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 Amazing art by: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/gray.wolf

Strife with magnificent plant life and abundant with the sound of commerce just outside its walls, the glorious palace was a place to behold. It was a structure that was larger than most others, built for the royal family and making up the very center of the city. Stalls and booths were set up just outside, winding along the city streets of various vendors peddling their fine materials and interesting objects. There was no homogeneity among the various kiosks, everyone seemed to have a different method and a different ware.   
  Among the crowded pathways came a cloaked figure that bobbed and weaved between the various individuals. Those that saw him, or better yet, his cloak, moved out of the way. The garments he wore were a dark blue, like honed sapphire. It signified that he was apart of the sorcerer's guild and was regarded with fear and a bit of respect, as few knew of the order that he was a part of and the power that it held.   
  While a hood was draped over his head, his dark gray muzzle still peered out, and thus it was easy to tell what he was. A wolf, he was one of many that occupied the guild and was considered to be a grunt, knowing few spells and holding a low rank. He glanced around and caught the eyes of a few pedestrians, of whom were quick to avert their eyes. He couldn't help but grin to himself as he finally made his way to the palace steps.   
  He rushed up the two flights of polished marble and past the armed guards that stood at the entrance. He didn't need to sneak, the sorcerer's guild was considered to be second in prestige only to the royal family's guards and advisers. The wolf knew exactly where he was going, and once he was in the great hall he turned and rushed up the stairs to a second floor. Here in this area was where the royal family resided, though the King, Queen, and children all had separate rooms.
  At the far end of the hall was another individual, clad in the same deep blue cloak and clothing, she was a pharaoh hound of some renown among the other sorcerers. She stared at the wolf the closer he came and gave a slight glare. He averted his own eyes as he hurried, eventually stopping just a few feet away.   
  “I apologize for my tardiness,” he said, almost pleading. He kept his eyes turned away and his head was tilted down in respect. “I meant to hurry, but.-”
  “Spare me your excuse!” she growled and lashed her paw forward. She grabbed at his ear hard and yanked, pulling him into the King's private quarters. The heavy oak door banged against the far wall. The wolf whimpered until he was released, his body pushed up against the same wall the door had struck, being out of the sight of the hall. He was wincing and hadn't realized that the senior sorceress had pushed herself up against him. The two were about the same height and he became abruptly aware that her face hovered just inches from his.   
  “Kulsa, what are we doing here?” he asked as a blush formed across the bridge of his muzzle. She stared into his eyes with a powerful intensity and then suddenly took a step back.   
  “We're going to take the River's Pendant from the King,” she explained simply enough. The wolf stared at her with an expression like she might be crazy and then scoffed.   
  “You've lost your mind. The King would have us slaughtered on the spot if we made an attempt at his pendant!” He retorted loudly with a hard look of his own thrown her way.   
  “Hush your voice!” she snapped and clamped a paw over his mouth. He blinked in surprise, peering out from between her fingers. “I have a plan, Rux, but you have to listen to me. First off: stay quiet, the King will be here any moment,” she explained. “Second, I'll be distracting the King while you steal his pendant. I have a fool proof plan, assuming you're not an idiot,” she continued.   
  “I'm not an idiot,” Rux said with a frown after wrestling her paw from his lips. “And how do you propose to distract him?”   
  “Simple. I'm going to fuck him,” she said without a pause. Her words caught the wolf completely off guard and he had to blink away his confusion. Before he could ask, she continued. “I've fucked him before, don't worry. I know what he likes, and I know that he puts away his pendant every time he has sex. I also know that he goes down for a nap after he cums.” Rux slowly nodded his head, seeming to at least be following.   
  “All right, but how am I supposed to steal it?” he asked dubiously.   
  “Once again, a simple part of my plan,” she explained and produced a small satchel from within her cloak. Clutched in her paw as well was an amulet that looked nearly identical to the one that the King would have been wearing. “I'm going to shrink you to the size of an ant. You're going to then shrink the Amulet, steal it, and then expand this fake in its place,” she explained. “You know enough spell mastery to scale furniture at that size and be on your own?” she asked. He nodded his head in compliance. “Good.”
