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Art by the awesome: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/notesaver

 The hangar was normally alight with the buzz of activity, its massive expanse was able to hold an array of aircraft and vehicles that could be deployed at a moment's notice. Right now, in the midst of a very long period of peace, there was hardly anything to be alarmed about. That didn't keep the massive airship, of which the hangar was housed within, from being on active duty. It stayed among the clouds near the border of its home country, like some colossal metal triangle held aloft by just as gargantuan rotors.   
  Despite the fact that the only war machines that were routinely launched were for training and surveillance purposes, the ship still required the entirety of its staff to keep everything running well enough. The whole ship was like a living organism, in that most activity died away when the sun went down, leaving the hangar in a state of silent rest. Save for a couple of individuals that went about their nighttime business, there wasn't anyone else around for the whole section.   
  Far off to the side of the hangar near the drop doors was an elevator that was rapidly ascending towards the higher decks. It rattled on, a wrought iron cage with mesh sides and a mesh gate that held those that were inside from falling out. When the elevator got closer to its destination it slowed and finally stopped, the highest possible floor in the room.   
  Before the cage had even come to a halt it was easy to see who was all inside, in this case there was only one occupying the cart. Beyond the steel mesh work, a large figure was easy to make out. From the sheer size and shape many would have thought it to be a huge man, but the opposite was true. When the telescoping doors pulled apart a hefty woman was revealed. She was tall and muscular, arms as thick as bridge cables showed a hard life of manual labor, though her disposition as a rhino likely helped in that department. She was a very broad shouldered individual, often having to step sideways when going along many of the high strung catwalks that crisscrossed through the hangar.   
  When she stepped out, the metal grating gave a slight shudder beneath her weight. She wasn't a fat individual by any standard, but she held an intimidating thickness that some might have mistaken for such. Powerful thighs allowed her to stride about with ease and stay on her feet with hardly any rest. If anything, a lot might have considered her to be very curvy, her figure akin to an hourglass as she had a massive bust that matched her butt. Not too many of her features were accentuated though, a pair of dirty overalls atop a grease stained, white shirt kept her to a modest standard.   
  She stared down the long suspended corridor with tired eyes before she leaned down and took a hold of the incredible heavy tool box that she was often tasked with carrying around. This time was no different, though it was far beyond her normal work schedule to be in the hangar at this time of night. She couldn't keep an annoyed grimace from showing on her face as she went down the catwalk and glanced around at the massive skyhooks that held the legion of aircraft aloft.   
  In any other circumstance she wouldn't have agreed to come out there, but there was an urgency to the call she had received from her friend. She would have normally shirked this kind of thing off, but she held a certain softness for this particular individual that she was going to meet. It was likely their shared kinship to being orphans with no one else but themselves, but that was often tested, her friend being quite the trickster.   
  From a distance away she was able to see that a light had bloomed against one of the suspended aircraft and the dancing shadow of another woman hard at work at something. So far it didn't seem like her friend had lied at all, but the encounter was still pretty young. Before long, the heavy footfalls of the rhino woman alerted the other to her presence. From behind a large opened piece of armor a face peaked out, a set of goggles set on her face.   
  She held the long cunning snout of a vixen, her fur a shade of orange that gave off the appearance of sherbet ice cream. She was very similar to her burly friend in a lot of ways, sharing the typical strong physique of a life long mechanic. Though she wasn't as tall or big, she was still more than capable of holding her own in any heavy lifting situation.   
  “It's about damn time, Ruth!” the fox girl laughed and slowly got up from her prone position. She was wearing a loose fitting red t-shirt tucked into a pair of blue jeans that hugged her hips. An open box of tools was laid out nearby, which lent credence to her actually doing work and needing help with something.   
  “Terry! Causing trouble again?” the other grumbled as she got near enough to peer down past her large horn at the vulpine. Her voice was deep and slightly hinting at a foreign accent.   
  “No!” Terry shouted and folded her arms over her voluptuous bust.   
  “Yeah, we'll see about that,” Ruth said as she pushed past the fox and set her own tools down by the others. “So what do you have going on here?”
  “I promised Roy that I'd get the Charge Capacitor back in but its...kind of jammed? I'm not strong enough to push it all the way in,” Terry admitted and bit at her lip, her cheeks flushing as she wasn't one that freely admitted defeat, but it was getting pretty late. The sour attitude made the rhino woman chuckle to herself as she peered a bit closer to the partially dismantled aircraft. To get down where the Charge Capacitor was she went to her knees and moved closer. The action had her large backside become pushed out, a sight that had certainly caught the vixen's attention.
