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Amazing art by: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/giaru/

The great swamps of the south were a remote and almost enchanted place to be. Rumored to be filled with monsters and witches, not many lived too far into the massive expanse of standing water and thick, wet foliage. The trees here were massive and untouched, hanging thick vines and branches that weighed themselves down. It seemed like there wasn't a square inch of bark that was covered in some form of lichen. The whole area was certainly beautiful if you liked the color green.   
  Between the trees and following a naturally formed path through the swamp was a loan airboat that skimmed the surface. It was about average as far as such vehicles went but the way it bobbed around the flora and avoided floating logs told quite a bit about the pilot. With a paw on the throttle and the other on the rudder, it was directed about the vast swamp in a way that showed familiarity.   
  Green crescent eyes scanned the bog for particular land markers that she could home in on and find her way. The day had warn on and become quite hot. The marshy land added to the humidity to make everything sticky and generally unpleasant. There wasn't much the pilot could do, things weren't going to get any better until nightfall, and she had somewhere to be before then.   
  She was a feline calico, one of the only orange and white colored cats she had ever known. Splotched brown in several places as well, she was quite the unique spectacle. She maintained a fit body adorned in a red tank top and dark brown cargo pants. The hair on top of her head was cut short in the back and sides which allows her bangs to often hang over one eye. She was in the habit of flicking her head to get her bangs far enough to the side so that she could see properly.   
  Her physique told of a life in the swamps, not particularly adverse to a hard day's work and more than capable of defending herself. She was of about average height, her legs and backside toned with a flat stomach leading to a pair of very perky breasts. She was no stranger to being hit on and seemed to be used to turning men away, thus making her exterior attitude stoic and hard. Her eyes told of a very determined mind and she was often forced to hold her chin up when life got tough. This time in particular was the toughest of them all.   
  Months earlier her brother had become ill, supposedly cursed or afflicted by something in the swamp. They had tried many different doctors and even some ancient medicine men from the area but none of them knew what he had gotten in him or how to even go about curing it. Amid the chaos that surrounded her family at the time, a large crow showed up at her window to deliver a message, one that had started her on this adventure.
  Rumors about what lied within the remote wilderness of the bayou were often told to children so that they might not try to go swimming or venture too far from home. She knew better to believe most of the old tales but there was no doubt that mysterious things lurked deep enough if someone knew where to look.   
  The community that she had grown up in resided right on the edge of the great swamp land, so she had heard it all. A race of merfolk that lived within the six foot deep water, serpents that could swallow someone whole, and magic users that kept frogs and rats as familiars. There was one legend of a bog witch that resided a half-day's ride into the swamp that had caught her attention the most.   
  When she was much younger, said witch seemed to often come into town for a few things from the local market square. She remembered seeing her, and her mother would often point her out and say that under no circumstance should she approach this unique individual, lest she get turned into a toad and be brought along to live with the witch. It was always enough to frighten her but as she got older she wised up, and the unique woman that she would see every once in a while became just an outsider with a very different disposition from everyone else. She was very similar in a lot of ways, and as she had grown older she found that she sympathized with this being that she had never bothered to know.   
  Over time the witch's presence had grown more and more scarce until at some point she just stopped coming around. No one really knew why, no posse had driven her away and no injury had occurred. Not too many were upset with her indefinite departure though. Now faced with the dearest member of her family falling into some strange curse, she had no choice but to seek out the one that could help. She didn't know what she could exchange for a cure, but she brought along at least three hundred dollars in cash and a couple pieces of jewelry that once belonged to her late mother. She sincerely hoped it would be enough.
  The watery pathway began to arch sideways as she went on, a very long turn that seemed to go on forever. She followed it close to the edge and as soon as it began to straighten out again a strange structure was revealed in the distance. Beyond the main water-way and into the thick brush of trees was what looked to be a very large house situated up on tall stilts to keep it out of the water.   
  It was big enough to be a mansion but it looked to have taken on a personification not too different than its surroundings. In a way it looked dilapidated, every bit of wood that made up its surface had moss and lichen covering it. Its body had even seemed to be built in a way that accommodated a couple tree trunks, an interesting design choice to say the least.   
  The girl lead her airboat in between the trees, its aluminum surface bumping up against roots and their trunks as she edged it closer. She noticed right away that there was a fully functioning dock that lead up to the colossal porch that wrapped around the entire structure. As she gently inched her vehicle closer and closer to the dock, the sight of a silhouette in one of the mansion's windows caught her eye, though when she turned her head it vanished.   