  The sound of heavy footfalls came from down the hall, their echo telling of the King's arrival. The wolf froze in fear, unsure of what to do. Suddenly the fake amulet and the bag were shoved into the wolf's arms and a silver dust struck him in the face. He stifled a cough and blinked away the powder. When he regained his sight he came to find that he was rapidly shrinking, falling into his own footprint until he was no bigger than an insect. He flopped to the floor, his weight hardly anything at all. He picked himself up just in time to see the sorceress's cloak come tumbling down atop him. From his perspective, everything was colossal in size, the entirety of the room being a mile in distance from one wall to the other.   
  He climbed out from beneath he folds of azure cloth in time to see the hound lean her muzzle close to where he was. In a whisper she said, “Be back inside the pocket of my cloak by the time I get done having sex. If you aren't, I'm leaving you to fend for yourself.” Rux tried to gesture in a way to show that he understood, but she had already leaned back up in time to see a large, muscular lion stroll into the room.
  He had been followed by two guards that were equal to his size, but they stayed just outside of the door. He was burly and wore a violet cape that flowed behind him with each stride that he made. The King. He held himself as someone who was very fit and composed, a just and very intelligent figure that was beloved by many. He didn't hardly have a blemish on his body, his golden mane braided with jewelry.   
  He wore no crown, but from his chest thumped a magnificent saphire that was set in a golden inlay and surrounded by black diamonds. The River's Pendant, a great, old artifact given to him by the Matriarch of the forest. With it, he was able to control the water that flowed into the city, despite the impossibility of such an act.   
  When he glanced to the sorceress a broad smile shown over his muzzle. She shared in the expression and together they embraced towards the front of the room. “It is good to see you again, Kulsa. How have you been?” he asked, his voice deep and thundering like a distance storm and grinding river rocks. He stared out with kind eyes. For a moment the pharaoh hound had a regret for what they were about to do, but she was quick to dispel it.   
  “It is good to see you as well, your highness,” she said and did well to give him a bow that only those of the sorcerer's guild were allowed to do. “I hope I am not taking you from anything important.”
  “Nonsense!” he boomed with a laugh. “It's always good to see you, but your message sounded urgent, is there something I should be aware of?”   
  “Oh, nothing too important,” she said, her eyes averting for a moment. “I, uh, need a particular ingredient that would be used for important spell experimentation,” she mentioned softly. The King listened intently and quirked an eyebrow, looking her over. He recognized her body language right away and then glanced back at the still open door and the discarded blue cloak that was right by it. The two guards still stood at their post, and so the lion strode back to where they were and spoke a few hushed words to them. The armored soldiers gave a nod and began to walk back down the long hallway. Given privacy, the King closed the thick door, completely shutting them away.   
  “A particular ingredient from me,” he mimicked her and chuckled. “My dear Kulsa, there is no need to fib about this sort of thing. I am the King, I am allowed to do what I please,” he explained and came back to her.   
  “It's no lie, your highness,” she replied with a soft laugh. “Though, you're not entirely mistaken. I will need some of your highness's essence. His fertile seed,” she explained and from a pocket in her sleeve produced a small corked vial. The lion peered at the small glass tube and laughed a bit.   
  “Ah, I see. I hope I can perform to your expectations and give you a healthy sample then,” he said as he came up to her. He was just a few inches taller than she was, so they were able to gaze into each other's eyes without an issue. With a flick of his wrist the heavy cape fell from his shoulders and dropped to the ground. She smiled longingly and for a moment they embraced again, their lips coming together as they began to strip each other down. Perhaps a bit too aggressively, Kulsa actually loved doing this. The King was so animalistic and raw that he embodied his position very well.
  From his place on the floor, Rux watched with advent curiosity as the two giants pulled away fabric piece after fabric piece until they were both nude. The king's cock hung low, stuck within a thick foreskin. What was probably even more exciting to the wolf was the hound's naked form. She was lithe and curvaceous, her rear end sticking out and being well muscled. Her breasts were perky and stuck out in front perfectly, like a model that artisans would have loved to immortalize in marble.   
  He had to tear his eyes away from the sight of his colleague being felt up and aroused so that he could keep his mind on his mission. He cast a brief spell on himself, one that increased his speed. In a blur, he rushed across the floor, but the scale was still against him. Despite his supernatural quickness he was granted, he was only going at a normal person's leisurely pace.   
