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Amazing artwork done by: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/gizmo0sue/

Read the next chapter here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/meet-me-at-barn-20729150

Evening seemed like it had begun earlier than usual that day, though it was most likely the thick cloud cover that had overcast the afternoon that made it seem so. The horizon was dark, a gray light shown on everything as the later afternoon began to get underway. There was a gentle breeze that combed the tall grass of a meadow, lined by trees on one side and opening out in to a much larger expanse of flat farmland. The gaze of eyes would stretch for many miles without being interrupted by a single structure in nearly all directions, except for a lone barn that stood stationary in the midst of the grassy field.   
  It was more wide than tall, faded red in color, and easy to see that it was in a state of rough decay. It looked rather lonely as there were no other buildings nearby, just a slowly breaking down structure that was too worn away by time to get any proper use.
 A body was making its way through the grass, dividing the blades like it were a body of water. He didn't stand particularly tall, nor did he have any sort of domineering aura about him. Most would consider him a rather average boy, nothing anyone hadn't seen before. His fur was mainly a jet black in color, with the long white lines that were drawn from the back of his head all the way down to the tip of his large, fluffy tail. They were the tall tell markings that explained he was in fact a skunk with a form to match what was his kinds' general shape.   
  He wore a simple T-shirt and shorts, something which he was beginning to regret as he felt the thick blades of grass begin to violently strike at his calves with each step. His eyes gazed to the sky and at the angry looking clouds, churning and shifting as they did. He half way expected a bolt of lightning to strike from them with a crack of thunder and a deluge of rain, but they had been like this all day, like an angry animal that just fussed and wouldn't ever attack even when provoked. Better safe inside the barn than out here nonetheless, he thought and picked up his pace. His strides became wider and the old barn began to loom high above his head. From a distance he didn't think it was much, but now that he was near it's side it was utterly massive. He couldn't imagine what sort of things it might have been used for back when it was brand new.
  The boy was caught up in his own mind and was nearly completely oblivious to a particular sound that was resounding from within the giant structure. It had started out as rhythmic thumping that became very apparent as soon as the wind died for only a few seconds. The skunk blushed a bright red stripe from cheek to cheek, knowing without mistake what it could have been. With the light thumping came other noises, occasional masculine groans and feminine gasps.   
  The boy touched the rotting wood panels that made up one large side of the barn and began to walk along its perimeter, searching for a way in. It wasn't until he got around completely to the other side that he saw that a large portion of the wall had been knocked inward. The gaping hole was so large anyone could have driven a car through it, and the more he thought about it the more he was sure that's probably what had happened. He stepped through the opening, making sure not to bump his head on any low hanging fragments of wood, and looked up. Light was shinning down from many holes in the room, so much in fact part of the roof had actually collapsed at one point, and nearly the same amount of wreckage marked the ceiling as did the wall.   
  The more the skunk looked around the more he thought that he preferred being outside. He couldn't help but get the feeling that the entire barn would collapse if the wrong support gave way. The noises where much louder now, amplified by the corroded walls of the building. The boy began to gingerly step as he followed them, swallowing hard as he could hear a very definite source. His heart raced and pounded in his chest so loud he was afraid the drumming would surely give away that he was there.   
  After easing through a couple collapsed beams and through what might have been two rooms, he came upon an open loft that was twelve feet from the ground and stretched from side to side of the building before going back another twenty feet. He could see a large amount of dark hay sticking over the loft's edge, and a very light movement causing it to shift around on what looked like a slightly unstable foundation. The noises were definitely coming from up there, and as the skunk looked a bit closer, he could see a rather new looking ladder was leaned against the upper area.   
  He swallowed hard again. His mouth felt dry and sand papery, his breathing had become as hard and loud as the stampede of his heart. He didn't do much but stare up at the edge for several long seconds, and in the rush of the moment didn't even realize that a substantial amount of blood had rushed to his groin and was resulting in a rather thickened cock that was tenting the front of his shorts.   
  The skunk stood frozen for nearly a whole minute, trying to think of what he should possibly do in this situation. He could hear the voices and sounds escalating, the girl crying out, moaning in tandem to the grunts and huffs of the unseen male with each thud of their bodies. He could recognize the girl by the accent of her voice and the pitch of the sounds that she made. He opened his mouth for a moment, wanting to speak but all that came out was a dry whisper. Taking a moment to clear his throat and wet the inside of his mouth, the boy spoke out.
