swimming even, the waves of ocean water lapping at the sand as the breeze showed little influence on their size.   
  “She said she'd call me when she came around.” Riina grabbed a pair of sunglasses from her own bag and slid them onto her face as she lied back. She tried to play it off that being naked out in public was natural for her, but in truth she was fighting the urge to cover herself. At least her thighs were firmly squeezed together to try and keep prying eyes from that area of her. Suzy on the other hand didn't seem the slightest bit perturbed by anything that was going on around her.   
  “So what are we gunna do until then?” Merun asked as he folded his legs in front of him.   
  “I've got an idea!” Suzy said quickly. She reached a paw into her bag and pulled out a Frisbee and held it high above her head. Both huskies caught the sight right away and their ears stood up as their full attention was garnered. “Go get it!” and with that she curled her arm and let the plastic disk go soaring across a section of the less populated beach.   
  In an instant Mylo and Merun were back on their feet and chasing after it, their feet kicking up waves of sand in their wake. Riina watched with raised eyebrows at how quick they were to act, beside her Suzy was giggling uncontrollably.   
  The hyena could only shake her head as she followed the disk until it came to rest in the sand and both dogs fell upon it like pups. As soon as one got a hold of it he would run back and throw it to the other, starting a game of fetch between the canines. Now rid of them, the hyena and red panda lied back on their towels and enjoyed the warm, calm weather.   
  Relative peace and quiet followed the girls. Suzy was content with watching her mate duck and dive after the Frisbee and then Merun doing the same on return throws. It was at least entertaining enough that several other beach goers had their attention diverted by the spectacle. Riina was almost falling asleep when her phone suddenly began to ring out the tune of a popular song that she liked. She sluggishly reached for it within her bag and checked the ID. Realizing it was the client, she answered it and put on her professional tone.   
  “Hello, Riina's Managerial Service.” Suzy glanced over at her friend and held a curious ear perked to try and get some of the conversation that she was having. “Mhm, we're over here on the beach, where are you at?” She listened intently and then suddenly rolled from her towel and got up on her knees. She scanned her eyes back towards the parking lot and then suddenly raised her arm and waved it high above her head. “Yes! I see you. I'll be right over. Hehe, bye.” Riina ended the call and then reached within her bag and pulled out a folder that was full of papers and a pen. She got up to her feet and then turned to the red panda.   
  “Do you mind getting Mylo's attention? His client is here.” Suzy nodded her head and beamed excitedly. When Riina trotted off, Suzy got up to her feet and raced off for where the huskies were still chasing the disk back and forth. She waved her arms as she hurried towards them, and before long Mylo caught the sight of her and stopped just as he was about to throw. Merun trotted over to join them once he saw the red panda arrive.   
  “Riina said your client is here. She went off to do the paperwork with her so she told me to come get you,” she explained quickly. Mylo nodded his head, his tongue lolling with heavy pants.
  “Guess we'll have to pick this up some other time,” The striped husky said and waved the Frisbee to emphasize. Merun shrugged and the three walked back to their area. At the same time the hyena was coming back and behind her followed a rather beautiful looking mare.   
  Mylo's client was tall and shapely, the entirety of her form plain to see as she was already naked for the beach. She had a large bust and wide birthing hips, her fur color a light brown with splotches of white around her. Her long blond hair was pulled back in a crafted braid that hung down to her lower back and would bounce and sway with every step that she took.   
  She couldn't have been much older then twenty five he realized, either that or she was remarkably young looking. When she caught sight of Mylo admiring her she blushed and adverted her eyes. From over one shoulder was a duffle bag, no doubt holding essentials for her trip here and the act that was to occur.   
  “Mylo, this is your client, Leila.” Riina swept her paw from the mare to the husky.   
  “It's very nice to meet you, Leila,” the canine leaned forward and offered his paw to her. She grabbed it gingerly and shook, though her hand disappeared within his grasp. “And this my mate, Suzy,” he introduced next and gestured to the red panda. “She'll be the one joining us at my request.”
  “Hello!” Suzy reached her paw out and the two shook as well.   
  “It's great to finally meet you both. I can't tell you how long I've been looking forward to this,” she explained with a sigh, her eyes holding a small twinkle of bewilderment. It was about then that she noticed Merun standing back behind the others and she gave a friendly wave, realizing that he was afflicted with the same genetic condition as the breeder. “Oh, who's this?”   
  “Oh, this is my close friend, Merun,” Mylo said quickly and turned to the other husky. Merun beamed a smile and returned the friendly wave. “He's just here to hold down the fort while we're busy.”
    “I see. For a second there I thought he was going to be joining us as well.” Leila laughed. Merun suddenly got an excited look on his face and he turned to the other dog with hopeful eyes but Mylo shook his head and waved off his friend's expression.   
  “Afraid it's just you, Suzy, and I. Shall we get started?” Mylo asked with a friendly smile, even as Merun's faded with disappointment.   
