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We wanted to share with all of you some quality of life changes we're going to do with the current tiers that we have on our Patreon starting today.

We're always looking for ways to offer our supporters a better bang for buck, and to make each tier worth it by offering exclusive content to them.

At the same time, we feel all patrons should be able to see all of the updates and posts that we make so they can see the complete timeline of our Patreon and game development.

So, we've come up with a solution that should satisfy both of those goals!

First off, the number of tiers and the cost of the tiers will remain the same, but we will be structuring the tiers based on a "timed release" basis.

Here's how it will work: If you decide to be a $15 patron, our highest tier, then you'll have first dibs and access to everything we post. This includes early builds, WIP artwork, Pin-Ups, and Polls. (Speaking of Polls; all future polls will now be available to all patrons as soon as they are posted!)

After a set period of time, the next tier down (the $10 tier) will be granted access to the same content as the $15 patrons. Note: $10 and $15 patrons will still be granted early build access at the same time, which is how it is structured now.

Then after another set period of time, the $5 patrons will have access to the content, and finally the $1 patrons.

This means that all patrons will eventually have access to all content on our Patreon, but the higher the tier you join, the sooner you will have access to said content.

Ultimately we feel this will allow everyone to enjoy all of our content regardless of their support level, but higher tiers will still get to enjoy all of the new content we create right out the gate!

We hope you will like these changes going forward, and we appreciate all of the support you've shown for our team. Thank you!



Thanks team! I'm a huge sucker when everybody is on the same page.


Your team is great. I think all the changes will really help make a difference. Good luck to all of you in development of the game!