  "Amber?" he inquired to the rutting couple out of sight. In an instant both voices silenced as well as all other motions with a long pause stretching out between the two parties. There was a bit of movement after a short while, a couple of intangible whispers coming from the couple, and further shifting around. About half a minute later a face appeared over the edge and peered down at him. He recognized his friend right away. She was an equine, her muzzle and face adorned with brown and white splotched like a modern artist threw paint across a blank canvas. Her big blue eyes gazed to his for a moment, and a smile spread across her mouth
  "Well, howdy, Jace!" she called out excitedly with a thick southern accent and moved a bit more over the edge. It was then the boy could she that she wasn't wearing any clothes, if not a shirt, as both of her full round breasts came into view. They were big and plump with two very puffy, black nipples that extended out from their positions, the perfect shape to suck on. If the skunk's blush wasn't visible before, it sure was now. He hadn't known Amber for the longest time, but it was enough for them to be decent friends. She was the one that told him where this barn was and that they should hang out sometime there with the intent to show him something wonderful. He had to admit, the image that was displayed out before him sure was amazing.   
  Another face appeared over the side of the ledge with to join his friend, this one male in contrast and fox in shape. He looked like a thinner sort of guy, not much larger than the skunk, bright red fur that hung close to his figure as he peeked at the other boy. He gave a smile and a light wave before vanishing, making the mare giggle and look from her the vulpine to the skunk.
  "Come on up, won't you?' she asked and then immediately disappeared from sight with a few sounds of playful rough housing coming from the pair with more giggles and laughs escaping both bodies. Jace hesitated at first, not wanting to go up there but at the same time he wanted to see more of her body and felt it would have been a waste of a trip if he wouldn't. He made his way to the ladder and began to climb. With each step he took it was almost like he could feel the sturdiness of the loft getting weaker and weaker. Was it such a good idea for three of them to be up here at once? It wasn't like Amber was a small girl either, she was curvy and strong, her form sculpted from growing up on a farm that was all too similar to what this place might have been like.   
  He paused for a moment to steady his breathing before he began again, finding himself a tad out of breath. It was slow going, and he could hear giggles, laughs, and even a few small moans that went with their playfulness. When he reached the last few pegs and his gaze turned over the edge of the high rise, he saw them both playing around as he suspected, and both naked as well. The fox had the mare pinned down, his fully erect cock batting between her breasts as his paws went to work with playing with her large dark nipples. She did all she could to buck him off, but he seemed to have a pretty good balance and was proving to be tough.
  "Get off!" she said while giggles escaped her with ever syllable. The skunk had just crawled over the ledge to join them, the sounds of his work causing the two to turn to him with grins. The skunk sat on his tail near the ledge and watched them, his presence for some reason prompted them to stop their actions.   
  "W-what are you guys doing?" he asked with some of the words getting caught in his throat. This caused the equine and vulpine into a round of laughter before the girl answered.   
  "While we were waiting for you we decided to warm his cock up by slipping it into my pussy for a bit," she said and spread her legs while gesturing between them. Her lips were puffy and swollen, gleaming with a sheen of wetness that matched what was on the fox's cock. Her pussy was a gorgeous shade of brown, nearly perfect and hair free if not for a small triangular patch of short hair that was neatly placed just above her clit. The skunk could only offer a wordless nod to her explanation, but then a question popped into mind.
  “Uh...okay...” he mumbled softly, “So...who are you?” he asked, turning his eyes over to the vulpine.   
  “Oh! My name's Logan,” the fox replied with a bashful smile. “What's your name?”
  “Logan, this is Jace, my old friend from high school. I've wanted to have fun with him for the longest time,” she explained with a broad grin and turned back to the skunk. Jace couldn't help but blink in confusion. He eventually turned back to the mare and spoke.
  "So why did you want me to come here?" he asked sheepishly, trying to avoid the fox's gaze as he felt a bit intimidated and jealous at the same time. The mare took the opportunity of distraction that enveloped Logan to suddenly buck him off, catapulting him into a small mound of straw, which seemed to be covering the entire floor of the high rise.
