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Awesome art by: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/banglow/

Read the awesome first chapter here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/meet-me-at-beach-11662877 

 The decent summer weather had held out for the months that began to push more towards Fall. Warmth and lasting sunshine filtered into the window of a small, two bedroom house that was set almost right on the nudist beach that was a short walk away. The great expanse of ocean could be seen from that window, and for Maddie, she loved watching the waves lazily lap at the sand.   
  Hardly a cloud in the sky, she thought to herself as she was half draped over the windowsill, one arm folded under her cheek while the other draped outside. The lower half of her body was settled on a queen sized bed, the covers of which were strewn out on the floor. The day was beginning to progress into the afternoon, and she had yet to get out of bed.   
  She blamed it on the pregnancy, and the thought caused her to bring a paw down to her belly and gently stroke over the slight, but well defined bulge that was her lower abdomen. She was five months into her pregnancy and she was still no further with being able to tell who the father was. The only thing that she knew for a fact was that her husband, Glen, couldn't be it.   
  The evidence pointed to Maddie's closest lover, Larse, as the person that was the cub's real father, but in truth, the red panda woman was such a fan of bringing various men over to their house to fuck her that it was more or less up in the air for who's it could be.   
  She gave a light sigh as she continued to watch the beach, but after a short while she caught sight of some movement from a short distance away, and right away she recognized who it was.   
  Speaking of Larse, she thought pleasantly to herself. The husky was making his way towards her house, not a single piece of clothing on his athletic body. She bit her lip as she watched him come closer and she waved her arm about to get his attention. It worked, as his light blue eyes locked to hers as he altered his course to step up to where she was hanging out.   
  “Hey there, gorgeous,” he chuckled as he came close enough She leaned back a bit more into her bedroom and beamed happily at the handsome canine. When he got close enough he stopped right at her windowsill and the two shared a brief kiss. “How have you two been today?” he asked friendly enough, of course referring to her and the life in her belly.   
  “We've been good, how about yourself?” she asked and murred warmly.   
  “About the same,” he chuckled and looked into her eyes. “I can't really stick around for too long, hun, was there something important you needed me for?”
  “Oh? What else do you have going on today?” she asked with a fake scowl, but he saw right through it as he kept smirking.   
  “There's a party going on tonight on the beach, I'm on beer and booze duty,” he explained. She nodded some and then gave a huff.   
  “I wish I could come,” she mumbled.   
  “You can!” he chuckled, his large curled tail flicking about. “You just can't drink or do anything too crazy.”
  “Eh,” she said and shrugged. “I can't wait until I can drink again.” As she spoke she stroked over her bulging belly.   
  “That'll come with enough time,” he retorted and leaned his head in through her window. “So...since you called so early I bet it's cause you wanna get fucked?” he whispered deviously and licked his lips. Heat rushed to Maddie's cheeks and she bit her lower lip, though she nodded quickly.   
  “Mhm, I've been soaking wet ever since I woke up. And there's no one better that I'd rather have fuck me than you,” she said, her large tail swaying about excitedly.   
  The husky laughed and leaned back for a moment. He gestured towards the front door with his thumb. “So are you gunna let me in or what?”
  “Oh! Sure, just one moment!” she said quickly and then turned around and got up from her bed. Maddie wasn't wearing much either, given that the beach was so forgiving with nudity. Like Larse, she wore almost nothing at all, save for a tight fitting shirt that clung to her upper body, just enough to cover her breasts, though it allowed her swollen belly to be on full display. She continued to idly stroke over its round surface as she trotted out from the bedroom and on through the living room.
  Reclined on one side of the centerpiece couch was Glen. Glen was dressed in the opposite manner of his wife, going with no shirt and a pair of white shorts, though he was known to be as liberal as her with clothing from time to time. He looked up as he noticed his wife's sudden appearance, his paws holding open the pages of a novel that he had been quietly reading. He looked at her quizzically and his mouth opened to ask her what she was doing, but the answer became evident as she went to the front door and opened it.   
  The image of Larse came to the gray furred mouse right away and he immediately began to glare at the husky. In truth he was extremely intimidated by the canine, if he said the wrong thing or made a movement that Larse didn't like, he could easily hurt him badly with a single strike. Not that he had at all so far, but Larse seemed to be the type that would resort to violence rather quickly.   
  “Thank you,” the husky said as he stepped inside, and Glen's eyes made a quick trace of his muscular form and the strength that he commanded. Not wanting to be noticed that he was staring or even admittedly, admiring, Glen quickly turned his gaze back to his book and tried to get back into the narration.   