  Terry slowly got down onto the mesh grating behind her friend and kept the round butt fully in her view. The larger woman gave a grunt as she reached into a small space between lengths of conduit and coolant lines, her hoofed hand trying to feel around where the Charge Capacitor was normally housed. Eventually the tips of her fingers ran across the component's smooth, cylindrical surface.   
  “Yeah, you've got this thing all cock-eyed,” Ruth growled and turned over onto her side to scoot closer and get both of her large arms into the small opening. It was in this turned over state with her face trying to peer into the mechanical void that was the machine's insides, that she felt something brush between her legs. At first she gave a start but when she realized who was doing all the touching she relaxed a bit. It didn't stop her from giving an annoyed sigh, though.   
  “Is that why you really called me down here?” Ruth grumbled as she reached back and popped the opening of her tool box up to nab a flashlight and power wrench.
  “Not entirely, I really did promise Roy I'd have this put together by tomorrow,” the vixen mentioned. Her gloved paw gently brushed over the incredible tough fabric of the rhino's overalls, the surface a bit sticky from some ancient oil spills that hadn't gotten washed out.   
  “Yeah, well if you don't wanna get thrown off this flying piece of shit I'd suggest you not fuck with me,” Ruth went on as she set the light inside and began to wrestle a few nuts loose from the surrounding panels of the Capacitor. She tried to keep her face hidden away because secretly, a blush had begun to cross the bridge of her nose.   
  “You wouldn't let that happen,” the vixen said as she pushed the goggles up to settle against her forehead, showing off a pair of baby-blue eyes. She took a moment to pull her work gloves off so her bare palm could continue to feel against the inside seem of the other's overalls.   
  “Pshh, case in point,” Ruth mumbled as she felt the lithe, quick fingers of her friend suddenly pop the straps that kept her bottoms up. There was hardly any resistance after that, the orange furred fox had free reign over her partner's body as she wrestled the article of clothing down her wide hips. She had to really jerk and tug at the sides, as the rhino didn't bother to lend any help. As far as she knew there was a job to do and all manner of fun could come after it was taken care of.   
  Needless to say the two had an interesting relationship. On a ship that was mostly dominated by men it was hard for a lesbian to find anyone to be intimate with. By a sheer miracle the two had found each other, though even then the times to doing anything between them was extremely rare, their dorms were located at opposite ends of the ship. The only times they got to see each other was when they were working in the hangar, or bizarre times like this. In a lot of ways, Ruth couldn't blame the vixen for her schemes or wanting to be more close, she just wished these sort of times wouldn't come about because of a joke or lie. Despite the rhino's tough exterior, she was a hopeless romantic.   
  With another swift tug, Terry had pulled the other girl's panties away, leaving her in nothing more than her dirty shirt. Her muscular thighs splayed a little bit, the orange fox's prize waiting between them. Despite what some might have thought about the larger woman, she held herself to a very clean standard, as not a single pubic hair was present over her mound. Perfectly smooth was the gray skin over her cunt, the thick cunny lips barely parting to show the wet, pink insides.   
  Ruth tried to ignore the vixen as much as she could but she was bound and determined to win over the other woman's attention. She had gotten enough internal circuitry pushed away to shove the Charge Capacitor into its proper position when she suddenly felt Terry's tongue lick the entire length of her slit. She gasped purely out of shock and bit her lip, her body frozen as the warm, slick appendage began a consistent routine of lapping against her sensitive flesh. Her resolve faltered and a pleasured grunt escaped from the throat.   
  Terry's sensitive ears picked up the sound and a grin spread over her muzzle. It was often a game they would play, the vixen often trying to goad her friend into submission while the other would ignore the advances as best she could. It was a war that Ruth would often lose.   
  Another moan escaped the rhino's mouth as she felt the exploring tongue slip into her pussy and begin to stroke against her sensitive insides. She heard a giggle from between her legs and it made her grit her teeth in frustration. It was about then that she felt an inquisitive finger stroke up between her cheeks and play at her asshole. The sensation made her laugh mockingly.   
  “You're gunna have to try a bit harder than that,” Ruth commented as she began to bolt the various internal components back together. Terry knew how much her friend loved her ass being played with, it made for interesting sex to say the least. Of course, the vixen took those words to be a challenge.   
  Right away the fox's index finger pushed all the way inside of the other's rectum. Though hardly any resistance was felt from the ring of muscle. Ruth gave another gibelike chuckle and let her working hands rest for the time being. “Are you even trying?” she jeered.  Terry grumbled but couldn't keep a smile from her muzzle as she added two more fingers with the first. Her other paw had begun to do the same to the woman's cunt. She pushed two fingers up into the moist depths, though it was easy to feel that there was hardly any push back.   