  "I asked you here because I thought you were cute and I've always had a fantasy to get double teamed," she said as she sat up and began to crawl towards her friend. "And I must say, you are way too over dressed," she chuckled and instantly grabbed at his shirt. Before the skunk could comprehend what she was doing, his shirt had already been yanked from his body and her hands had fallen to the front of his pants, feverishly undoing them as he was sure she could sense the hidden bulge that throbbed underneath. The button and zipper seemed to come undone at the same time, a pair of white boxers were the only things that stood in the way now between her and his gorgeous pink rod of meat.   
  Just as she was able to slip the hem of the underwear over his thick cock, the fox came up right behind her in her kneeling position and gripped onto her ass. She gasped loudly as her hand fell upon the skunk's manhood, feeling the pulse of his heart from within as the vulpine began to play around with her behind, working his paws over her strong, thick cheeks while spreading them open to have a good look at what they hid. The skunk could see that the other's cock was at a full stand, incredibly hard and basked in a layer of liquid musk.   
  The mare moaned but didn't look back, instead she continued to focus on the boy in front of her. Her gaze turned up towards his as her hands worked quickly to pull the remaining barrier of clothing between them to expose his rather thick member, considerably larger than most other boys of his age and species. Her hands grasped him in an instant, and a bolt of electric pleasure shot through his body that made him buck instantly in her grasp.   
  The girl seemed to be ready for it, and she aimed his pulsing member so that as he would move, he would push directly into her waiting mouth. Soon wet flesh had consumed his shaft, a tongue rapidly circling about the tip of his member with a fury of licks. His only reaction was to howl out, his eyes closing and head drawing back, never before feeling such a sensation in his life.   
  "Whoa, careful, Amber, you don't wanna make him cum too fast, do you?" Logan teased as he spread her butt cheeks one more time, his eyes fixated on her little puckered ring of flesh that hung just under her lifted tail. Her little anus flexed and winked as him, almost as if she could see what he was looking at. The little gesture only spurred him on, and with a lift of his fox cock he rested it between her cheeks with the tip easing up against her entrance. It didn't take the vulpine long to angle his cock just enough to have a sure shot at her backdoor, and began to press his hips closer to hers.   
  The mare gasped but didn't move away from the skunk cock that she so desperately held onto and suckled so feverishly, even as she felt it push open her tight little asshole and begin to delve into her very constrictive bowels. The skunk brought a paw to his face and the other rested on the girl's head as she began to bob it around, grinding her cheeks and tongue on every possible surface that he could offer. His eyes drifted over her back and to the fox. He had hilted himself deep into her large ass, his hips planted firmly against her as and was moving rather hurriedly. His red paws were gripping her at both sides, his face contorted into an emotion of absolute bliss as he worked his cock at a pace that made their bodies come together in a consistent clapping sound.
  The three of them were in a ball of moans and gasps, with each hard thrust Logan delivered to the girl's round ass, the more she would moan and jostle on the skunks cock, vibrating it and sending him into a series of short barks, gasps, and cries of ecstasy. Jace didn't seem to realize it at first, but his hips had begun to move, and not just erratically, but in tandem with the fox as he would thrust in against the girl's rear.  
  Each time the vulpine would drive his cock in the skunk would do the same, along with pulling back to a near point that they would both nearly pop out of her at the same time before delving back in. The girl was in a bliss so deep that she couldn't do much more but stay there and take such an amazing pounding. The two began to work a bit faster and harder, both groaning and howling out with each small movement the mare would make
  The skunk gripped both sides of her head on reaction and began to work his hips faster. Every time he would thrust, his pelvis would firmly press to her mouth and nose, his balls resting against her chin and for a split second all she could do was take in his strong musky scent. As time went on their rough continuous pounding soon became off balanced. After several long minutes of the trio drawing well placed thrusts, soon the fox was pulling back just as the skunk was pushing in and vice-verse, creating a strong sawing action that would tug the girl back and forth.   
  It didn't seem like the mare was more than their personal fuck toy, and both males seemed to hold onto their positions rather well, it seemed like an eternity before any of them had gotten close to cumming. In fact, the mare had already gone through two rough orgasms, spraying a gush of hot liquid from her pussy and screaming out around her friend's shaft as it was forced down her ragged throat. She would try her best to not freeze up and clench too hard on their cocks in fear she would hurt them, but no such thing seemed to be a real threat. The girl had just gone through her second and realistically more powerful orgasm before both males felt something begin to build up in the pits of their stomachs, a snarling ball of pleasure that was quickly growing and shifting to their groins.