  She cut the engine and hefted a large weight up onto the dock, of which was attached by a rope to the airboat. It wasn't as good as a tie-off but it would do the job for the time being. At least it kept her only means of transportation from drifting off. She grabbed her backpack that held all of her things of potential value and stepped up onto the dock.
  She almost slipped at first, the omnipresent moss doing well to make walking on the wood a hazard. She carefully made her way onto the porch and glanced around at some of the furniture and decorations that were strung out.   
  Wind chimes made out of bleached bones and chairs made out of drift wood were the first things that she saw. Upon closer inspection she began to see that designs had been carved into the wood of the porch and that every piece of wood seemed to be fused together in some fashion. She couldn't see any evidence that tools were used to shape the planks or even fasten them together. She had to pull her mind away from the strangeness that seemed to envelope this place and get it back to what mattered.   
  The girl approached what she assumed to be the front door and gave a firm rap with her knuckle. For a long time there came no answer and for a while the girl began to wonder if this was the place she wanted to be. It seemed like it was just a big abandoned house that had fallen into disrepair. She hadn't followed any kind of map to get there, only going from local superstition and the cryptic note. There wasn't even any guarantee that the bog witch lived out this way!   
  It was in that moment that she began to feel very stupid. So many factors needed to align for this to work out that the likelihood that this was the place that she needed to be, grew more slim. After about five minutes of waiting and trying another knock the girl turned away to go back to her airboat. She had even tried to turn the handle but it was either locked or seized.
  She had taken the first step away when there came a load click and whine of unlubricated hinges moving. When she turned back she saw that not only had the door come open but a being was standing in the space that it once occupied. The feline's heart felt like it skipped a beat as she saw the strange woman from her past staring at her with hard eyes.   
  The woman was a tall alligator in form, her skin a very dark green with scales and ridges that flowed over her arms and maw. Over her belly and on the inside of her limbs her skin faded to a light yellow in color but still held the tough texture. As old as the girl had thought the other to be, she certainly didn't look it. The witch's body was fit and healthy, not a single wrinkle or mark could be seen that defined her age. She had few articles of clothing on her body. A length of cloth was twisted over her large breasts that was just enough to obscure her nipples. From her hip hung a flowing skirt that ended just below her knees, made from some fabric that was see-through at the bottom but not at the top. She was actually very gorgeous.   
  “Hello, child” the alligator said, her voice tinted with some foreign accent that the cat didn't quite know.   
  “Oh!” she gasped and looked the other directly in the eyes. “I uh...are you the bog witch?” she asked timidly. The question seemed to set the woman's jaw and her eyes narrowed to a glare.   
  “My name is Matilda, actually,” she retorted and crossed her arms under her bust. Her words made the feline's face flush instantly as she realized she had probably insulted her directly.   
  “I'm so sorry!” she gasped and laid her ears back against her head. “I-I didn't know. I don't know if anyone knew your name...” she explained quickly and splayed her arms in an apologetic way. The alligator didn't move, save for an index finger that tapped at her upper arm in a way that showed her irritation. “I...I don't mean to be a bother but there was this...crow and then this message and-,”
  “I know why you're here, girl, I sent the crow after all,” the witch explained and a slow smirk pulled across her lips. In a way the feline had already known this, but nervousness was beginning to take over a bit too much. She only offered an understanding nod. “What's your name?”
  “Missy,” the cat replied.   
  “Well, Missy, come inside. We'll see what we can't do for your brother,” she said as she turned away from the doorway. Her body was immediately enveloped in shadow and disappeared from the feline's sight. She slowly approached the house again and craned her head to see if she could see anything of the mansion's contents but there seemed to be nothing but a black void from within. Something in the back of her mind told her not to go in, that she should turn away and look for another way to help her brother. She ignored that feeling and put on a brave mask as she walked in.
  Still, nothing was revealed as she went in, though the floor seemed to be made in the same method as the deck. She had gone a decent enough way in and nothing but blackness had presented itself. She reached a paw out to see if she could touch something, but as soon as her fingertips brushed by some object, the front door mysteriously slammed shut.   
  Plunged into complete darkness, the calico froze out of terror that she might have just walked into some trap. Seemingly all at once there was light, as if someone had thrown a light switch, except the illumination came from a host of candles that had all sparked to life. There seemed to be a hundred of them, every last one situated on some flat surface or counter. Their combined glow was enough to give a lot of detail to a lot of things about the home's interior.