  Still, he couldn't drown out the sound of his wife and the other male kissing and fawning over each other. The red panda and the canine had their mouths firmly pressed together, their tongues hurriedly working back and forth, all the while suckling and slurping sounds could be heard. Maddie let out a soft moan, causing the mouse to look up in time to see that Larse had his paw settled between her legs, his fingers delving back and forth inside of her pussy.   
  “Heh, I see that you've let your landscaping go a bit,” the husky commented, of course meaning the bush of thick, course pubic hair that had over taken her pussy lips and pelvis.   
  “Hehe, it's a lot harder to get at when you've got this thing in the way,” she giggled and stroked a paw over her stomach. “Plus, I figured if I'm gunna be a mom, I should let my maturity show some more.”   
  “Good points I suppose,” the husky chuckled and shrugged. “I kind of like it, gives things more texture.” He continued to saw his fingers back and forth, making Maddie take on a wider stance so he could get easier access. It was true, he came to find. She was extremely wet, almost to the point of dripping. He chalked it up to hormones, and he wasn't exactly one to complain about that sort of thing.   
  “Come on,” she moaned and then took a hold of his paw, pulling it from between her legs. She drew him over to the couch where Glen was sitting and pushed the husky to sit down right beside her husband. The mouse squeaked with surprise as he suddenly found himself in the company of the others, most of all the despised canine.   
  Larse looked over at the mouse and chuckled as he draped his arm across the back of the couch right behind Glen's head. “I hope this doesn't bother you and all. I gotta leave quick, so I'm just gunna fuck and fly,” the husky said as Maddie set both of her paws on his thighs and moved them apart, making sure his large sheath and balls were easy to access.   
  “No...doesn't bother me at all...” Glen said through gritted teeth and turned his eyes back to his book. He meant to continue reading but there came the distinct sound of his wife pushing her mouth around the husky's exposed cock. More sounds became apparent, but he never let his eyes stray over to give the dog the satisfaction that he was bothered by the whole situation.
  The red panda had pushed Larse's sheath back, exposing a large portion of dick that was already hard to the touch. The whole shaft was incredibly musky and quick to become fully erect, though that didn't stop her from writhing her tongue all across its surface. She murred lowly and pushed his throbbing inches all the way to the back of her throat, not stopping until her lips were kissing at his balls.   
  When Maddie pulled free, the husky's dick was glistening with her saliva and throbbing to the beat of his heart. He was more than ready to get mounted. She turned around and presented her perfectly round backside to him, and he let out a rumbling sound that showed his approval. She lifted her large tail out of the way and reached back to smack her ass and playfully splay open her buttcheeks for him, giving an unfettered view of her cunt and tailhole.   
  “Where do you wanna stick it?” she asked with a sultry tone.   
  “I think you know where I wanna stick it,” Larse replied with a throat chuckle. Maddie bit her lip and nodded. She backed up closer to the edge of the couch and let her paws press to his knees as she balanced herself.
  Larse reached one paw up to her hip, helping her balance as she got into position. She hovered her ass over his cock, and he took a hold of his member and aimed the tip right under her tail. When she began to go lower, the slick member pushed between her buttcheeks and pressed firmly against her tailhole. She gasped at the sensation and whimpered as she began to let more of her weight take over.
  He pushed past her anal ring with ease, the slickness of his shaft doing well to lube her insides, as well as a bit of precum that began to leak from the tip the farther he went inside. They both let out a moan of pleasure and relief when she finally came to settle all of her weight onto his lap. She looked back at her lover and grinned, a bright blush covering her cheeks as she squirmed her hips from side to side. She could feel his rod stir her tight inside and the sensation made the husky arch his back and whine.   
  “Oooh...fuck, babe. I'll never get tired of that,” he whispered and settled both of his paws on her hips. She leaned her back against his chest and at the same time she put each of her feet on his knees. Once they were both well balanced, she began to move.   
  The smacking was loud and immediate, and Glen could feel the vibrations shaking his side of the couch. Maddie's moans and Larse's grunts also began to echo through the room. He wanted so badly to get up and move away, but there was no way he would give the husky the satisfaction. No, he would sit there and grit through the experience of his wife getting fucked right beside him.
  Maddie was crying out lustfully as she felt her ass get stretched to its limit. Larse was so large that he was able to reach every spot that she couldn't get with toys or other men's dicks. The pressure he gave her made her pussy soaking wet and caused waves of euphoria climb through her body. Though her breasts were covered by her meager shirt, they still bounced wildly as if they were free.   
  The canine's eyes were closed as he concentrated just on loving how his lover's tight bowels clung to his cock. She was doing most of the work, not that he minded, but that meant he was subject to her grinding motions that she would beat out every so often.
  Her butt would often settle onto his lap and work from side to side, his hefty balls settled against her wet cunt while she drove him crazy. Her long, red hair cascaded down over his chest, and would get flung to the side as she would turn to gaze back at him with half lidded eyes. He peeked back at her and they shared a knowing, horny gaze before embrace in a kiss.   