  In a flash as fast as lightning their own peaks came at a blurring speed. Both males began to grit their teeth and groan, their sound escalating into full on roars of pleasure as their orgasms came on, a blast of cum rolling up from their shafts and erupting in geysers of seed that struck the mare form both ends. At first she felt the skunk's cum splash the back of her throat and fill her mouth so fast she barely had time to clasp her lips around the pulsing meat to keep every last drop inside. She started to swallow immediately, trying as best she could to savor the magnificent taste of the boy.   
  It was about then that she realized the vulpine had released inside of her bowels as well, an explosion of cum that reached so far inside of her rectum she could feel the warm liquid all the way up to her rib cage. Logan bucked a few more times, and the mare clenched down on his member as much as she could, trying her best to keep the cum from escaping.   
  The two stayed hilted as far as their bodies would allow, shivering lightly as they rode out the last few waves of their orgasms. After almost an entire minute their bodies slumped, the fox drooping his chest against the mare's back while the skunk fell to his rear end, drawing his cock from the girl's hanging mouth and keeping a line of cum connected between them that she tried to lick up from her lips.   
  "Well shit, that was amazing!" Logan howled out, his tongue lolling from his mouth and panting hard. The girl giggled in response and moved up, causing the fox to pull his cock free with a lewd slurping noise and a few drops of hot vulpine seed. She reached back with her hand and scooped across her recovering anus, getting a good amount of her lover's essence on her digits before she licked them clean.
  "Mmmm, fox and skunk cum, my favorites," she said with another giggle and looked down to Jace, of whom was still panting and trying his best to recover from the very first sexual experience of his life. He didn't even know how to properly process it. Did he really like it or was he disappointed in himself? One thing was for sure, he decided to figure it all out later. For now, his body had become the primary purpose of servitude for the evening. "Now, who's ready for round two?' the mare said with a laugh and looked between the two boys, of whom hadn't even caught their breath yet.   
  "Jeez, talk about endurance eh?" Logan snickered and looked to the skunk. Jace returned the gaze but flicked his eyes to the girl and a wry smile formed over his lips.   
  "I'm ready when you are," he said and got up to his knees and crawled a bit closer to his friend. She beamed in response and scooted closer to him. Before he could even react she had her lips firmly to his, and for the first time in his life he got a very good hint of what his own cum tasted like on her tongue. She broke away from him rather fast and turned back to the fox as he began to get up onto his own knees. The mare pressed both of her hands to his chest and pushed him down to his back rather forcefully, though the rough action only seemed to make his cock rebound and grow to A full stand.
  The skunk could only watch both of them, put into a state of renewed arousal as well, as the girl climbed on top of the vulpine and positioned her voluptuous rear end over his engorged member. With a single movement, she sunk down and took every last inch of his shaft into her soaked and quivering pussy. Both let out a deep sigh of satisfaction, and as much as the fox wanted to move, the girl's thighs locked him into place. It wouldn't have been a surprise to either male if she was considerably stronger than both of them. When she had settled herself in, her gaze turned back to the skunk and grinned deviously, both hands reaching back and spreading open her thick butt cheeks to show off her penetrated cunt and her asshole that gaped, winked, and drooled fox cum.   
  "You get this hole," she cooed, and leaned over, empathizing her anus even more. The skunk felt his cock throb and ache, like it was begging to be put into such a gorgeous orifice. Jace's body seemed to act on its own. He leaped at her body and instantly forced the entirety of his cock into her ass. He began pounding right away, his throbbing tip grinding against her well used insides like an aggressive piston.   
  The skunk didn't know what had gotten into himself, he couldn't believe that he was capable of such primal urges. Almost as fluidly as the fox had slipped his cock into her pussy, his own did the same to her asshole, pushing past the abused and well lubed anal ring and delving into the cum soaked depths of her bowels. The mare let out a coo of bliss as the three of them settled into their positions before they began to move.  