  Much like the outside there was no shortage of bone ornaments that adorned shelves. Skulls of various swamp animals were polished and set about with intricate adornments that came off as very artistic. Huge bookshelves were set against every wall, each one filled to the brim with thick multi-colored volumes. Every piece of furniture seemed to be made of carved drift wood or interwoven thatch. All in all, the insides looked exactly how Missy thought a witch's home would. It seemed like none of the myths and rumors that she had been told were very exaggerated.   
  Seemingly out of nowhere Matilda appeared clutching a big black book with a large metal skull clamped over its front. Missy jumped from surprise and let out a short scream but the alligator went on like she didn't notice. She drew a key from out of nowhere and unlocked the book with a loud click and then opened its cover. She regarded the tome's index for a moment before flipping through the pages, finally settling on a position. The feline tried to peer closer at the spot that the witch had settled on. She could only see a few strange images and a text that she couldn't hope to make out before the woman turned to face her with an angry look.   
  “Your brother is under a paralysis curse. I watched him get afflicted with it when he was bitten by a bog viper. Nasty devils,” she said after a brief pause. With her eyes fixed to the book she took a few steps away and turned her gaze to the feline. “It's an easy reversal, relatively speaking, but it's not without its drawbacks. I warn you, once this begins there's no stopping until it's over. Are you willing to give up a little bit of your pride and sanity for this fix?”   
  “Absolutely,” Missy said without hesitation. The snappy response made the alligator show off a toothy grin and nod.   
  “Good good. Stay right there,” she instructed and hefted the book with one hand while she held the other over the pages. Slowly her eyes closed and a low chanting began to work out from her lips. Missy couldn't make out or understand any of it, but she was quick to grow in volume. What started out as whispers quickly became shouts. An eerie draft with an unknown origin began to stir some of the loose decorations of the room. It began to grow and some of the candles that were around began to go out. Despite the absence of light there seemed to be a new darkness that was growing around the witch.
    The book was levitating between the woman's hands and the chanting continued. The pages fluttered every so often but something new had come over the object. The witch's eyes glowed yellow for a brief time when she had them open and suddenly the huge volume flew through the air at the cat. She jumped backwards just in time as the book landed on the floor right where she had been standing.   
  In that moment the strange wind ceased and the light consuming darkness vanished. The chanting stopped as well but the tome didn't stop moving. It began to jump and vibrate for a moment and then suddenly small black tentacles began to rise up from the pages. They were about an inch or two in thickness and not very long, but they were quick to grow. There was many of them too, maybe twenty wiggling appendages that came flopping out like worms. As they began to grow it became obvious that they were semi transparent and looked like gelletin.   
  “What the-” the feline began but was quickly cut off.
  “There we are!” Matilda laughed and let her arms drop to her sides. “The best advice that I can give you is to just relax.”
  “What?” Missy squeaked. Acting almost like her voice called for the tendrils, the black appendages lashed out and wrapped around the feline's ankles first. They weren't tight or uncomfortable, having the texture of rubber. They weren't slimy either, instead holding a completely smooth and featureless texture. They were strong and firm though. Before the girl had any time to react she suddenly found her feet get yanked out from underneath her. With a thud she landed to her tail and was then lifted from the ground, hanging upside down until more tentacles wrapped around her waist and arms.   
  “What the hell is going on?” she screamed in terror as she came to a laying down position in midair.   
  “I'm sorry, Missy, but it's the only way,” Matilda said as she sat down into a large wicker chair and made a show of hiking up her thin skirt. To the feline's surprise the alligator was wearing no underwear, so her pussy was revealed to be a bit wet. From the drawer of a nearby table, the witch pulled out a long white bone that had one of its ends smoothed down until it was blunt and round. It was long and curved, and she placed it right between her legs.   
  Still very confused the girl didn't know what to think of the situation she now found herself in. Things were quick to be made clear however, when the pointed, finger-like ends of the tentacles began to dig at the edges of her clothing and yank. Her shoes were the first pieces to come off, tumbling to the floor. As the tendrils moved between her legs and began to work at the front of her cargo pants she screamed and made a grab for the appendages. Her paws didn't get very far as a series of the tendrils wrapped around her elbows and pulled back so that they were splayed far out to her sides. With no way of stopping the advancements the writhing, wormy things continued.   
