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NOTE: The updates are delayed (Note: MLH has been uploaded, but there is an additional delay for MLH2. I'm working on having it ready asap!). I need a little bit more time to have both the battle with Argus the Minotaur and Cerberus the Hellhound fully playable in MLH 2 as promised. However, I post the link in advance in order to make sure that everyone who pledged this month (October) will get the link even if they don't keep their pledge towards the next month ^_^

Update: Both files are uploaded, and in MLH2 you can now play the sex battles with Cerberus and Argus! If you want to enter the "Battle Test" area, make sure you press Enter on "New Game" and then the "Z" key to enter the area (this and some other info is described on the screen after pressing Enter on New Game):

Link: (this is the link where the games will be available for download after being uploaded)

UPDATE: Both files are uploaded! ^_^


Username and password:



Info and pictures will be uploaded in this post when both updates are published. Thank you for your patience ^_^

The gallery cheat code for MLH is the same as before, "carlagroup".

The gallery cheat code for MLH 2 is the same as last time,  "gal21".

Cheat code in MLH for money is "monies".  You can type this word using the keys at any time during the game, and each time, you'll get 1000 gold.

Using your old save file in MLH:

If you have an old version of the game: regarding the save file, just copy and paste your  old save and put it together with the .exe file in the folder (the one  with the MLH icon). Here's a picture to show you how it should be  placed:

If you find any bugs, I'd appreciate if you could let me know ^_^



Hello, thank you so much for your hard and wonderful job. I know that MLH2 is not uploaded yet but MLH should be as you said. In my case, once I enter the username and password, I am able to log into the webpage but there's nothing there for downloading. Is it just me?


Thanks for your compliments ^_^. I just checked the page once again, and the banner with the "Download current MLH update" should work and open up a download for the zip file...could you try again, and maybe refresh the page in case of some cache issue?


Yes, now it works perfectly. Thank you so very much for your time and quick response. I can't wait to play the MLH2 update! By the way, it's to my understanding that you have a "spin-off" with Golda as the MC (Golda’s Escapades). In your webpage there are a lot of information and links so I am a bit confused. If you may, can you explain how I would be able to gain access to it?


Thanks ^_^. "Golda's Escapades" is an online game on Ero-Mania, you can read a bit more about it here: https://vanjas-world.com/blog/games/hentai-world-game-series/goldas-escapades/ (just ask if you have any further questions ^^)


I can't find battles with the minotaur and cerberus in mlh 2 :/ I thought it was already uploaded? when will it be ready? :p


The first page on the Battle Test area stops with Lola the Spidergirl, but there's a "Next" button in the corner which should take you to the battles with Cerberus and Argus. Are you not able to view them?


I saw the next button, but it leads to nothing yet, guess it's a glitch?


That's strange...I just re-tested it, and clicking on the "Next" button works fine from my end. Are you able to click on anything else?


By the way...you mean the Battle Testing area, and not the gallery, right? Because the next button in the gallery doesn't work just yet. In order to enter the battle testing area, just follow the instructions from the post above (quote: " If you want to enter the "Battle Test" area, make sure you press Enter on "New Game" and then the "Z" key to enter the area (this and some other info is described on the screen after pressing Enter on New Game):"). Please let me know if that works for you ^_^


Oooh I get it now, that works, thanks :D I was confused at first because I went to gallery as I usually do