  The lion gave a grunt as he gently nudged the naked girl over to his massive, luxurious bed. She fell back and brought him with on top, their lips continuing to meet and grind as their passion held a steady escalation. The King had busied himself with nuzzling at her breasts, his large paws taking each at the side and pushing them together. His course tongue played over her nipples, the rough feeling making her moan out. When her flesh puckered he latched to each and began to suckle.
  Kulsa could feel her pussy getting hot and wet. Even with the current plan underway to steal the kingdom's most precious treasure, she was still greatly enjoying herself. When the big cat finally leaned back to admire the girl's form, she took the opportunity to slide her hands up his rippled belly to his broad chest. He was breathing hard and the amulet thumped between his pecs. While he had straddled her at the thigh she was able to sit up and begin to gently work the heavy artifact from his neck. She knew that he liked to take it off from time to time, its weight often causing his shoulders to ache.   
  Its heft was quite cumbersome, she had to grunt and strain to shift around on the bed while she held the amulet in both of her paws. She had moved enough so that she could place the object on a table that was braced against the side of the bed. It clunked dully when she set it down, and the miniature wolf had seen exactly where it was. He raced for the end table just as the girl had turned back and shifted over the bed's surface to rejoin her lover.   
  She situated herself in a way that had a leg on each side of his hips, wrapping around as she saw his cock gradually becoming harder. The canine smirked to herself and rolled a wad of saliva within her mouth and then spat it into her palm. She smeared her slick palm over the swelling shaft, lubing him up well and encouraging him to become more firm. He groaned lowly and closed his eyes. She could feel the beat of his powerful heart through his dick as it grew.   
  The very tip of his cock peeked out from his foreskin, a small drop of pre cum forming at the tip and threatening to roll down the side. She made a quick movement and collected the clear fluid on the tip of her finger and brought it to her lips. She suckled the King's musky taste away, the flavor causing her to moan and shiver in anticipation.   
  He was more than ready to take her by this point. He drew his member away from the girl and lowered himself between her legs. She could feel his thick cock grinding between her pussy lips, her wet petals more than happy to take him in. The lion groaned and the hound hissed, his member pushing inside of her easily. The King's muscular paws held the girl down, his body looming and casting a shadow. He began to move his hips.
  Kulsa's legs were splayed wide and were up in the air, her feet dangling almost over the King's head. She moaned out and whimpered, not caring who would hear as she felt the male's powerful form drive his cock in and out of her tight depths. She was so wet and tight, the King knew no one else could compare. Not even his wife, as stunning as she was, brought him to such euphoria. His massive balls struck against her rear end with every stroke, their bodies causing a sharp smack to emanate with every thrust forward.   
  Rux had just gotten to the bedside table when the two really began to move. The way their bodies jostled caused the bed to jump and sway violently, causing extremely tiny tremors to cross through the floor. It made for a rough excursion but he was eventually able to get to his destination. He made sure to quickly cast a new spell, one of strength that combined with the speed. At his current size, imperfections in the table's wooden surface made for excellent handholds, and so he began to scale them expertly.   
  As he continued up he couldn't keep himself from looking over at the hound. He could tell that she was loving it, none of her displays were the least bit fake. She craved his cock as much as he craved her pussy. Honestly, it was a match made in heaven, despite what terribleness would come if the Queen were to ever find out. What Rux couldn't get over was how beautiful Kulsa's body was. He had paused a couple times in his scaling to just watch her. Her round breasts bounced and swayed with each pound that King delivered, her face twisted into a mask of pleasure.   
  The wolf had to shake his mind free of his devious thoughts and keep on with the task at hand. He did eventually get to the top of the desk, and right in front of him was the massive amulet. From his perspective it was as big as a stadium. He hurried over to its side as quickly as he could, not wanting any sidelong glances from the King to catch him.   
  Unbeknownst to Rux, however, The pharaoh hound was keeping a very close eye on the amulet and the table's surface in general. When she did finally catch sight of her colleague, a blue speck, she rushed to change positions. The King wasn't expecting it, but in his leaned over state his center of gravity was compromised. He suddenly found himself flipped over and on his back, the girl's weight settling onto his lap.   