  “Sure. Do you mind if we get closer to the ocean though? I don't mean to be too controlling but I'm a stickler for detail.” Leila patted her bag and smiled apologetically.   
  “Not at all, lead the way.” Mylo held a warm smile and waited for the mare to begin walking. When she did he and his mate followed closely, leaving Riina and Merun alone at last to chat and relax. The two remainders glanced at each other and shared a smile before settling down among the beach towels and umbrellas.   
  The three others wound their way through other groups and obstacles on their way to whatever spot that Leila had in mind. They ended up walking quite a distance away towards the far edge of the beach with very few prying eyes. Where Merun and Riina were was a distant speck among other specks. It was also getting on in the afternoon, where the shadows of large rocks were stretching across the sand and the sky was starting to turn a slight pink. Finally, Leila stopped and gave a quick 360 before grinning at the husky.   
  “Perfect!” she declared and unzipped her duffle bag and pulled out a large beach towel. She laid it out in the sand and then tossed her bag a short distance away. Then she turned to he husky and looked at him with need in her eyes and a bit bottom lip. “Shall we?” She moved up a bit closer to him and reached out her arms to drape them around his neck.   
  “Of course,” he murred and brought his own paws around her back. He leaned down and pressed his lips against hers, an action that she was eager to reciprocate. The smell of his strong musk and the aura of strength that he had made the mare feel more content and safe with him. She pressed her form closer to his, her large breasts eased against his barreled chest.   
  From the side Suzy was watching and feeling her body become flushed with arousal. One paw had traveled down between her legs where she was stroking a finger back and forth against her slit while the other had gone to her breast and was playing with her nipple. She watched her mate work and found herself loving the sight of him being as professional and gentle as he so often was with her. She even gasped as the muscular husky brought a paw down to the other woman's backside and suddenly swept her from her feet.
  Leila was laid securely within his grasp and their lips had yet to break away. Showing off his strength by holding her aloft and still moving so easily, Mylo lowered himself down to his knees and then slowly laid the equine onto her back onto the towel. Once there he released his grasp and broke the kiss at the same time.   
  The woman was practically writhing with lust and he could smell how badly she wanted to get fucked and impregnated. He dipped his head and began to gently kiss down her body, starting at her collar bone and going until her was nuzzling and stroking his lips over one of her breasts. He then took one of her nipples between his lips and began to suckle at it, eliciting a gasp and moan as she arched her back and pushed her bust up closer to his face.   
  Mylo was entrenched in the moment and his work, his mind firmly on the task but his thoughts were quickly yanked back to the present when he felt a pair of lithe paws feel over his hefty balls and sheath. He let his mouth up on the saliva covered tit and looked down between his legs to see Suzy's head crawling up between his thighs. She was gently fondling his sack and nuzzling her nose against the first bit of cock that was sneaking out of the opening.   
  He smirked and returned his mouth to Leila's breast at the same time that Suzy pressed her mouth around his cock, now a designated fluffer. He gave a light moan and shivered as she went to work with getting him hard. In truth it didn't take much effort or time, he was already aroused by the situation and precum was dripping from his tip. Suzy was quick to drink back his musky mixture, moaning at the strong taste that he had. She idly bobbed her head in a milking way to encourage his girth and before long he was at a full stand.   
  Leila was gently stroking her hand over the top of Mylo's head and even scratching behind his ears with her blunt nails. Then the large husky began to shift himself around a little. He brought his paws down and maneuvered the mare's legs to be on either side of hips hips and to even be draped around his sides. He leaned his upper body back and settled on both of his knees.   
  Suzy pulled her mate's cock from her mouth and licked her lips. She crawled a short distance back and the canine glanced over his shoulder at her and caught her eye. He smiled and winked at her as he took a hold of his cock at the base and angled it down towards Leila's pussy. He gave a low grunt and pushed himself in, the penetration also punctuated by a loving moan from the woman.   
  Her arms were splayed at her sides and and her eyes were closed. Her face was a mask of bliss and pleasure, just what Mylo liked to see. She arched her hips to be closer to him and she writhed her body from side to side as he continued to sink within. She was so tight and incredibly wet. He couldn't believe how easy it was to slip inside with how hard she was clenching on him. He couldn't help but to feel rather prideful of himself for how she had reacted to his meager foreplay so far.   
  When Mylo bottomed out he began to slow process of moving his hips back and forth, though he was quick to gain speed and strength. The mare's breasts bounced with every movement he made against her. Soft moans drifted with every breath that she exhaled. Mylo's paws slid up her thighs and took a hold of each leg at the knee, holding them up and keeping them spread.   