  “Come on, if we're gunna fuck you better put some better effort into it than that,” Ruth demanded and stifled a moan as she felt the vixen's mouth latch to her large, swollen clit. The fourth finger from each of the vixen's paw's joined the others. The sensation made the rhino moan out. Finally, she was feeling some real pressure! She pushed back against the invading appendages and flexed her abdomen to add a bit more tightness. The swirling tongue across her incredibly sensitive bud had begun to make her hips hump against her mouth and grind backwards.   
  “Come on, pussy!” she said with a clenched jaw and one eye shut. She had leaned to the side enough to look the vixen right in the eyes. The blush beneath her sherbet fur had become very visible and she stared up with a scowl, as she was not one to back down from a challenge. She braced her knees against the grating and with her powerful arm muscles, forced both palms up inside the orifices.   
  Ruth roared a grunt and pushed back, feeling her holes stretched to their limits as they were forced to accommodate the large paws. She loved this most of all, nothing got her off faster than getting her ass and pussy fist fucked. She tried to turn her thoughts back to the task at hand but found herself incredibly distracted. She shoved the various components she had taken off back and fastened them as best she could. Each one fell into place and before long she was getting ready to put the front plate back on.   
  Terry hadn't let her assault up in the slightest. The rhino's leg was lifted from the floor as she had switched to a position that favored her being on her side. The vixen's paws pushed and pulled against her holes, picking up speed and vigor as it was a race to make her cum before she was done fixing things up. More and more of her appendages pushed inside. At first her wrists were beginning to delve into the loosened openings but before long part of her forearms had begun to get away with penetrating.   
  A devious grin broke across Terry's lips as an idea came to mind, though she made sure not to let on too much. While the paw inside of Ruth's cunt was forced to stop with her knuckles brushing firmly against her cervix, there was nothing to keep the arm in her ass from going deeper.   
  Suddenly the vixen withdrew her balled fist from the other woman's ass, leaving it gaped and wanting more. She quickly mustered all the strength she could and suddenly threw her weight behind one, extra firm strike against the well used pucker. Ruth let out a shriek as she felt the paw and arm shove incredibly deep into her bowels, the appendage not stopping until the fox's elbow was just outside her muscular ring.   
  The sherbet girl couldn't believe she was so deep. Her friend felt so warm and slippery inside, she never wanted to pull out even as the much larger body wiggled and convulsed. From around the vixen's other paw came a sudden gush of clear liquid, Ruth's cunt quivering and and clenching as she was forced to endure such an incredible orgasm. Her body shook and shivered, her heavy breasts bouncing so vigorously that her shirt had rode up enough for them to become exposed.   
  With her huge tits jumping from side to side and her mouth still letting out an escalated grunt there was some concern that such a display would cause their fun to be discovered, if not for the fact that the hangar was massive and remote. Terry watched with an awed expression as her friend came down from the world shaking climax, her body settled back to the steel grating and rode out the last few waves of pleasure that would ebb and flow through her form.
  Finally when things had calmed down, her dark eyes turned to the vixen and an aggressive glare had formed. The fox had made her out to look like a fool and she wasn't one to forgive easily. “You think...mh...you're funny eh?” Ruth growled, all but snarling each syllable. Terry tried to stifle a snicker but her arms being suddenly grabbed by the rhino did well to wipe away her expression. With a hard jerk both of her arms came free, each covered in a slick layer of the woman's internal femme juices. She wasn't released though, instead Ruth pushed herself up to a squatting position and manhandled the girl with ease.
  Terry found herself roughly positioned on her back and staring up. The hangar didn't offer much light this time at night, really the only thing casting illumination was the discarded flashlights, but the vixen's world went dark as the Rhino's colossal rear end filled her view and began to lower. She had just enough time to take a quick breath of air her before her long, spade shaped muzzle was forced up inside of the sopping, hot pussy that she had just fisted.   
  Ruth groaned out as she felt the penetration, her weight settling back as she went to her knees and effectively pinned the other down. She wasn't anywhere near done however, there was still plenty of payback to be had. She felt the wanting tongue sneak back into her loosened hole, no doubt trying to distract her and garner some pity. While Ruth let out a soft moan and shiver she had to hold her resolve and be undeterred.   
  With one paw she grabbed at the front of the vixen's blue jeans and gave a swift yank. The button and zipper that held them up didn't stand the slightest chance against her strength and both broke beneath the strain. Her other hand reached out to the side and grabbed at a large flashlight that had gone unused within the rhino's toolbox. It was a foot long instrument cast in aluminum and perfectly cylindrical. It was something that she had often used to masturbate with in the past, and while she knew that she certainly couldn't fist the fox, it would do well to give her quite the stretching.   