  Not a moment had gone by that the lion's cock had slipped free of his lover, and so their fucking continued on. While not used to being the one that was dominated, it was an experience that he loved nonetheless. She rolled her hips and ground down. Every time she would feel him stretch her tight pussy, the head of his cock would rub against her cervix, a sensation that sent streaks of pleasure through his spine.   
  His paws that were once settled on her hips were suddenly grasped and pressed to her breasts. A content growl thundered from his chest as he felt how soft she was, weighing her orbs against each of his palms. Just the image and his attention wasn't enough to make sure that the King saw nothing from what was about to happen to his amulet. To really make sure he was blind to her scheme, she leaned down and pressed her lips firmly to his. The embrace did the trick, his eyes closed and with her head tilted in just the right way, Rux could go to work.   
  Just as she had done to him, the wolf pulled from his sack some shrinking dust. He whispered a quick incantation to an amount in his palm before he tossed it at the amulet. Upon contact the artifact began to shrink. Within a couple seconds it had fallen to a size that was appropriate for him to pick up and stow away in his pocket. In the same motion, he grasped the fake amulet and placed it in the original's spot. This time there was no dust, a simple growing spell was uttered along with a wave of the wolf's arm. As he raced away, the fake grew and took the River Amulet's place and did an excellent job of being an appropriate forgery.   
  With his task completed, Rux took a running leap and dove from over the table's edge. He floated casually, his cloak catching the air and making him flutter like he was a speck of dust. The landing wouldn't have likely hurt him, not at this size, but he still cast a featherweight spell to smooth his landing. When he did finally strike the floor, he bounced a time or two and then continued on for the discarded sorceress's cloak.   
  The hound thought to herself that enough time had been given to the wolf for the job to be done, and when she pulled her lips away from the King's, she saw that it had. The artifact had been turned and positioned just slightly enough to be noticeable only to her. From this distance she couldn't spot the would be thief, but she knew that he must have been rushing for her inlayed pocket.   
  With all the real work done, she was allowed to enjoy herself at last. What was left of the King's resolve was sliver thin at best, and she could tell. She squeezed down on his cock and stroked her hips back and forth, his grunts and growls seeming to quicken and grow in volume. She could tell that he was incredibly close. Just from the way his head titled back, his eyes closed and his mouth hung open, she knew she was going to be filled.
  The King's chest heaved faster, his orgasm coming on like an erupting volcano. His paws grasped her breasts tighter, almost painfully but she loved it either way. What truly sent lightning bolts of pleasure came when she felt his cum gush inside. She gasped at the feeling, her ears laid back against her head as a mighty roar resounded from the lion's throat. She clenched as tightly as she could, driving her hips down harder and harder on his body. She milked his cock for all she could, his seed drizzling within and slowly starting to seep out.   
  Kulsa settled back with him still inside, the two no longer moving, only panting. Like most men, the King was physically drained and exhausted from the exertion and allowed himself to go limp. He was already beginning to doze off by the time she had gingerly lifted herself away. Before too much of his cum could slip free, she quickly grabbed her vial from her discarded clothes and uncorked it. She scraped a meager amount of his fluid into the container before replacing the top. The Lion watched with half lidded eyes and smirked as he saw her get what he thought she had come for.   
  “It's been a great pleasure, like always, your majesty,” she addressed and gave another signature bow. “I'll take my leave and allow you to rest,” she added. The King only nodded and rested his head back against the pillows that dominated the front of the bed. With him satisfied, she meandered around, taking up her once discarded clothing and slipping each article back on. She had dressed completely in only a couple minutes. By the time she had walked over to her cloak she heard the big feline snoring.   
  She couldn't help but grin as she leaned down and brought her cloak back over her shoulders, securing it at her neck. She cast a very brief location spell, and did in fact detect that the wolf was hidden away in a secret pocket of her clothing.   
  She softly opened the door and stepped out nonchalantly, her presence not being brought to anyone's attention as she strode down the hall and out of the palace. As she fluttered down the Palace's steps she got a good view of the market area that was still so very busy. She couldn't stand so much activity, but it was okay for now. In due time, this city would be bowing to her as its Queen.   



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