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The 29 days of February have come and gone, and with the beginning of March comes the introduction of a new poll!

This month's poll will be rather interesting, as you'll get to choose between two yet to be introduced characters in Erolon Dungeon Bound!

While both these characters are planned to be in the game, you'll get to decide which one will show up first! These two characters are drastically different in both personality and physical appearance. Below is a brief summary of both of them:

Though the Bunny Merchant may be short in stature, she'll always make you aware of her presence with her spunky, sarcastic, and tomboyish attitude. She's always collecting, (though some would call it hoarding) many miscellaneous wares that she puts up for sale. If you get on her good side, she may consider a very special deal that you won't want to miss out on! ;)

The Human Warrior, on the other hand, doesnt take jokes particularly well. Her muscular and scar covered body perfectly compliments her aggressive and direct nature. She is the ruler of a large female tribe of great warriors that live at the bottom of a large canyon known as the Thin Moon Valley. If you are able to earn her respect and she deems you worthy, you may just learn what it's like to spend some quality time with the intimidating tribal leader.

This poll will be running all month long, so make sure you get your vote in!


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