  Suzy laid on her side and kept her view low so she could watch her mate's penetration. The mare's pussy juices ran down her taint and onto her tailhole, the dark wrinkled ring flexing every so often as she began to get into the movements more. With one paw the red panda had been fingering herself, her cunt arguably just as wet as the other woman's. With her other paw she curiously reached out and stroked her fingers across the equine's pucker. She massaged against its surface a bit, as if she were stroking the woman's pussy.   
  The tailhole winked in an inviting way and seemed to relax. Leila's moans heightened and her butt pushed out a little more while Mylo was busily hammering way, almost as if to beg for the hole to get played with just as much as her cunt. Suzy thought to experiment and see if the attention was wanted.   
  The red panda began to slowly insert her middle finer into the pucker. It was covered in so much of the frothy mixture that exuded from her pussy that it made for a slippery entrance. She intended to be slow but the muscular ring seemed to suck her in and to be very accepting. She pushed all the way in and found the mare's clean insides to be begging.   
  “M-more!” Leila cried out and flexed her tailhole. Mylo began to roll his hips more vigorously, thinking that the demand was meant for him. In truth, Suzy knew it was meant for her and she tried dipping his ring finger inside. Once again it was sucked in like the hole couldn't get enough, the tight, warm feeling causing the red panda to giggle. She began to saw her fingers in and out, the action even causing the rim to distend a little with the slight movements.   
  Suzy grinned to herself as she realized what she was doing without Mylo's notice. She was curious as to how long she could go on without him knowing but when she added a third finger to the hole it was tough for him not to.   
  Mylo prickled when he felt a sudden pressure on his cock from within and from below. He turned his eyes off to the side and spotted his mate lying on her side and when he stole a quick glance between his legs he saw what she was doing. Though the mare didn't seem the slightest bit upset by it, he simply carried on with his rapid bucking and said nothing.   
  Suzy dug her fingers in as far as she could manage and sawed them back and forth at a quick pace. She thought to match the husky's own speed but with how he was going she thought the action might be too much. Instead she turned her paw over and began to grind her finger tips against the thin wall that divided the woman's holes. She could feel her mate's rock hard dick as it jack hammered within the lucky equine's pussy.   
  Being so close to the action, Suzy brought her other paw down between her legs again and began to quickly stroke her clit while occasionally dipping her fingers inside. It seemed that with their combined efforts, Leila was rapidly coming onto her first orgasm of the session. Her hips were writhing and her voice was getting louder and louder. The added motions had the husky getting close as well.
  The mare could feel his thick knot swelling from outside of her cunt as he would bottom out and grind against her entrance from time to time. Suzy could feel it as well and she withdrew her fingers from the loosened tailhole as this was the critical point of the entire process.   
  Low grunts and growls resounded from within Mylo's chest. He was becoming much more adamant about fitting his knot within her as it hadn't swelled too much yet. It seemed like Leila's body was waiting, and the instant she felt his bulbous base pop inside she let out a climactic scream that had her back arching and her hands grabbing at the husky's shoulders.   
  She spasmed and clenched down on him as his knot grew several sizes and locked the pair together. A howl joined the mare's elated call that marked his orgasm, indeed punctuated with a sudden spray of his potent cum within her. She could feel every blast that he sent within, the knot perfectly sealing them together to prevent even a drop from escaping. The thick semen was under such pressure that it even flowed freely into her womb, of which was more than happy to accept the gift.   
  Mylo shuddered softly and his body gave a few short pumps to ensure that every little bit of his balls were relieved, then the two slowly began to release their tense muscles and untangle themselves. Both were panting, but the husky was showing true canine fashion by lolling his tongue from the side of his mouth and wearing a wide grin on his face.   
  Suzy watched in awe from the side, her legs now spread wide and she was fingering her cunt like crazy. Her body quivered as she experienced a small climax of her own, though she let out a soft squeak as she tried to keep herself unnoticed by the two. Mylo wasn't one to forget such a thing, however, and he turned to the red panda with a grin.
  “We're done now, Suzy,” he said softly as he shifted himself to a lying position, his strong arms pulling around the other woman as he moved to be in a warm embrace with her. His mate got up to her knees and approached him. “We're going to be like this for a while. It's important that we be sure that the fertilization takes hold.” Leila had nuzzled her face against his strong chest and had her eyes closed as she enjoyed his warmth. “Do you mind going on to tell Merun and Riina that everything went well?”
  The red panda beamed and nodded her head, but before she left she got closer and she and her mate shared a brief, affectionate kiss. “I love you,” she whispered.   
  “I love you too,” he rumbled and held her with a fond gaze. Suzy held his eyes for a while longer before she got up and began to trot off for where their friends were still sitting and chatting. The sun had descended in the sky much further was painted pink and yellow even more. She chanced one last glance over her shoulder at her mate and his client. The way he cuddled her made her heart swell for his gentleness and yearn to be in the mare's spot. She would be soon, she told herself.   




Absolutely perfect! So many little details and nuances that helped this top everything I've found in your archives.