  They slipped into the waistband of her pants and panties and popped the zipper down, causing everything below her shirt to immediately slide off. Left bottomless and exposed she tried to squeeze her thighs together but her legs were wrenched apart. Now left spread-eagle in mid air, a few writhing appendages snuck closer to her nether region.   
  “A-are you sure this will is going to work?” she gasped as she felt a tentacle press against her pussy lips and begin to grind its length between them.   
  “Oh, I guarantee it,” Matilda said as she began to rub her bone dildo against her pussy some, mimicking what she was seeing. Missy felt the tip of the tentacle begin to push at the entrance of her cunt, and powerless to stop it she began to be penetrated. She whined at the sensation and grunted, a bright blush forming over her cheeks. The tendrils were actually very warm and pleasant feeling, as she felt herself become invaded she realized that she instantly became wet. Her body lubed the way for her own violation.
  Despite the tentacle's size she wasn't hurt, though the pressure was intense. It didn't stop until she felt it grind hard against her cervix, the ecstatic feeling causing her to scream.”Fuck!” she howled and arched her back. Her juices were dripping from her lips and falling onto the book. It seemed to do little more than spur this odd entity on.   
  A tentacle that was wrapped around her midsection took a hold of her shirt and pulled it roughly over her head. She whimpered louder as she felt her bra get ripped from her torso, leaving  her chest to dangle freely in the air. A tentacle wrapped around each breast and gave a squeeze and grope, two tips moving to press against her nipples. She was moaning hotly, the appendage between her legs was sawing back and forth and becoming soaked in her juices. It was some strange magic, it was forcing her to be so incredibly turned on by the whole situation that she didn't want to fight back so much. At least, that's what she kept telling herself.   
  She groaned out and moaned more. Her eyes had drifted shut and she was being jostled every time the tentacle between her thighs would shove extra hard into her soppy cunt. She had never been fucked so hard in her life and she was truly beginning to love every second of it. Her mouth hung open and her head was lolling back as she let herself be taken as vigorously as the tentacles had wanted.
  Suddenly one of the writhing appendages forced its way into her mouth in a bucking motion. She gagged immediately and her eyes snapped open. She had never been good at fellatio and the deepest she had ever gone with a normal cock was to the middle of her tongue. The tendril forced her jaw open and began to ebb down her throat but didn't trigger her to convulse. She was given a strong, musky scent and taste, not unlike what a normal cock would have been.   
  Her mouth made lewd slurping sounds as it pulled back and forth between her lips, at least twelve inches of the writhing member pushed at her throat to the point that her esophagus bulged when it would enter. Saliva spewed from her mouth and covered her breasts and face. Breathing became hard and her eyes began to water so hard that it looked like she was crying. She quickly realized that whatever these things touched would become instantly wet and self lubricating. She thought it to be pretty ingenious.   
  The largest surprise came when a tentacle pushed up under her tail and ground between her butt cheeks like the first had done to her cunt. She had never tried anal before, it had just never crossed her mind, but she was going to get a crash course in it now. Unable to protest in the slightest, her voice nothing more than wet gargled and muffled screams, the tentacle pushed up against her pucker and began to slip inside.   
  It was a sharp pain at first but it was quick to become pleasurable. She had never known this sensation but with the added pressure from her pussy and now from her ass, she had never been so full. As the one in her ass began to push inside she felt like she was going to pop! With no barrier to stop it the tentacle went deeper and deeper into her bowels. She could feel it wiggling around inside of her belly, indenting the surface and causing her stomach to swell. She cried out in an euphoric sensation that she had never known before. At least twenty five inches of wiggling black tendril was inside of her rear end before it began to pull out.   
  The way it slithered back made her feel dirty, but the incredible feeling it gave her almost sent her over the edge. As the one in her cunt pumped hard and fast the other gave nice long strokes that had it going all the way in and almost pulling all the way out. The contrast of speeds had her shaking hard and writhing. Pleasure coursed through her like electricity and her mind began to get clouded over. From once being a very vanilla lover, now being penetrated in three places, she felt as if she might never be able to go back to normal men again.   
  The floor began to get covered in a thin layer of her flowing pussy juice and spit. Her body had become covered in her own essence and sweat, and over all the way she was getting fucked was becoming very sloppy. Strings of femme cum dripped from the tentacles as they writhed and stroked against her form. Somewhere deep within her ecstasy filled mind a spark ignited and built rapidly to her first orgasm. She clenched her whole body and screamed as a spray erupted from her pussy. She curled in on herself as it happened and unintentionally soaked herself. At no point did the tentacles stop their assault, instead they worked to change positions.   