  Their tongues intermingled in the space between their lips, but the expertly riding woman never missed a single motion. For several long minutes they continued to kiss and share in a romantic embrace while she grew  a bit more aggressive with her movements. Larse reached one of his paws around to her hip and stroked over her belly a bit and then drew it higher to reach under her shirt and grasp at one of her breasts.   
  Maddie whimpered at the feeling of her sensitive breast and nipple getting played with. Since they had begun to swell a bit, they had a much more alluring shape and size. They hadn't gone unnoticed by the dog, and so he twisted and tugged at them gently to his heart's content, and she certainly didn't mind it.   
  Her riding grew more fevered as she found that his working cock was causing her to near a quick orgasm. The juices from her cunt flowed more freely and she was practically screaming as she got closer. Amid the riding, her breasts did eventually slip free of her shirt and were shaking with the rest of her, some milk even beginning to trickle down along the curve of each globe.   
  “Ahhh fuck!” she whined as she trembled and slowed her movements, though Larse took it upon himself to keep thrusting up into her ass. When she came there was another squirt from her cunt, arching through the air and spattering the floor. The whole experience had her ass clenching down hard on his dick as he continued to pound her extremely tight hole, encouraging his own climax to come on rapidly.   
  At the base of his cock his knot swelled in an instant. Maddie could feel it as she slowly came down from a couple aftershocks that writhed through her body. When she would settle onto his lap and grind her hips around, the thick bulge would try hard to fit passed her ring, but she wouldn't let it. For the moment she was in control, and the husky seemed to know it. She could even tell that he was a couple strokes from painting her insides with his jizz.   
  Larse grew louder with his grunts and growls. The fur of his muzzle furrowed to bare his teeth in an aggressive snarl, one that made Glen cower from him a bit and splay his ears back. His breathing was erratic and heavy, his cock on a hair trigger as the intensity through his body was on the edge of tipping over.   
  “You gunna fill me up, babe?” Maddie asked with a hot, breathy tone, and that was all it took to send him off. A howl ripped through his body and out through his mouth. The red panda plopped down and was instantly erupted into, the dog's thick jizz pumping into her belly and pooling around his throbbing shaft. She could feel his dick throb and pump salvo after sloppy salvo inside of her ass, and she let her excitement be known with a bliss filled whimper. “Oooh fuck, don't spill a single drop!”
  Glen couldn't keep himself from glancing over at the sight of his wife's ass filled with the dog's massive cock and now filled to the point of getting a cum enema. He had to fight it, but his shorts had gotten tight, his little mouse dick pressing against the front. He felt so betrayed by himself, but at the same time he didn't do or say anything about it. He just continued to reluctantly watch.   
  “God damn...” Larse breathed as he slowly came back from his orgasm. He was panting hard as the red panda settled against his body, her weight fully pressed into his lap and her legs relaxed to the point that her feet slid off of his knees.   
  Neither moved for a while, but remembering that he had somewhere to be at the moment, Larse did begin to shift his lover off of his body. “Sorry, babe, I promise I'll come back later for some fun, but I gotta take off. Maybe you could back around to the party later?” he asked as he withdrew himself from under her and settled her into the cushion that he was once on.   
  When his cock came free of her ass a torrent of cum spilled out with it. She wasn't too happy that she felt so empty now, but she was too tired to fight too much. Instead, she simply stayed where she was, still huffing with her cheeks a bright red in color.   
  Larse stood up from where he was and stretched for a moment before turning to wink at the red panda and then leaned down towards her belly and placed a very soft kiss on her bulge. He gave the bump a light nuzzle as well before he turned his muzzle up and shared a brief kiss with the woman. With their final goodbyes said, the husky stood back up and casually walked for the front door, his cock  dripping all over the floor as he hadn't bothered to clean himself up.
  Maddie and her husband simply sat there in the husky's wake for several long, quiet seconds. The red panda brought her paw down between her legs and gently stroked a finger over her sensitive pussy and gave a very soft moan. With her other paw, she traced her fingers over the spot that he had kissed.   
  Glen glared at his wife and noticed the loving caress of her belly. “You don't even know if it's his,” he mumbled bitterly under his breath.
  Maddie smirked. “Well, at the very least we know it's not yours.”   
  That in particular hurt the mouse quite badly, so much that he actually winced and his breath caught in his throat. He didn't retort, instead he wordlessly stood up, the front of his shorts still noticeably tented, and hurriedly stomped into the open bedroom, leaving his wife to stare after him with a triumphant grin while she stroked a couple fingers over her pussy. It wasn't so much that it was a clever remark, what truly hurt the most was that Glen knew that she was right.   



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