  Terry tried to whimper and plead for a bit of mercy but every sound fell on deaf ears. The only reprieve she was given was when the big butt that smothered her face would let off long enough for her take take another quick breath before going back to grinding. Ruth quite liked this new activity of getting her pussy fucked by a narrow muzzle, she had to make a note to force the fox to do this more often.   
  The tough, denim pants were pulled away with malice, along with a pair of frilly white panties that had been soaked through the crotch. Terry's pussy was a stark contrast to her own, in that a thick mound of pubic hair had enclosed her lips and even extended up enough that it would often stick above her underwear. Ruth found the course hair to be very exotic, and the fact that it was ebony in color made it easily distinguishable.   
  The rhino lifted herself up just enough to allow the vixen another breath before she resumed her face fucking. The thick fingers of her free hand rubbed through the mound of fur and pushed into the girl's cunt to see how incredibly wet she was. She dug and worked her fingers inside of the slick hole before she pulled out, trailing a sticky line of femme juice. It appeared that she had been ready for quite a while, perfect for some rougher play.   
  Ruth brought the long flashlight handle up and suddenly dug it hard into the soaked cunny without warning. Terry screamed in ecstasy, the shrill cry muffled by the huge backside. The rhino couldn't help but grin, finally dishing out some payback as she began to roughly saw the flashlight back and forth. It became immediately soaked in the fox's juices, the wide object stretching her to the point that it was almost painful. This was the next best thing when it came to fisting the vixen and the way her body would jerk and squirm from every powerful jab made Ruth feel so much better.   
  Of course she couldn't deny the amount of pleasure she was also receiving from the face sit. Even in her subdued state Terry made sure to lick and lap at whatever part of her friend's cunt she could get at. The fox's paws tried their best to push her great weight away but very little was accomplished. Her face was ridden like it was a pleasant cock almost in tandem with how her cunt was being abused.
  Terry's legs were forced wide apart, kicking out every so often as a particularly powerful jab of pleasure would travel up from her pussy. The grating below the fox was becoming very damp as every time the flashlight would drive all the way in a spurt of clear femme cum would come out. It dripped through the steel grating and fall to some unknown portion of the hangar far below.   
  It was during this power handle that the fox would experience some powerful orgasms. She was often known to climax easily, and every time she would there would always be a round of muffled screams. Ruth had to stifle her laughing, as every time she would feel the vibrations tickle her pussy. The rhino had kept her movements pretty consistent, always rising and falling in a pattern with her wide hips pulling up every so often to let the girl have a breath or two of air. She had begun to feel the familiar electricity begin in her abdomen, not all too different than what the vixen would frequently experience when she would cum.   
  The pressure built rapidly and released with her whole body devolving into shivers and shudders. She bit her lip hard to keep from roaring like before but she wasn't able to keep a hard grunt from escaping. Beneath her, the vixen's face and muzzle were treated to the rigor of the shaking form before Ruth finally lifted herself all the way off. Her face had become a painted canvas of the rhino's deluge of cum
  Terry was panting hard and whimpering, having gone through her third orgasm just before Ruth went through her second. Her face and muzzle were absolutely soaked and her tongue hung from the side of her mouth as she gasped for breath. The rhino woman laughed lightly to herself and slowly got back up to her feet and stood all the way. She regarded her friend's exhausted form for a bit longer before he went to where her underwear and overalls had been lost.
  “That'll teach you to fuck with me like that again,” Ruth noted as she went about situating her clothes back on her body. She pulled her shirt back over her exposed breasts and clasped the straps over her shoulders as well. Terry didn't offer any snarky remarks, she stayed on her back with her arms and legs splayed out rather wide with the large flashlight still lodged deep into her cunt. As Ruth went about collecting her tools and placing them back in her box she stepped momentarily back to the girl and nabbed flashlight rather quickly. The action made the vixen gasped and moan out and trail a flood of her cum. Ruth stole a moment to run her broad tongue against the metal tool, cleaning it of the excess fluids before she placed it with the others.
  “Well, it's been fun, babe. Make sure to close that paneling up before you go back to your room. Would hate for Roy to follow through with any threats that he made,” the woman remarked before she turned her back to the fox and started to walk towards the elevator. As her footfalls receded away, Terry gave a huff and began to stir from her spot.   
  She sat up just enough to watch the larger girl step inside the grated cart and press a button for it to descend to the platform below. She couldn't help but smirk, her eyes following that thick backside all the way until it was gone from view. She gave a lick of her lips as an after thought. As it turned out, the night had a pretty interesting ending, despite it having a rather standard beginning.   



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