  Missy found herself turned over so that she was looking at the floor rather than the ceiling. Her legs dangled down and weren't so spread open, which accentuated her well toned backside. She whimpered pitifully as she came down from her climax, still shifting and trying to break the constraints of her bondage but there was no use. A lull in the tentacle fucking formed and the feline became aware that her pussy and ass no longer had something inside. Strangely, she felt empty and sad. The feeling didn't last long though.   
  Matilda watched as a new round of tendril fucking commenced. She had been enjoying the show quite a bit. She was vigorously pounding her cunt with her toy, her legs bent and splayed wide as she reclined back against her seat. She had pulled down one side of the cloth from her breast and had occupied herself with pulling and playing with her tit. Oh how she loved this, sadly it was so rare that she got company.   
  A tentacle that was twice the size of the previous ones came up and pressed firmly against her asshole. Her gaped hole, while quite loose, didn't yield right away. She let out a low grunt and whined around the still writhing appendage between her lips. It was like playing with the most persistent man, no matter how hard she tried to deny it access it didn't stop. Whether or not she actually wanted it to was another matter entirely.   
  With a tear-streaked scream she felt the huge writhing appendage force its way inside of her ass. She couldn't believe she was able to take it! The pain was felt right away, accompanied by the greatest pressure inside of her stomach she had ever felt. She felt like she was being torn in half as it began to pump back and forth. It didn't go nearly as deep as the other one had, but it still went far enough to make her stomach bulge each time it would push in.   
  Her pussy wasn't left alone for very long. Two tentacles came up at once, coiled around each other to make a helix, they braced firmly against her cunt. Pretty much numb from any pain, she screamed in excitement as she felt herself become further toyed with. She could feel the tentacles moving against each other inside. Her body was worked around and around in ways she had never thought she could experience before.   
  Her eyes had rolled up into her skull, her mind having long since gone blank as she was violated over and over again by the pounding members. She had no idea how long she had been the subject of the relentless fucking, nearly everything but the constant otherworldly entity had melted away. The one thing that seemed to break through the haze was another spark that told of a second orgasm. It grew and spread through her body and she was thrown into a screaming fit as she convulsed and gushed another salvo of her femme cum.   
  Matilda watched with amusement, panting hard as she had experienced her own orgasm, her slick, scaled pussy dripping and incredibly wet. She pulled up the bone toy of hers and gave it a couple licks as she settled down to watch the rest of the show.   
  The still working tentacles were squeezed down on, Missy's form convulsing hard as she went through wave after wave of bliss. Something happened then. A thick white fluid pumped through each of the tentacles and a massive torrent of otherworldly goo filled the feline's holes. She tentacles continued working back and forth as they pumped her full of this strange substance that had a similar feeling to cum. Her stomach bulged quite a bit as her bowels became a balloon, her womb getting a similar treatment.   
  Her throat became covered in the viscous liquid as she was forced to gulp down the copious amounts of excess. After a few seconds of having her body filled, the tentacles pulled out while still jetting their magical substance. Her belly and breasts became covered in the stuff and she was left looking like she had let a hundred horses have their way with her.   
  The fluid seemed to stop after a while from the slowly writhing tendrils. Now in not so much of a frenzy, they began to untangle the girl from their grasp. Missy was gently set down in a large pool of the hers and the tentacles' fluids before the black snaking arms shrank away, receding into the book from where they had come. When the last tentacle was gone the tome slammed shut on its own and the clasp locked.
  Matilda approached the whimpering, panting girl as she laid with her holes gushing torrents of the tentacle cum. The alligator couldn't help but smirk at the image and slowly stooped down by her side. “It's always a messy process, I know. I've had to experience it a few times myself,” she explained and produced a small, glass vial from behind her back. She brought it down and scooped up a small amount of the otherworldly goo before she corked it. “You really don't need much.”
  The girl wasn't moving, her eyes not even able to focus as she was slow to come down from the incredible experience. She wiggled a little from time to time but that was about it. The woman chuckled a bit as she stood back up and regarded the entire messy scene. “Such a waste. Anyway, have a nice rest, and you can clean yourself up later. Something tells me you and I are going to be very good friends.” 



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