  At first it was slow, the fox and skunk moving back and forth at off intervals, one pulling out just as the other pushed in. The skunk's paws came to a rest on her ass cheeks while the fox's moved to her hips, holding onto them as the males began to do most of the work.
  They all began to moan and groan as pleasure built between them. The girl leaned over the fox further, her large breasts hanging low enough that they swung in his face with each pounding thrust that the skunk made. Both males pressed to either side of her form and began to squeeze rather hard, pinning her between them as their savagery began to come out. It no longer seemed like they were trying to compete or work for her pleasure, but for the pure carnal feeling of their own. Their bodies worked harder and faster, the three of them grinding in a blur of wet noises and howling vocals that called out into the empty reaches of the decaying barn. Many more minutes passed by, but none of them showed any signs of slowing down or getting tired. They wanted to go faster and faster until a pool of their collective fluids had reached the floor of the high rise and was beginning to drip down the ledge.   
  The two boys could feel their dicks grind against each others between her ass and her pussy, a myriad of fluids lubing both of their long cocks that did so well to stretch her well abused holes. The skunk looked down over the back of the mare's form, her body jostling with each rough movement. He even watched as the fox had latched his lips around her nipple and was sucking on it roughly, like a pup might do to its mother, but he couldn't blame him. He had thought quite a bit on wanting to bury his muzzle between those gorgeous breasts and lick them for hours on end.  
  Jace pulled his paw back and slapped it hard across the girl's ass, eliciting a shrieking moan from her, mostly of surprise. She turned back to look at him, her face was a mask of ecstasy glazed over once again but she gave a very definite nod to the skunk to keep doing it.
  He happily obliged her and his paw struck her ass cheek again. The round orb of muscle jumped more noticeably than when he would with just thrusting against it, large ripples of flesh jostling that portion of her body. At first his strikes across her ass were spars between his savage thrusting, his rutting cock drilling as far as it could into her soaked bowels, but it rapidly grew into his paw slapping her firm cheeks at every chance he could get. Before long, a noticeable red mark had surfaced through her brown fur. The rough slapping rapidly sent the mare over her third orgasm of the night, a screaming display that made her body go rigid and caused her hips to buck around between the two cocks.   
  The sudden rush of fluid over the fox's cock sent him into a fury of faster, short bucks that caused his thick member to slam against her cervix at an incredible speed. He was egged on by the feeling of his rapidly approaching orgasm. The skunk didn't fare much better, as her asshole clamped down on his cock with such a sudden and unexpected feeling that he felt the flow of cum begin to shoot up his shaft.   
  Much like before, both males came at the same time, sending a torrent of their hot cum erupting deep into her holes and filling them to capacity with incredible vigor. Cum exploded backwards from her holes, spurting out from around the shafts that continued to pump back and forth into her. Their combined orgasms seemed to go on for a solid two minutes before the pleasure began to ebb away and their bodies, tired and panting, slumped down into an unmoving mass.   
  They stayed liked that for a long time, trying to catch their breath after expending such a large amount of energy. The mare moved first, sitting up and making the skunk slide away, rolling to the floor and pulling his cock from her ass, which was like releasing the cork on a wine bottle. A flow of cum began to run out from her ass like a river and she didn't bother to stop it.   
  The skunk and fox lied side by side, eyes closed and muzzles pointed up with their maws hanging open. The horse pulled off the fox and released another flow of seed, though much less impressive than her friend. She eased down between them and rested on her side, her butt cheeks covered in a layer of musk and both holes were slowly drooling their contents into the straw covered floor.   
  Little did they realize it, but the top of the barn had begun to be belted by a deluge as the rolling storm clouds had decided to open up their wrath on the area. Lightning flickered and thunder cracked, wind screamed and pushed at the sides of the barn. There was a considerable amount of water making its way into the broken down building, and quite a lot of the structure was flexing as the pressures of the outside world pressed on it from nearly every angle.   
  To the three, it didn't mean much. No rain fell upon the spot that they were resting, the two males closing in around the female and snuggling into her form, sharing a warmth between them in the afterglow of the moment. It didn't matter how much the building creaked or how much rain had begun to pool inside of the lonely building, the trio of lovers stayed in their huddled positions and quickly fell into a post coital sleep that was quick to drown out the sounds of everything around them.   



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